This collection contains theses, dissertations, problem reports, and project reports (ETDs) from West Virginia University graduate students.
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Theses/Dissertations from 2023
Implementing Test Automation with Selenium WebDriver, Ramana Inturi
AI-Driven Security Constrained Unit Commitment Using Predictive Modeling And Eigen Decomposition, Talha Iqbal
Three Essays on Health and Environmental Economics: Applications of Spatial Econometrics and Spatial Analysis, Mohammed Syedul Islam
Levantine Immigration and Community Building in Charleston, West Virginia, 1900-1930, George P. Jacobs II
Environmental Controls of Greenhouse Fluxes in Freshwater Wetlands across the Globe, Samira Jahan
The Everyday Work-lives of Public Librarians in a Diverse US City, Mariam Jalalifard
Nobody’s Perfect! The Effect of Manipulating Perfectionism on Social Anxiety Symptoms, Anishka Jean
A Comparison of Fish Health Indices Applied to Freshwater Species of the Chesapeake Bay Watershed, Josiah B. Jensen
Analysis of the Brittle Failure Mechanism of Underground Stone Mine Pillars by Implementing Numerical Modeling in FLAC3D, Rosbel Jimenez
Imitation Learning for Swarm Control using Variational Inference, Hafeez Olafisayo Jimoh
Hydraulic Fracturing Treatment Optimization Using Machine Learning, Abdullah Johar
Effects of Invasive Species on Ohio River Zooplankton, Samuel John Johnston
Forecasting and Optimizing Sensitivity to Low-Frequency Gravitational Waves, Andrew Ryan Kaiser
Development and Characterization of Monoclonal Antibodies against Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Jason Kang
Applications of Digital Filters in Radio Astronomy, Joseph William Kania
Development of Machine Learning based approach to predict fuel consumption and maintenance cost of Heavy-Duty Vehicles using diesel and alternative fuels, Sasanka Katreddi
Emission Spectroscopy of InGaAs Quantum Dots via High-resolution Fabry-Perot Interferometer, Raju Bhai KC
Synthetic Well Log Generation Software, Daniel E. Keller
The Women of Salò: Roles and Expectations in the Italian Social Republic, Johnathon N. Keller
Antibacterial Effect of Various Irrigants Against Enterococcus Faecalis, Morgan N. Kesecker
Another COVID Causality: Media Landscape in Bangladesh, Ershad Komal Khan
Effects of Brief-Signal Number and Location on Responding Maintained by Delay of Reinforcement, Firdavs Khaydarov
Development of a Quasi-Dimension GCI Combustion Model Aided by CFD, Jinsu Kim
Detection and Observed Correlations of Statin and Beta-blocking Pharmaceuticals in West Virginia Surface Waters and Ichthyofauna, Joseph W. Kingsbury
An Empirical Analysis of Algorithms for Simple Stochastic Games, Cody William Klingler
Evaluating the Effects of Modifying Mixing and Pelleting Parameters on Feed Quality, Pellet Production Rate, and Broiler Performance, Lucas E. Knarr
TED Talk at the End of the World, Maryelizabeth Koepele
Ambush, Reprisal, Riot, Revolt, and Reform: The Transnational Evolution of British Colonial Policing in Ireland and the Palestine Mandate, 1918-1948, Tyler Kickler Krahe
Cue Reactivity in Electronic Cigarette Users with Sign-Tracking or Goal-Tracking Behaviors, Polina Krom
Exploration of Metal-Carbonyl Complexes for Decarbonylation Reactions, Rebekah C. Krupa
Use of Carbonation for Treatment of Coal Mine Drainage to Increase Limestone Dissolution and Generate Alkalinity, Dietrich Henry Kuhlmann IV
Glial cell-specific contribution of PKR-like ER Kinase (PERK) in neuroinflammation and behavior, Anirudhya Lahiri
First Year Teacher in Appalachia: Place, Identity, Tensions, Michael Renee Lane
Understanding the Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on West Virginia Students in Secondary School, Hannah McKenzye Layman
The Percussionist's Guide to Music Theory Fundamentals, McKenna M. Lee
Studies on Depth and Torsion in Tensor Products of Modules, Uyen Huyen Thao Le
Development of a Model Sustainability Management Plan for the City of Morgantown, West Virginia, Caitlyn Elizabeth Lewis
Flows on Signed Graphs, Chong Li
The Immediate Effects of the NuNee Patellar Support on Individuals with Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome, Nick Linn
Manganese-based A-site high-entropy perovskite oxides for solar thermochemical hydrogen production, Cijie Liu
Sovereign Wealth Funds, Corporate Governance, and Corporate Performance, Feiyu Liu
The Role Of Digital Spaces in Caring For Children With Feeding Tubes: Home, Family, and Community Reconsidered, Sara Gilbert Loftus
On the Role of Task Preference and Work Removal for Identifying Escape Functions, Brian Patrick Long
Longest Path and Cycle Transversal and Gallai Families, James A. Long Jr
Development of a Framework to Support Community-Scale Nutrient Recovery for Local Crop Fertilization and Production, Scott A. Lopez
Exploring the Conceptualizations and Utilizations of Learning Theories in Sport Settings, Kevin R. Lou
Material Characterization of Thermoplastic Polyurethane (TPU) and Thermoplastic Elastomers (TPE) for Development of 3D-Printed Surrogate Organs for Medical Training, Anastasia Elizabeth Lucci
Sexual Misconduct Against Female Athletes: Knowledge, Training, and Readiness to Act of Future Sport Leaders, Mackenzie B. Luikart
The Application of Time Series Analysis to Injury Epidemiology Data, Eric Wayne Lundstrom
Mechanisms of Pulmonary Inflammation and Lung Function Decline after Ultrafine Carbon Black and Ozone Inhalation Co-exposure, Nairrita Majumder
Feasibility of Applying Motion Magnification in Subsurface Defect Detection for Concrete and Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Specimens, Nagavardhani Malineni
Beneficial Impacts of Nod-like Receptor X1(NLRX1) Agonism in Lipopolysaccharide-Induced Inflammation, Mena Mansy
An Analysis of Urban Land use land cover (LULC) Changes in Lilongwe City, Central Malawi (2002–2022), Zola Manyungwa
American Art Songs in the 21st Century: A Catalogue of Selected Works, Islei Mariano Correa Hammer
Three essays in applied microeconomics: Philly style, Alexander Christian Marsella
Motion Planning in Artificial and Natural Vector Fields, Bernardo Martinez Rocamora Junior
Essays in Applied Microeconomics, Joshua C. Martin
Synergies Between Residents: Evaluating Support and Concerns of Recreation and Tourism Economic Development within the Monongahela National Forest Region, Morgan R. Martin
Examining the Relationship of Race on Students’ Perceptions of Safety and Concealed Campus Carry on a University Campus, Whitney H. Mascaro
The Effect of Different Fracturing Fluids on the Productivity of Multi-Staged Fractured Marcellus Shale Horizontal Wells, Vida Gyaubea Matey-Korley
Synthesis of Quasi-Freestanding Graphene Films Using Radical Species Formed in Cold Plasmas, Michael A. Mathews Jr.
Using Extended Two-Step Floating Catchment Area to Map Children’s Level of Access to Physical Books in West Virginia, Heather A. Maxey
Gut-Lung Axis of the Microbiome Alterations After Ultrafine Particles and Ozone Inhalation, Md Habibul Hasan Mazumder
A Longitudinal Study of Factors that Affect User Interactions with Social Media and Email Spam, Wojciech M. Mazurek
Adverse Childhood Experiences and Intimate Partner Violence in Gender Minority Populations, Claire Mason McCown
Investigating the Effects of Flotation Restricted Environment Stimulation Therapy on Neural Networks in Chronic Pain Patients via Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Other Modalities, Tyler Austin McGaughey
Integrated Immunity-based Methodology for UAV Monitoring and Control, Ryan G. McLaughlin
Three Essays on Environmental and Energy Economics, Maher F. Mekky
Sex Differences in Endothelial Function, Metabolism, and Sleep: Responses to Disrupted Circadian Rhythms, Olga Hecmarie Meléndez-Fernández
Scene representation and matching for visual localization in hybrid camera scenarios, Marcela A. Mera Trujillo
What Gives? Leveraging Marketing Knowledge to Increase Consumers’ Charitable Giving, Caitlin Michael
Localized delivery of GM-CSF in the regulation of breast tumor oxygen and anti-tumor immunity through macrophages, Nicole E. Mihalik
Influences on Perceptions of Students with Disabilities Regarding Services and Supports Rendered at Their Collegiate Institution, Taylor Leanne Mikalik
Exploring Early Childhood Educators’ Attitudes About Addiction and Their Association with Student-Teacher Relationships, Megan E. Mikesell
Spatial processing of conspecific signals in weakly electric fish: from sensory image to neural population coding, Oak Everette Milam
The Effect of Sequential Stimuli on Variable-Interval Schedule Performance and Resurgence, Amanda K. Miles
Drivers of Change in Mindfulness- and Acceptance-Based Interventions with Athletes: Investigating the Influence of Dosage, Readiness, and Attitudes, Thomas O. Minkler
Natural Fracture Evolution: Investigations into the Middle Devonian Marcellus Shale, Appalachian Basin, USA, Natalie Abigail Mitchell
Health-Related Quality of Life and Disease Severity among Patients with Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis, Rowida Mohamed
Modeling and Simulation of a Process That Converts Ethane to Ethylene and Ethylene to Low Density Polyethylene, Ernest Bosire Mokaya
Pedagogical Piano Works by Four Contemporary Composers: Emma Lou Diemer, Dianne Goolkasian Rahbee, Karen Tanaka and Chee-Hwa Tan, Manuel Alejandro Molina Flores
Advancing Assessments of Climate Change Vulnerability of West Virginia Watersheds, Joseph T. Molina
US Buyers’ Behavior Towards Social Sustainable Certificates, Mehnaz Fatima Monamy
Life Landmarks, Brian S. Morgenlander
Generative Adversarial Network and Its Application in Aerial Vehicle Detection and Biometric Identification System, Moktari Mostofa
Simulations of Implementation of Advanced Communication Technologies, Ivy Yousuf Moutushi
Nature Based Interventions for Human Health and Wellbeing, Samantha I. Moyers
Botanical Folktales, Jameson Frances Mulac
Heat Shock Protein 90 (HSP90) system in health and disease., Daniella Munezero