This collection contains theses, dissertations, problem reports, and project reports (ETDs) from West Virginia University graduate students.
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Theses/Dissertations from 2000
Mechatronics for sophomore-level mechanical engineering students, David Thomas Morris
Heavy metal redistribution in soils using compost as a soil amendment, Jason Thomas Morrison
A study of the relationship between the perceived leadership style of nursing chairpersons and the organizational climate in baccalaureate nursing programs., Nancy Rowland Mosser
Where the stranger bides: Resisting America with the autobiographical word., Lisa N. Muir
Smart Card-enabled security services to support secure telemedicine applications, Monoreet Mutsuddi
Limits of behavioral control by temporally extended response -reinforcer relations, Todd Matthew Myers
Dynamic behavior characterization of fine powders consisting of a homogeneous emulsion, and, Synthesis and decomposition of methane gas hydrate: A reaction engineering study., Sridhar Narasimhan
Foodborne pathogens in poultry production and post-harvest control, Rajesh R. Nayak
Determining the influence on technology integration by the problem solving styles of instructors of history, classics and humanities courses, Karl Nels Nelson
Cognitive -affective, behavioral, and physiological response in injury among competitive athletes., R Renee Newcomer
Predicting a detailed permeability profile from minipermeameter measurements and well log data, Shawn D. Nines
Mycorrhizal roles in broomsedge plants under phosphorus limitation and aluminum toxicity, Jianchang Ning
Computerized training methods: Effects on retention and rate of responding., Finnur Oddsson
Corrosion between orthodontic archwires and bracket couples, Brian Costello O'Leary
The law and order presidency., Willard Mark Oliver
Evaluation of the use of remotely sensed images to speciate mixed Appalachian forests, Doru Ioan Pacurari
West Virginia state legislators' opinions of local mass media, Timothy Shaw Penn
Prognostic factors for treatment outcome in young children with autism, Susannah Grimm Poe
Coloring clique hypergraphs, Hoifung Poon
A graph theoretic approach to assessing tradeoffs on memory usage for model checking., John D. Powell
Substrate cleaning using a remote hydrogen rf-plasma, Srinivasan Prasanna
Electrospray ionization mass spectrometry for the analysis of proteins and small molecules, Gregg A. Pratt
Media use and perceptions of binge drinking, Jason L. Price
Assessing computer -mediated communication discourse of a traumatic brain injury survivor, Cheryl L. Fickey Prichard
A hydrodynamic model of semiconductors., Sixin Qian
Effects of plant flavonoids on the fate of polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons in rhizosphere soil, Xiujin Qui
Computational model of ductile erosion by single particle impact, Chandrakant Rai
A crop load study on 'Nittany' apple on two size-controlling rootstocks., Charles Douglas Raines
Surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopic studies of the orientation of organonitriles on metal colloids, Ramaa Nagapattinam Ramakrishnan
Enamel decalcification and fluoride release among Fuji ortho LC and composite resins: An in vitro and in vivo study., Cristiane Teixeira Ramos
Evaluation of survival and recovery characteristics of bifidobacteria as indicators of fecal pollution of water, John Elmer Ravenscroft Jr.
Development of an integrated project-level pavement management model using risk analysis, Jennifer A. Reigle
Determining behavior: A study of the interaction between situation and dispositional factors., Brady Allen Reynolds
Predicting permeability and flow capacity distribution with back-propagation artificial neural networks, Alexis Jose Riera
Toward improving the paper map: Exploring and implementing digital and virtual campus maps for West Virginia University., Thomas Luke Ritz
Attendance and participation in the college classroom: The role of the instructor., Kelly A. Rocca
Subjective norms, attitudes, body mass indices, and self esteem as influences on women's body image behavior, Amy Martha Rogers
A Sense of Sp(Pl)ace., Gary Gage Roper
Investigating spelling through generative instruction, Linda Ross
Data points or cultural entities: A GIS-based archaeological predictive model in a post-positivist framework., Linwood Jesse Rouse
Magnetic properties of silicon-doped ferrihydrite nanoparticles., Paromita Roy
Increasing self-efficacy with diabetes cooking schools, Sheila Rye
An empirical investigation of the flexible price monetary model of the exchange rate: The case of Colombia., Marcelo Saenz
Rollover stability of partially filled heavy-duty elliptical tankers using trammel pendulums to simulate fluid sloshing, Mohamed Ibrahim Salem
Endothelin-1 gene expression in the porcine ovary: Follicular development., Hope Marie Sasway
Magnetic model studies of the New York--Alabama Lineament and other magnetic anomalies in West Virginia, Tanner Anthony Sattler
Stylistic evolution of jazz drummer Ed Blackwell: The cultural intersection of New Orleans and West Africa., David J. Schmalenberger
The effects of supported employment level on the psychosocial experiences of integrated workers with mental retardation., Jennifer L. Schwartz-Mitchell
"I'm right there": Central Appalachian women in public school leadership., Kathy L. Seelinger
Continuing education in dental hygiene: Assessment of content and competencies., Jill L. Self
Treatment of acid mine drainage with Weirton steel slags, Prashant Seshadri
The development and validation of Science Learning Inventory (SLI): A conceptual change framework., Mehdi Seyedmonir
A performance evaluation of the MEMS: An on-road emissions measurement system study., Benjamin C. Shade
Advancement in FRP composites using three-dimensional stitched fabrics and enhancement in FRP bridge deck component properties., Vimala Shekar
Approaches to creating anonymous patient database, Shijun Shen
A failed Eldorado: British trusteeship, Luyia land rights and the Kakamega gold rush, 1930-1952., Priscilla Muronji Shilaro
The relationships between snags and cavity-nesting birds in a gypsy moth-impacted forest., Christopher Ryan Showalter
Opportunities that exist for communication experts in the field of communication consulting, Dale Eugene Shriver II
Natural Courses, Chrischele Marie Siler
Background concentrations of trace elements in three West Virginia soils: MLRA-126., April Dawn Slagle
Skeletal muscle injury, fibrosis and transforming growth factor-beta., Cheryl A. Smith
The relationships of organizational personality variables with worker socio-communicative orientation, communication apprehension, immediacy, and job satisfaction., Heather Teresa Smith
Secession, war and rebirth: The Civil War in West Virginia's South Branch Valley of the Potomac., Stephen Garth Smith
Effects of pain and fear stimulus intensity levels on pain responding in chronic pain patients, John Thomas Sorrell
Sand casting benchmarking: Questionnaire development, analysis and participant evaluation., Kimberly Hawkins Spangler
Legibility: How Precedents Established in Print Impact On-Screen and Dynamic Typography, Heidi Specht
monsters under the bed, Joelle Spencer
Grassroots organizations and GIS: Assessing the role of geographical information and GIS in grassroots watershed organizations in West Virginia., Jessica L. Spicer
Sedimentology of historic and prehistoric deposits in the drainage basin of Deep River and Muddy Creek on the Piedmont of North Carolina, Victoria Leanne Spurgeon
Seepage through longitudinal drainage trenches, Benjamin T. Staud
Brothers in arms: Case studies of officer and NCO integration in the new states of the Federal Republic of Germany., Charles Anson Steele
Predicting habitat suitability for American woodcock and landscape-level assessment of habitat in West Virginia, Ann Klein Steketee
Common factors leading to county boards of education financial deficits, David L. Stewart
The numerical simulation of the flow of an injected grout in underground room and pillar coal mines., James Mark Stiles
Optical characterization of compound semiconductors using photoconductivity and photoreflectance, Vladimir Alexandru Stoica
Removal of uranium from aqueous wastes using electrically charged carbon nanofibers, Shannon Lee Stover
Coupled nonlinear dynamical systems, Hongyan Sun
Iron and acid removal from acid mine drainage in open limestone systems, Qingyun Sun
Reliability-based method for stability of mine entry design and evaluation, Zhouming (Victor) Sun
Structural determinants of murine leukemia virus reverse transcriptase that are important for template switching, fidelity, and drug resistance, Evguenia S. Svarovskaia
Nuclear factor-κB signal transduction: Development of a novel regulatory strategy., Navin V. Swaroop
The influence of friendship, friendship quality, and gender on collaborative processes and performance., Lisa Marie Swenson
Symmetrically continuous functions, Marcin Szyszkowski
A computer database search program: ICGCMABS for annual international conference on ground control in mining., Xianguang Tang
The impact of age on political participation in West Virginia., Beth Laine Taylor
Pregnancy intendedness among a low income population, Amy Nicole Thomas
The identification of listening styles of agricultural curricula majors through the administration of the "Listening Styles Profile"., Jennifer L. Thomas
Development of system parameters for enhanced cutting and finishing of handglass using a carbon dioxide laser., Christopher Edward Thompson
Acculturated music in the Italian and Greek communities of Ambridge, Pennsylvania, Julie Ann Throckmorton
Ecology of bald eagles during the postfledging period at rural and suburban nest sites in southwest Florida., Dorothy Edna Tinkler
Investigation and simulation of the Planetary Combination Hybrid Electric Vehicle, Csaba Toth-Nagy
Developing a framework for predicting the impact of ITS/CVO technology in developing countries, Mazen Turk
Novel palladium-catalyzed synthesis of 3-substituted indoles and its application toward the total synthesis of indolactam V, Michael Robert Turner
Effects of ownership and circulation on editorial presentation in West Virginia newspapers, Matthew E. Umstead