Submissions from 2021
Research Note: The Frequency of Third Sector Terms in English-language Books (Shown in 31 Ngrams), Roger A. Lohmann
Submissions from 2020
And Lettuce is Nonanimal: Toward A Positive Theory of Voluntary Action, Roger A. Lohmann
ARNOVA-L and the Cinderella Syndrome, Roger A. Lohmann
Break Even Analysis: A Tool for Budget Planning (Revised), Roger A. Lohmann
Lindblom County: Philanthropic Insufficiency, Amateurism and Paternalism, Roger A. Lohmann
Simon Nelson Patten, Roger A. Lohmann
Submissions from 2019
Father-daughter Incest: Comparison of Treated Cases to Untreated Control Subjects, Keith W. Beard, Jason E. Newsome, Karen V. Harper-Dorton, Stephen L. O'Keefe, Debra H. Young, Sam Swindell, Walter E. Stroupe, Kerri Steele, Megan Lawhon, and Shih-Ya Kuo
Knowledge Commons in Ancient Greece, Roger A. Lohmann
Lee, J.-A. (2012). Nonprofit organizations and the intellectual commons. Cheltenham, UK; Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar., Roger A. Lohmann
Rome Was A City Built On Common Goods: A Research Memorandum, Roger A. Lohmann
The Principles of Organizational Inaction, Roger A. Lohmann
Effects of the sex of the perpetrator on victims’ subsequent sexual behaviors and adulthood sexual orientations, Sandra S. Stroebel, Stephen L. O'Keefe, Karen Griffee, Karen V. Harper-Dorton, Keith W. Beard, Debra H. Young, Sam Swindell, Walter E. Stroupe, Kerri Steele, Megan Lawhon, and Shih-Ya Kuo
Submissions from 2018
A Comparison of Two Different Theoretical Approaches To Commons, Roger A. Lohmann
Building Eden, Roger A. Lohmann
Commons: Can This Be The Name of ‘Thirdness’? (Revised), Roger A. Lohmann
Deliberation and Dialogue in a Quiet Place, Roger A. Lohmann
Dialogues on Voluntary Action and New Commons, Roger A. Lohmann
Submissions from 2017
Nicola Lopez: Notes for Docents, Roger A. Lohmann
Submissions from 2016
The Ostroms' Commons Revisited, Roger A. Lohmann
Submissions from 2015
Social Policy and Practice In The Commons, Roger A. Lohmann
Submissions from 2013
Arthur J. Altmeyer, Roger A. Lohmann
Lyda Judson Hanifan, Roger A. Lohmann
The Third Sector is Missing, Roger A. Lohmann
Submissions from 2012
Asoka As Philanthropist, Roger A. Lohmann
Associations, Movements, Dialogues, Social Problems and News: Voluntary Action and the Life Cycles of the Third Sector, Roger A. Lohmann
A Third Sector Imaginary, Roger A. Lohmann
Civil Society, Roger A. Lohmann
Nonprofit News, News Industrial Subsidies, and The Rise of Citizen Journalism, Roger A. Lohmann
(Re)Considering The Third Sector, Roger A. Lohmann
Theodor Lohmann, Roger A. Lohmann
Submissions from 2011
Book Review: Sievers, B. R. (2010). Civil society, philanthropy, and the fate of the commons, Roger A. Lohmann
Stretching the Paradigm: Crisis As A Problem In Mental Health Research, Roger A. Lohmann
The Third Sector: A Cluster Approach, Roger A. Lohmann
Submissions from 2010
Edwin E. Witte, Roger A. Lohmann
Mental Health Crisis Questionnaire, Roger A. Lohmann
Out of Philanthropy and Into Social Enterprise? Probably Not, Roger A. Lohmann
The Children's Bureau: Research Note, Roger A. Lohmann
Submissions from 2009
Commons, Roger A. Lohmann
Deliberation, Dialogue and Deliberative Democracy in Social Work Education and Practice, Roger A. Lohmann
Giving Circles, Roger A. Lohmann
Spontaneous Order, Symbolic Interaction and the Somewhat-Less-Hidden Hand, Roger A. Lohmann
Submissions from 2008
Social Entrepreneurship in the Practice of Deliberation and Dialogue, Roger A. Lohmann
The Growth of Nonprofit Accounting and It's Impact on Human Services, Roger A. Lohmann
The U.S. Social Economy and the Commons Model of Production, Roger A. Lohmann
Submissions from 2007
Deliberation and Dialogue in the Pracademic Commons, Roger A. Lohmann
Financial Management: Social Agency, Social Enterprise and Social Economy, Roger A. Lohmann and Nancy Lohmann
Submissions from 2006
Charity, Philanthropy, Public Service or Enterprise: What are the Big Questions of Nonprofit Management Today?, Roger A. Lohmann
Community Centers and Settlement Houses in Appalachia, Roger A. Lohmann
Modeling Third Sector Organizations: A Proposal for an Organizational Modeling Language, Roger A. Lohmann
Submissions from 2004
Comment on Boettke and Prychitko, Roger A. Lohmann
Confraternities, Roger A. Lohmann
The Practice of the Commons, Roger A. Lohmann
The Third Sector in Rural America, Roger A. Lohmann
What's In A Name? Keeping the VA in ARNOVA, Roger A. Lohmann
Multiple Roles of a Rural Administrator, Roger A. Lohmann and Nancy Lohmann
Submissions from 2003
Partnerships of Nonprofit Organizations and Business for the Development of Community Social Welfare Activities: The American Experience, Roger A. Lohmann
The Commons: Our Mission, Roger A. Lohmann
Submissions from 2002
Neighborhood Associations: The Foundation of Community Development, Roger A. Lohmann
Wearable ARNOVA: The Intersection of Ubiquitous Technology, Knowledge Management and Nonprofit Scholarship, Roger A. Lohmann and John McNutt
Submissions from 2001
Beyond Trust: Other Dimensions of Social Capital, Roger A. Lohmann
Community Foundations in West Virginia, Roger A. Lohmann
Knowledge Management Technology: Will There Be A Second Chance?, Roger A. Lohmann
Community Practice and the Internet, Roger A. Lohmann and John McNutt
Practice in the Electronic Community, Roger A. Lohmann and John McNutt
Submissions from 2000
Charismatic Authority and the Board of the Hull House association, 1895-1935, Roger A. Lohmann
Furthering The Knowledge Commons In Our Field, Roger A. Lohmann
The New Philanthropy in the New West Virginia, Roger A. Lohmann
Submissions from 1999
Disjointed Incrementalism: The Overture to a Full (and Unfinished) Symphony, Roger A. Lohmann
Has The Time Come To Evaluate Evaluation? (Or Who Will Be Accountable for Accountability?), Roger A. Lohmann
The Internet Name Game and the Nonprofit Solution, Roger A. Lohmann
Rural Social Work Bibliography (1999), Roger A. Lohmann and Nancy Lohmann
Submissions from 1998
Acknowledging the Crisis in Social Liberalism: A Call for a New Approach to Teaching Social Policy, Roger A. Lohmann
Submissions from 1997
Digital Science: Electronic Association and Groupware in Facilitating Third Sector Research, Roger A. Lohmann
Managed Care: The Questionable Triumph of Financial Management, Roger A. Lohmann
The Future of the Third Sector, Roger A. Lohmann
Cost Measurement, Roger A. Lohmann and Nancy Lohmann
Submissions from 1996
After The Third Sector: Emerging and Disappearing Commons, Roger A. Lohmann
Justice, Citizenship, Social Cohesion and the Commons, Roger A. Lohmann
The Social Work Docuverse, Roger A. Lohmann
Submissions from 1995
Communitarianism In Memorium: A Review Essay, Roger A. Lohmann
Escaping the Tragedy of the Commons, Roger A. Lohmann
Hypertext and the Docuverse: A Research Memo, Roger A. Lohmann
Mutuality, Locality and Communitarianism, Roger A. Lohmann
Philanthropic Partnerships: The Theory of the Commons, Roger A. Lohmann
The Commons And The New Age of Laissez Faire, Roger A. Lohmann
Why Didn't The Dogs Bark?, Roger A. Lohmann and Shirley Stewart Burns
Nonprofit Community Service and the Hidden Cost of Information Technology, Roger A. Lohmann and Nancy Lohmann
Submissions from 1994
Hypertext and Electronic Publishing in Nonprofit Organization, Voluntary Action and Philanthropy Studies, Roger A. Lohmann
Survey Associates: Support Group for A Successful Nonprofit Journalistic Enterprise, 1912-1952, Roger A. Lohmann
Submissions from 1993
Farmers and Ranchers, Roger A. Lohmann
Mental Health Crises As A Regional Problem, Roger A. Lohmann
Patronage Bibliography (1993), Roger A. Lohmann
The Internet As Commons: A Tale of Enclosure, Roger A. Lohmann
The Monongah Mines Disaster Relief Committee, Roger A. Lohmann and Craig Johnson
Submissions from 1992
Service Centers: The Neglected Role of the Town, Roger A. Lohmann
The Commons: New Perspectives on Nonprofit Organization, Voluntary Action and Philanthropy, Roger A. Lohmann
The Fiesta System as Performatory, Roger A. Lohmann
Submissions from 1991
Aging and Social Policy, Roger A. Lohmann
Buddhist Commons in Asia, Roger A. Lohmann
Finances and the Social Settlement: The Management of Hull House, Roger A. Lohmann