"A Knowledge Base for the World's Energy Rich Regions" by Hodjat Ghadimi and Davina Bird

Document Type

Working Paper

Publication Date


Document Number

Working Paper 2012-07


Energy rich regions (ERRs) play an important role in the world economy. A knowledge base of energy rich economies on a regional level provides a useful tool for comparative research of sustainable development in ERRs with an interdisciplinary perspective. The purpose of this knowledge base is to present a foundation for understanding the attributes and development processes of various ERRs and the collective role they play in the world’s energy, environment, and development debate. The construction of the ERR knowledge base is described, including the steps and data sources, structure, and process. Using two databases on oil and gas giant fields and megaprojects, this article demonstrates preliminary observations and illustrations about the nature and characteristics of ERRs. This research will assist in formulating and addressing interesting questions for future qualitative and quantitative studies.
