This collection contains theses, dissertations, problem reports, and project reports (ETDs) from West Virginia University graduate students.
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Theses/Dissertations from 2000
Prenatal care utilization and its effect on pregnancy outcome in West Virginia, Cortney Robyn Usakewicz
Hazardous materials database, Veena Vadiala
Effect of debris-induced lift-off on magnetic flux leakage inspection results, Francisco Louis Valentine
The missionary presence and influences in Maryland in Liberia, 1834-1842., Eugene S. VanSickle
Essential oil treatments to control Varroa destructor Anderson and Trueman 2000 (formerly Varroa jacobsoni Oudemans 1904) (Mesostigmata: Varroidae), Maria Mercedes Vargas-Sarmiento
Secure telemedicine system for home health care, Sridhar Vasudevan
Teacher training through literature: Building teacher awareness on the process of shift in identity on ESL learners., Luis Ruiz J. Vazquez
Evaluation of lubricants for cold forming of steels by double-cup extrusion tests, Shivakumaran Bharadwaj Venkataraman
Alexander von Humboldt and nineteenth-century ideas on the origin of American Indians, Michael Anthony Wadyko
The relationships between communication, trust, success, satisfaction, and longevity in ice dancing and pairs skating., Connie Marie Wanlin
The effects on student's personality preferences from participation in Odyssey of the Mind., Scott A. Warner
Effects of Diameter-limit and Two-age Timber Harvesting on Songbird Populations on an Industrial Forest in Central West Virginia, Cathy Ann Weakland
Burnout, stress and social support among doctoral students in psychology, Kelli Lee Weaver
Preliminary investigation of energy dissipation at culvert outlets using a riprap step, Belinda M. Weikle
The metamorphosis of Jewish identities in nineteenth century Russia, 1801-1894., James Russell Weiss
Evaluation of the International 4-H Youth Exchange (IFYE) Program, Mary Elizabeth Williams
Educators' views of implementing direct instruction curricula: Connections to students with disabilities., Brenda Wilson
Solo piano performances in London from 1837 to 1850: A cultural and musical evolution., Lisa A. Withers
Examining yard sales in Fayetteville, a rural West Virginia town, Kimberly Dawn Wood
Fundamental analysis of price on Chinese steel products, Jiang Xia
Dynamic property evaluation of frother, Yunkai Xia
An overview of Piano Sonatas Nos. 1 and 2 by Alfred Schnittke., Nozomi Yamaguchi
Refined turbulence models for simulation of IC -engine cylinder flows, Ibrahim Yavuz
Parental influences on high school student achievement and goals, Richard K. York
Dimensional changes of polysulfide impression materials over time., Saeid Zeiaei-Nafchi
Recent paintings: Untitled., Naijun Zhang
Study of dispersal and diversity of eriophyoid mites (Acari: Eriophyoidea), Shifu Zhao
Process control of applied laser system for enhanced glass production, Liyun Zheng
Effectiveness of traditional and Web -based interventions on utilization of sport psychology services: Exploring the stages of change., Samuel Joseph Zizzi
Theses/Dissertations from 1999
The identification of criteria and indicators for the sustainable management of ecotourism in Taman Negara National Park, Malaysia: A Delphi consensus., Zaaba Zainol Abidin
Verification and validation in software product line engineering, Edward Alton Addy
Perceptions of pre -service elementary teachers about social studies instructional activities and content areas, Philip H. Adkins
Safety by design: An expert systems approach., Magdy Akladios
Reforming science education in Saudi Arabia: A conceptual framework for the design of Coordinated and Thematic science (CATS) module for grades 7-9., Ghanem S. Al-Ghanem
Mission planning and remote operated vehicle simulation in a virtual reality interface, Christopher Samuel Allport
Linking functional assessment with diagnostic classification: Development of functional assessment methodology, Cynthia Marie Anderson
Designing and modeling a torque and speed control transmission (TSCT), John Allen Anderson
Formalization of storage considerations in software design, Lakshminarasimha Reddy Ankireddipally
Java Challenge Software Project, Karuna Annavajjala
Stability analysis of partially filled tanker trucks using a finite element modeling approach, Matthew Aquaro
Robot navigation using ultrasonic feedback, Akihiko Baba
Social and economic impacts of wild harvested products, Brent Bailey
Computer-based fluency training: A comparison of prompting and non-prompting., Keri Bailey-Whitacre
Head impact characterization of generic A-pillar of an automobile, Subramani Balasubramanyam
Trip generation rates for consolidated schools in West Virginia, Amy Marie Balmer
An investigation of carbon residue from pyrolyzed scrap tires., Bhagat Chandra Bandlamudi
Association of parental weight with pregnancy weight gain and outcome, Rini Banerji
Selecting the most qualified teacher applicant utilizing West Virginia Code section 18A-4-7a., Paul E. Barcus
An examination of the perceived leadership styles of Kentucky public school principals as determinants of teacher job satisfaction, Karen Marie Bare-Oldham
I. Steroid hormone enrichment of brine shrimp (Artemia salina) nauplii. II. Factors associated with acute bacterial infection that limit fertility., Amanda R. Barker
"A Diamond Guitar": Translation and analysis., Natalia Barranca
Measuring fluoridated and non-fluoridated sealant fluoride concentrations and their effect on Streptococcus mutans: An in vitro study., Deborah Annette Bassham
A GIS design for honeybee management prototype and assessment., Jesse Peter Bellavance
Perceptions of HIV/AIDS in West Virginia nursing facilities, Valarie Ann Bell
Identifying structural differences in mixed mesophytic and northern hardwood forests on the Monongahela National Forest using remote sensing data, John Richard Bender Jr.
The connection between the current penetration-based national ambient air quality standard and dose can be considered questionable., Michael T. Berakis
Econometric analysis of household expenditures, Samuel Berhanu
Investigation of hot gas desulfurization utilizing a transport reactor, David A. Berry
Encapsulation of particles using brittle coatings for subterranean applications, Aashish L. Bhatia
Labor for bread: The exploitation of Polish labor in the Soviet Union during World War II., Jean C. Bingle
African rural women and land reform in South Africa: Case studies from the Midlands region of Kwazulu-Natal Province., Urmilla Bob
Tissue thickness measurement tool for craniofacial reconstruction, Hari Kinan Gopal Boddupalli
A neural network-based bottom-up approach for building a software reuse economic model., Gary Dawson Boetticher
Association of late embryonic mortality in beef cows with concentrations of estradiol-17beta and prostaglandin F(2)alpha., Phillip J. Bridges
The effects of teaching in a professional development school and the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics professional standards., Laora Dauberman Brizendine
Verbal aggression in sibling relationships, Shannon Marie Brogan
Building a bisque kiln, David Buchanan
Characterization of particulate matter and hydrocarbon emissions from in-use heavy-duty diesel engines, Aleksandar Djordje Bugarski
Students' perceptions of teachers' communication and its effects on students' learning., Patricia Ann Burant
The familial contexts of ego-resiliency in pre-schoolers., Sherry J. Burchett
May Ayim and Alev Tekinay: Writing to raise critical consciousness., Jennifer Lynn Burkart
WVU: Interactive Web-based distance learning tool., Naga Raju Bussa
Measurement of particulate matter size, concentration and mass emissions from in-use heavy duty vehicles, Richard Jason Byers
Fertilizing the weeds: The New Deal's rural poverty program in West Virginia., Kevin John Cahill
The role of therapist communication style in parent-child interaction therapy., Laura Christine Capage
Performance evaluation of exhaust aftertreatment devices used for emissions control on diesel engines employed in underground coal mines, Daniel K. Carder
An application of the Delphi method of forecasting to the future of technology infrastructure in West Virginia high schools, William H. Carman
Characterizing the chemistry of yellow-poplar surfaces exposed to different surface energy environments using DCA, DSC, and XPS, Michael William Carpenter
Optimization of a brushless permanent magnet linear alternator for use with a linear internal combustion engine, William Robert Cawthorne
La poesÃa de lo cotidiano: Tres novelas de Jorge Luis Oviedo., Teresa de Jesus Cerrato
The analysis of pipeline leak tests using DEGADIS model., Alexander Chamorro
Stress analysis in longwall entry roof under high horizontal stress, Hanjie Chen
The productive efficiency analysis of Chinese steel firms: An application of data envelopment analysis., Weidong Chen
The effects of teacher clarity and immediacy on student learning, apprehension, and effect., Joseph Lee Chesebro
Development of expert systems in heating, ventilating and air-conditioning (HVAC): An energy approach., Raghavendra Srinivas Chillarige
A comparison of dental and skeletal changes between rapid palatal expansion and nickel titanium palatal expansion., Christopher Ciambotti
Effects of gender and social support on cardiovascular reactivity to a speech task, Lynda M. Ciano-Federoff
An assessment of organizational effectiveness: A study of West Virginia watershed associations., Sarah A. Cline
The physiological effects of a 12-week program of progressive low-impact aerobic dance on adults with mental retardation., David John Cluphf
An examination of an interpersonal dominance construct., John Griffin Cole
The effect of position on educators' perception of ideal and actual inclusion., Tauna Malone Cole
The effect of plant UV-B absorbing compounds on life history traits and reproductive performance in variable UV-B environments., Susan Jill Cooke
The influence of racial identity development and locus of control on the career self-efficacy of African-American adolescents., Melanie Coleman Cosby
Surface -enhanced Raman spectroscopic studies of organonitriles on copper colloids, Candace Mikki Coyle
Experimental characterization of heat transfer from an electrically heated thin filament, Amy J. Cragg