Theses/Dissertations from 2024
Selected Piano Etudes from the Mid-20th to 21st Centuries: A Catalogue, Min Ji Baek
Incorporating Keyboard Literature in the Undergraduate and Graduate Piano Performance Curriculums, Yangyang Cao
When the Right Man Rings Them?, Alan Wayne Cline
Developing the 21st Century Piano Studio, Brianna Mae Eddy
Through the Keyhole, Anna Higgins
Something from Nothing: Reimaginings, a Resource Guide for the Horn Sonata by Frank Gulino, Albert J. Houde III
Piano Wisdom from Two Great Masters: Heinrich Neuhaus and Walter Gieseking, XIAOHAN HU
Uncovering the Emotional Line: An Analysis of Three David Maslanka Wind Ensemble Works Using Formal Emotive Intensity Analysis, Michael John Kahle
Choir Teacher Agency and Culturally Sustaining Pedagogy, Kaitlyn Schramm
Global Experiences: How Locality and Space Shape Pedagogical Practices and Experiences between Western Institutions and Ghanaian Musical Centers, Andrew Patrick Simonette
Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach’s Sonata in C Minor, Wq. 65/31: A Study of Performance Practice, Weiyang Sun
The Perceived Effects of Peer-Assisted Learning in a Collegiate Instrumental Pedagogy Classroom, Hannah Wagoner
Selected Chinese Art Songs from the 20th and 21st Centuries, Xinxin Zhang
Theses/Dissertations from 2023
A Case Study Analysis of the Experiences and Perceived Learning Outcomes of Former Non-Music Majors in Applied Horn Lessons, Jordan Bennett
Unconventional Wisdom in Resonating Echoes of the Past: A Memoir on the Life and Music of royal hartigan, Joseph Elias Boulos
Composers at War: A Study of Composers Who Fought in World War I and World War II, Jason T. Hoffmann
Adventures in Flute Playing: A Literature Survey and Anticipated Beginning Flute Method, Sammy Holloman
American Art Songs in the 21st Century: A Catalogue of Selected Works, Islei Mariano Correa Hammer
Pedagogical Piano Works by Four Contemporary Composers: Emma Lou Diemer, Dianne Goolkasian Rahbee, Karen Tanaka and Chee-Hwa Tan, Manuel Alejandro Molina Flores
A Selective Guide to Solo Bass Trombone Repertoire from 1961 to Present, Andrew Amadeus Ortega
Analysis and Performance of Osvaldo Golijov’s Hebreische Milonga, Gerardo Sanchez Pastrana
Challenges and Solutions for Native Mandarin-Chinese Speakers in Singing German Lieder, Fei Xia
Developing Collaborative Skills in Piano Students, Linxi Yang
A Guide to Chinese Art Songs from 1970 to 2010, Tingyu Yan
A Study of Six Selected Piano Variations by Czerny, Hao Zhang
Theses/Dissertations from 2022
Investigating the Marketing Language among Online Retailers of Violin Strings to Determine the Implied Aesthetic, Kira Kay Browning
Stylistic Changes in the Music of Ruth Crawford Seeger, Xinlei Chu
The Most Common Vocal Fault in the Baritone Voice, Matthew Derek Cyphert
Diversifying Piano Literature: East Asian Music for Piano Study and Performance in the United States, Akina Kondoh
Playing-Related Medical Injuries and Health Conditions in Collegiate Saxophonists: A Survey of Saxophonists in North American Universities, Michael Anne Tolan
The Purpose and Process of Commissioning New Music for Low Brass Instruments: A Guide, Michael Kennard Waddell
Evocations of Nature in Selected Piano Works by Debussy, Heah Zi-Ling
Theses/Dissertations from 2021
A Survey of Musical Expectations in the Marine Forces Reserve Band stationed in New Orleans, Louisiana, Brandon Paul Carbonari
A Selected Analytical Bibliography of Works for Saxophone by Composers Associated with the Darmstadt International Summer Courses for New Music: 1946-2021, Christopher Mark DeLouis
"A Long Life in Music:" The Career and Legacy of Ann Schein, Anthony William Gray
The Three Piano Sonatas by José de Almeida Penalva, Heron Alvim Moreira
Chamber Music Fundamentals and Rehearsal Techniques for Advancing String Students, Gabrielle Padilla
Touching Light: A Framework for the Facilitation of Music-Making in Mixed Reality, Ian Thomas Riley
The Joyful Path of Lifelong Mastery of the Piano, John Alan Rose
Hearing Ourselves Speak: Finding the Trans Sound in the Ohio River Valley, Gwendolyn Patricia Saporito-Emler
#Canceled: Positionality and Authenticity in Country Music’s Cancel Culture, Gabriella Saporito
The Memorization, Preparation, and Performance of Piano Music: Cognitive Foundations and Current Neuro-Music Research, Amy M. Simpson
Selected Principles of Practicing for Security in Performance, Hsing-Yi Tsai
An Analysis of Amy Beach's Variations on Balkan Themes, Op. 60, Yiwen Zhang
A Foundation for Collaboration: An Analysis of Robert Schumann’s Dichterliebe, Op. 48, Kailang Zhan
A Selective Study on Chinese Art Songs after 1950, Gehui Zhu
Theses/Dissertations from 2020
It’s Just Muzak: Music, Activism, and Advertising., Avery Brzobohaty
A Survey of Selected Classical Chinese Art Songs for Solo Voice and Piano from 1920 to 1950, Tingting Chang
A Multifaceted Performance Model for the Multiple Percussion Performance Practice: Performance Analysis of Select Works toward Developing a Graduate Curriculum, Mitchell Joseph Greco
The Roman Catholic Ordinary Mass from circa 1750 to circa 1820: A Selected Bibliography, Letícia Gabriele Grützmann Januario
An Appraisal of the Evolution of Western Art Music in Nigeria, Agatha Onyinye Holland
Types and Causes of Physiological Injury in Piano Playing, with Emphasis on Piano Pedagogy in China, Ruixi Niu
Theses/Dissertations from 2019
Contemporary Music Notation for the Flute: A Unified Guide to Notational Symbols for Composers and Performers, Ms. Eftihia Victoria Arkoudis
Core Curriculum for Orchestra, Andrew Thomas Aycoth
Hyperscales: Analysis, Historical Uses, and Possible Applications in Contemporary Music Composition, Douglas Wayne Brown
Johannes Brahms’s Fünf Ophelia-Lieder Performance history, cultural context, and character study as it pertains to Johannes Brahms’s Fünf Ophelia-Lieder: A Performer’s Perspective, Caryn Alexis Crozier
The Hard Bop Trombone: An exploration of the improvisational styles of the four trombonist who defined the genre (1955-1964), Emmett Curtis Goods
A Pedagogical Guide to Kapustin’s Eight Concert Etudes, Op. 40, Yanjing Gu
Prizes, Winning, and Identity: Narrative Vocal Music of the Pulitzer Prize, 2008–2018, Julia K. Kuhlman
Folk-song to formal performance: Interpreting the songs of Jean Ritchie for voice recital, Julianne E. Laird
Contemporary Collaborative Piano Practices in Korea: Five Case Studies, Jiyeon Lee
Music Technology, Gender, and Sexuality: Case Studies of Women and Queer Electroacoustic Music Composers, Justin Thomas Massey
The Inclusion of Organ Within the Concert Band Instrumentation with an Annotated Listing of Original Works for Concert Band and Organ, Matthew Justin McCurry
The "organ-accompanied solo motet" in in La Maîtrise, 1857–1861, John David O'Donnell
Musical and Cultural Perspectives of Héctor Campos Parsi: An examination of his influences and analysis of selected vocal works, Cynthia Ortiz-Bartley
Latin American Influences on Selected Piano Pieces by Louis Moreau Gottschalk and Darius Milhaud, Hyejeong Seong
A Compendium of Opera in Spain and Latin America, Michelle S. Smith
Pedagogical Thoughts on Album des Six: a piano set by Les Six to represent French Nationalism, Dipendra Sunam
Examining Musical Hybridity and Cultural Influences in Valerie Coleman’s Wish Sonatine and Fanmi Imèn, Brittany Marie Trotter
Discovering the "Finnish Chopin"—Selim Palmgren's 24 Preludes, op. 17, and Tres Piezas para Piano, op. 54, Sijia Wang
Mindfulness for Musicians: Bringing sport psychology and mindfulness-based therapies to the practice room and the concert stage, Lauretta M. Werner
Listening for the Cosmic Other: Postcolonial Approaches to Music in the Space Age, Paige Zalman
Theses/Dissertations from 2018
An Exploration of Paul Bowles' Piano-Solo Pieces, Juan Carlos Rios Betancur
The Life And Work Of Barbara Nissman, Giuliana Paola Contreras Ampuero
Lynne Ramsey, Violist: Biography, Pedagogical Background, Teaching Techniques, and Career Advice, Ignacio Cuello
Listening for Yes: Consent in the Contemporary Country Love Song, Phoebe E. Hughes
Form in the Music of John Adams, Michael Ridderbusch
Study of the Resonance Spectrums of the Flute and the Effect of Different Stable Vowels on Formant Tuning with Violin and Clarinet, Alyssa M. Schwartz
It Takes a Village: Collaborative Social Justice Through Choral Musicking, Natalie Shaffer
Staying Original: A Case study for Film Composers Working with Temp Tracks, Kyle Maurits Simpson
Chinese Elements and Influence in Tan Dun's Eight Memories in Watercolor, Qian Xu
Theses/Dissertations from 2017
The Treatment of the Piano in Six Selected Chamber Works by Colombian Composers in the Twenty-First Century, Javier Camacho
A Survey of Selected Piano Concerti for Elementary, Intermediate, and Early-Advanced Levels, Achareeya Fukiat
Jesus de Monasterio (1836-1903): An Essential Figure in the Artistic and Technical Development of Violin Playing in the Second Half of the Nineteenth Century at the Madrid Royal Conservatory, Diego Gabete-Rodriguez
A Transcription for the Viola of Three Violin Works by Amy Beach: A Historical, Theoretical, and Pedagogical Analysis, Courtney Erin Grant
The Piccolo in the 21st Century: History, Construction, and Modern Pedagogical Resources, Keith D. Hanlon
Tear Down the Wall: Long-Form Analytical Techniques and the Music of Pink Floyd, Christopher Everett Jones
Revolutionary Pedagogy: A Historical Perspective on Improvising in Beethoven, Julia Kinderknecht
Philosophical Approaches to Compositional Technique in Isang Yun's Works for Solo Flute, Mirim Lee
Taiwanese Composer Tyzen Hsiao: Pedagogical Aspects of Selected Piano Solo Works, Tzu-Nung Lin
Researching History and Performance Practice Regarding Improvisation and Ornamentation in Mozart's Keyboard Works, with Special Attention to Cadenzas, Josiane Merlino
A Study of Nikolai Kapustin's Sonata No. 12, Op. 102: A Contemporary Jazz Sonata In Two Movements, Mark Peters
Selected Manufacturer's Professional Trumpet Component Specifications: A Compendium of Measurements, Materials, and Playing Characteristics, Kenneth H. Piatt