This collection contains theses, dissertations, problem reports, and project reports (ETDs) from West Virginia University graduate students.
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Theses/Dissertations from 2005
Effectiveness of the "common" method in balancing exhaust ventilation systems, Vivek Balasubramanian
Evaluation of the transverse load capacity of block stoppings for mine ventilation control, Thomas M. Barczak
"Upon the shoulders of giants": Deconstructing the lost state of Franklin, 1784-2005., Kevin T. Barksdale
Username and password verification through keystroke dynamics, Nick Bartlow
Robust pre-processing techniques for non-ideal iris images, Purva M. Barve
A comparison of the growth and asexual reproduction by Cryphonectria parasitica isolates infected with hypoviruses via anastomosis and transfection, Jenise M. Bauman
Learning to deal with COTS (commercial off the shelf), Sreeram Bayana
The relationships of trait learning relevance with teacher communication behaviors and learning outcomes., Vicki E. Bennett
A West Virginia family in World War II, Miles B. Berger
The USA PATRIOT Act and civil liberties: The media's response, M. Ann Bergstrom
Supporting awareness in heterogeneous collaboration environments, Vijayanand Bharadwaj
Water vapor diffusion through glass fiber reinforced polymer nanocomposites, Mohit Bhardwaj
Gallium nitride light-emitting diodes and a study of etching techniques, Smiti Bhattacharya
Prediction of coalbed methane reservoir performance with type curves, Amol Bhaskar Bhavsar
Understanding the coach -athlete dyad: The impact of educational interventions on perceptions and psychosocial variables., Lindsey C. Blom
The First Amendment rights of high school students and their student newspapers, Teresa J. Boggs
Evaluation of an air-to-ratio derived exhaust flow rate for in-use emissions testing., Jason D. Bolyard
The influence of beaver impoundments on vegetative composition, and modeling habitat suitability as a tool for wildlife management and conservation, Jerry LeAnne Bonner
An assessment of eyewitness accuracy: The integration of suggestibility and misidentification, Karri Bonner
Non-technical skills and traits needed to be career-ready graduates as perceived by agribusiness employers and recruiters, Thomas H. Brand III
Development of improved T cell receptor beta variable gene identification technology and its application post hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, Jamie Leigh Brewer
Paradise negotiated: Early modern women writing utopia, 1640--1760, Lisa K. Brewer
Planning and design guidelines for accommodating non-motorized transportation in suburban office parks, Keith B. Bryant
Organic poultry production and forage digestibility, Nancy P. Buchanan
Refinement of numerical models and parametric study of SOFC stack performance, Andrew C. Burt
The impact of an elementary to middle school transition program on attendance, achievement, and behaviors of students with special needs., James O. Burton
How people become media literate and their media habits, Indira Liz Calles Giraud
The organ music of Robert Hebble (b.1934), John Paul Cappa
Development of a constrained piston method for compression testing of carbon foams, Stephen P. Carpenter
Regional characterization of a carbon sequestration pilot site with implications for enhanced oil recovery, William O. Carpenter Jr.
Heating ventilation and air conditioning systems condition assessment methodology, Anand Chandrashekaran
Lift every voice: African American students' beliefs of their school climate., Constinia Charbonnette
The effects of asynchronous computer voice conferencing on learners' anxiety when speaking a foreign language, Maria Isabel Charle Poza
A Web-based environment for automated dental identification research, SatyaSrinivas Chekuri
The molecular mechanisms underlying 6-hydroxydopamine and ethanol-induced neurotoxicity, Gang Chen
Dynamics and mechanism studies of nonlinear chemical systems, Tabitha R. Chigwada-Razunguzwa
Actin nanokinematics under the influence of DC electric fields, Raghu Chilakamarri
The effect of low and high fertility treatments on soil quality, yields, pest incidence and labor requirements of a post-transitional organic market garden system, Todd Bradley Childers
Prostaglandin F(2alpha) (PGF(2alpha))-independent and -dependent regulation of the bovine luteal endothelin system., Ekta Choudhary
Social anxiety in college students: The interaction of parental control and proximity., Jennifer A. Chrystan
The effects of postindustrial employment configurations on father-child involvement in urban fragile families, Michael G. Cina
Characterization and investigation of molybdenum carbides on activated carbon as hydrogenation catalysts, Christopher H. Clark
Psychological readiness: Is this assessment valuable to athletic trainers in understanding athletes' adherence and compliance, Damien Clement
Paleoenvironmental reconstruction of the Upper Mississippian Reynolds Limestone in the Central Appalachian Basin of West Virginia, Simon L. Cole III
Bioleaching and electrobioleaching of sulfide minerals, Brian D. Conner
fMRI studies of amblyopia: Pediatric and adult perspectives, Ian Patrick Conner
Impact of the West Virginia University Student Support Services /TRIO program from 1998-2004., Barbara Copenhaver Bailey
Fabrication of resonant optical waveguide biosensors using electron gun depositions, Timothy Allen Cornell
The train kiln: Preparation, construction and firing., Scott Darwin Cornish
Views of health care providers on low-income populations in West Virginia with sexually transmitted disease, Genevieve R. Cox
Child abuse and crime: Testing in the "Cycle of Violence" theory, Melanie A. Cox
Counseling and clinical psychology doctoral students' perceptions of their faculty's ethical behavior, Philip W. Cromer
Arylhydrazine carcinogenesis and the synthesis of C8-arylpurine oligonucleotides: A study of DNA adduct effects on DNA conformation and stability., Jonathan R. Daft
An examination of celebratory violence: WVU football season 2004., Sara Lynn D'Agostino
Measurements based performance analysis of Web services, Venu Datla
Anatomical measurements of orthodontic and edentulous casts to determine the width of the maxillary anterior teeth, Byron A. Davis
Interpretive theme development from first impressions and visitor center evaluations at the Spruce Knob-Seneca Rocks National Recreation Area, West Virginia., Karissa A. DeCarlo
Nesting success and nest site characteristics of four thrush species on a managed forest, Rachel Dellinger
Water quality changes of underground mines in northern West Virginia, Jennifer Demchak
Noise and error propagation in diffusion tensor imaging, Shital Bipin Desai
Para-verbal avoidance during public speaking: The relationship between self -disclosure and social anxiety., Michael F. Detweiler
Does peripheral concentration of progesterone affect ovulation and lambing rates in Barbados blackbelly ewes?, Ezra Devonish
The effects of the reciprocal teaching framework on strategy acquisition of fourth-grade struggling readers., Holly L. Diehl
A qualitative assessment of program coherence in a CAAHEP-accredited athletic trainingeducation program. Subtitled: "Get me ready to be an athletic trainer"., Scott R. Dietrich
Adoption of resource -conserving agricultural technologies: An economic and *policy analysis for South Africa, Daniel Vusanani Dlamini
Methods for creating a multi-axis polarizer for visible light attenuation by linear translation, Peter L. Donatelli
Non-ideal iris recognition, Vivekanand Dorairaj
The changes in life effectiveness following ropes course participation for Becoming an Outdoors -Woman (BOW) participants, Maureen A. Dougherty
An exploration of the adjustment processes of freshmen student-athletes and non -athlete students., V Paul Downey
Effect of moisture and temperature on the mechanical properties of concrete, Brian Downie
A study of assessment policies and practices of directors in pre-kindergarten programs in West Virginia., Janet Dozier
Field measurement of ideal saturation flow rate from the highway capacity manual, Bruce M. Dunlap
A regional scale steady-state groundwater flow model of a steeply-dipping karst aquifer, Shenandoah Valley of West Virginia-Virginia., Jason S. Early
Investigating treatment windows for effective and environmentally sound herbicide applications for controlling tree-of-heaven, William E. Eck
Implications for the small mammal and earthworm communities in a degraded ecosystem, Jennifer Aaron Edalgo
Action research analysis of the forces affecting farmer participation in a West Virginia Cooperative Extension Service farmer education program, John Robert Edalgo
Resistance of temporally controlled behavior to change, Mirari Elcoro
Instant message communication and its impact upon written language, Lara L. Eller
Perceptions of mothers labeled adolescent or adult and their infants, Nichole L. Elliott
Effects of heating, breathing, hair style, posture, and air velocity on breathing zone concentrations for an anthropometrically-correct manikin in a wind tunnel, Waleed Mahmoud Elnahas
The Monyton diaspora: A history of the middle Ohio River Valley, 1640-1700., Isaac J. Emrick
Cytochrome P450 1A-substrate interactions: Determinants of substrate selectivity and stereo- and regiospecificity of oxidation., Spencer Snyder Ericksen
Roughening of cobalt thin films on sapphire (110) upon annealing and superparamagnetic behavior of cobalt nanodots on sapphire (001), Jorge Espinosa
Durability studies of high performance concrete used for bridge decks, Dayong Fan
Levels of stress and coping in certified athletic training graduate assistants, Darya C. Feldman
Development of a transparent indenter measurement system and indentation analysis for material mechanical property evaluation, Chuanyu Feng
Experimental investigation of oscillatory heat release mechanisms and stability margin analysis in lean -premixed combustion, Don H. Ferguson
A form of two-phase sampling utilizing regression analysis, Michael Allen Fiery Jr.
Real-time measurements of space potential in magnetized plasma using a baffled Langmuir probe, Sean M. Finnegan
Communication patterns following the acquisition of a sexually transmitted infection, Courtney Vail Fletcher
The effectiveness of valdecoxib on post-endodontic pain, Lora Beth Ford
Risk and resilience in youth: An examination of moderating factors, Beverly L. Fortson
Development of an optimized short-span steel bridge package, Lora B. Freeman
An acting process analysis and record of the WVU 2004 production of "Kolonists" with a focus on the character Alexei., Marc Louis Friedman