Chemistry Faculty Scholarship | Chemistry | West Virginia University


Submissions from 2019


Targeted Molecular Iron Oxide Contrast Agents for Imaging Atherosclerotic Plaque, Rhiannon J. Evans, Begona Lavin, Alkystis Phinikaridou, Kok Y. Chooi, Zahra Mohri, Eunice Wong, Joseph J. Boyle, Rob Krams, Rene Botnar, and Nicholas J. Long


Effect of Bulk Composition on the Heterogeneous Oxidation of Semi-Solid Atmospheric Aerosols, Hanyu Fan and Fabien Goulay


Construction of a Cross-layer Linked G-octamer via Conformational Control: A Stable G-quadruplex in H-bond Competitive Solvents, Ying He, Yanbin Zhang, Luksaz Wojtas, Novruz G. Akhmedov, David Thai, Heng Wang, Xiaopeng Li, Hao Guo, and Xiaodong Shi


Construction of Trisubstituted Chromone Skeletons Carrying Electron-Withdrawing Groups Via PhIO-Mediated Dehydrogenation and Its Application to the Synthesis of Frutinone A, Qiao Li, Chen Zhuang, Donghua Wang, Wei Zhang, Rongxuan Jia, Fengxia Sun, Yilin Zhang, and Yunfei Du


Challenges in understanding the structure/activity relationship of Aβ oligomers, Albert W. Pilkington and Justin Legleiter

Submissions from 2018


Sphingomyelin and GM1 Influence Huntingtin Binding to, Disruption of, and Aggregation on Lipid Membranes, Maxmore Chaibva, Xiang Gao, Pranav Jain, Warren A. Campbell, Shelli L. Frey, and Justin Legleiter


Cone Phosphodiesterase-6γ’ Subunit Augments Cone PDE6 Holoenzyme Assembly and Stability in a Mouse Model Lacking Both Rod and Cone PDE6 Catalytic Subunits, Wen-Tao Deng, Saravanan Kolandaivelu, Astra Dinculescu, Jie Li, Ping Zhu, Vince A. Chiodo, Visvanathan Ramamurthy, and William W. Hauswirth


Student Integration into STEM Careers and Culture: A Longitudinal Examination of Summer Faculty Mentors and Project Ownership, Michelle Richards-Babb


Single-site catalyst promoters accelerate metal- catalyzed nitroarene hydrogenation, Liang Wang, Erjia Guan, Jian Zhang, Junhao Yang, Yihan Zhu, Yu Han, Ming Yang, Cheng Cen, Gang Fu, Bruce C. Gates, and Feng-Shou Xiao

Submissions from 2017


Multiresolution Modeling of Semidilute Polymer Solutions: Coarse-Graining Using Wavelet-Accelerated Monte Carlo, Animesh Agarwal, Brooks D. Rabideau, and Ahmed E. Ismail


Hydrodeoxygenation of Methyl Laurate over Ni Catalysts Supported on Hierarchical HZSM-5 Zeolite, Nana Li, Yadong Bi, Xiaoqiang Xia, Hui Chen, and Jianli Hu


Lignocellulosic Micro- And Nanomaterials As Copper Frames For The Evaluation Of The Copper(I)-Catalyzed Azide-Alkyne Cycloaddition, Charles W. Owens, Gloria S. Oporto, Bjorn C.G. Soderberg, and Katherine E. Lambson


Study of Perfluorophosphonic Acid Surface Modifications on Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles, Rosalynn Quinones, Deben Shoup, Grace Behnke, Cynthia Peck, Sushant Agarwal, Rakesh Gupta, Jonathan W. Fagan, Karl T. Mueller, Robbie J. Iuliucci, and Qiang Wang

Submissions from 2016


Echo Behavior In Large Populations Of Chemical Oscillators, Tianran Chen, Mark R. Tinsley, Edward Ott, and Kenneth Showalter


Nucleophile Promoted Gold Redox Catalysis With Diazonium: C-Br, C-S And C-P Bond Formation Through Catalytic Sandmeyer Coupling, Haihui Peng, Rong Cai, Chang Xu, Hao Chen, and Xiaodong Shi


Chimera and chimera-like states in populations of nonlocally coupled homogeneous and heterogeneous chemical oscillators, Simbarashe Nkomo, Mark R. Tinsley, and Kenneth Showalter


Nucleophile Promoted Gold Redox Catalysis with diazonium: CBr, C-S and C-P Bond Formation through Catalytic Sandmeyer Coupling, Haihui Peng, Rong Cai, Chang Xu, Hao Chen, and Xiaodong Shi


Microtubule Modification Influences Cellular Response to amyloid-β Exposure, Nicole Shamitko-Klingensmith, Jonathan W. Boyd, and Justin Legleiter

Submissions from 2015


Novel Phosphotidylinositol 4,5-Bisphosphate Binding Sites on Focal Adhesion Kinase, Jun Feng and Blake Mertz


From chemical systems to systems chemistry: Patterns in space and time, Kenneth Showalter and Irving R. Epstein


Desynchronization Of Stochastically Synchronized Chemical Oscillators, Razan Snari, Mark R. Tinsley, Dan Wilson, Sadegh Faramarzi, Theoden Ivan Netoff, Jeff Moehlis, and Kenneth Showalter


Three-dimensional modeling of propagating precipitation waves, Mark R. Tinsley, Darrell Collison, and Kenneth Showalter


Phase-Lag Synchronization In Networks Of Coupled Chemical Oscillators, Jan F. Totz, Razan Snari, Desmond Yengi, Mark R. Tinsley, Harald Engel, and Kenneth Showalter


Potent and selective inhibition of SH3 domains with dirhodium metalloinhibitors, Farrukh Vohidov, Sarah E. Knudsen, Paul G. Leonard, Jun Ohata, Michael J. Wheadon, Brian V. Popp, John E. Ladbury, and Zachary T. Ball

Submissions from 2014


Link Weight Evolution In A Network Of Coupled Chemical Oscillators, Hua Ke, Mark R. Tinsley, Aaron Steele, Fang Wang, and Kenneth Showalter


Experimental Observation Of Extreme Multistability In An Electronic System Of Two Coupled Rössler Oscillators, Mitesh S. Patel, Unnati Patel, Abhijit Sen, Gautam C. Sethia, Chittaranjan Hens, Syamal K. Dana, Ulrike Feudel, Kenneth Showalter, Calistus N. Ngonghala, and Ravindra E. Amritkar


In Vitro Selection of a Single-Stranded DNA Molecular Recognition Element against Atrazine, Ryan M. Williams, Cassandra L. Crihfield, Srikanth Gattu, Lisa A. Holland, and Letha J. Sooter

Submissions from 2013


Chimera States in Populations of Nonlocally Coupled Chemical Oscillators, Simbarashe Nkomo, Mark R. Tinsley, and Kenneth Showalter


Ambient gold-catalyzed O-vinylation of cyclic 1,3-diketone: A vinyl ether synthesis, Yumeng Xi, Boliang Dong, and Xiadong Shi

Submissions from 2012


Network modeling of BVD transmission, Mark Tinsley, Fraser I. Lewis, and Franz Brulisauer

Submissions from 2011


Introduction To Focus Issue: Nonlinear And Stochastic Physics In Biology, Sonya Bahar, Alexander B. Neiman, Peter Jung, Jürgen Kurths, Lutz Schimansky-Geier, and Kenneth Showalter


Extreme multistability in a chemical model system, Calistus N. Ngonghala, Ulrike Feudel, and Kenneth Showalter


Point Mutations in Aβ Result in the Formation of Distinct Polymorphic Aggregates in the Presence of Lipid Bilayers, Phillip M. Pifer, Elizabeth A. Yates, and Justin Legleiter


Triazole–Au(I) complex as chemoselective catalyst in promoting propargyl ester rearrangements, Dawei Wang, Yanwei Zhang, Rong Cai, and Xiadong Shi


Synthesis of 5-(2-methoxy-1-naphthyl)- and 5-[2-(methoxymethyl)-1-naphthyl]-11H-benzo[b]fluorene as 2,2'-disubstituted 1,1'-binaphthyls via benzannulated enyne–allenes, Yu-Hsuan Wang, Joshua F. Bailey, Jeffrey L. Petersen, and Kung K. Wang

Submissions from 2009


Traveling-Wave Electrophoresis For Microfluidic Separations, Boyd F. Edwards, Aaron T. Timperman, R. Lloyd Carroll, Kyoo Jo, Jon M. Mease, and Jarrod E. Schiffbauer

Submissions from 2008


Collective behavior of stabilized reaction-diffusion waves, Aaron J. Steele, Mark Tinsley, and Kenneth Showalter

Submissions from 2007


Transition State Theory For Laser-Driven Reactions, Shinnosuke Kawai, André D. Bandrauk, Charles Jaffé, Thomas Bartsch, Jesús Palacián, and T. Uzer


Wave Mediated Synchronization Of Nonuniform Oscillatory Media, On-Uma Kheowan, Eugene Mihaliuk, Bernd Blasius, Irene Sendiña-Nadal, and Kenneth Showalter


Marine proteomics, BL Nunn and AT Timperman

Submissions from 2006


Resonance Pacemakers in Excitable Media, Tabitha Ruvarashe Chigwada, P. Parmananda, and Kenneth Showalter


Spatiotemporal dynamics of networks of excitable nodes, Aaron J. Steele, Mark Tinsley, and Kenneth Showalter

Submissions from 2005


Stochastic resonance of electrochemical aperiodic spike trains, P. Parmananda, Gerardo J. Escalera Santos, M. Rivera, and Kenneth Showalter


Spatiotemporal Networks In Addressable Excitable Media, Mark Tinsley, Jianxia Cui, Florin V. Chirila, Annette Taylor, Shi Zhong, and Kenneth Showalter


Wave Front Interaction Model of Stabilized Propagating Wave Segments, Vladimir S. Zykov and Kenneth Showalter

Submissions from 2003


Synchronization Of Spatiotemporal Patterns In Locally Coupled Excitable Media, Michael Hildebrand, Jianxia Cui, Eugene Mihaliuk, Jichang Wang, and Kenneth Showalter


Collapse of Spatiotemporal Chaos, Renate Wackerbauer and Kenneth Showalter

Submissions from 2002


Statistical Theory Of Asteroid Escape Rates, Charles Jaffé, Shane D. Ross, Martin W. Lo, Jerrold Marsden, David Farrelly, and T. Uzer

Submissions from 2001


Spatial Symmetry Breaking in the Belousov-Zhabotinsky Reaction with Light-Induced Remote Communication, M. Hildebrand, H. Skødt, and K. Showalter


Wave Propagation In Subexcitable Media With Periodically Modulated Excitability, Irene Sendiña-Nadal, Eugene Mihaliuk, Jichang Wang, Vicente Pérez-Muñuzuri, and Kenneth Showalter

Submissions from 2000


Coherent structure analysis of spatiotemporal chaos, Peter Jung, Jichang Wang, Renate Wackerbauer, and Kenneth Showalter


Self-Segregation of Competitive Chaotic Populations, Renate Wackerbauer, Hongyan Sun, and Kenneth Showalter

Submissions from 1999


Transition state in atomic physics, Charles Jaffé, David Farrelly, and T. Uzer


Noise Driven Avalanche Behavior in Subexcitable Media, Jichang Wang, Sándor Kádár, Peter Jung, and Kenneth Showalter

Submissions from 1998


Noise Sustained Waves In Subexcitable Media: From Chemical Waves To Brain Waves, P. Jung, A. Cornell-Bell, F. Moss, S. Kadar, J. Wang, and K. Showalter


Influence of Growth Conditions, Inversion Domains, and Atomic Hydrogen on Growth of (0001_) GaN by Molecular Beam Epitaxy, Michelle Richards-Babb

Submissions from 1997


Surface Morphology of GaN Films Determined From Quantitative X-ray Reflectivity, D Lederman, Zhonghai Yu, T H. Myers, and Michelle Richards-Babb

Submissions from 1996


Spiral Wave Formation in Three-Dimensional Excitable Media, Takashi Amemiya, Sándor Kádár, Petteri Kettunen, and Kenneth Showalter


Wave-Induced Chemical Chaos, John H. Merkin, Valery Petrov, Stephen K. Scott, and Kenneth Showalter


Classical Singularities In Chaotic Atom-Surface Scattering, S. Miret-Artés, J. Margalef-Roig, R. Guantes, F. Borondo, and Charles Jaffé


Nonlinear Control of Dynamical Systems from Time Series, Valery Petrov and Kenneth Showalter


Valence-Band Electronic Structure of MoS2 and Cs/MoS2(0002) Studied by Angle-Resolved X-ray Photoemission Spectroscopy, Michelle Richards-Babb


The Effect of Atomic Hydrogen on the Growth of Gallium Nitride by Molecular Beam Epitaxy, Zhonghai Yu, S. L. Buczkowski, N. C. Giles, T. H. Myers, and Michelle Richards-Babb

Submissions from 1995


Instabilities in propagating reaction‐diffusion fronts of the iodate‐arsenous acid reaction, Dezső Horváth and Kenneth Showalter


Scanning Tunneling Microscopy Of Etched Hgte/Cdte Superlattices, T. H. Myers, A. N. Klymachyov, C. M. Vitus, N. S. Dalal, D. Endres, K. A. Harris, R. W. Yanka, and L. M. Mohnkern

Submissions from 1994


Tracking unstable periodic orbits in the Belousov-Zhabotinsky reaction, Valery Petrov, Michael J. Crowley, and Kenneth Showalter

Submissions from 1991


Onset of convection for autocatalytic reaction fronts: Laterally unbounded system, Boyd F. Edwards, Joseph W. Wilder, and Kenneth Showalter


Theoretical Study of (3, 6) Cyclohemiketal Form of L-Ascorbic Acid, M. Hodošček, G. Fodor, and M. Eckert-Maksić