"Energy Efficiency Evaluation of Blower Heater Non-Purge Compressed Air" by Alexandra M. Botts



Date of Graduation


Document Type


Degree Type



Statler College of Engineering and Mineral Resources


Industrial and Managements Systems Engineering

Committee Chair

Bhaskaran Gopalakrishnan

Committee Member

Kenneth Ross Currie

Committee Member

Fernando V. Lima


There are several compressed air dryers available for industrial use including, refrigerant, desiccant, and membrane. This research focuses on twin tower regenerative closed loop desiccant dryers, specifically: blower heater non-purge (BHNP) with and without cooling water pumps, Compressed-air Heater Purge (CHP), Blower Heater Purge (BHP), and Pressure Swing Heaterless (PSH). These styles of dryers are used mainly in industries that require extremely dry air such as, food manufacturing, medical air, or sensitive technology manufacturers. The research was conducted by collecting and analyzing real time current draw data on air compressors and associated dryers at eight different facilities (13 compressor systems) in terms of energy, power, and cost. A decision tool was developed to depict the operational characteristics (power, energy, cost) of each type of dryer if used in conjunction with the selected compressor system. Finally, this research, on an equivalent normalized basis, compared and contrasted the different types of dryers in terms of performance and cost. The research concluded that of the five types of desiccant dryer types observed the most energy efficient was the BHNP (with cooling water pump).
