Submissions from 2012
Delinquent and Non-Entered Lands and Due Process, John W. Fisher II
The Wane in Spain (of Universal Jurisdiction): Spain's Forgetful Democratic Transition and the Prosecution of Tyrants, James J. Friedberg
"The End of the Beginning?": A Comprehensive Look at the U.N.'s Business and Human Rights Agenda from a Bystander Perspective, Jena Martin Amerson
Are Pharmaceutical Sales Representatives Exempted from the Overtime-pay Requirements of the Fair Labor Standards Act?, Anne M. Lofaso
Public-Sector Unions, Public Employees: May You Live in Interesting Times, Anne M. Lofaso
A Bakerian Response to Weinstein's Free Speech Theory, Anne Marie Lofaso
Baker's Autonomy Theory of Free Speech, Anne Marie Lofaso
Baker Tribute, Anne Marie Lofaso
Sustainable Development and the Reconciliation of Opposites, Alison Peck
Privatization and the Market Frame, Matthew Titolo
Funk Brothers - An Exercise Obviousness, Shine Tu
Energy and Environmental Justice: How States Can Integrate Environmental Justice Into Energy-Related Proceedings, James M. Van Nostrand
Submissions from 2011
What's in a Name? Transnational Corporations as Bystanders Under International Law, Jena Martin Amerson
Law on the Books vs. Law in Action: Under-Enforcement of Morocco’s Reformed 2004 Family Law, the Moudawana, Ann M. Eisenberg
Choosing a Better Path: The Misguided Appeal of Increased Criminal Liability After Deepwater Horizon, Joshua Fershee
From Self-Determination to Self-Domination: Native Americans, Western Culture, and the Promise of Constitutional-Based Reform, Joshua Fershee
Adverse Possession of the State's Property, John W. Fisher II
Title Examinations, When Is Action on the Security Instrument Barred, John W. Fisher II
Just Notice: A Paradigm-Shifting Solution to Economic Dismissals, Anne M. Lofaso
What We Owe Our Coal Miners, Anne M. Lofaso
In Defense of Public-Sector Unions, Anne Marie Lofaso
Regulatory Takings in the Shale Gas Patch, Patrick McGinley
Revisiting the Original Tea Party: The History of Regulating Food Consumption in America, Alison Peck
Legal and Institutional Impediments to Integrated Use in Management of Surface and Groundwater, Jesse J. Richardson Jr.
Zoning for Conservation Easements, Jesse J. Richardson Jr. and Amanda C. Bernard
Patents as Escalators, Amelia S. Rinehart
Retroactivity and the Fraud Enforcement and Recovery Act of 2009, Matthew Titolo
Legal Issues in Financing Energy Efficiency: Creative Solutions for Funding the Initial Capital Costs of Investments in Energy Efficiency Measures, James M. Van Nostrand
Submissions from 2010
In Praise of Process: Examining the SEC, Rule 14a-8(i)(8), and AFSCME v. AIG, Jena Martin Amerson
The Balkanization of University Support Systems: FERPA’s Chilling Effect on Campuses and How Honors Administrators Can Break the Ice, Amy Beth Cyphert and Keith Garbutt
When Prayer Trumps Politics: The Politics and Demographics of Renewable Portfolio Standards, Joshua P. Fershee
A Survey of the Law of Easements in West Virginia, John W. Fisher II
Coal Mine Safety: A Call for Comparative Law and Interdisciplinary Studies, Anne M. Lofaso
Judicial Amendments Treating Citizen and Immigrant Workers Equally . . . Badly: Labor Rights Without Effective Remedies, Anne M. Lofaso
The Vanishing Employee: Putting the Autonomous Dignified Union Worker Back to Work, Anne Marie Lofaso
Leveling the Playing Field in GMO Risk Assessment: Importers, Exporters, and the Limits of Science, Alison Peck
Entitled to be Heard: Improving Evidence-Based Policy Making Through Audience and Public Reason, Will Rhee
Conservation Easements and Adaptive Management, Jesse Richardson
Family Values, Courts, and Culture War: The Case of Abstinence-Only Sex Education, John E. Taylor
Implications of a Federal Renewable Portfolio Standard: Will It Supplement or Supplant Existing State Inititives?, James M. Van Nostrand and Anne Marie Hirschberger
Submissions from 2009
The Scope of Title Examinations in West Virginia Revisited, John W. Fisher II
A Tribute to William J. Maier, Jr. , Dean Emeritus John W. Fisher, II, Joyce McConnell
Law and Practice, William Rhee
A Judicial Philosophy: People-Oriented Justice, Larry V. Starcher
In Memory of Justice Joseph P. Albright, Larry V. Starcher
Tinker and Viewpoint Discrimination, John E. Taylor
Preserving the Public Interest Through the Use of Alternative Dispute Resolution in Utility Retail Rate Cases, James M. Van Nostrand and Erin P. Honaker
Submissions from 2008
The Comparative and Absolute Advantages of Junior Law Faculty: Implications for Teaching and the Future of American Law Schools, Gregory W. Bowman
Race at the Pivot Point: The Future of Race-Based Policies to Remedy De Jure Segregation After Parents Involved in Community Schools, Jonathan D Fischbach, Will Rhee, and Robert Cacace
"I Will Not Divulge": How to Resolve the "Mass of Legal Confusion" Surrounding the Physician-Patient Relationship in West Virginia, Mary Claire Johnson
Approaching Coal Mine Safety from a Comparative Law and Interdisciplinary Perspective, Anne Marie Lofaso
Dedication, Joyce E. McConnell
The New Imperialism: Toward an Advocacy Strategy for GMO Accountability, Alison Peck
Constitutional Limitations on the Ability of States to Rehabilitate Their Failed Electric Utility Restructuring Plans, James M. Van Nostrand
Submissions from 2007
Localism and the West Virginia Constitution, Robert M. Bastress Jr.
The History of the United States District Court for the Southern District of West Virginia, Forest J. Bowman Esq.
Use of Motive Evidence in Judicial Review of Rezonings, Michael Allen Dymersky and Jesse Richardson
Dedication: Professor Steven G. Gey, Mary Claire Johnson, John E. Taylor, Vivian E. Hamilton, and William P. Marshall
Toward a Foundational Theory of Workers' Rights: The Autonomous Dignified Worker, Anne M. Lofaso
Introduction to Symposium: The Religion Clauses in the 21st Century, William P. Marshall, Vivian E. Hamilton, and John E. Taylor
The Good, the Bad & the Ugly - A New Way of Looking at the Intercountry Adoption Debate, Jena Martin
Beyond Fairness: What Really Works to Protect Farmland, Jesse Richardson
Why Student Religious Speech is Speech, John E. Taylor
Submissions from 2006
Marshall, Marbury, and Mr. Byrd: America Unchecked and Imbalanced (Reviewing Losing America by Senator Robert C. Bryd), Gerald G. Ashdown
Seeing the Forest and the Trees: Reconceptualizing State and Government Succession Reviewing: TAI-HENG CHENG, STATE SUCCESSION AND COMMERCIAL OBLIGATIONS (2006), Gregory W. Bowman
Dedication: Joseph B. Kelly, Mark W. Podvia
Twenty-Five Years of Excellence: Dickinson International Law Annual Dickinson Journal of International Law Penn State International Law Review, Mark W. Podvia
Submissions from 2005
Constitutional Considerations for Local Government Reform in West Virginia, Robert M. Bastress Jr.
Ambiguity, Sovereignty and Identity in Ireland: Peace and Transition, James J. Friedberg
The Vanishing Public Domain: Antibiotic Resistance, Pharmaceutical Innovation and Intellectual Property Law, Kevin Outterson
Using Suppression Hearing Testimony to Prove Good Faith under United States v. Leon, John E. Taylor
Raining on the Litigation Parade: Is It Time to Stop Litigant Abuse of the Fraud on the Court Doctrine?, Hollee S. Temple
Submissions from 2004
Reading/Teaching Lawyer Films, James R. Elkins
From Pick and Shovel to Mountaintop Removal: Environmental Injustice in the Appalachian Coalfields, Patrick C. McGinley
The Standard for Setting Utility Rates in Wyoming: Restoring the Required Balance between Investors and Customers, James M. Van Nostrand
Submissions from 2003
The Impact of Litigation on Rural Students: From Free Textbooks to School Consolidation, Robert M. Bastress
Taking the Lawyer's Craft into Virtual Space: Computer-Mediated Interviewing, Counseling, and Negotiating, Robert M. Bastress and Joseph D. Harbaugh
A Brief Introduction to the World War II Memoirs of Professor Joseph B. Kelly, Mark W. Podvia
Submissions from 2001
Preserving Existing Security Interest under Revised Article 9 of the Uniform Commercial Code: A Concise Summary of the Transition Rules and Some Recommendations for Secured Parties, Vincent Paul Cardi
Carl M. Selinger, Teacher, Charles R. DiSalvo
A Law Culture Diagnostic, James R. Elkins
Carl M. Selinger Dedication, John W. Fisher II
Submissions from 2000
The Idea of the Common Law in West Virginia Jurisprudential History: Morningstar v. Black & Decker Revisited, James Audley McLaughlin
Standing for Protection of Collective Rights in the European Communities, Alison Peck
Nuisance Revisited After Buchanan and Bormann, Jesse Richardson and Theodore A. Feitshans
AT&T Corp. v. Iowa Utilities Board: The Supreme Court Recognizes Broad FCC Jurisdiction over Local Telephone Competition, John E. Taylor
Submissions from 1999
West Virginia's Adoption Statute: The History of a Work in Progress, Lisa Kelly
Common Law Misappropriation in the Digital Era, Dale P. Olson
Ten Limitations to Ponder on Farm Limited Liability Companies, Jesse Richardson and L. Leon Geyer
Submissions from 1998
El principio de "la alternativa menos restrictiva" en Derecho constitucional norteamericano, Robert Bastress Jr.
The Law of Insurance Company Claim Misconduct in West Virginia, Thomas C. Cady, Amy Andrews, Daniel Cuppett, Mark Glover, and Mary Loss
How a Sole Practitioner Uses the "Electronic Office" to Maintain a Competitive Law Practice, Jesse Richardson
Comparative Law Symposium: Is There a European Advantage in Criminal Procedure: Preface, Carl M. Selinger