This collection contains theses, dissertations, problem reports, and project reports (ETDs) from West Virginia University graduate students.
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Theses/Dissertations from 2015
Erbium alloyed AlN thin films: Structural, piezoelectric and magnetic properties, Vishal Narang
Analgesic and Anti-Inflammatory Effects of Monoacylglycerol Lipase Inhibition in Mice Subjected to Collagen-Induced Arthritis, Sara R. Nass
Spatializing the Soil-Ecological Factorial: Data Driven Integrated Land Management Tools, Travis Nauman
A Safety Support System for Children's Antiloss, Sai Ram Nellutla
The Online LaModel User's & Training Manual Development & Testing, Christopher R. Newman
Evaluation of the antidepressant potential of dextromethorphan, Linda Nguyen
Pyrolytic Fate of Synthetic Cannabinoids, Corey Andrew Nida
Composers as parents: Selected twentieth-century piano works written by fathers for their children, Onpavee Nitisingkarin
Salix spp. as a biomass crop: Investigating their potential on marginal lands and the use of biochar as a soil amendment, Heather A. Nobert
A Census of Ghosts, Patric Nuttall
Old War, New Deal: Commemorative Landscapes, the National Park Service, and the 75th Anniversary of the Civil War, Rebekah N. Oakes
Communicating to Resolve the "Mommy Wars": Testing Communicated Stereotypes and the Common Ingroup Identity Model with Stay-at-Home and Working Mothers, Kelly G. Odenweller
Sexual Assault on the College Campus: A Partial Test of Male Peer Support Theory, Falak Ojjeh
Changing Vulnerabilities in a Changing Climate: Farming Opportunity and Constraint in Kilimanjaro Region, Tanzania, Paul O'Keefe
Dimensions of Political Reasoning: Associations among Informational Assumptions, Sociopolitical Values, and Domain-Specific Judgments about Laws, Benjamin Oosterhoff
Using large-scale field test data for high fidelity modeling of DSRC receiver in ns-3., S. M. Osman Gani
Probing Pulsar Emission on Short Timescales: Rotating Radio Transients, Cyclic Spectroscopy, and Single-Pulse Studies of Millisecond Pulsars, Nipuni Tharaka Palliyaguru
Aerodynamic Response of a Pitching Airfoil with Pulsed Circulation Control for Vertical Axis Wind Turbine Applications, Chad C. Panther
Prediction of discretization error using the error transport equation, Don Roscoe Parsons III
A Phenomenological Study of Living with Excess Facial Hair for African-American Women, Courtney M. Pate
Solar Electric Propulsion Triple-Satellite-Aided Capture With Mars Flyby, Sean Patrick
Effect of Time of PGF2alpha Application on Reproductive Outcome in Ewes, Callayn Danae Paul
Sensor Placement Algorithms for Process Efficiency Maximization, Prokash Paul
Kriging-Based Design of Experiments for Multi-Source Exposure-Response Studies in Nanotoxicology, Ying Pei
Two-Faced: Bringing Two Roles to Life in Kurt Weill's "Street Scene", Vincent Pelligrino
Static Code Analysis: On Detection of Security Vulnerabilities and Classification of Warning Messages, Andrei M. Perhinschi
The Role of Arginase I in Ischemic Stroke and Cardiovascular Disease, Ashley Brooke Petrone
Health Resource Availability, State Policy, and Cardiovascular Health in U.S. Adults, Courtney S. Pilkerton
Short-Term Resource Allocation and Management, Denis da Cruz Pinha
Is a follow up endoscopic retrograde cholangiography procedure necessary for removal of biliary stent?, Shashank Ponugoti
An Assessment of Recreational Use: The Wenaha Wild and Scenic River, Umatilla National Forest, Oregon, Ashley R. Popham
Digital Eye Modification A Countermeasure to Automated Face Recognition, Domenick Poster III
An examination of households' willingness-to-pay for wetlands biodiversity conservation in the United States: A benefit transfer approach, Rajendra Prasad Poudel
Reciprocity with the Researcher: An Experimental Manipulation to Increase Help-Seeking in Adults 60 and Older, Elizabeth C. Price
The Effects of Parameter Tuning on Machine Learning Performance in a Software Defect Prediction Context, Benjamin N. Province
Victorians Thinking Globally: Identity and Empire in Middle-Class Reading, Jessica A. Queener
Emotion Regulation in Families of Children with Behavior Problems versus Nonclinical Comparisons, Lauren Borduin Quetsch
Evolution of z ~ 0 Luminous Compact Blue Galaxies, Katherine Rabidoux
A simulation model for the procedure of psychiatric patients' diversion at william r. sharpe, jr. hospital using flocking algorithm for input modeling, Aida Rabiee Gohar
Fundamental Study of Nano-Scale Adhesion and Friction Properties of Graphene in Ambient Air and Liquid Environments, Sai Suvineeth Ramayanam
Promoting Parents' and Children's Well-Being through Parent-Child Gratitude Interventions, Meagan A. Ramsey
Synthesis, characterization and photocatalytic activity of Au-ZnO heterostructures, Oshadha Kanchana Ranasingha
How to mitigate coal mine bumps through understanding the violent failure of coal specimens, Gamal Rashed
Impact of Chronic Conditions on Treatment, Cancer-and Non-Cancer Outcomes among Elderly Men with Incident Prostate Cancer, Amitkumar Dineshchandra Raval
Control Design and Performance Analysis for Autonomous Formation Flight Experimentss, Caleb Michael Rice
Quantitative assessment of the discrimination potential of class and randomly acquired characteristics for crime scene quality shoeprints, Nicole Richetelli
Comparing diel cycles of dissolved inorganic carbon to diel cycles of Fe and Mn at a coal mine drainage site in Harrison Co., WV, Jill L. Riddell
The Relationship between the Distributed Leadership Readiness of West Virginia Principals and Their Perceptions of Selected School-based Committees, Patrick L. Riddle II
What Shadows We Pursue: Death, Democracy, and Disunion in Antebellum America, Joseph M. Rizzo
The Anti-Imperialist Empire: Soviet Nationality Policies under Brezhnev, Jason A. Roberts
Illustrating Appalachia: The sketchbooks and publications of David Hunter Strother, 1833 to 1887, Alee Robins
Analysis and Optimization of a Dual Free Piston, Spring Assisted, Linear Engine Generator, Matthew C. Robinson
The Role of Police and Courts in the Implementation of Domestic Violence Policy in Brazil, Ellen Belchior Rodrigues
A Heterogeneous Aerial Platform Mission Planner using a Genetic Algorithm, Jonathan Rojas
Kinematic Basis for Body Specific Locomotor Mechanics and Perturbation Responses, Ryan B. Ross
Performance and Stability of Large Planar Solid Oxide Fuel Cells Using Phosphine Contaminated Hydrogen Fuel, Timothy B. A. Ross
Drug Use and the Risk of Motor Vehicle Collision in Adults 65 Years of Age and Older, Toni Marie Rudisill
Against the Thalassocracy: Sacred Geography, Nationhood and Perennial Traditionalism in Alexander Dugin's Neo-Eurasianist Philosophy, Jonathan Rushbrook
An Ideal Role, Twenty Years Too Soon: A Young Actor's Journey Through the Role of Leonard in "Seminar", Nicholas Ryan
Use of wireless, ad-hoc networks for proximity warning and collision avoidance in surface mines, Venkata Raghava Siva Naga Shashank Sabniveesu
Theory of Flame Propagation in Open Obstructed Channels, Jad Sadek
Piece-wise Linear Support Vector Machine to Classify Distributed Data, Nafiseh Salmani Niyasar
Thermodynamics and emission modeling of liquefied natural gas (LNG) tanks and fueling stations, Cesar Augusto Sandoval Leon
The Use of Concept MappingPattern Matching to Conceptualize the Desired Domain of Student Learning in the First Year of College, Jacob B. Sanwidi
Spatial and Temporal Investigation of Real World Crosswind Effects on Transient Aerodynamic Drag Losses in Heavy Duty Truck Trailers in the US, Bharadwaj Sathiamoorthy
Facilitating Dialogue through Design to Create Positive Social Change in Rural Communities, Lauren B. Schiefelbein
Design of Scattering Scanning Near-Field Optical Microscope, Dustin Schrecongost
The Influence of Accelerometer Cut Points on Determining the Percent of Preschool-Age Children Meeting Physical Activity Guidelines, Anna Elizabeth Scott
The Effect of Direct Instruction on Spanish Language Acquisition in a Preschool Free-Play Environment: A Single-Case Design, Lucy Rose Scotti
Hydrologic Response and Erosion Modeling of Geomorphic Landform Reclamation in Mountainous Terrain, Alison E. Sears
Pose Performance of LIDAR-Based Relative Navigation for Non-Cooperative Objects, Jordan L. Sell
Optical spectroscopy of nanoscale and heterostructured oxides, Tess R. Senty
Robust Shortest Path Problem: Models and Solution Algorithms, Mehrdad Shahabi
Kruppel-like factor 4 (KLF4) regulates protumorigenic signaling in triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) cells, Sriganesh B. Sharma
Evaluating Changes in Knowledge, Beliefs, and Behaviors Associated with HPV Following an Educational Intervention among Women, Crystal Sheaves
A joint location inventory model under the risk of supply disruptions with facility fortifications, Ehsan Jafari Shirazi
Evaluating the Impacts of Vaccination, Antiviral Treatment and School Closure on Influenza Epidemic, Xiaofei Shi
About Face, Sadie Shorr-Parks
Three Essays on the Economics of Agricultural and Energy Policy, Christopher Shultz
Social Structure and Clearance Rates: The Effect of Neighborhood Characteristics on Aggravated Assault Case Outcome, Brad Silberzahn
The Role of Self-efficacy and Social Support in Emerging Adults' Physical Activity, Nicole M. Silva
Impacts of forest management and habitat change on declining avian species in West Virginia, Christina Slover
Optimization of Pulsed-Vacuum Osmotic Dehydration of Blueberries, Alexandra Marie Smith
A Delphi Study of Challenges Perceived by West Virginia University Extension Agents, Caleb N. Smith
Cultivating Intelligent Consumption: The United States Food Administration and Food Control During World War I, James H. Smith
Uneven development and peri-urbanization in South Africa: Exploring landscape change in Polokwane, South Africa, Jennifer L. Smith
Comparison of the Fatigue Characteristics of Recycled Asphalt Pavements, Lara Smith
Partial Oxidation of Hydrocarbons in a Segmented Bed Using Oxide-based Catalysts and Oxygen-conducting Supports, Mark W. Smith
School Climate, Early Adolescent Development, and Identity: Associations with Adjustment Outcomes, Megan Lorraine Smith
Word Play: Modernist Women and Performative Writing, Kathryn Ridinger Smorul
Synchronization of Coupled and Periodically Forced Chemical Oscillators, Razan Snari
Christ in the Margins: Confronting Racism through the (Written) Word in Post-Civil War America, Cara L. Snider