"Sexual objectification, self-objectification, self-efficacy, and femal" by Kathleen Reilly Coffers



Date of Graduation


Document Type


Degree Type



College of Education and Human Services


Learning Sciences and Human Development

Committee Chair

Carol A. Markstrom.

Committee Co-Chair

Erron L. Huey

Committee Member

John B. Jacob


Sexual and self-objectification, self-efficacy and identity status were investigated using data collected from undergraduate and graduate classes from West Virginia University. Subjects were 267 females, ages 18--23. The four variables were measured as follows: (a) Cultural Sexual Objectification Questionnaire, (b) Self-Objectification Questionnaire, (c) Self-Efficacy Scale and (d) Extended Version of the Objective Measure of Ego Identity Status. Cronbach's Alphas were performed on all measures with good to adequate reliabilities (.69 through .89), with the exception of the identity diffusion subscale which resulted in marginal reliability (.57). Chi-square analyses performed for sexual and self-objectification in each of the four identity statuses showed that 42-68% of females felt objectified. Hierarchical and stepwise regression analyses were conducted to measure the relations between the independent variables and identity status in which self-efficacy was entered first with the remaining two independent variables entered in a forward, stepwise manner. Predictive models were found for three identity statuses: moratorium, foreclosure and diffusion. The hypotheses in this study were partially supported and results were consistent with prior research where applicable.
