This collection contains theses, dissertations, problem reports, and project reports (ETDs) from West Virginia University graduate students.
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Theses/Dissertations from 2012
Avoidance of Timeout from Response-Independent Schedules of Food or Sucrose Water with and without a Limited Hold on Consumption, August F. Holtyn
Modulation of cardiac pacemaker channels by tyrosine phosphorylation, Jianying Huang
Planform Characterization of a High Lift, Low Speed, Ground Effect Glider, Meagan L. Hubbell
Effects of d-Amphetamine on Delay Discounting with Different Response Requirements in Rats., Sally L. Huskinson
Durability Model of SOFC Anode Structure under Thermo-Mechanical and Fuel Gas Contaminants Effects, Gulfam Iqbal
Simplified Interior Ballistics Analysis of a Tube Launched UAV Prototype, Edward R. Jackson
Systems with Session-based Workloads: Assessing Performance and Reliability, Nikola Janevski
Improvisation and Visual Thinking Strategies In Art Education, Jason Jaros
The Social Context of Smoking: Measuring Social Capital among College Students, Traci Dawn Jarrett
The Three W's of Hazardous Waste: Who, Why, and Where?, Christa Dean Jensen
Analytical Evaluations of Buckling Behavior of Wood Composite I-Joist with Sinusoidal Web, Pengcheng Jiao
Implementation of Wet Scrubbing Technologies to Marine Diesel Engines for the Reduction of Nitrigen Oxide Emissions., Derek R. Johnson
Etude Books for Horn Published from 1985 to 2011: An Annotated Guide, Joseph David Johnson
Risk Perception among Sexually Abused Female Adolescents, Andrea M. Jones
DNA-based Population Estimation, Harvest Vulnerability, and Home Range Dynamics of Black Bears in Western Maryland, Michael D. Jones
The Failure of the Surveillance State: Observation, Narrative and Identity in American Literature and Culture Since the Cold War, Jeremy C. Justus
Improving Iris Recognition through Quality and Interoperability Metrics, Nathan D. Kalka
Physicians' Perceptions of West Virginia's Kids First HealthCheck System., Alexandria Kappel
UAV Simulation Environment for Autonomous Flight Control Algorithms, Ondrej Karas
Age, Expertise, and the Sunk-Cost Fallacy, Tara E. Karns
Effectiveness of a Flanged and Unflanged Small Rectangular Capturing Hood, Stephen Philip Kasberger
Mathematical Modeling and Simulation of a One-Dimensional Transient Entrained-flow GEE/Texaco Coal Gasifier, Job S. Kasule
Evaluation of novel sigma receptor antagonists against METH-induced neurotoxicity: in vivo and in vitro studies, Nidhi Kaushal
Robust Real-Time Recognition of Action Sequences Using a Multi-Camera Network, Rahul Ratnakar Kavi
Potential Empathy Deficits, Motivations, and Desistence in Traditional and Cyber Bullies, Colleen M. Keelan
Political Cooperation and International Environmental Governance in the Baltic Sea Region after World War II, Taavi Kelder
Under The Surface: An Examination Of Voice, Space, And Identity In West Virginia University McNair Scholars, Thomas N. Keopuhiwa
A Feasibility Assessment of Water Quality Trading in the Greenbrier River Watershed, West Virginia, Arun Khatri-Chhetri
Effects of Video Feedback on Students' Performance of a Back Handspring, Kristi A. Kiefer
AP Relationship of the Maxillary Central Incisors to the Forehead in Adult Korean Females, Jung Mee Kim
Tree Line, Rachel King
Politics of Memory with Regard to the Ukrainian Minority in Poland after 1989, Joanna Klimczak
The Effect of Compost Amendment on Ammonia-Oxidizing Microbial Community Structure in an Agricultural Soil, Gregory S. Klinger
A Principled Methodology: A Dozen Principles of Software Effort Estimation, Ekrem Kocaguneli
A Phase Separation Study of Biological Polymers in Solid State Films, Jaclyn Nicole Kokx
Impact of relative permeability on the outcomes of natural gas production from low permeability reservoir, Melaine Edouard Kolimedje
Temporal Patterns of Gene Expression in the MNTB During Calyx of Held Development, Douglas Richard Kolson
A High-Temperature Electrochemical Carbon Monoxide Sensor with Nanostructured Metal Oxide Electrode, Anveeksh Koneru
The Use of Controls in the Music of Lou Harrison: An Analytical Study, Christopher Jason Koontz
Rescue of inherited retinal degeneration associated with Aipl1 defects, Cristy Ann Ku
Examining the Dynamics of Policy Change and U.S. Narcotics Policy: Implications for the Global Narcotics Regime, Felix Kumah-Abiwu
Co-liquefaction of coal and biomass for liquid fuel synthesis., Saurabh Kumar
Synthesis and Characterization of electrodes for III-Nitride Resonant Cavity Light Emitting Diode Applications, Vamsi Krishna Kumbham
Discrimination of Temporally Remote Causal Relations by Pigeons: Effects of Signals that Mediate the Temporal Gaps, Toshikazu Kuroda
Augmented Propeller Design with the use of a Passive Circulation Control Pressurization System, Jonathan Kweder
The Role of Narcissism on Concerns for SNS Privacy: Vulnerable Narcissism in Threatening Situations, Elizabeth A. Kwolek
Insertion loss of a simple plywood noise enclosure, Justin Lamper
Capillary Electrophoresis for Measuring Biological Interactions: Binding Affinity and Enzyme Kinetics, Ted Langan
Impact of Stimulation Treatments on Production Performance of Horizontal Wells in the Marcellus Shale, Kimberly L. Larch
Analysis and detection of fingerprint creases, Olaoluwa Peter Laseinde
Three essays on institutions, financial markets and foreign direct investment, Tuan Viet Le
Ecological effects of and recovery following surface mining and pasture reclamation, Michael Levy
Cycles, Disjoint Spanning Trees and Orientations of Graphs, Yanting Liang
Molecular characterization of rainbow trout Zar1 and Zar1-like genes: their potential roles in egg quality, Chieh-Hung Lin
Cycles and Bases of Graphs and Matroids, Ping Li
Oxygen Transport Kinetics in Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Cathode, Yihong Li
A Question of Life or Death: Suicide and Survival in the Union Army, Kathleen Anneliese Logothetis
SSA's Development Delay: Three Essays on The Monetary System, The International Trade and Property Rights, Julie Lohi
Disaster Recovery Drawer, Matthew L. London
Recovery of DNA Profiles from Fingerprints on Paper after the Application of Ninhydrin or DFO Given Certain Time Periods, Marco Colin Lovejoy
Development of a Near-Field Magnetic Projectile Location System, Andrew D. Lowery
Comparison of Three Machine Vision Pose Estimation Systems Based on Corner, Line, and Ellipse Extraction for Satellite Grasping, Jeremy A. Luckett
Instructional Leadership for Middle School Students with Disabilities in the General Education Classroom: The Role of the Principal, Jeremy M. Lynch
The EUPM and EUFOR Althea missions in Bosnia and Herzegovina: An evaluation, Ewa Agata Maczynska
Synthesis of Benzofluorenyl Derivatives Bearing Thiophene Substituents, Doreen Makaya
Exploring the Effects of Implementation Intentions and Goal Formation on Anxiety and Communication Effectiveness when Discussing Difficult Interpersonal Topics, Colleen C. Malachowski
Quantification of Mixing in Microchannels, Vijaymaran Manickam
The Effects of Index Storage on Ranked Information Retrieval, James E. Mantheiy Jr.
HIV/AIDS Intervention in Ghana: A Constructivist Approach to Understanding AIDS Policy, Nat Papa Kobina Markin
Switchgrass potential on reclaimed surface mines for biofuel production in West Virginia, Michael A. Marra
The Monongalia County Court House Mural: Blanche Lazzell and the Public Works of Art Project in Morgantown, West Virginia, Kendall Joy Martin
The role of Src-homology 2 domain-containing tyrosine phosphatase 2 in signaling and tumorigenesis of basal type/triple negative breast cancer, Fatimah Kh. Matalkah
Understanding Search-Based Software Engineering, Paul William McBurney
Effects of Exotic Morrow's Honeysuckle (Lonicera morrowii) on Migratory Songbirds., Holly Merredith McChesney
Riparian Ecological Community Assessment with an Emphasis on Wood Turtles (Glyptemys insculpta) in the Cacapon River Watershed, West Virginia, Kathryn R. P. McCoard
Landowner Outreach Education Project Evaluation: Connecting New Family Forest Owners with the Professional Forestry Community, Megan E. McCuen
Sustainability of Coalition of Essential School's Professional Development as Perceived by Teachers, Kristine E. McGee
Estimation of striped bass (Morone saxatilis) diets using fatty acid signature analysis, Edward J. McGinley
OnBoard Parameter Identification for a Small UAV, Amanda K. McGrail
Strength Evaluation of Wood I-Joist with Sinusoidal Web, Bradley McGraw
Psychosocial Concerns in Pediatric Obstetric Brachial Plexus Injury Patients, Janelle M. Mentrikoski
The Use of Concept Mapping/Pattern Matching to Determine the Content Domain for Information Literacy in Baccalaureate Education, Eleanor M. Messman-Mandicott
Public Land Management Values: A Delphi Study of Austrian and Pacific Northwest United States Recreation Resource Managers, Jessie Meybin
Habitat Use by Northern Dusky Salamanders in Riparian Corridors of Southwestern Pennsylvania, Robert Joseph Michalow
An Assessment of Stream Fishing Venues in West Virginia: A Comparison of Anglers along a Spectrum of Access, Radley E. Miller
Comparing Student Stage of Reflective Judgment between Junior and Senior Academic Standing, Randall C. Miller
Experimental Emissions and Fuel Economy Analysis of a Diesel Engine Operating on Vegetable Oil, Robert F. Minehart III
Assessment of pulmonary fibrogenic potential of multi walled carbon nanotubes in vitro., Anurag Mishra
Effect of seat orientation on ingress/egress joint kinematics and reach envelope, Christopher W. Moore
Potential inhibitors and sources of error in the measurement of travertine precipitation rates in a karst stream influenced by thermal mineral waters, Johnathan E. Moore
VCAST: A Distance-Sensitive Scalable Information Dissemination Protocol, Raja Abhinay Moparthi
Development of a Low-Cost Robotics Platform that Facilitates the Enhancement of Microcomputer Structures and Interfacing Learning Objectives, Justin Ryan Morris
Market perceptions for expanded opportunities of central Appalachian hardwoods, Liberty Olea Moya
Ambient Geochemical and Isotopic Variations in Groundwaters Across an Area of Accelerating Shale Gas Development, Michon L. Mulder
Hydrogen Absorption in Palladium-Based Nanostructures., Kineshma Munbodh
Experimental Investigation of Particulate Deposition on a Simulated Film-Cooled Turbine Vane Pressure Surface in a High Pressure Combustion Facility, Robert G. Murphy