"An Input-output Model of the North Central Region of Texas" by Walter E. Mullendore, Arthur L. Ekholm et al.

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The primary objective was to estimate the structural interrelationships of the North Central Texas Economy in 1967. This region is a thirty-one county area with a 1970 population of 3,064,560. Economic interdependencies were estimated by Input-Output analysis. The regional Input-Output Model consists of transactions, input coefficients, and interdependence coefficients tables. Monetary values of transactions among 108 processing sectors, of sales to final demand (including regional household consumption and exports), and of purchases in addition to local interindustry transactions (including household payments and imports) are estimated in the transactions table from primary and secondary data. Input coefficients estimate the value of inputs required from each processing sector to produce one dollar of output for a sector. Interdependence coefficients show the total required expansion of output in all regional processing sectors as a result of a dollar of output for a sector.
