"Beyond the Rural–Urban Dichotomy: Essay in Honor of Professor A. M. Is" by Peter V. Schaeffer, Mulugeta S. Kahsai et al.

Beyond the Rural–Urban Dichotomy: Essay in Honor of Professor A. M. Isserman

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Regional Research Institute


Rural and urban regions are interconnected and form one system. Changes in one region therefore also affect others. This is particularly true for a force as large and pervasive as urbanization which resulted in massive rural and urban economic restructuring and geographic realignment of rural–urban boundaries. Until the mid-twentieth century, rural could be considered the opposite of urban, but in the process of urbanization, economic and social structures of rural and urban regions became more similar. However, perceptions and attitudes often survive long after conditions that shaped them have changed. In this article, the authors explain why attention to proper definitions of rural and urban is important to policymaking and analysis. The authors use ideas, definitions, and empirical results based in large part on A. M. Isserman’s research to highlight the importance of his rural research and to honor his memory.

Source Citation

Schaeffer, P. V., Kahsai, M. S., & Jackson, R. W. (2013). Beyond the Rural–Urban Dichotomy: Essay in Honor of Professor A. M. Isserman. International Regional Science Review, 36(1), 81–96. https://doi.org/10.1177/0160017612449981
