Theses/Dissertations from 2020
The Role of High-Fat Diets in Exacerbating Cognitive Deficits After Traumatic Brain Injury, Michelle A. Frankot
Chlordiazepoxide Increases Risky Choice, Devin Andrew Galdieri
A Video Decision Aid for the West Virginia POST: A Randomized, Controlled Trial, Jarred Vicente Gallegos
The Role of Flavors in Electronic Cigarette Abuse Liability in Tobacco-Naïve Young Adults, Ilana Haliwa
Making Implementation Last: Understanding the Sustainability of an Evidence-based Treatment, Carrie Beth Jackson
Effects of Commission Errors during Noncontingent Reinforcement, Stephanie Hope Jones
Role Centrality and Shared Activities with Grandchildren: Effects on Grandparent Wellbeing, Madeline Marie Marello
Effects of Appalachian Culture and Pregnancy Status on Pain-Related Fear, Cecelia Irene Nelson
Frontal Brain Injury: Effects on Flexibility, Impulse Control, and Attention, Christopher Matthew O'Hearn
Understanding the Relationship between Dental Fear, Behavior Management Problems, and Caregiver-Child Interactions during Young Child Dental Appointments, Christopher Kyle Owen
Minocycline as a treatment for traumatic brain injury-induced impulsive and attentional deficits, Kristen M. Pechacek
Mnemonic Discrimination and Social Anxiety: The Role of State Anxiety, Gabriella T. Ponzini
Adolescents’ Interpretations of Parental Psychological Control: The Role of Beliefs and Disapproval on Problematic Outcomes, Katelyn F. Romm
Evaluating Use and Preference for Performance Feedback to Teach Instructional Strategies, Natalie Jones Shuler
Individual Differences in Social Decision-Making Preferences, Kelly R. Smith
Why Are They Wrong? Exploring Surrogates’ Accuracy When Predicting Patient Treatment Preferences, RACHAEL LYNN SPALDING
Behavioral Functions of Stimuli Correlated with Transitions between Rich and Lean Schedules of Reinforcement, Cory Whirtley
The Role of Racial Discrimination on Parental Emotion and Racial Socialization, Tyia K. Wilson
Theses/Dissertations from 2019
Provider-Patient Communication and Transition Readiness Among Adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes, Corrine N. Ahrabi-Nejad
Distinguishing Beliefs about Social Inequality: Associations among Dimensions of Critical Consciousness, Lauren M. Alvis
Does Emotional Distress Tolerance Predict Fear Responding in a Heights-Fearful Sample?, Amber Lynn Billingsley
Jurors' Perceptions of Preschoolers and Younger School Aged Children's Memory Errors, Emily Margaret Deming
Behavioral Impairment Following Gestational Exposure to Titanium Dioxide Nanomaterial Aerosols in Male and Female Rats, Matthew Leland Eckard
Short-term abstinence effects in experienced electronic cigarette users, Nicholas J. Felicione
An Investigation of the Relation between Mindfulness and Self-Esteem Stability, Cameron Grant Ford
Examining the Intersection of Gender and Age in Victim Blaming, Jerin Lee
The Parent-Child Interaction Therapy Family Experiences and Feedback Study: A Follow-up Examination of Attrition in an Evidence-Based Treatment in Community Settings Statewide, Brittany K. Liebsack
Longitudinal associations between functional disability, depression, and suicide in middle-aged and older adults, Julie Ann Lutz
Health Literacy and Family Factors in the Transition to Adult Care in Adolescents with Type I Diabetes, Ellen M. Manegold
Comparing Measures of Physical Activity Intensity, Duration, and Frequency Using Receiver Operator Characteristic Curve Analyses, Abigail M. Nehrkorn-Bailey
Determinants of Control-Key Responding in an Operant Resurgence Procedure, Anthony C. Oliver
Evaluating the Use of Lottery-Based Contingency Management to Increase Physical Activity in Adults, Jennifer M. Owsiany
A Randomized Controlled Trial of Parent-Child Interaction Therapy with and without Incentives in a Community Mental Health Setting, Lauren Borduin Quetsch
Cognitive and Affective Influences on Decision-Making Strategies and Outcomes, Michaela S. Reardon
Untangling the Reciprocal Relation of the Behavioral and Physiological Immune Systems, Baris Sevi
Examining the Impact of Treatment Fidelity on Client Outcomes in a Statewide Implementation of Parent-Child Interaction Therapy, Mira D H Snider
Factors Related to Collaborative Willingness in Surrogate Decision-Making Situations from the West Virginia POST., Rachael Spalding
Behavioral and Anti-inflammatory Effects of MAGL Inhibition in a Mouse Model of Inflammatory Arthritis, Floyd Franklin Steele III
Resurgence of Academic Responses, Catherine Louise Stephens
Differences in Sexual Delay Discounting Among In-Treatment Adults with Opioid Use Disorder, Jonathan J.K. Stoltman
Eyewitness Memory Recall in Adolescents with Callous-Unemotional Traits, Benjamin Dylan Thomas
Dispositional Empathy and Autonomic Reactivity During a Comfort Interaction, Alaina G. Tiani
Acute and Repeated Effects of Synthetic Cannabinoid Agonism and Cannabinoid Receptor 1 Positive Allosteric Modulation, Kristen R. Trexler
Mirror, Mirror in the Chamber: Effects of Social Stimuli on Operant Behavior, Michael Steele Yencha
Theses/Dissertations from 2018
Prenatal Lactation-Focused Motivational Interviewing for Enhancing Breastfeeding Initiation, Exclusivity, and Duration: Feasibility and Preliminary Outcomes, Sarah H. Addicks
Exploring the Bidirectional Effects of Personality and Negative Social Interactions across Adulthood, Nicole M. S. Belanger
Choice Dynamics in Concurrent Ratio Schedules of Reinforcement, Daniel Bell-Garrison
Effects of Serial- or Single-Alternative Training on Resurgence., Claudia C. Diaz-Salvat
Jurors' Perceptions of Child Witnesses with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Victoria A. DiSciullo
Examining the Association amongst Expected Costs and Benefits, Peer Use, and Self-Reported Use of Electronic Cigarettes in Adolescents, Kristine Durkin
Understanding Transgender Prejudice Through the Lens of Emotion, Holly N. Fitzgerald
Delay Discounting and Cannabinoid Enzyme Inhibitors, Devin Andrew Galdieri
Routine Regrets: Over Disclosure and Self-violations of Privacy in Social Media Spaces, Matthew P. Hartwell
Risk and Protective Factors in African American Anxiety, Patricia Hopkins
An Analysis of the Extinction-Induced Response Burst, Brian Katz
Psychometric Properties of the Wake Forest Physician Trust Scale with Young and Older Adults, Emma Katz
How Connectedness to Nature Relates to Well-Being over Time, Amy Knepple Carney
Emotion Regulation and Attrition in Parent-Child Interaction Therapy, Corey C. Lieneman
Personality and Functional Limitations: Investigating the Mediating Effect of Positive Social Exchanges, Priyanka S. Mehta
Emotion Socialization during Emerging Adulthood, Karena M. Moran
Religiousness and Political Attitudes in Adolescence, Rebecca Olson
To Treat or to Teach: Comparing Strategies to Reduce Escape-Maintained Behavior, Lucie M. Romano
Training Supervisors to Provide Feedback Using Video Modeling, Natalie Jones Shuler
Personality, Sleep, and Mortality, Shantel Spears
Dispositional Optimism and Autonomic Reactivity during Difficult and Easy Stress Tasks, Daniel Stephenson
Effects of Delay and Signals on Choice between Delayed Food Alone and Immediate Food with Delayed Shock, Forrest James Toegel
Temporal Bisection and Effects of d-Amphetamine Administration in Lewis and Fischer 344 Rats, Marissa Turturici
Measurement Methods of Dual Tobacco Use Behaviors: Cigarettes and Smokeless Tobacco, Colleen N Warren
Effects of Reinforcement Rate on the Aversive Function of Timeout from Positive Reinforcement, Cory Whirtley
Can Parents' Value of Children's Happiness Predict Their Emotion Socialization and Parenting?, Tyia Wilson
Fear of Pain across the Adult Lifespan, Casey D Wright
Theses/Dissertations from 2017
Helping Individuals vs. Fixing the System: Distinguishing Facets of Adolescent Civic Reasoning, Lauren M. Alvis
Efficacy of Self-Directed Exposure Using Smart Phone Technology: First versus Third Person Perspective, Matthew C. Arias
Exploring Staff Turnover in a Large-Scale EBT Implementation Initiative, Laurel A. Brabson
Evaluating Instructive Feedback as a Maintenance Procedure During Discrete-Trial Instruction, Jessica M. Cheatham
A Multidimensional Approach to Understanding Gender and Health among Middle-Aged and Older Adults, Rebecca K. Delaney
High-Intensity Pleasure and Self-Regulation in Adolescence, Katy L. DeLong
Effects of Differential DRL Exposure on Interval Timing: Information vs. Inhibition, Matthew L. Eckard
Development and Validation of an Oral Health Values Scale, Cierra B. Edwards
Characterizing Risk Factors of Adolescent Electronic Cigarette Use, Paul T. Enlow
Comparison of Methods of Measuring Electronic Cigarette Puff Topography, Nicholas Felicione
Evaluating Treatment Integrity Failures during Timeout from Play, Apral P. Foreman
Development and Evaluation of a Patient Decision Aid for the West Virginia Physician Order for Scope of Treatment (POST), Jarred V. Gallegos
Effects of Systematic Sleep Fragmentation on Tolerance and Threshold in a Pressure Pain Task: Associations with Sustained Attention, Margeaux Marissa Gray
An Examination of the Consultation Component of a Training Protocol for Parent-Child Interaction Therapy, Carrie B. Jackson
Factors Associated with Health-Related Quality of Life in Pediatric Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Ellen M. Manegold
Examining the Efficacy of a 1-Session Brief Behavioral Activation Intervention with University Students with Mild to Moderate Depressive Symptoms, D. Lee McCluskey
Student Interview and Preference Assessment as Functional Behavior Assessment Tools in Schools, Gabrielle Mesches
Examining Diabetes, Depression and Suicide in Middle-Aged and Older Adults, Kimberly Morton
Signal and Schedule Functions when Pausing is the Operant, Tyler D. Nighbor
The Effects of Signaled Reinforcer Duration on Preference, Anthony C. Oliver
An Evaluation of the Effects of Treatment Integrity Errors on Skill Acquisition During Discrete-Trial Instruction, Jennifer M. Owsiany
The Influence of Police Profanity on Public Perception of Excessive Force, Christina Patton
Fear of Pain and Dental Care-Related Fear: Associations with the MC1R Gene, Cameron L. Randall
Parental psychological control and adolescent problem behaviors: The role of depressive symptoms, Katelyn F. Romm
Time Perspective, Health Behaviors, and Wellbeing in Adults, Jonathan J. K. Stoltman