This collection contains theses, dissertations, problem reports, and project reports (ETDs) from West Virginia University graduate students.
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Theses/Dissertations from 2004
Development of immobilized metal affinity chromatography for the isolation and selective enrichment of phosphopeptides, Erica Sims Jackson
A coalbed methane simulator designed for the independent producers., Jalal Jalali
Compatible taper and volume equations for yellow-poplar in West Virginia, Lichun Jiang
A general method for genome search and discovery., Yue Jiang
Factors underlying stalking and harassing behavior in a college population, Jill Johansson-Love
The impact of instructor credibility and employment of relevance strategies on college students., Aaron D. Johnson
Predicting measures of diversity for forest regeneration using site and overstory variables: A regression approach., Jeffrey Wayne Jones
Caregiver factors related to unintentional burn injuries in young children, Karen E. Joseph
Epidemiological burden of depression and its impact on adherence to oral hypoglycemic agents and related economic outcomes in patients with type 2 diabetes, Iftekhar D. Kalsekar
Uncertainty analysis in software reliability of component-based systems, Sunil Kumar Kamavaram
An efficient method for texture-based image retrieval., Umasankar Kandaswamy
K--12 teachers' technology integration in Benedum Collaborative professional development schools, Sabah Karayegen-Giraldo
Performance study in the hydrotreatment of coal with coal-derived solvents, Manoj Katakdaunde
The diversity of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi: Functional and ecological responses to stressful soil conditions., Charlene N. Kelly
Synthesis and characterization of molecularly doped tri-p-tolylamine/polycarbonate blends using solid-state NMR, Brian D. Kesling
Three essays on the profitability, risk, and viability of family firms in a developing economy, Kamol Khaemasunun
Constraint-based facilities planning, Tafazzul Ahmed Khan
Effective verbal behaviors during cognitive collaboration by older adult partners, Kristopher J. Kimbler
Chemical and physical modification of petroleum, coal-tar, and coal-extract pitches by air-blowing, Nathan D. King
My history with flying objects, Dana M. Kinzy
Saprophagous caterpillars (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae: Herminiinae): Effect of Bacillus thuringiensis var. kurstaki application in forest and laboratory settings., Karen Jeanine Kish
Factors controlling landslide initiation as a result of July 2001 high-precipitation events in a section of the Lower New River Gorge, West Virginia, M. Patrick Kish
Price protection options for West Virginia beef cattle producers, Matthew C. Kleski
Estimating the economic value of Canaan Valley National Wildlife Refuge: A contingent valuation approach., Christopher A. Klocek
Interface durability of externally bonded GFRP to normal and high-performance concrete, Shilpa Kodkani
Design and development of a target-costing model for machining, Ameet Kokatnur
Preservice general education teachers' perceptions of special education training needs, Kalie Renee Kossar
Same place yet different worlds: A GIS and society perspective on Kenyan peri-urbanization., Francis Tama Koti
The sundown syndrome: Relation between etiological variables and temporal patterns of agitation., Lesley P. Koven
Multispectral segmentation of whole-brain MRI, Nitya Krishnan
Teaching practices of adjunct and full -time faculty by inventories of good practice, Joyce Ricker Kronberg
Finite element modeling of crack detection in aircraft structures using electrical current, Ramkumar Kumar Geetha
Adolescents' perceptions of interparental conflict and the impact on their aggressive communication traits, Christine E. Kunkle
Finite element simulation of creep behavior in enhanced refractory material for glass furnace, Praveen Kumar Kuntamalla
Theoretical and experimental analysis of FRP bridge decks under thermal loads, Krit Laosiriphong
Parallel structures and binary oppositions in Andre Gide's "L'Immoraliste" and "La Porte etroite"., Jennifer Lawrence
Decentralized control for UAV path planning and task allocation, Matthew C. Lechliter
Effectiveness of Trek-21 model of professional development on changes in teacher practices with respect to instructional technology integration, Chifundo N. Lemani
Establishing diagnostic applicability and validation of the Pictogram Test., Luba Leontieva
Structure and dynamics of interfaces in the epitaxial growth and erosion on (110) and (100) crystal surfaces, Artem Levandovsky
Evaluation of jointed plain concrete pavement (JPCP) with FRP dowels, Hui Li
Molecular speciation using pulsed glow discharge time -of -flight mass spectrometry, Lei Li
Coal desulfurization with sodium hypochlorite, Wei Li
A hands-on approach to calculus., Mike Long
Scenic design for Steve Martin's "Picasso at the Lapin Agile"., Tuesdee Long
The impact of a social skills intervention on the development of resiliency in preschool children., Tamala L. Lowther
Using the early childhood environmental rating scale as a tool for classroom improvement, Brittany K. Lucci
Vehicle classification profiles for interstates and non-interstates in West Virginia to be used for MOBILE6 modeling, Manoj Madhavan
Parametric modeling and analysis of structural bonded joints, Sailaja Malladi
Demography and genetic structure of an Allegheny woodrat population in northcentral West Virginia, Mary Elizabeth Manjerovic
Energy analysis, diagnostics and conservation in semiconductor manufacturing., Yogesh Mukesh Mardikar
Parametric and predictive analysis of horizontal well configurations for coalbed methane reservoirs in Appalachian Basin, Nikola Maricic
The relationship between standardized test improvement instruction and Stanford Nine Achievement Test Scores., Teresa R. Marsh
Results on hyperspaces, Jorge M. Martinez-Montejano
Mechanism of action of NSC3852, a breast cancer differentiation agent, Anna Martirosyan
Facies analysis of the Devonian Gordon Stray Sandstone in West Virginia, Patrick S. McBride
Effect of contextual variables on mealtime problem behavior in the natural environment, Ellen J. McCartney
Mathematical writing in the elementary classroom, Dana D. McCauley
Evaluation of time out-based discipline strategy to manage children's noncompliance with cystic fibrosis treatment, Catherine Bradford McClellan
The influence of organizational structure on the degree of adherence to the principles of a learning oriented student affairs division., Debralee McClellan
Stream ecosystem response to mitigative limestone treatment in acid-impaired, Central Appalachian streams, Sarah Elizabeth McClurg
Diffractive optical lens design and fabrication for integrated monitoring of microelectromechanical lateral comb resonators, William Brent McCormick
Policy entrepreneurs and policy change: Examining the linkages between TANF, domestic violence and the FVO., Tera Lea McCown
Limiting DNS covert channels and network validated DNS, Rex D. McCracken
Forensic analysis of digital evidence from Palm Personal Digital Assistants, Christopher M. McNemar
Current issues in empirical trade estimation, Matthew Quinn McPherson
MEMS parallel-plate electrostatic actuator: Modeling, simulation and characterization., Raghuveer R. Medipalli
Factors affecting iron status among infants age 6--24 months, Christopher Melonas
The effects of environmental chemicals on glioblastoma cell growth., Rebecca L. Merritt
CTP synthase and transporter function in Coxiella burnetii, Jeffrey D. Miller
A dual-stage approach to dental image registration., Zainab Millwala
Coronal microleakage of a dentin bonding agent when used in the presence of a eugenol containing endodontic sealer, Jeffrey G. Minchau
Nutrition knowledge of high school athletes, Charis Mitchell
Information fusion schemes for real time risk assessment in adaptive control systems, Martin Mladenovski
Transmitter precoding for multi-antenna multi-user communications, Kirtan N. Modi
Origins and the twentieth-century long poem, Joe W. Moffett
Common Medicine, Kelly Anne Moffett
Leadership frames of presidents of Master I Higher Education Institutions, Michael L. Monahan
Diet, physical activity, and television viewing in relation to the body weight status of West Virginia adolescents, Kimberly M. Morris
Accuracy of performing space analysis using emodelsâ„¢ and plaster models., S. Russell Mullen
Developing the portability indices and the portable code generator, Gregory E. Mundy
Three essays on transfers, trade policy and welfare, Jonathan Munemo
Analysis of composite moving beams using higher order shear deformation theory, Govindan Nagappan
Women and social services in Saudi Arabia, Khadija Nasseef
Dynamic modal analysis and optimization of C-130 Project Oculus' mechanical arm/pod sensor deployment system using the finite element method, Adam C. Naternicola
Development of a test method to measure "in-use" emissions from stationary and portable diesel sources, Gurudutt A. Nayak
Examination of experimentally engineered larval fish habitat in the Marmet Pool, Kanawha River, West Virginia, Jonathan M. Niles
Graph minor, Jianbing Niu
Modeling the oriented strandboard manufacturing process and the oriented strandboard continuous rotary drying system, John R. Noffsinger
SAWTOOTH: Learning from huge amounts of data., Andres Sebastian Orrego
Essays on the economics of religion, charitable giving, and youth crime, Brian J. Osoba
Failure mechanisms in impact erosion of ductile materials, Ramesh Padavala
Portable implementation of computer aided design environment for composite structures, Santosh Kumar Pagadala E.
Teachers' beliefs in relation to their instructional technology practices, Deniz Palak