This collection contains theses, dissertations, problem reports, and project reports (ETDs) from West Virginia University graduate students.
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Theses/Dissertations from 2022
TESOL and Feminist Pedagogy: The Application of Feminist Pedagogy in ESL versus EFL settings, Emil Asanov
Integrated Large Discontinuity Factor, Lamodel and Stability Mapping Approach for Stone Mine Pillar Stability, Mustafa Baris Ates
Population and Migratory Ecology of Canada Warblers (Cardellina canadensis) in the Central Appalachian Mountains, West Virginia, USA, Stephanie H. Augustine
The Effects of Feed Additives and the Use of a Novel Wood Boiler Heat Exchanger on Litter Quality, Broiler Performance, and Immune Status, Victoria Ayres
Multisided Quality Inspection in Smart Manufacturing Systems, Milica Babic
Food Safety in the US: Regulation, Liability, and Tracing, Marziyeh Bahalou Horeh
Global Engagement Model for Land-Grant Universities, a Grounded Theory., Lorena Ivonne Ballester
The Use of Neural Networks in Accelerating Small Molecule Docking of GPCRs, John Barber
A Tool for Biometric Interpretation of Forensic STR DNA Profiles, Ahmad Jamal Baroudi
Fasciotomies, Gabriel Bass
Investigating the interplay of the immune system, skin barrier, and microbiome following dermal exposure to triclosan, Rachel Baur
Do Different Learning Environments Influence Graduate Students’ Professional Communication?, Lacey M. Beam
How Do Higher Education Teaching and Learning Centers Contribute to an Institutional Culture of Assessment?, Tracey Jean Beckley
Associations Between Self-Reported Awe and Heart Rate, Laura E. Bernstein
The Burning Bush: Linking LiDAR-derived Shrub Architecture to Flammability, Michelle S. Bester
Developing an Evaluation Process for Telehealth in a COPD Clinic, Jodi H. Biller
Freeze! The Impact of a Guided Imagery Intervention on Looming Vulnerability and Subclinical Contamination-OCD Symptoms, Amber Lynn Billingsley
Design and Control of Intensified Membrane Reactor Systems Through Module-Based Design Approach, Brent Bishop
mtDNA Heteroplasmy in Hair Shafts versus Buccal Swabs for Forensic Applications, Sara R. Bodnar
Investigating the mitochondrial protein mitoNEET in C. elegans models of aging and Alzheimer's disease, Jacob Ryan Boos
Evaluating Muskellunge (Esox masquinongy) Catch-and-Release Mortality at Elevated Summer Water Temperature, Ian Taylor Booth
Development and Verification of Flight Data Informed Performance Estimation and Prediction Simulation Tool for Small Electrical Multi-rotor UAV, Nicholas Scott Borelle
Comparison of Maintenance Cost of Medium and Heavy-Duty Alternative Fuel and Diesel Vehicles, Isaac C. Boyce
A Preoperative Intervention to Improve Glycemic Control in Surgical Patients with Diabetes, Kelsey L. Boyd
The Way Things Come Back And Other Essays, Rachael Taylor Bradley
System Development of an Unmanned Ground Vehicle and Implementation of an Autonomous Navigation Module in a Mine Environment, Jonas Amoama Bredu Jnr
Student Understanding of the Definite Integral When Solving Calculus Volume Problems, Krista Bresock
A Novel Tool to Promote Surgical Team Awareness of Nurse Anesthesia Students’ Level of Training, Joseph Lewis Britz
The Contribution of Artists Sydney Laurence, Belmore Browne, and Olaus Murie to the Preservation of Public Land in the Northwest United States, Madelyn Brodie
Implementation of an Advanced Training Program to Increase Nurses’ Knowledge of Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy Management, Shane M. Brost
Factors Associated with Service Utilization in Injured Workers in West Virginia, Brandy Brown
Investigating the Marketing Language among Online Retailers of Violin Strings to Determine the Implied Aesthetic, Kira Kay Browning
COVID-19: Examining Adherence through the Health Belief Model, Leah Ashton Brown
Population Characteristics of Three Black Bass Species in the Upper Ohio River Drainage, Levi Foster Brown
Mechanisms of Nourishment, Raymond Lloyd Brown III
Raising Awareness of Second Victim Phenomenon and SupportingYOU: A Quality and Safety Initiative, Megan Renee Bryant
Wetland Mitigation Performance Standards: The Intersection of Science, Practice, and Policy, Jessica Anne Bryzek
Behaviors, Contextual Influences, and Consequences: Relationships that affect Student Decision-making of Academic Misconduct in College, Justine A L Burnett
Mechanistic Insight into Chronic Stress-Induced Cerebrovascular Dysfunction, Emily Nicole Burrage
Genetic Analysis and Telemetry Study of Migration Habits of the Endangered Atlantic Sturgeon, Cassia Marie Busch
Multi-Task Neuromuscular Generalization and Changes Through the Lifespan, Hannah Delaney Carey
Synthesizing Realistic Substitute Data for a Law Enforcement Database using a Python Library, Anthony Carrola
Combinatorial Approaches for Effective Design, Synthesis, and Optimization of Enzyme-Based Conjugates, Jordan Scott Chapman
Current Practices Used to Increase the Success Rate of The Inferior Alveolar Nerve Block in Mandibular Molars With Symptomatic Irreversible Pulpitis, Nishtha Chauhan
Accuracy, Prosthetic Outcomes, and Patient-related Outcomes with Immediate Loading of 4-Guided Implants Supporting an Unsplinted Maxillary Implant-Retained Overdenture, Nathaniel Chertok
Invisible Confidence: Developing an Innovative Leotard for Urinary and Menstrual Protection, Desiree' Nicole Childers
Assessment of Electronic Cigarette User Terminology and Knowledge using Mixed Methods, Margaret G. Childers-Kakos
Development of a Thermal Desalination System Using Low Quality Thermal Energy, Takudzwa C. Chipunza
Immediate Loading Of 4 Guided Implants Supporting A Maxillary Overdenture Using A Novaloc Retention System, DoHeum Choi
Developing Teaching Adaptability in Pre-service Teachers using Practice-Based Teacher Education, Kyuil Cho
Studies of electromagnetic counterparts to gravitational-wave sources and the nonlinear gravitational-wave memory effect, Ashok Choudhary
Stylistic Changes in the Music of Ruth Crawford Seeger, Xinlei Chu
Direct Ink Writing Printability – Ashby-like Plots for Guided Design, Domenic Cipollone
Cattywampus, Katie Mae Clendenin
The Business of Behavior: Appalachian Teachers’ Experiences in using Positive Behavior Interventions and Support, Erin Michele Coffield
Machine Learning Approach to Health Risk Determination, Levi Butcher Cole
In Darkness There Is Light: Designing for The Insect Play, Seret Teresa Cole
An Action Research Evaluation of an Online Inclusive Sport Peer Coach Training, Margaret Roberts Condon
Knowledge and Training in Language Sample Analysis of US Speech-Language Pathology Graduate Students, Allegra Cornaglia
Implementation of an Amiodarone Infusion Nurse Practice Guideline to Reduce the Incidence of Phlebitis: A Quality Improvement Project, Kristen N. Cottrill
Top-Down & Bottom-Up Approaches to Robot Design, Dylan Michael Covell
Autonomous and non-autonomous requirements for the c-Jun N-terminal kinase signaling pathway in early forebrain development, Jessica G. Cunningham
The Most Common Vocal Fault in the Baritone Voice, Matthew Derek Cyphert
An Analysis on Adversarial Machine Learning: Methods and Applications, Ali Dabouei
Aerodynamic Analysis of Damage State Missiles using Overset Meshing Techniques for Application to Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulation, Jonathan A. D'Alessio
Electrochemical and mass spectrometry methods for identification of gunshot residues (GSR) in forensic investigations, Kourtney A. Dalzell
Inferential Statistics and Information Theoretical Measures: An Approach to Interference Detection in Radio Astronomy, Morgan R. Dameron
Adverse Childhood Experiences and Alcohol Use Trajectories in College Students, Rebekah Lynn Damitz
Human Welfare & Emergencies: Education, Natality, and Violence, Erika Antolin Davies
Noise Exposure Trends Among Violating Coal Mines, 2000 to 2021, Hanna Grace Davis
Evaluation of a Comprehensive Diabetes Mellitus Protocol at a Rural, Federally Qualified Health Center in Southern West Virginia, Hannah D. Davis
Modeling Post-Crisis Monetary Policy, James Dean
Advancing Compound Detection and Identification Using Vibrating Sharp-Edge Spray Ionization, Anthony Paul DeBastiani
Modeling, Simulation, and Hardware-in-the-Loop Implementation of Distributed Voltage Control in Power Systems with Renewable Energy Sources, Ali Dehghan Banadaki
Microwave-Assisted Carbon Nanotube Growth from Methane on Surface Catalyst Exsolving Perovskite Oxide, Angela M. Deibel
Association of Early Life Stressors with Deficits in Child and Adolescent Cognitive Functioning, Emily M. Deming
Thermochemical Water-Splitting using Novel High-Entropy Perovskite Oxides, Hector Alexis De Santiago Hernandez
Simulated Annealing Heuristics for the Dynamic Generalized Quadratic Assignment Problem, Yugesh Dhungel
Designing and Achieving Airness: Theatrical Lighting Design of Airness by Chelsea Marcantel, Colleen Marie Doherty
Photophysics and Photochemistry Enabled by Ligand-to-Metal-Charge-Transfer: Unusual Carbon-Carbon Bond Formation at a Zirconium Center, P. Minh N. Do
Electronic Cigarette Dependence: User and Device Characteristic Predictors, Ashley E. Douglas
Seeing Our Voices: Using Photovoice with Trauma-affected Black Women College Students within a PWI to Explore Success and Persistence, Dariane B. Drake
A Multi-method Evaluation of Parent and Child Factors Associated with Child Abuse Potential, Lindsay R. Druskin
Cycle decomposition for integral current homology, Kristin Julia Duling
Standardized Postoperative Handoff Tool to Improve Handoff Quality, Haley Durkacz
Adherence to Dietary Recommendations for Adolescents with Cystic Fibrosis, Kristine M. Durkin
Amelioration of Mitochondrial Bioenergetic Dysfunction in Diabetes Mellitus: Delving into Specialized and Non-specific Therapeutics for the Ailing Heart, Andrya Jean Durr
Aerodynamic Performance of a Biologically Inspired Hybrid Plasma-Mechanical Flow Control and Sensing Device, Joseph Dygert
Frayed connections: How long-term nitrogen additions disrupt plant-soil interactions and the carbon cycle of a temperate forest, Brooke A. Eastman
Jurors' Perceptions of Child Sexual Abuse Disclosure Patterns, Hannah Elias
Ear Biometrics: A Comprehensive Study of Taxonomy, Detection, and Recognition Methods, Susan AWM El-Naggar
The Effects of Script Therapy in a Patient with Old Chronic Aphasia, Busra Ensar
Medicaid in the orthodontic community: provider trends and perceptions, Miranda L. Fabrega