Date of Graduation
Document Type
Problem/Project Report (Open Access)
Degree Type
Statler College of Engineering and Mineral Resources
Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering
Committee Chair
Kashy Aminian
Committee Co-Chair
Samuel Ameri
Committee Member
Mehrdad Zamirian
Owing to the gradual fall in prices and the constant increase in reliability of Permanent Down-hole Measurement System (PDHMS), its installation has tremendously grown in number over the recent years. The advantages of this venture, however, can only be achieved when it is improved to a source for reservoir characterization from mere surveillance and monitoring. This study evaluates workflows and systems that have been installed to change the enormous amounts of data, such as temperature, flow rate and pressure, into practicable information to enhance field performance and development. In addition to using data from real cases from intelligent fields (I-Field) to present a dynamic real-time well testing workflow, this study assesses the Applicability of pressure transient analysis using I-Field real-time information from Permanent Down-hole Gauges to describe well performance and reservoir. In the study, Multi-Phase Flow Meters (MPFM) and actual real-time PDHMS were explored, I-Field data was applied and investigated to estimate well performance and to establish reservoir parameters. Saphir application was utilized for modeling and analysis and Diamant application was used to filter and control the real-time data.  
Recommended Citation
Aldiwan, Jummanh Eyad, "Extending the utilization of real time data for pressure transient analysis." (2017). Graduate Theses, Dissertations, and Problem Reports. 3987.