This collection contains theses, dissertations, problem reports, and project reports (ETDs) from West Virginia University graduate students.
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Theses/Dissertations from 2024
Dynamic exchange-correlation functional for bandgap optimization: reparametrization and machine learning, Viviana Faride Dovale Farelo
Evaluating the role of glucocorticoids on the host response to Helicobacter pylori infection, Sara Druffner
Examining Invalid Brief Child Abuse Potential Inventory Profiles within a Randomized Controlled Trial for Toddler-aged Children and their Parents, Lindsay Rebecca Druskin
Faithful Partner: The Role and Agency of Pastors' Wives in the Protestant Reformation, Elizabeth M. Dubendorfer
Developing the 21st Century Piano Studio, Brianna Mae Eddy
Your Eyes, Two Niles, Ola ElWassify
Comparative Analysis of Chemical Compounds and Metal Contaminants in Medical Grade versus Over-the-Counter Sodium Hypochlorite Solutions, Abdulrahman Essaedi
Performance and physiological impacts of branched-chain amino acid and tryptophan ratio variations in turkey starter diets utilizing concentrated corn proteins, Emily Blair Estanich
The Relationship between Moral Thought-Action Fusion and Scrupulosity across Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, Kelsey Evey
Assessing the Effectiveness of Crime Scene Measuring Techniques, Lauren M. Fagan
Power Safety Plan Checklist as an Intervention in the Operating Room, Scott John Fankhauser
Implementation of a Targeted “Micro-Learning” Inpatient Diabetes Education Program in a Rural Hospital Setting, Melissa Lynn Fannon-Wisner
A Critical Event Narrative Analysis of African Women Immigrant Entrepreneurs in the United States: Impacts Before, During, and After the COVID-19 Pandemic, Damilola T. Fasinu
Machine Learning for Environmental Sustainability, Syeda Nyma Ferdous
The Influence of Faculty Mentorship on Graduate Student Development through the Lens of Self-Efficacy, Connor Lynn Ferguson
Machine Learning Maintenance Costs Prediction Model for Heavy-duty Alternative Fuel and Diesel Vehicles, Esteban Fernandez Villar
Taking the Red Pill: A Content Analysis of Ambivalent Sexism and Precarious Manhood in Alpha Male Podcasts, Madalen Lea Fields
A Portable, Digital Nucleic Acid Amplification Test for Use at the Point of Care, Bethany J. Fike
Analysis of Pulsar Discoveries and Pulse Profile Variability: From Pulsar Candidates to Gravitational Wave Detector, William Carl Fiore
Community Resource Programs Impact on Marginalized Communities Access to Health Care Services: A Program Development Project, Alexis N. Foehrkolb
Anti-Listeria of H2O2-Peroxyacetic acid Anti-Listeria Efficacy of a Hydrogen Peroxide-Peroxyacetic acid Mixer in Bacterial Buffered Solution and on Bell Peppers, Peighton Denae Foster
Life After Sport: A Program Development Plan for Student-Athletes, Loryn Shawn Frame
A Kind of Burr: The Fantastic Lucio in Measure for Measure, Matt Frye
An Investigation of Relations Between Developmental Stage, Impulsivity, and False Confessions, Madison G. Gallimore
Effectiveness of Peer Support Groups for Mothers at Risk for Postpartum Depression, Natalie Paige Gates
Selective Recovery of Various Critical Metals from Acid Mine Drainage Sludge, Gorkem Gecimli
Essays on Consumption Dynamics, Shaun M. Gilyard
The Role of Uric Acid in Metabolic Abnormalities of Obesity, Andrew P. Giromini
Photoinduced alpha-Hydroxy C–H Alkylation of Mono-alcohols via Hydrogen Atom Transfer (HAT) of an Activated Boron-Containing Complex, Courtney Deanna Glenn
Between wages and wellbeing: Examining the role of employers in increasing COVID-19 vaccine uptake in the State of West Virginia, Nathaniel Udoh Godwin
Additive-Dependent Regioselective Boracarboxylation of Alkenes using Low Valent Copper and CO2, Carly H. Gordon Ph.D.
Laser Deposition Additive Manufacturing of Multi-Material and Metal-Ceramic Composite Structures, Manikanta Grandhi
Effects of land cover changes and hydropower development on fish communities in Amazonian floodplain rivers, Samuel Baron Grinstead Hessburg
Usage of Peer Mentoring Workbooks: Enhancing the Transition of College Students with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, Taylor Nicole Grout
Experimental and Chemical Modeling of Applied DC Electric Field Induced H2 – Air Axisymmetric Laminar Co-Flow Diffusion Flames with Low Carbon Impurities, Susith Dilshan Pathmasiri Gunamuni Halowitage
Visit North Carolina: Trail Accessibility, Hannah Caitlyn Guschel
Conformational Investigation of Biopolymers through Molecular Dynamics (MD) Simulations and in-Droplet HDX-MS utilizing cVSSI, Samira Hajian Foroushani
Synthetic Elaboration of β-Carbonyl Alkylboronic Esters, Mason D. Hamilton Ph.D.
The Impact Stress on the Fracture Conductivity and the Productivity of the Marcellus Shale Horizontal Well, Simon Hanna Menhem
Ask The Duke, Why: How Fabrications Can Undermine Impact in Shakespeare’s Measure for Measure, Spencer D. Hansen
The Effects of Diet-Induced Obesity on Cerebral Microvascular Bioenergetics, Alec Anthony Hanshew
An Examination of the Underlying Implications of Environmental, Social, and Governance Measures on Firm Practices, Lewis James Hardway
Effects of Commission Errors on Behavior Intervention Plan Outcomes, Olivia Brianne Harvey
Milk Collection Problem: Integrating the Traveling Salesman and Set Covering Problem - A Case Study in West Virginia, USA, Md Rabiul Hasan
How Does Locality Impact the Sales and Purchases of Textiles and Apparel? Exploring Retailers' and Consumers' Perspectives in the U.S., Md Rokibul Hasan
Developing and adapting an art therapy mask creation (ATMC) intervention for individuals with traumatic brain injury (TBI) across select clinical and non-clinical settings, Stephen John Heck
Ready OER Not: Engaging Teachers with Student Identity through Open Pedagogy, Emily Helton
Through the Keyhole, Anna Higgins
Celluloid Shakespeare: An Exploration of the Relationship Between Film and Theatre Through Edgar in Shakespeare’s King Lear, Liam Michael Holton
Something from Nothing: Reimaginings, a Resource Guide for the Horn Sonata by Frank Gulino, Albert J. Houde III
Geotextile Filtration and Dewatering Characteristics of Acid Mine Drainage and Rare Earth Element Hydraulic Preconcentrate Precipitates, Zachary Ryan Houde
Piano Wisdom from Two Great Masters: Heinrich Neuhaus and Walter Gieseking, XIAOHAN HU
Measures of feed efficiency in beef cattle: Biological basis and effect on response to dietary supplementation, Modoluwamu Idowu
Cleaning and Characterization of Chemical Vapor Deposited Graphene for Nanoelectronic Device Development, Sakib Ishraq
Stormwater Responses to Climatic and Land Cover Changes in Lowly Urbanized Subcoastal Environments, Md Tanvirul Islam
The Paradox of Welfare: British Colonial Army, Post-War Demobilization and End of Empire in Nigeria, 1945 – 1965, Waliu Alao Ismaila
Formulation, Sensory Evaluation, and Physicochemical Assessment of and Consumer Behavior Toward Novel Energy Bars, Ian Phillip Israelsen
Machine Learning-Driven Quantification of CO₂ Plume Dynamics at IBDP Sites using Microseismic Data, Ikponmwosa Bright Iyegbekedo
The Accuracy of Implant Impressions with Coded Healing Abutments at Different Inter-Implant Distances- an In-Vitro Study, Rubinya Sundar Iyer
The Names of All Wild Things: Field Guides and Environmental Thinking, Frank Izaguirre PhD
Life Cycle Cost Model for Transit Bus Fleets, Connor Andrew Jack
Depicting The Donald: How Framing of Donald Trump in Media Changed Throughout the Course of His 2015-2016 United States Presidential Campaign, Jakob O. Janoski
Enhancing Reservoir Modeling and Simulation through Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning: A Smart Proxy Modeling Approach, Andrew Timothy Jenkins
You Belong with Me: What Communication Professionals Can Learn from Swifties, Rachel Belle Johnson
Parental Socialization of General and Domain-Specific Self-Control in Adolescents, Matty Johnston
Guiseppe De Nittis's Cityscapes of Paris: Images of Modernity 1875-1875, Catherine W. Jones
Examining the Online Marketing of Sport Psychology Services by Certified Mental Performance Consultants: A Rhetorical Analysis, Jaxson S. Judkins
Impact of Tiered Implementation of Clinical Decision Support System for Acute Kidney Injury and Nephrotoxin Exposure in Cardiac Surgery Patients, Christopher M. Justice II
Uncovering the Emotional Line: An Analysis of Three David Maslanka Wind Ensemble Works Using Formal Emotive Intensity Analysis, Michael John Kahle
UNG: A Diagnostic Standard C Library, Jakob Knute Kaivo
Investigating Changing Macronutrient Dynamics at a Plant, Microbe and Plant-Microbe Interactions Scale, Emel Kangi
Eating Concerns and Self-injury Among Collegiate Populations: A Comparison of Sexual Orientation Groups, Matthew Kasopsky
Fingerphoto Deblurring using Wavelet Style Transfer, David Connard Keaton
Transition Readiness, Coping, and Psychological Risk and Protective Factors in Adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes, Jennifer Kelleher
Evaluation of Probable Maximum Precipitation (PMP) for West Virginia to Predict Current and Future PMP & Utilizing Acid Mine Drainage (AMD) Sludge in Reclamation, Grace Katherine Kerr
Triggered Online System Re-Identification Applied to Model Predictive Control Using Gaussian Processes, Daniel Augusto Kestering
Low Power Remote Sensing System for Ceramic Thermocouples, Syed Khaleduzzaman
Social Coordination Maintained by Progressive Delay of Coordination-Dependent Reinforcement, Firdavs Khaydarov
Three Essays in Urban and Regional Economics, Bryan Khoo Wyng Wai
Utilizing sUAS-based Remote Sensing for Sustainable Outdoor Recreational Trail Design and Monitoring, Isaac C. Kinder
Evaluation of Rare Earth Element Hydraulic Preconcentrate Material Characteristics and Instrumentation Design, Michael Edward King
Improving Patient Self-Advocacy and Communication with Providers through Diabetes Self-Management Education: Analyses from a Randomized Controlled Trial, Brenna Owens Kirk
Implementation of Provider in Triage Guidelines to Improve Emergency Department Throughput: A Quality Improvement Project, Benjamin Adam Klos
Three Essays on Misinformation, Mistrust and their Influence on Public Health Policy, Eli Kochersperger
Evaluating land cover change and opportunities for bioenergy crop development on surface mine sites in West Virginia, U.S.A., Kenzie D. Kohrs
LGBTQ+ Clothing Habits in Appalachia, Kirstyn Korte
Pepperoni Roll Studios: Prototype Design for Creating and Operating a Podcast and Audio Production Student Organization at West Virginia University, Nicholas Kirk Kratsas
Finding “A Good Thing”: Embodying the Traumatic Sustainably, Erika Kuhn
Influence of Scaling and Root Planing with Minocycline Microspheres on Clinical Outcomes of Patients with Periodontitis, Nupoor Sandeep Kulkarni
Immunomodulation in Osteosarcoma: From Therapy to Diagnostics, Ryan Austin Lacinski
Self-Efficacy and Parental Miscarried Helping in Adherence and Transition Readiness Among Adolescents and Young Adults with Epilepsy, Kirby-Estar G. Laguerre
Effects of Probabilistic Win-Paired-Cue Delivery on Loss Trials on Risky Choice in Rats, Connor M. Lambert