Economics Faculty Working Papers Series | Economics | West Virginia University


Submissions from 2024


Estimates of Quarterly and Monthly Episodes of Global Recessions: Evidence from Markov-switching Dynamic Factor Models, Arabinda Basistha


The Impact of Health Shocks on Worker Performance: Evidence from Professional Sports, Yulia Chikish and Brad R. Humphreys


NFL Franchise Departures and Nearby Home Prices, Brad R. Humphreys and Geoffrey Propheter


Legalized Sports Betting and Mental Health, Brad R. Humphreys and Jane Ruseski


Learning by Doing, Productivity, and Growth: New Evidence on the Link between Micro and Macro Data, Brad Humphreys, Scott Schuh, and Corey Williams


Collectible Pricing and Collector Utility: The Role of Production Commitments, Corey J.M. Williams, Kole Reddig, and Adam Nowak

Submissions from 2023


Now You Can Take It with You: Effects of Occupational Credential Recognition on Labor Market Outcomes, Kihwan Bae and Edward Timmons


Measuring Persistent Global Economic Factors with Output, Commodity Price, and Commodity Currency Data, Arabinda Basistha and Richard Startz


The Growth of Firms, Markets and Rents: Evidence from China, Daniel Berkowitz and Shuichiro Nishioka


Sports Team Success and Managerial Decisions: The Role of Playing Time Concentration, Alexander Cardazzi, Brad R. Humphreys, and Kole Reddig


Certifiably employable?: The effects of occupational regulation on unemployment duration, Ilya Kukaev and Edward Timmons


Political Regimes and Firms' Decisions to Pay Bribes: Theory and Evidence from Firm-level Surveys, Shuichiro Nishioka, Sumi Sharma, and Tuan Le


The Scope of Variable Inputs and Markup Estimates, Shuichiro Nishioka and Mari Tanaka

Submissions from 2022


The Growth of Firms, Markets and Rents: Evidence from China, Daniel Berkowitz and Shuichiro Nishioka


Regression Discontinuity Evidence on the Effectiveness of the Minimum Legal E-Cigarette Purchasing Age, Jeff Desimone, Daniel Grossman, and Nicolas Ziebarth


Public interest or policy diffusion: Analyzing the effects of massage therapist municipal licensing, Darwyyn Deyo, Kofi Ampaabeng, Conor Norris, and Edward Timmons


Vertical Integration and Competitive Balance in Professional Sports: Evidence from Minor League Baseball, Qi Ge, Brad R. Humphreys, and Alexander Eisert


The effect of monitoring and crowds on crime and law enforcement: A natural experiment from European football, Brad R. Humphreys, Alexander Marsella, and Levi Perez


Willingness to pay for policies to reduce health risks from COVID-19: Evidence from U.S. professional sports, Brad Humphreys, Gary A. Wagner, John C. Whitehead, and Pamela Wicker


Are West Virginia Banks Unique?, Eduardo Minuci and Scott Schuh


The Political Effects of Trade with Japan in the 1980s, Shuichiro Nishioka and Eric Olson

Submissions from 2021


Employee Satisfaction and Stock Returns During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Mary J. Becker, Alexander Cardazzi, and Zachary McGurk


Information Avoidance and Celebrity Exposure: The Effect of "Magic" Johnson on AIDS Diagnoses and Mortality in the U.S., Alexander Cardazzi, Joshua C. Martin, and Zachary Rodriguez


Is the Taylor Rule Still an Adequate Representation of Monetary Policy in Macroeconomic Models?, James Dean and Scott Schuh


Occupational Licensing and Intra-MSA Effects: Massage Therapists in the US, Noah J. Trudeau


A varying coefficient model with two-way fixed effects and different smoothing variables, Taining Wang and Feng Yao

Submissions from 2020


Disamenity or a Signal of Competence? The Empirical Political Economy of Local Road Maintenance, Benjamin Blemings and Margaret Bock


Economic Activity, International Intervention, and Transitional Governance: A Comparative Case Study of Somalia, Daniel Bonneau and Joshua C. Hall


This Is ``What's in Your Wallet'' ... and Here's How You Use It, Tamás Briglevics and Scott Schuh


Professional Sporting Events Increase Seasonal Influenza Mortality in US Cities, Alexander Cardazzi, Brad Humphreys, Jane E. Ruseski, Brian P. Soebbing, and Nicholas Watanabe


Blaming the Ref: Understanding the Effect of Unexpected Emotional Cues on Family Violence, Alexander J. Cardazzi, Brad R. Humphreys, Bryan McCannon, and Zachary Rodriguez


Credit Cards, Credit Utilization, and Consumption, Scott Fulford and Scott Schuh


Revolving versus Convenience Use of Credit Cards: Evidence from U.S. Credit Bureau Data, Scott Fulford and Scott Schuh


Academia in Anarchy: 50 Years On, Joshua C. Hall


State Exit Exams and Graduation Rates: A Hierarchical SLX Modelling Approach, Joshua Hall, Donald Lacombe, and Shree B. Pokharel


Legalized Sports Betting, VLT Gambling, and State Gambling Revenues: Evidence From West Virginia, Brad Humphreys


Localization Economies and Firm Productivity: Evidence from Football Teams in Sao Paulo, Brazil, Brad Humphreys and Amir B. Neto


The Effect of Transparency, Independence and Accountability of Central Banks on Disinflation Costs, Golnaz B. Motie and Joshua C. Hall


Inventor Mobility, Human Capital, and the Propensity to Patent, David Youngberg and Joshua Hall

Submissions from 2019


Attractive or Aggressive? A Face Recognition and Machine Learning Approach for Estimating Returns to Visual Appearance, Guodong Guo, Brad R. Humphreys, Mohammad I. Nouyed, and Yang Zhou


The Efficient Corruption Hypothesis and the Dynamics between Economic Freedom, Corruption, and National Income, Joshua Hall, John Levendis, and Alexandre R. Scarcioffolo


Federal Regulations and U.S. Energy Sector Output, Joshua Hall and Shishir Shakya


Geographic Determinants of Infant Health: The Impact of Sports Facility Construction Projects, Brad Humphreys and Jane Ruseski


Stock Returns and Investor Sentiment: Textual Analysis and Social Media, Zachary McGurk, Adam Nowak, and Joshua C. Hall


Keeping College Pricey: The Bootlegger and Baptist Story of Higher Education Accreditation, Mary Watson Smith and Joshua C. Hall

Submissions from 2018


Sports Arenas, Teams and Property Values: Temporary and Permanent Shocks to Local Amenity Flows, Yulia Chikish, Brad Humphreys, and Adam Nowak


Towards a Rule-Based Model of Human Choice: On the Nature of Homo Constitutionalus, Roger Congleton


A Test of the Institutionally Induced Equilibrium Hypothesis: On the Limited Fiscal Impact of Two Celebrity Governors, Roger D. Congleton and Yang Zhou


Estimation of a Partially Linear Regression in Triangular Systems, Xin Geng, Carlos Martins-Filho, and Feng Yao


Costs and Benefits of Building Faster Payment Systems: The UK Experience, Claire Greene, Marc Rysman, Scott Schuh, and Oz Shy


Rent-Seeking in the Classroom and Textbooks: Where are we after 50 Years, Joshua C. Hall, Josh Matti, and Yang Zhou


The Spatial Distribution of Urban Consumer Service Firms: Evidence from Yelp Reviews, Brad Humphreys and Josh Matti


Evaluating Crime as a Negative Externality of Hosting Mega-Events: Econometric Analysis of the 2012 London Summer Olympics, Nicholas Le


Confucius Institute's Effects on China's Higher Education Exports: A Perspective from Cultural Difference and Institutional Quality, Donald Lien, Feng Yao, and Fan Zhang


Does the Asset Pricing Premium Reflect Asymmetric or Incomplete Information?, Crocker H. Liu, Adam Nowak, and Patrick S. Smith

Submissions from 2017


Professional Sports Events, Concerts, and Urban Place Based Policy: Evidence from the Staples Center, Iuliia Chikish, Brad R. Humphreys, Crocker H. Liu, and Adam D. Nowak


Professional Sports Events, Concerts, and Urban Place Based Policy: Evidence from the Staples Center, Yulia Chikish, Brad Humphreys, Crocker H. Liu, and Adam Nowak


The Relative Value of AER P&P Economic Education Papers, J.R. Clark, Joshua C. Hall, and Ashley Harrison


The Relative Value of AER P&P Economic Education Papers, J. R. Clark, Joshua C. Hall, and Ashley S. Harrison


Learning the Ropes: General Experience, Task-Specific Experience, and the Output of Police Officers, Gregory DeAngelo and Emily Owens


Learning the Ropes: General Experience, Task-Specific Experience, and the Output of Police Officers, Gregory DeAngelo and Emily Owens


Match Fixing and Sports Betting in Football: Empirical Evidence from the German Bundesliga, Christian Deutscher, Eugen Dimant, and Brad R. Humphreys


Scientific output: labor or capital intensive? An analysis for selected countries., Elham Erfanian and Amir Borges Ferreira Neto


Economies of Scale and Governance of Library Systems: Evidence from West Virginia, Amir B. Ferreira Neto and Joshua Hall


Charity and Public Libraries: Does Government Funding Crowd-out Donations?, Amir Borges Ferreira Neto


The Effect of Health Care Entrepreneurship on Local Health: The Case of MedExpress in Appalachia, Amir Borges Ferreira Neto and Joshua C. Hall


Do Tourists Tip More Than Local Consumers? Evidence of Taxi Rides in New York City, Amir Borges Ferreira Neto, Adam Nowak, and Amanda Ross


How Much Does Talent Matter? Evidence from the Brazilian Formal Cultural Industry, Ricardo da Silva Freguglia and Amir Borges Ferreira Neto


Previous studies find state lottery sales are significantly influenced by socioeconomic characteristics of the population. We extend this literature by examining how the overall expected value, the top prize, and the total combinations influence sales after controlling for these other socioeconomic factors. We perform our empirical analysis on an unparalleled set of data that includes information for 135 on-line lottery games in the United States. Our results show that sales are significantly influenced the top prize amount and odds of winning it, but that sales are not significantly affected by the expected value of the remaining lower prizes., Thomas A. Garrett and Russell S. Sobel


Are Fair Weather Fans Affected by Weather? Rainfall, Habit Formation and Live Game Attendance, Qi Ge, Brad Humphreys, and Kun Zhou


Are Fair Weather Fans Affected by Weather? Rainfall, Habit Formation and Live Game Attendance, Qi Ge, Brad Humphreys, and Kun Zhou


Out of the Outhouse: The Impact of Place-Based Policies on Dwelling Characteristics in Appalachia, Daniel S. Grossman, Brad R. Humphreys, and Jane E. Ruseski


The Effect of an Increase in Lead in the Water System on Fertility and Birth Outcomes: The Case of Flint, Michigan, Daniel Grossman and David J.G. Slusky


The Effect of an Increase in Lead in the Water System on Fertility and Birth Outcomes: The Case of Flint, Michigan, Daniel Grossman and David J.G. Slutsky


Efficiency, But At What Cost? Evidence from a DEA Analysis of WV School Districts, Eduardo Guimaraes Minuci, Amir Borges Ferreira Neto, and Joshua C. Hall


A ‘Model’ Model: McCloskey and the Craft of Economics, Joshua C. Hall


Tuition Increases Geaux Away? Evidence from Voting on Louisiana's Amendment 2, Joshua C. Hall and Serkan Karadas


Tuition Increases Geaux Away? Evidence from Voting on Louisiana’s Amendment 2, Joshua C. Hall and Serkan Karadas


The Efficient Corruption Hypothesis and the Dynamics between Economic Freedom, Corruption, and National Income, Joshua C. Hall and John Levendis


The Economic Impact of City-County Consolidations: A Synthetic Control Approach, Joshua C. Hall, Josh Matti, and Yang Zhou


The Economic Impact of City-County Consolidations: A Synthetic Control Approach, Joshua Hall, Josh Matti, and Yang Zhou


The Sinuous Dragon: Economic Freedom and Economic Growth in China, Joshua Hall and Yang Zhou


An Overview of Sports Betting Regulation in the United States, Brad Humphreys


The Effect of Superstar Players on Game Attendance: Evidence from the NBA, Brad Humphreys and Candon Johnson


Chinese Superstition and Real Estate Prices: Transaction-level Evidence from the US Housing Market, Brad Humphreys, Adam Nowak, and Yang Zhou


Loss Aversion, Upset Preference, and Sports Television Viewing Audience Size, Brad Humphreys and Levi Pérez


An Overview of Sports Betting Regulation in the United States, Brad R. Humphreys


The Effect of Superstar Players on Game Attendance: Evidence from the NBA, Brad R. Humphreys and Candon Johnson


Chinese Superstition and Real Estate Prices: Transaction-level Evidence from the US Housing Market, Brad R. Humphreys, Adam D. Nowak, and Yang Zhou


Loss Aversion, Upset Preference, and Sports Television Viewing Audience Size, Brad R. Humphreys and Leví Pérez


Professional Sporting Events and Traffic: Evidence from US Cities, Brad R. Humphreys and Hyunwoong Pyun


Economic Freedom and Governance Efficiency: Recent Evidence from China, Shaoment Jia and Yang Zhou


Economic Freedom and Government Efficiency: Recent Evidence from China, Shaoment Jia and Yang Zhou


Do National Basketball Association Players Need Higher Salaries to Play in High Tax States? Evidence from Free Agents, Candon Johnson and Joshua Hall


Evaluating Crime as a Negative Externality of Hosting Mega-Events: Econometric Analysis of the 2012 London Summer Olympics, Nicholas Le


Some Remarks on Real Estate Pricing, Crocker H. Liu, Adam D. Nowak, and Patrick S. Smith


Some Remarks on Real Estate Pricing, Crocker H. Liu, Adam Nowak, and Patrick S. Smith


Efficiency, But At What Cost? Evidence from a DEA Analysis of WV School Districts, Eduardo Minuci, Amir B. Neto, and Joshua C. Hall


The Effect of Health Care Entrepreneurship on Local Health: The Case of MedExpress in Appalachia, Amir B. Neto and Joshua C. Hall


Do Tourists Tip More Than Consumer? Evidence of Taxi Rides in New York City, Amir B. Neto, Adam Nowak, and Amanda Ross