This collection contains theses, dissertations, problem reports, and project reports (ETDs) from West Virginia University graduate students.
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Theses/Dissertations from 2004
Development of coker feeds from aromatic oil and bituminous coal digests, L. Mitchell Clendenin
An exploratory analysis of personal naming practices of Western North American Indians., Elizabeth L. Compton
A qualitative inquiry into the responsibilities and supports of paraeducators in special education., Annette M. Conti
Frictional resistance of concrete on a geocomposite material, Joshua Bryan Cook
Development of a program to gather and process data from oil and gas fields, Joshua R. Cook
Hydrologic investigation of three constructed mitigation wetlands and one natural wetland in West Virginia, Scott A. Copen
An empirical measurement of interpersonal community engagement: Implications to youth communication behaviors and the instructional setting., Michael W. Corrigan
Insertion of genes and operons into the Escherichia coli genome through targeted recombination, Dennis Coss
Mechanisms of reduced luteal sensitivity to PGF2alpha in ruminants., Beth A. Costine
Media concentration of ownership and its effects on editorial page vigor of West Virginia daily newspapers, Rita F. Counts Colistra
Internationalizing an institution: An emerging model of effective leadership, infrastructure and cultural factors., Amelia Davis Courts
Brook trout bioenergetics and the use of bioelectrical impedance analysis for proximate composition, Marlin Keith Cox II
Chaotic price dynamics of agricultural commodities, Jeff B. Cromwell
Factors influencing basal area growth of yellow-poplar ( Liriodendron tulipifera L.) in central West Virginia, Christopher T. Crum
Synchronization of spatiotemporal patterns and modeling disease spreading using excitable media, Jianxia Cui
Multicultural competence and levels of effectiveness in adventure -based counseling, David M. Cummins
Learning styles of extension agents responsible for pesticide re-certification training programs in West Virginia, Anne M. Custer-Walker
Software for efficient file elimination in computer forensics investigations, Chad Werner Davis
Acoustical and flow characteristics of a cough as an index of pulmonary function in the guinea pig, Joshua W. Day
Posttraumatic stress disorder in firefighters: A proposed model of mediators and moderators., Kevin S. Del Ben
Identification of technical barriers and preferred practices for oil production in the Appalachian Basin, Sandra M. Del Bufalo Paez
Biologically inspired evolutionary temporal neural circuits, Reza Derakhshani
Super resolution of fingerprints, Kaustubh R. Deshpande
Recruitment strategies used by high school agriculture education teachers in West Virginia, Danny R. Dewhurst
Continental bias and "The New York Times": A content analysis., Karina Gomes Dick
Potential mechanisms linking nutrition and neuroendocrine control of reproduction in the sheep, Adam Bradley Dobbins
Does video -based and live attribution training improve college freshman performance on academic -based tasks?, Tasneem Doctor
Experimental validation of the "target hood static pressure" balancing method for exhaust ventilation systems, Michael Winifred Dodrill
Hematotoxicity of heptachlor, Sarah Vanessa Meads Dodson
Depositional environments and sequence stratigraphy of the Rockwell-Price Formation in western Maryland, south-central Pennsylvania, and northern West Virginia, Darin A. Dolezal
Analysis of the variation of horizontal stresses and strains in bedded deposits in the eastern and Midwestern United States, Dennis R. Dolinar
Effects of drought on the growth of young and mature temperate forests in West Virginia, Nicholas R. Doner
Design of a rodent dynamometer, Angel M. Dorsch
Employment opportunities and skills necessary for entry-level employment in the timber industry, Robert E. Driscole
Application of turning point theory to communication following an acquired disability, Katie Neary Dunleavy
A microbiological and clinical assessment of orthodontic patients with poor oral hygiene., Brett Eckley
Natural gas exploration associated with fracture systems in Alleghenian thrust faults in the Greenbrier Formation, southern West Virginia, Craig A. Edmonds
Aspects of Saturn, James Gary Engelhardt
Evaluation of the treatment utility of the analog functional analysis and the structured descriptive assessment, Carie L. English
The UAW, American trade policy, and the transformation of the global automobile industry, 1945-1973., Mark A. Esposito
Sensitivity to molar contingencies of food presentation, Jeffrey Everly
A symbolist melodrama: The confluence of poem and music in Debussy's "La Flute de Pan"., Laurel Astrid Ewell
Pentosidine as a biomarker for age in birds and museum-prepared study skins, Jesse A. Fallon
Sensitivity analysis of the C-130 sensor deployment system arm using finite element methods, Lawrence Anthony Feragotti
Estructuras paralelas en "Pedro Páramo" y "The Sound and the Fury"., Herlinda Flores
Family socialization of adolescent cigarette smoking: The roles of positive parenting and parental smoking., Sarah E. Foster
Critical features of antigen-specific and allospecific recognition by cytotoxic T lymphocytes, Marc A. Frankenberry
Women's PACs: Their motivations, strategies, and impacts., Heather Frederick
The land systems of colonial America: European and Native American land tenure issues in the colonial eras of the Americas., Shane Freeman
Local and regional impairment of fish assemblages in a mined Appalachian watershed, Jason Gregory Freund
Effectiveness of treatment and diversity of microbial populations within a constructed wetland treating wastewater, Jolene M. Friedland
Specific aspects of social anxiety related to children's peer sociometric status, Abby H. Friedman
FEM simulation of ultrasonic wave propagation in solid rods, Tuan-Chun Fu
Maternal diabetes and perinatal outcomes, Rachael E. Gainor
TCP/IP stack fingerprinting for patch detection in a distributed Windows environment, Balaji Ganesan
Smectics and smectic-like phases: Equation of state, finite size effects and vapor pressure paradox., Lianghui Gao
Development of gas production type curves for coalbed methane reservoirs, Anangela Garcia Arenas
PKCalpha directs cSrc activation and podosome formation through the adaptor protein AFAP-110., Amanda Gatesman Ammer
Effects of listening to music in a precompetition routine on mood and performance, John R. Geer
Characterization of in-use emissions from marine engines, Sam George
Effects of sealant and self etching primer on enamel decalcification in vivo, Matthew A. Ghiz
Breaking Boundaries, Juan Giraldo
The impact of a school reentry program on the psychosocial adjustment of children with burn injuries., Peter Girolami
Formation and characterization of metal and metal oxide nanoparticles, Garry Glaspell
The selection of counties and locations of field site coordinators., Lina Maria Gomez
Effect of daily step count goals on mood states of middle-aged women: A multiple treatment single-subject design., David E. Goodrich
Effectiveness of electrical demand reduction strategies, Chandra Gopalakrishnan
Feature-level fusion in multimodal biometrics, Rohin K. Govindarajan
Patriarchy and feminism: A longitudinal content analysis of the portrayal of women on Playboy magazine covers., Jacqueline R. Graham
Software architectural risk assessment, Ajith Reddy Guedem
Pseudo dynamic metrics: Early assessment of dynamic behavior of software systems., Rajesh Gunnalan
Software quality and reliability prediction using Dempster -Shafer theory, Lan Guo
Detection of coached malingering of posttraumatic stress disorder, Jennifer L. Guriel
Design and flight testing actuator failure accommodation controllers on WVU YF-22 research UAVs, Yu Gu
Establishing control of stereotypy by an antecedent stimulus using punishment, Shannon S. Haag
Spectral analysis and regularity quantification of skeletal muscle signals as a non-invasive assessment of muscle activity., Israel Restus Hall
Channel geomorphology relationships for the Beaver Creek watershed, Atif Hamid
Practical modern control design techniques for power systems, Amer Hasanovic
Effects of artificial neural network speed-based inputs on heavy-duty vehicle emissions prediction, Nastaran Hashemi
Architectural level risk assessment, Ahmed E. Hassan
Control system design for a C-130 Ro-Ro sensor deployment platform, Robert Paul Hayes
The effects of goal contingencies on the writing frequency of undergraduates enrolled in a learning strategies course., Bridget Joy Hayes Russell
Comparison of partially decoupled and combined methods of path planning and task allocation, Jennifer Beth Hazelton
Visual Basic time-space query modeling for geovisualization of life paths, Ryan Heaslip
Molecular modeling and experimental determination of the structure of C8 -arylguanine modified oligonucleotides that preferentially adopt the Z -DNA conformation, Sue Ellen Heavner
Assessing the factors affecting West Virginia preK--12 teachers' use and non-use of lesson plans published on the Internet, Kammi Kai Hefner
Knowledge and dissemination of sustainable agriculture practices by county extension agents in Ohio, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia, Erin M. Hersman
Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy of proton exchange membrane fuel cell stacks, Brian J. Hetzer
Starvation-induced alterations in hepatic lysine metabolism in different families of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), Angela Higgins
Essays on intermediation in financial markets: Central bank intervention in foreign exchange markets and mutual fund performance., Zhaodan Huang
Comparison of the sealing ability of two different types of root canal obturation: Cold lateral compaction and the continuous wave compaction technique., Donald Wayne Hughart
A feasibility study on modeling and prediction of production behavior in naturally fractured shale reservoirs., Boyd T. Huls
Predictability of equity returns and conditional asset pricing, Ou Hu
Modeled sulfur dioxide exposure from a proposed coal fired power plant, using geographic information systems and air dispersion modeling, Steven Jason Hutchens
Three essays on spatial spillovers of highway investment and regional growth, Samia Islam