Geology and Geography Faculty Scholarship | Geology and Geography | West Virginia University


Submissions from 2022


The Art of Landslides: How Stochastic Mass Wasting Shapes Topography and Influences Landscape Dynamics, Benjamin Campforts, Charles Shobe, Irina Overeem, and Gregory Tucker


Land-Surface Parameters for Spatial Predictive Mapping and Modeling, Aaron E. Maxwell and Charles Shobe


How Impervious are Solar Arrays? On the Need for Geomorphic Assessment of Energy Transition Technologies, Charles Shobe


Inverting Passive Margin Stratigraphy for Marine Sediment Transport Dynamics over Geologic Time, Charles Shobe, Jean Braun, Xiaoping Yuan, Benjamin Campforts, Boris Gailleton, Guillaume Baby, François Guillocheau, and Cécile Robin


Thickness of Fluvial Deposits Records Climate Oscillations, Xiaoping Yuan, Laure Guerit, Jean Braun, Delphine Rouby, and Charles Shobe

Submissions from 2021


Boulders as a Lithologic Control on River and Landscape Response to Tectonic Forcing at the Mendocino Triple Junction, Charles Shobe, Georgina Bennett, Gregory Tucker, Kevin Roback, Scott Miller, and Joshua Roering


The Role of Infrequently Mobile Boulders in Modulating Landscape Evolution and Geomorphic Hazards, Charles M. Shobe, Jens M. Turowski, Ron Nativ, Rachel C. Glade, Georgina L. Bennett, and Benedetta Dini

Submissions from 2020


Paleohydrology and Machine-Assisted Estimation of Paleogeomorphology of Fluvial Channels of the Lower Middle Pennsylvanian Allegheny Formation, Birch River, WV, Oluwasegun O. Abatan and Amy Weislogel


Volcanic record of the arc-to-rift transition onshore of the Guaymas basin in the Santa Rosalía area, Gulf of California, Baja California, Graham DM Andrews


The transition from planar to en echelon morphology in a single vein in shale: Insights from X-ray computed tomography scanning, Graham DM Andrews, Sarah R. Brown, Johnathan Moore, Dustin Crandall, and Paige Mackey


The Fold Illusion: The Origins and Implications of Ogives on Silicic Lavas, Graham DM Andrews, Stuart Kenderes, Alan Whittington, Shelby L. Isom, Sarah Brown, Holly Danielle Pettus, Brenna Cole, and Kailee Gokey


Teaching with Digital 3D Models of Minerals and Rocks, Graham DM Andrews, Gabrielle Labishak, Sarah Brown, Shelby L. Isom, Holly Danielle Pettus, and Trevor Byers


Household Water Security: An Analysis of Water Affect in the Context of Hydraulic Fracturing in West Virginia, Appalachia, Bethani Turley and Martina Angela Caretta

Submissions from 2019


First description of subglacial megalineations from the late Paleozoic ice age in southern Africa, Graham D. Andrews, Andrew T. McGrady, Sarah R. Brown, and Shannon M. Maynard


First description of subglacial megalineations from the late Paleozoic ice age in southern Africa., Graham DM Andrews, Andrew T. McGrady, and Shannon M. Maynard


How to Search for Life in Martian Chemical Sediments and Their Fluid and Solid Inclusions Using Petrographic and Spectroscopic Methods, Kathleen C. Benison


“We are women and men now”: Intimate spaces and coping labour for Syrian women refugees in Jordan, Karen Culcasi


Mine Flooding History of a Regional Below-Drainage Coalfield Dominated by Barrier Leakage (1970–2014), Joseph J. Donovan and Eric F. Perry


Submarine Groundwater Discharge Data at Meter Scale (223Ra, 224Ra, 226Ra, 228Ra and 222Rn) in Indian River Bay (Delaware, US), Carlos Duque, Karen L. Knee, Christopher J. Russoniello, Mahmound Sherif, Usama A. Abu Risha, Neil C. Sturchio, and Holly A. Michael


A common arthropod from the Late Ordovician Big Hill Lagerstätte (Michigan) reveals an unexpected ecological diversity within Chasmataspidida, James C. Lamsdell, Gerald O. Gunderson, and Ronald C. Meyer


Large-Area, High Spatial Resolution Land Cover Mapping Using Random Forests, GEOBIA, and NAIP Orthophotography: Findings and Recommendations, Aaron E. Maxwell, Michael P. Strager, Timothy A. Warner, Christopher A. Ramezan, Alice N. Morgan, and Cameron E. Pauley


Geochronology and Depositional History of the Sandy Springs Aeolian Landscape in the Unglaciated Upper Ohio River Valley, United States, Mathew P. Purtill, J. Steven Kite, and Steven L. Forman


Evaluation of Sampling and Cross-Validation Tuning Strategies for Regional-Scale Machine Learning Classification, Christopher A. Ramezan, Timothy A. Warner, and Aaron E. Maxwell


Protoconch Enlargement in Western Atlantic Turritelline Gastropod Species Following the Closure of the Central American Seaway, Stephanie Sang, Dana Suzanne Friend, Warren Douglas Allmon, and Brendan Matthew Anderson

Submissions from 2018


Improved Kerogen Models for Determining Thermal Maturity and Hydrocarbon Potential of Shale, Vikas Agrawal and Shikha Sharma


One Million Years tephra record at IODP Sites U1436 and U1437: Insights into explosive volcanism from the Japan and Izu arcs, Graham DM Andrews


Temporal and geochemical signatures in granitoids of northwestern Nevada: Evidence for the continuity of the Mesozoic magmatic arc through the western Great Basin, Kenneth L. Brown, William K. Hart, and Richard J. Stuck


Past and future drought in Mongolia, Amy Hessl, Kevin J. Anchukaitis, Casey Jelsema, Benjamin Cook, Oyunsanaa Byambasuren, Caroline Leland, Baatarbileg Nachin, Neil Pederson, Hanqin Tian, and Laia Andreu Hayles


Reducing Uncertainties in Applying Remotely Sensed Land Use and Land Cover Maps in Land-Atmosphere Interaction: Identifying Change in Space and Time, Yaqian He, Timothy A. Warner, Brenden E. McNeil, and Eungul Lee


Conservation, Development, and Dispossession: The implications of UNESCO World Heritage designation for the Bayei people in the Okavango Delta, Botswana, Jamie Shinn


Environmental Governance and Climate Change Adaptation in the Okavango Delta, Botswana, Jamie Shinn


Risk Assessment and Mapping of Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease at the County Level in Mainland China Using Spatiotemporal Zero-Inflated Bayesian Hierarchical Models, Chao Song, Yaqian He, Yanchen Bo, Jinfeng Wang, Zhoupeng Ren, and Huibin Yang


Spatiotemporal Evolution of Land Subsidence in the Beijing Plain 2003–2015 Using Persistent Scatterer Interferometry (PSI) with Multi-Source SAR Data, Chaodong Zhou, Huili Gong, Youquan Zhang, Timothy A. Warner, and Cong Wang

Submissions from 2017


Modified Lipid Extraction Methods for Deep Subsurface Shale, Rawlings N. Akondi, Ryan V. Trexler, Susan M. Pfiffner, Paula J. Mouser, and Shikha Sharma


40Ar/39Ar ages and zircon petrochronology for the rear arc of the Izu-Bonin-Marianas intra-oceanic subduction zone, Graham DM Andrews


The missing half of the subduction factory: shipboard results from the Izu rear arc, IODP Expedition 350, Graham DM Andrews and Martin Jutzeler


Sulfide Generation by Dominant Halanaerobium Microorganisms in Hydraulically Fractured Shales, Anne E. Booker, Mikayla A. Borton, Rebecca A. Daly, Susan A. Welch, Carrie D. Nicora, David W. Hoyt, Travis Wilson, Samuel O. Purvine, Richard A. Wolfe, Shikha Sharma, Paula J. Mouser, David R. Cole, Mary S. Lipton, Kelly C. Wrighton, and Michael J. Wilkins


Integrating Herbivore Population Dynamics Into A Global Land Biosphere Model: Plugging Animals Into The Earth System, Shree R.S. Dangal, Hanqin Tian, Chaoqun Lu, Wei Ren, Shufen Pan, Jia Yang, Nicola Di Cosmo, and Amy Hessl


Climatic history of the northeastern United States during the past 3000 years, Jennifer R. Marlon, Neil Pederson, Connor Nolan, Simon Goring, Bryan Shuman, Ann Robertson, Robert Booth, Patrick J. Bartlein, Melissa A. Berke, Michael Clifford, Edward Cook, Ann Diffenbacher-Krall, Michael C. Dietze, Amy Hessl, J Bradford Hubeny, Stephen T. Jackson, Jeremiah Marsicek, Jason McLachlan, Cary J. Mock, David J P Moore, Jonathan Nichols, Dorothy Peteet, Kevin Schaefer, Valerie Trouet, Charles Umbanhowar, John W. Williams, and Zicheng Yu


Centennial-scale reductions in nitrogen availability in temperate forests of the United States, K K McLauchlan, L M Gerhart, J J Battles, J M Craine, A J Elmore, P E Higuera, M C Mack, B E McNeil, D M Nelson, N Pederson, and S S Perakis


Evaluating the effect of alternative carbon allocation schemes in a land surface model (CLM4.5) on carbon fluxes, pools, and turnover in temperate forests, Francesc Montane, Andrew M. Fox, Avelino F. Arellano, Natasha Macbean, M Ross Alexander, Alex Dye, Daniel A. Bishop, Valerie Trouet, Flurin Babst, Amy E. Hessi, Neil Pederson, Peter D. Blanken, Gil Bohrer, Christopher M. Gough, Marcy E. Litvak, Kimberly A. Novick, Richard R. Philips, Jeffery D. Wood, and David J P Moore

Submissions from 2016


"What made me continue was stubbornness": Perspectives of Swedish Women at the Beginning of their Academic Career in Geography, Martina Angela Caretta and Natasha Alexander Webster


Synergistic Effects of Climate Change and Grazing on Net Primary Production of Mongolian Grasslands, Shree R. S. Dangal, Hanqin Tian, Chaoqun Lu, Shufen Pan, Neil Pederson, and Amy Hessl


Comparing Tree-Ring And Permanent Plot Estimates Of Aboveground Net Primary Production In Three Eastern U.S. Forests, Alex Dye, Audrey Barker Plotkin, Daniel Bishop, Neil Pederson, Benjamin Poulter, and Amy Hessl


Comparing Tree‐Ring and Permanent Plot Estimates of Aboveground Net Primary Production in Three Eastern U.S. Forests, Alex Dye, Audrey Barker Plotkin, Daniel Bishop, Neil Pederson, Benjamin Poulter, and Amy Hessl

Submissions from 2015


Insights from the Metagenome of an Acid Salt Lake: The Role of Biology in an Extreme Depositional Environment, Sarah S. Johnson, Marc G. Chevrette, Bethany L. Ehlmann, and Kathleen C. Benison


Classification of C3 and C4 Vegetation Types Using MODIS and ETM+ Blended High Spatio-Temporal Resolution Data, Xiaolong Liu, Yanchen Bo, Jian Zhang, and Yaqian He

Submissions from 2014


Trends and future challenges in sampling the deep terrestrial biosphere, Michael J. Wilkins, Rebecca A. Daly, Paula J. Mouser, Ryan Trexler, Shihka Sharma, David R. Cole, Kelly C. Wrighton, Jennifer F. Biddle, Elizabeth H. Denis, Jim K. Frerickson, Thomas L. Kieft, Tullis C. Onstott, Lee Peterson, Susan M. Pfiffner, Tommy J. Phelps, and Matthew O. Schrenk

Submissions from 2013


Oral Region Homologies in Paleozoic Crinoids and Other Plesiomorphic Pentaradial Echinoderms, Thomas W. Kammer, Colin D. Sumrall, Samuel Zamora, William I. Ausich, and Bradley Deline


Effects of nitrogen limitation on hydrological processes in CLM4-CN, Eungul Lee, Benjamin S. Felzer, and Zavareh Kothavala

Effects of nitrogen limitation on hydrological processes in CLM4‐CN, Eungul Lee, Benjamin S. Felzer, and Zavareh Kothavala


Assessment of Carbon Storage and Biomass on Minelands Reclaimed to Grassland Environments Using Landsat Spectral Indices, Tim Warner

Submissions from 2012


A long-term perspective on a modern drought in the American Southeast, N Pederson, A R. Bell, T A. Knight, C Leland, N Malcomb, K J. Anchukaitis, K Tackett, J Scheff, A Brice, B Catron, W Blozan, and J Riddle

Submissions from 2011


Seeing the Forest of Information for the Trees of Papers: An Information Literacy Case Study in a Geography/Geology Class, Linda Blake and Tim Warner


Estimation of exposure to toxic releases using spatial interaction modeling, Jamison F. Conley


A multispecies tree ring reconstruction of Potomac River streamflow (950-2001), R. Stockton Maxwell, Amy E. Hessl, Edward R. Cook, and Neil Pederson

Submissions from 2010


Change Detection Accuracy and Image Properties: A Study Using Simulated Data, Abdullah Almutairi and Timothy A. Warner


Spatially Heterogeneous Estimates of Fire Frequency in Ponderosa Pine Forests of Washington, USA, James T. Kernan and Amy E. Hessl


DEM Development from Ground-Based LiDAR Data: A Method to Remove Non-Surface Objects, Maneesh Sharma, Ginger B. Paige, and Scott N. Miller

Submissions from 2009


Is the growth of temperate forest trees enhanced along an ambient nitrogen deposition gradient?, James E. Bedison and Brenden E. McNeil

Submissions from 2004


Correlation of seismotectonic variables and GPS strain measurements in western Turkey, Ali Osman Öncel and Tom Wilson

Submissions from 2001


Size scaling relationships in the active fault networks of Japan and their correlation with Gutenberg-Richter b values, Ali Osman Öncel, Thomas H. Wilson, and Osamu Nishizawa

Submissions from 1990


Model studies of shallow common‐offset seismic data, Thomas H. Wilson