Submissions from 2017
Homeowner Preferences after September 11th, a Microdata, Adam Nowak
Homeowner Preferences after September 11th, a Microdata Approach, Adam D. Nowak and Juan Sayago-Gomez
Agent Intermediation and Racial Price Differentials, Adam D. Nowak and Patrick S. Smith
Homeowner Preferences after September 11th, a Microdata Approach, Adam Nowak and Juan Sayago-Gomez
Agent Intermediation and Racial Price Differences, Adam Nowak and Patrick S. Smith
Does Economic Freedom Affect the Production Frontier? A Semiparametric Approach with Panel Data, Fan Zhang, Joshua C. Hall, and Feng Yao
Does Economic Freedom Affect The Production Frontier? A Semiparametric Approach With Panel Data, Fan Zhang, Joshua C. Hall, and Feng Yao
The Impact of Marketization on Entrepreneurship in China: Recent Evidence, Yang Zhou and Joshua C. Hall
The Impact of Marketization on Entrepreneurship in China: Recent Evidence, Yang Zhou and Joshua C. Hall
Submissions from 2016
Strip Clubs, “Secondary Effects,” and Residential Property Prices, Taggert J. Brooks, Brad R. Humphreys, and Adam Nowak
Cultivating the Liberally Education Mind Through A Signature Program, Emily Chamlee-Wright, Joshua C. Hall, and Laura E. Grube
Police Bias in the Enforcement of Drug Crimes: Evidence from Low Priority Laws, Gregory DeAngelo, Kai Gittings, Amanda Ross, and Annie Walker
Police Bias in the Enforcement of Drug Crimes: Evidence from Low Priority Laws, Gregory DeAngelo, R. Kaj Gittings, Amanda Ross, and Anne Walker
Honest Abe or Doc Holliday? Bluffing in Bargaining, Gregory DeAngelo and Bryan C. McCannon
Investment in Education: Private and Public Returns, Joshua C. Hall
Tax Expenditures: A Review and Analysis, Joshua C. Hall
The Roots of Broadened Stock Ownership, Joshua C. Hall
Voting Behavior on Carbon Pollution from Power Plants, Joshua C. Hall, Elham Erfanian, and Caleb Stair
Abnormal Returns from Joining Congress? Evidence from New Members, Joshua C. Hall, Serkan Karadas, and Minh Tam T. Schlosky
Is There Moral Hazard in the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC) Initiative Debt Relief Process?, Joshua C. Hall, Serkan Karadas, and Minh Tam T. Schlosky
Spatial Spillover Effects of Debt Relief from the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC) Initiative, Joshua C. Hall, Serkan Karadas, and Minh Tam T. Schlosky
Growth and Variability of School District Income Tax Revenues: Is Tax Base Diversification a Good Idea for School Financing?, Joshua C. Hall and Antonis M. Koumpias
Collective Bargaining and School District Test Scores: Evidence from Ohio Bargaining Agreements, Joshua C. Hall, Donald Lacombe, and Joylynn Michelle Pruitt
Bringing Active Learning into High School Economics: Some Examples from The Simpsons, Joshua C. Hall, Alex Peck, and Marta Podemska-Mikluch
Barber Licensure and the Supply of Barber Shops: Evidence from US States, Joshua C. Hall and Shree B. Pokharel
Does the Median Voter or Special Interests Determine State Highway Expenditures? Recent Evidence, Joshua C. Hall and Shree Baba Pokharel
Regionalization and Consolidation of Municipal Taxes and Services, Joshua Hall, Joshua Matti, and Yang Zhou
Outcome Uncertainty, Fan Travel, and Aggregate Attendance, Brad R. Humphreys and Thomas J. Miceli
Cultural Superstitions and Residential Real Estate Prices: Transaction-level Evidence from the US Housing Market, Brad R. Humphreys, Adam D. Nowak, and Yang Zhou
The Effect of Recreational Gambling on Regional Health Outcomes: Evidence from Canadian Provinces, Brad R. Humphreys, John A. Nyman, and Jane Ruseski
Social Interactions in Voting Behavior: Evidence from India, Umair Khalil, Sulagna Mookerjee, and Ryan Tierney
Can Liberalization of Local Food Marketing Channels Influence Local Economies? A Case Study of West Virginia’s Craft Beer Distribution Laws, Trey Malone and Joshua C. Hall
A Lasting Effect of the HIV/AIDS Pandemic: Orphans and Pro-Social Behavior, Bryan C. McCannon and Zachary Rodriguez
The Impact of Microfinance on Pro- Social Behaviors: Experimental Evidence of Public Goods Contributions in Uganda, Bryan C. McCannon and Zachary Rodriguez
Endogenous Competence and a Limit to the Condorcet Jury Theorem, Bryan C. McCannon and Paul Walker
Designing Policies to Spur Economic Growth: How Regional Scientists Can Contribute to Future Policy Development and Evaluation, Carlianne Patrick, Amanda Ross, and Heather Stephens
Does the Presence of Professional Football Cause Crime in a City? Evidence from Pontiac, Michigan, Hyunwoong Pyun and Joshua C. Hall
Bank Branching Deregulation and High School Graduation, Patrick Reilly
The Renewable Fuel Standard’s Effect on Corn Belt Income and Unemployment, Ryan M. Yonk, Landon Stevens, Arthur R. Wardle, and Joshua C. Hall
Submissions from 2015
An Ordinal Ranking of Economic Institutions, Scott Beaulier, Robert Elder, Cheryl Han, and Joshua C. Hall
Was Adam Smith Right About Religious Competition?, Peter J. Boettke, Joshua C. Hall, and Kathleen M. Sheehan
Corruption and Entrepreneurship: Evidence from a Random Audit Program, Jamie Bologna and Amanda Ross
Can State Tax Policies Be Used to Grow Small and Large Businesses?, Erin Borches, John Deskins, and Amanda Ross
Nonpublic Competition and Public School Performance: Evidence from West Virginia, Richard J. Cebula, Joshua C. Hall, and Maria Y. Tackett
Jack Soper: A Pioneer in Economic Education, J.R. Clark, Joshua C. Hall, and Ashley Harrison
On the Political Economy of Privacy: Information Sharing between Friends and Foes, Roger D. Congleton
The Logic of Collective Action and Beyond, Roger D. Congleton
Constitutional Bargaining, Eminent Domain, and the Quality of Contemporary African Institutions: A Test of the Incremental Reform Hypothesis, Roger D. Congleton and Dongwoo Yoo
Do Psychological Traits Explain Differences in Free Riding? Experimental Evidence, Gregory DeAngelo, Hannes Lang, and Bryan C. McCannon
Theory of Mind Predicts Cooperative Behavior, Gregory DeAngelo and Bryan C. McCannon
Economic Freedom and Public, Non-Market Institutions: Evidence from Criminal Prosecution, Claudio Detotto and Bryan C. McCannon
Effects of Acid Rain Regulations on Production of Eastern Coals of Varying Sulfur Content, Straford Douglas and Seth Wiggins
Coal Mining and the Resource Curse in the Eastern United States, Stratford Douglas and Anne Walker
Spatial interaction of Renewable Portfolio Standards and their effect on renewable generation within NERC regions, Eric Dowden and Donald J. Lacombe
Estimation of a Partially Linear Regression in Triangular Systems, Xin Geng, Carlos Martins-Filho, and Feng Yao
The Political Economy of Soda Taxation, Sriparna Ghosh and Joshua C. Hall
The Effect of Urban Empowerment Zones on Fertility and Health: A Case Study of Chicago, New York City, and Philadelphia, Daniel Grossman
Higher Education Accreditation: Market Regulation or Government Regulation Revisited, Joshua C. Hall
Institutional Convergence: Exit or Voice?, Joshua C. Hall
The Liberal Arts and Scholarship on the Fiscal Effects of Statehood, Joshua C. Hall
An Inventory of Sports Economics Courses in the US, Joshua C. Hall, Brad R. Humphreys, and Hyunwoong Pyun
Economic Freedom and Participation in Physical Activity, Joshua C. Hall, Brad R. Humphreys, and Jane E. Ruseski
Economic Freedom, Race, and Health Disparities: Evidence from US States, Joshua C. Hall, Brad R. Humphreys, and Jane E. Ruseski
Economic Freedom and Economic Growth Across U.S. States: A Spatial Panel Data Analysis, Joshua C. Hall, Donald J. Lacombe, and Timothy M. Shaughnessy
Creating the Environment for Entrepreneurship through Economic Freedom, Joshua C. Hall, Robert A. Lawson, and Saurav Roychoudhury
Teaching the Economic Way of Thinking Through Op-eds, Joshua C. Hall and Marta Podemska-Mikluch
Determinants of Voting Behavior on the Keystone XL Pipeline, Joshua C. Hall and Chris Shultz
The Political Economy of Local Fracking Bans, Joshua C. Hall, Christopher Shultz, and E. Frank Stephenson
Economic Freedom Studies at the State Level: A Survey, Joshua C. Hall, DEAN B. STANSEL, and Danko Tarabar
The Political Economy of the Essential Air Service Program, Joshua Hall, Amanda Ross, and Christopher Yencha
Do New Sports Facilities Attract New Businesses?, Kaitlyn Harger, Brad R. Humphreys, and Amanda Ross
What Matters More for Economic Development, the Amount of Funding or the Number of Projects Funded? Evidence from the Community Development Financial Investment Fund, Kaitlyn M. Harger, Amanda Ross, and Heather M. Stephens
Professional Sports Facilities, Teams and Property Values: Evidence from Seattle’s Key Arena, Brad R. Humphreys and Adam D. Nowak
Monopsony Exploitation in Professional Sport: Evidence from Major League Baseball Position Players, 2000-2011, Brad R. Humphreys and Hyunwoong Pyun
Physical Activity, Present Bias, and Habit Formation: Theory and Evidence from Longitudinal Data, Brad R. Humphreys, Jane E. Ruseski, and Li Zhou
Bargaining in the Shadow of Arbitration, Riccardo Marselli, Bryan C. McCannon, and Marco Vannini
Leadership and Motivation for Public Goods Contributions, Bryan C. McCannon
Replacement Referees and NFL Betting Markets, Bryan C. McCannon
Financial Competence, Overconfidence, and Trusting Investments: Results from an Experiment, Bryan C. McCannon, Colleen Tokar Asaad, and Mark Wilson
Contracts and Trust, Bryan C. McCannon, Colleen Tokar Assad, and Mark Wilson
Role of Personality Style on Bargaining Outcomes, Bryan C. McCannon and John B. Stevens
Textual Analysis in Real Estate, Adam D. Nowak and Patrick Smith
Small Business Borrowing and Peer-to-Peer Lending: Evidence from Lending Club, Adam Nowak, Amanda Ross, and Christopher Yencha
Would a Free Banking System Target NGDP Growth?, Alexander William Salter and Andrew T. Young
Production of Wind Energy and Agricultural Land Values: Evidence from Pennsylvania, Chris Schultz, Joshua C. Hall, and Michael P. Strager
Explaining the Worldwide Decline in Military Conscription: 1970- 2010, Danko Tarabar and Joshua C. Hall
Hackerspaces: A Case Study in the Creation and Management of a Common Pool Resource, Michael R. Williams and Joshua C. Hall
The Quantity and Quality Adjustment of Births when Having More is Not Subsidized: the Effect of the TANF Family Cap on Fertility and Birth Weight, Ho-Po Crystal Wong
An Investigation of Confucius Institute’s Effects on China’s OFDI via Cultural Difference and Institutional Quality, Chensheng Xu, Feng Yao, and Fan Zhang
Hospitalitas, Andrew T. Young
Visigothic Retinues: Roving Bandits that Succeeded Rome, Andrew T. Young
Submissions from 2014
Is the Internet an Effective Mechanism for Reducing Corruption Experience? Evidence from a Cross-Section of Countries, Jamie Bologna
The Effect of Informal Employment and Corruption on Income Levels in Brazil, Jamie Bologna
Economic Freedom Research: Some Comments and Suggestions, Jamie Bologna and Joshua C. Hall
A Spatial Analysis of Incomes and Institutional Quality: Evidence from US Metropolitan Areas, Jamie Bologna, Donald J. Lacombe, and Andrew T. Young
Crises and Government: Some Empirical Evidence, Jamie Bologna and Andrew T. Young
Contests with a Prize Externality and Stochastic Entry, XiaoGang Che and Brad R. Humphreys
On the Evolution of Organizational Governance: Divided Governance and Survival in the Long Run, Roger D. Congleton
Remittances and Governance: Does the Government Free Ride?, Durga P. Gautam