Submissions from 2024
Generative AI, Plagiarism, and Copyright Infringement in Legal Documents, Amy B. Cyphert
Digital Terror Crimes, Cody Corliss
Keeping All American Workers Paid and Employed? How Small Businesses with Independent Contractors Feel Slighted by the Paycheck Protection Program and What Can be Done, Mary Claire Davis
A Time Keeping Exercise for Law Students Using Excel, Jennifer L. Dubetz
Is the Statutory 60-Day Deadline for Filing a Petition for Review of a Final MSPB Order Jurisdictional?, Anne Marie Lofaso
Data Privacy Issues in West Virginia and Beyond: An Overview, Jena Martin
Artificial Intelligence: Legal Reasoning, Legal Research and Legal Writing, S. Sean Tu, Amy Cyphert, and Samuel J. Perl
Submissions from 2023
Navigating Legal Geographies, Ann M. Eisenberg
Blockchain Safe Harbor? Applying the Lessons Learned From Early Internet Regulation, Amy Cyphert and Sam Perl
Rural America as a Commons, Ann M. Eisenberg
The Geography of Unfreedom, Ann M. Eisenberg
Does Title VII Prohibit Discrimination in Employment-Transfer Decisions Only if They Cause Materially Significant Disadvantages for Employees?, Anne Marie Lofaso
The Dobbs Effect on West Virginia, Anne Marie Lofaso and Cameron Kiner
With a Wink and a Nod: How Politicians, Regulators, and Corrupt Coal Companies Exploited Appalachia, Patrick C. McGinley
Defining Fair Use in the Digital Era: A Tentative Appraisal of Google LLC v. Oracle America, Inc., Dale P. Olson
Duncan Alford, Setting the Bar for Collegiality and Professionalism, Caroline L. Osborne
Retooling Blue-Ribbon Advisory Committees for a Post-Fact World, Will Rhee and Claire Flynn Sellers
Submissions from 2022
Review of Lead, Kindly Light: Gandhi on Christianity, Charles R. DiSalvo
Rural Estrangement and the Regulatory State, Ann M. Eisenberg
Transgender Rural Communities and Legal Rights to Gender-Affirming Health Care, Nathan R. Hamons and Valarie K. Blake
How Environmental Litigation Has Turned Pipelines Into Pipe Dreams, Madison Hinkle and Jesse J. Richardson
Land Use Conflicts Between Wind and Solar Renewable Energy and Agriculture Uses, Peggy Kirk Hall, Whitney Morgan, and Jesse Richardson
Dueling Textualisms or Multimodal Analysis? Using Bostock to Show Why No One Is Really a Textualist, Anne Marie Lofaso
Is a Locomotive In Use and Therefore Subject to Locomotive Inspection Act Liability When It Makes a Temporary Stop?, Anne Marie Lofaso
Alternatives to Mainstream Alternative Dispute Resolution: Eliminating Forced Arbitration Agreements as a Condition of Employment, Anne M. Lofaso and Ashley M. Stephens
Discrimination on Wheels: How Big Data Uses License Plate Surveillance to Put the Brakes on Disadvantaged Drivers, Nicole K. McConlogue
Overqualified and Underrepresented: Gender Inequality in Pharmaceutical Patent Law, S. Sean Tu, Paul R. Gugliuzza, and Amy Semet
Submissions from 2021
Health Care Civil Rights Under Medicare for All, Valarie K. Blake
The Opioid Crisis: Lessons for Health Reform, Valarie K. Blake
A Human Being Wrote This Law Review Article: GPT-3 and the Practice of Law, Amy B. Cyphert
Economic Regulation and Rural America, Ann M. Eisenberg
Market-Anticipatory Approaches to Rural Property Vacancy, Ann M. Eisenberg
Healing Appalachia: Keynote Discussion, Eric Eyre, Patrick McGinley, and Becky Jacobs Professor
European Community Energy Policy and Its Significance to American Coal Exports, James J. Friedberg
States and Laws, Jews and Palestinians: Yadgar's Traditionalist Alternative. A Reflection on Yadgar, Israel's Jewish Identity Crisis (Cambridge, 2020), James J. Friedberg
Reckoning: A Dialogue about Racism, AntiRacists, and Business & Human Rights, Erika George, Jena Martin, and Tara Van Ho
Machine Monitoring of Workers: A Brave New Workplace, Anne M. Lofaso
Empathy for the Vulnerable? The Fourth Circuit's Internal Struggle to Grapple With the Trump Administration's Immigration Policies: Part I, Anne Marie Lofaso, Isabella Anderson, Anna Filatova, Blake Humphrey, McKenna Meadows, and Brice Phillips
Empathy for the Vulnerable? The Fourth Circuit's Internal Struggle to Grapple With the Trump Administration's Immigration Policies: Part II, Anne Marie Lofaso, Isabella Anderson, Anna Filatova, Blake Humphrey, McKenna Meadows, and Brice Phillips
Data Privacy Issues in West Virginia and Beyond: A Comprehensive Overview, Jena Martin
Of Pigs and Parlors: Regulatory Takings in the Coalfields, Patrick C. McGinley
Copyright, Pandemics, and Emergencies: When Desperate Times Dictate Contextual Responses, Caroline L. Osborne
Standard Oil, Consolidated Coal, and the Roots of the Resource Curse in West Virginia, Alison Peck
Sex Discrimination in Healthcare: Section 1557 and LGBTQ Rights After Bostock, Amy Post, Ashley Stephens, and Valarie K. Blake
The Trial Preparation Procedures–Criminal, William Rhee and L. Richard Walker
The Trial Preparation Procedures—Civil, Will Rhee and L. Richard Walker
Turtles All the Way Down: A Clearer Understanding of the Scope of Waters of the United States Based on the U.S. Supreme Court Decisions, Jesse J. Richardson Jr., Tiffany Dowell Lashmet, and Gatlin Squires
The Carbon Storage Future of Public Lands, Tara Righetti, Jesse Richardson, Kris Koski, and Sam Taylor
Use of Artificial Intelligence to Determine Copyright Liability for Musical Works, Shine Sean Tu
Free Speech in the Balance: Judicial Sanctions and Frivolous Slapp Suits, Shine Sean Tu and Nicholas F. Stump
Characteristics of Patent Examiners Who Issue Litigated / Invalidated Patents, S. Sean Tu
Patent Examination and Examiner Interviews, S. Sean Tu
Separate But Free, Joshua E. Weishart
Democratizing Education Rights, Joshua E. Weishart
Submissions from 2020
Home Rule in West Virginia, Robert M. Bastress Jr.
Regulating Care Robots, Valarie K. Blake
Human Trafficking as "Modern Slavery": The Trouble with Trafficking as Enslavement in International Law, Cody Corliss
Reprogramming Recidivism: The First Step Act and Algorithmic Prediction of Risk, Amy B. Cyphert
Tinker-ing with Machine Learning: The Legality and Consequences of Online Surveillance of Students, Amy B. Cyphert
Climate Change Disobedience, Charles R. DiSalvo
Distributive Justice and Rural America, Ann M. Eisenberg
Brexit, the Misrepresentation of Democracy, and the Rock of Gibraltar, James J. Friedberg
Does the ADEA's Federal-Sector Provision Require a Plaintiff to Prove That Age was a But-For Cause of the Challenged Personnel Action?, Anne M. Lofaso
Say “No” to Discrimination, “Yes” to Accommodation: Why States Should Prohibit Discrimination of Workers Who Use Cannabis for Medical Purposes, Anne Marie Lofaso and Lakyn D. Cecil
The United Postal Service—The One Word that Makes all the Difference, Jena Martin and Matthew Titolo
Patenting Fast and Slow: Examiner and Applicant Use of Prior Art, Shine Tu
Rethinking Constitutionality in Education Rights Cases, Joshua E. Weishart
Submissions from 2019
Defining the Role of Clinical Law Students, Medical-Legal Partnerships, and Pro Bono Lawyers
Respect the Hustle: Necessity Entrepreneurship, Returning Citizens, and Social Enterprise Strategies, Priya Baskaran
Evidence on Fire, Valena E. Beety and Jennifer D. Oliva
Seeking Insurance Parity During the Opioid Epidemic, Valarie K. Blake
Legal Remedies to Address Stigma-Based Health Inequalities in the United States: Opportunities and Challenges, Valarie K. Blake and Mark L. Hatzenbuehler
The Rise of the Creative Law School, Gregory W. Bowman
Just Transitions, Ann M. Eisenberg
International Law, Settlements and the Two-State Solution, James J. Friedberg
Yitz and Ishmael: A Drama in One Very Long Act, Jim Friedberg
Yielding to the Necessities of a Great Public Industry: Denial and Concealment of the Harmful Health Effects of Coal Mining, Caitlyn Greene and Patrick Charles McGinley
Easing “[T]he Burden of The Brutalized”: Applying Bystander Intervention Training to Corporate Conduct, Jena Martin
Will Conservative Justices Sound the Death Knell of State Action? Be Careful for What You Wish, Anne M. Lofaso
It's Complicated: The Challenge of Prosecuting TNCs for Criminal Activity Under International Law, Jena Martin
Withdrawing from NAFTA, Alison Peck
An Analysis of Mandatory Hookup Law: Cases & Statutes, Jesse Richardson
Foreword: Pauley - and "The Recht Decision" - at Forty, John E. Taylor
Quantifying the Resilience Value of Distributed Energy Resources, James M. Van Nostrand
Submissions from 2018
The Overdose/Homicide Epidemic, Valena E. Beety
Revisiting U.S. Labor Law as a Restriction to Works Councils: A Key for U.S. Global Competitiveness, Neil Bucklew, Nicholas DiGiovanni Jr., Jeffery D. Houghton, and Anne M. Lofaso
Prisoners of Fate: The Challenges of Creating Change for Children of Incarcerated Parents, Amy B. Cyphert
Voices on Innocence, Lucian E. Dervan, Richard A. Leo, Meghan J. Ryan, and Valena E. Beety
Unified in Dignified Appalachian Pride, Aaron Ferrari and Will Rhee
The End of Responsible Growth and Governance?: The Risks Posed by Social Enterprise Enabling Statutes and the Demise of Director Primacy, Joshua P. Fershee
Union Improvisation: The Parent of Social Justice, Anne M. Lofaso
Parallel Worlds: Comparing Rural Development to Development in Global Communities, Jena Martin and Karon Powell
Mandating Meaningful Forensic Discovery: A Proposal to Fuel the Engine of Truthfulness, Marjorie McDiarmid
The King is Dead, Patrick McGinley
Forward, Jennifer D. Oliva
Ask a Director: Reporting Accomplishments, Caroline L. Osborne
Securing Professional Development: Getting to Yes, Caroline L. Osborne, Carol A. Watson, and Amy J. Eaton