Submissions from 1998
State Regulation of Charitable Solicitation, Elaine Waterhouse Wilson
Submissions from 1997
West Virginia Corporate Law: Is It "Broke"?, Debra R. Cohen
Gandhi: The Spirituality and Politics of Suffering, Charles R. DiSalvo
Creditors of a Joint Tenant: Is There a Lien after Death, John W. Fisher II
Introduction to Volume 100 of the West Virginia Law Review, John W. Fisher II
The Evolution of Restrictive Covenants in West Virginia, John W. Fisher II
Comments Celebrating the 100th Anniversary of the West Virginia Law Review, David C. Hardesty Jr.
Land Use Regulation and the Takings Clause: How Much Use Must an Owner Lose before Being Entitled to Compensation Because the Government Has Taken the Property?, Patrick C. McGinley
Separation of Powers, State Constitutions & the Attorney General: Who Represents the State, Patrick C. McGinley
Submissions from 1996
Federalism, Federalization, and the Politics of Crime, Gerald G. Ashdown
Introduction: Macro and Micro Evaluation of the Federalization of Crime, Gerald G. Ashdown
Reflections on the Contents of the Lawyer's Work - Three Models of Spirituality - and Our Struggle with Them, Charles R. DiSalvo and William L. Droel
Thinking Like A Lawyer: Second Thoughts, James R. Elkins
The Scope of Title Examination in West Virginia: Can Reasonable Minds Differ, John W. Fisher II
Farley v. Sartin and Tort Claims for the Wrongful Death of a Nonviable Fetus: Paradigms, Imponderables and Proposals, Teree Foster
Federalism and the Judicial Function: A Cutting Edge amidst Professions of Restraint, Donald E. Lively
Relational and Liberal Feminism: The Ethic of Care, Fetal Personhood and Autonomy, Joyce E. McConnell
Submissions from 1995
Judge James M. Sprouse, Forest J. Bowman
West Virginia's Automobile Insurance Policy Laws: A Practitioner's Guide, Thomas C. Cady and Christy Hardin Smith
Worshipping at the Altar of Technique: Manic Aggressive Medicine and Law, Charles R. DiSalvo
If Judgment Creditors Cannot Set Asunder a Debtor Spouse's Interest in the Marital Home, What Can They Do, John W. Fisher II
West Virginia's Pioneer Women Lawyers, Teree E. Foster and Sandra M. Fallon
Rethinking the West Virginia Municipal Code of 1969, Willard D. Lorensen
Maximizing Tax Benefits to Farmers and Ranchers Implementing Conservation and Environmental Plans, Jesse J. Richardson Jr.
Assessing Fairness in Workers' Compensation Reform: A Commentary on the 1995 West Virginia Workers' Compensation Legislation, Emily A. Spieler
Submissions from 1994
Economic Integration in the Americas: A Work in Progress, Kenneth W. Abbott and Gregory W. Bowman
Practicing Public Interest Law: Minority Voices in a Dominant Culture, Charles R. DiSalvo
Pathologizing Professional Life: Psycho-Literary Case Stories, James R. Elkins
Politics, Environment, and the Rule of Law in Bulgaria, James Friedberg and Branimir Zaimov
West Virginia's Limited Liability Company Act: Problems with the Act, Ann Maxey
Does an Administrator's General Interest in Fulfulling Her Duties Meet the Constitution's Requirements for Seeking Judicial Review of a Decision She Doesn't Like?, Patrick C. McGinley
Environmental Injustice and Racism: Making the Connection in Classrooms and Courtrooms, Patrick C. McGinley
To Defer or Not to Defer: When Must a Court Honor an Administrative Agency's Interpretation of Its Own Regulations?, Patrick C. McGinley
Submissions from 1993
Fifth Amendment--Substantial Exculpatory Evidence, Prosecutorial Misconduct and Grand Jury Proceedings: A Broadening of Prosecutorial Discretion, Gregory W. Bowman
Determining the Appropriate Time Limitations on Attorney Malpractice Lawsuits in West Virginia: A Brief Overview, Vincent Paul Cardi
Symptoms Exposed When Legalists Engage in Moral Discourse: Reflections on the Difficulties of Taking Ethics, James R. Elkins
Writing Our Lives: Making Introspective Writing a Part of Legal Education, James R. Elkins
Personal Memories of and a Tribute to Ralph J. Bean, John W. Fisher II
Statutory Reform Revisited: Toward a Comprehensive Understanding of the New Law of Intestate Succession and Elective Share, John W. Fisher II
Closing the Gap between Word and Deed in European Communitiy Environmental Policy, James J. Friedberg
Robinson Crusoe Torts, Carl M. Sellinger
Injured Workers, Workers' Compensation, and Work: New Perspectives on the Workers' Compensation Debate in West Virginia, Emily A. Spieler
Submissions from 1992
Drugs, Ideology, and the Deconstitutionalization of Criminal Procedure, Gerald G. Ashdown
The Moral Labyrinth of Zealous Advocacy, James R. Elkins
Unlocking the Fire: A Proposal for Judicial or Legislative Determination of the Ownership of Coalbed Methane, Jeff L. Lewin, Hema J. Siriwardane, Samuel J. Ameri, and Syd S. Peng
Lawyer Decision Making: The Problem of Prediction, Marjorie McDiarmid
Trashing the Constitution: Judicial Activism, The Dormant Commerce Clause, and the Federalism Mantra, Patrick McGinley
Thin Copyrights, Dale P. Olson
Submissions from 1991
Tribute to a Champion: Thurgood Marshall, Robert M. Bastress and Franklin D. Cleckley
The Experience of Article 2 of the Uniform Commerical Code in West Virginia, Vincent P. Cardi
A Free Market Analysis of the Effects of Medical Malpractice Damage Cap Statutes: Can We Afford to Live with Inefficient Doctors, Franklin D. Cleckley and Govind Hariharan
Abortion And Consensus: The Futility Of Speech, The Power Of Disobedience, Charles R. DiSalvo
The Convergence of Law in an Era of Political Integration: The Wood Pulp Case and the Alcoa Doctrine, James J. Friedberg
Glasnost and Perestroika at West Virginia University: The College of Law's Soviet Exchange Program, Donald G. Gifford
Whose Values are Protected by Environmental Regulation--A Response to Professor Epstein, Jeff L. Lewin
Pregnancy and Parental Care Policies in the United States and the European Community: What Do They Tell Us about Underlying Societal Values, Anne M. Lofaso
Conflict of Laws: The Choice of Law Lex Loci Doctrine, the Beguiling Appeal of a Dead Tradition, Part One, James Audley McLaughlin
Conflict of Laws: The New Approach to Choice of Law: Justice in Search of Certainty, Part Two, James Audley McLaughlin
Equal Protection and Minimum Social Benefits: An Addendum to Professor West's Abolitionist Theory, Carl M. Selinger
Submissions from 1990
A Modest Proposal: A Psychotherapist-Patient Privilege for West Virginia, Franklin D. Cleckley
Clearly Erroneous: The Fourth Circuit's Decision to Uphold Removal of a State-Bar Disciplinary Proceeding under the Federal-Officer Removal Statute, Franklin D. Cleckley
Reforming the Law of Interstate Succession and Elective Shares: New Solutions to Age-Old Problems, John W. Fisher II and Scott A. Curnutte
The Silent Revolution in West Virginia's Law of Nuisance, Jeff L. Lewin
Submissions from 1989
Men Who Lived As Well As Taught the Law: A Dedication to Professor Londo Brown, Professor Henry Collins, and Professor Marlyn Lugar, Forest J. Bowman
Gaining Access to the Jury: A Critical Guide to the Law of Jury Selection in West Virginia, Charles R. DiSalvo
Gaining Access to the Jury: A Critical Guide to the Law of Jury Selection in West Virginia, Part Two, Charles R. DiSalvo
Joint Tenancy in West Virginia: A Progressive Court Looks at Traditional Property Rights, John W. Fisher II
Paul Selby as Dean, 1964-72, Carl M. Selinger
The West Virginia Law Institute: Uniting the Legal Community to Modernize State Law, Carl M. Selinger
Submissions from 1988
A Synthesis and a Proposal for Reform of the Employment At-Will Doctrine, Robert M. Bastress
Spousal Property Rights--'Til Death Do They Part, John W. Fisher II
Crisis in Higher Education Governance: One State's Struggle for Excellence, Joan E. Van Tol
Corporate Crime Under Attack, D. Christopher Wells
Submissions from 1987
Women and Poverty, Marie Ashe
Necessity's Child: The Judiciary, Disobedience, and the Bomb, Charles R. DiSalvo
Forfeited and Delinquent Lands--The Unresolved Constitutional Issue, John W. Fisher II
Comparative Negligence in West Virginia: Beyond Bradley to Pure Comparative Fault, Jeff L. Lewin
In Celebration of Constitutional Kindness: Soft Symbolism in a Hard Shell, James Audley McLaughlin
Submissions from 1986
A Comment for Tom Shaffer: The Ethics of Race, the Ethics of Corruption, James J. Friedberg
The Ethics of Dissent and Friendship--A Response to Professor Shaffer, Carl M. Selinger
Submissions from 1985
Client Centered Counseling and Moral Accountability for Lawyers, Robert M. Bastress
The Key-Man System for Composing Jury Lists in West Virginia--The Story of Abuse, the Case for Reform, Charles R. DiSalvo
Ethics: Professionalism, Craft, and Failure, James R. Elkins
Pandora in the Coal Fields: Environmental Liabilities, Acquisitions, and Dispositions of Coal Properties, Patrick C. McGinley and Barbara S. Webber
Promoting Economic Incentives For Environmental Protection In The Surface Mining Control And Reclamation Act Of 1977: An Analysis Of The Design And Implementation Of Reclamation Performance Bonds, Barbara Webber and David Webber
Involuntary Dissolution as a Remedy for Freeze-Outs of Minority Shareholders: Two West Virginia Statutes, D. Christopher Wells
Submissions from 1984
The Constitution of the Bureaucratic State--A Response to Professor Tushnet, Thomas Barton
The Constitution of the Bureaucratic State--A Response to Professor Tushnet, Carl M. Selinger
Submissions from 1983
A Humanistic Perspective in Legal Education, James R. Elkins
Henry D'Alton Collins, E. Gordon Gee
Due Process and Commerce Clause Considerations under the West Virginia Business and Occupation and Carrier Income Taxes--J.C. Penney to Milacron, Robert G. Lathrop
The Utility of Recklessness, Willard D. Lorensen
Federalism Lives! Reflections on the Vitality of the Federal System in the Context of Natural Resource Regulation, Patrick McGinley
Copyright Originality, Dale P. Olson
Right to Education for the Handicapped in West Virginia, Laura F. Rothstein
Submissions from 1982
Russell C. Dunbar: A Wise and Understanding Heart, Forest J. Bowman
Saying "No" to War in the Technological Age - Conscientious Objection and the World Peace Tax Fund Act, Charles R. DiSalvo
Employers' Workmen's Compensation Obligations and the Bankruptcy Tax Priority, James B. Haines