
Fagr Albagle

Date of Graduation


Document Type


Degree Type



Statler College of Engineering and Mineral Resources


Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

Committee Chair

Nianqiang Wu

Committee Co-Chair

Terence D Musho

Committee Member

Konstantinos Sierros


In recent decades, researchers have noted a significant academic gap between males and females. Boys are falling behind their female counterparts. Boys have lower grades and are less likely to participate in more advanced coursework. Boys are more likely to drop out of high school and college, and are graduating from higher education in lower numbers than females. Several reasons are given for the gender achievement gap in K-12 education, including the higher percentage of female teachers, the increase of a literacy focus, and the lack of experiential learning in school. In an effort to bridge the gender achievement gap, this study focuses on boys' motivation. This paper aims to explore motivation among adolescent males and how it is impacted by autonomy supportive practices by their classroom teachers. A mixed methods study is utilized with a sample of 24 adolescent male students and 14 teachers. A moderate positive correlation was discovered between intrinsic motivation and teacher autonomy support behaviors. The paper concludes with recommendations for classroom teachers that include approaches that may increase intrinsic motivation and ultimately student learning for male students.
