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The Lower Rio Grande Region is composed of the nineteen southernmost counties in Texas. The major portion of the population of the region resides along the Rio Grande River in border communities and Corpus Christi on the Gulf of Mexico. The primary economic activities are crop production, ranching, shrimping, oil production, and commercial activities. The existence of social costs, in conjunction with a desire for increased economic development, created the need that led to the development of a regional Input-Output Model. The Input-Output Model consists of five tables. The Transactions Table was developed from primary and secondary data. The estimated transactions were adjusted to form a producer-price matrix. Both transportation charges and costs of goods sold were allocated to appropriate final demand sectors. The remaining four tables were derived from the Transactions Table. They include a Direct Coefficients Table, a Direct and Indirect Coefficients Table, a Labor Coefficients Table, and a table that closes the model with respect to the household (The Closed Model Table). The uses of the Input-Output tables are explained in relation to the historical problems that have arisen in the Lower Rio Grande Region. In addition, examples are given on how the model can be used to develop information for planning.
