This collection contains theses, dissertations, problem reports, and project reports (ETDs) from West Virginia University graduate students.
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Theses/Dissertations from 2022
What is the perceived self-efficacy of defined job competencies for West Virginia University Extension faculty?, Lacey Dawn Seckman
Preconception substance use and risk of unintended pregnancy, Saima Shafique
Incidence of Cancer, Depression, and Economic Burden of Prescription NSAIDs among Older Adults with Osteoarthritis: Statistical and Machine Learning Approaches, Nazneen Fatima Mohammed Umer Shaikh
Black walnut plantations in West Virginia: Maximizing financial returns through decision modeling and cash flow analysis, Erin Duffy Shaw
On Taking Care, Kasey Renee Shaw
Performance Enhancement of Organic Light-Emitting Diodes by Electronic Doping, David A. Shelhammer
A Shock to the System: Analyzing Ethnocentric Populist Support Before and After Crises, Kyu Chul Shin
Investigation of Geomechanical Behavior of Laminated Rock Mass Through Experimental and Numerical Approach, Qingwen Shi
The DISCOVER Model: A Prescriptive Method for Instructional Tool Selection and Use in Seeking to Boost Instructor Immediacy and Social Presence in Online Courses, Lee O. Silverman
Physical Educators’ Socialization and Self-efficacy Toward the Behavior Management of Students with Disabilities, Amelia Chloe Simpson
Vacant to Vibrant: Transforming Vacant Lots in North Philadelphia, Olivia Anne Sinclair
Quantifying Water Security in West Virginia and the Potomac River Basin, Eric Carl Edvard Sinius Sjostedt
Transitions Between the Steps of Group IIC Intron Forward and Reverse Splicing and Integration into DNA, Claire Mae Smathers
Analyzing the viability of direct PCR for use in conjunction with cyanoacrylate enhanced fingerprints, Coral M. Smith
Impact of Radio Frequency Interference and Real-Time Spectral Kurtosis Mitigation, Evan T. Smith
Implementing Trauma-Informed Care through a Multi-Agency Learning Collaborative: A Theory-Driven Analysis of Outcomes and Sustainability, Mira D H Snider M.S.
A Narrative Inquiry into Veterans in Engineering, Miracle David Solley
On Generalizations of Supereulerian Graphs, Sulin Song
Genetic Underpinnings of Novel Trait Development in a Euwallacea-Fusarium Mutualism, Elaina J. Spahr
Comparison of Antimicrobials and Delivery Methods on the Inactivation of Listeria monocytogenes on Apples, Rebecca B. Stearns
“I Lost Everything I Owned… Now I’m Growing That Back”: Narratives of Redemption After Meth Immersed Lives, Danielle M. Stoneberg
Gun Culture 3.0, Andrew Phillip Stover
The Web and the Blockbuster Poster: An Examination of the Impact of Streaming Services on Movie Advertising, Holden Edward Strausser
An Efficient AR Model-Based Method for the Detection of Forced Oscillations in Power Networks: Implementation and Analysis, Maria Waleska Suarez
Small and Micro Business Resources in the Post-Pandemic Period: A Perspective from Local Bridal Boutique Businesses in West Virginia, Ishtehar Sharif Swazan
From evaluating the performance of approximations in Density Functional Theory to a Machine Learning design, Pedram Tavazohi
Artificial Intelligence based Approach for Rapid Material Discovery: From Chemical Synthesis to Quantum Materials, Robert Tempke
Passive self-ligating brackets vs. conventional brackets: Is there a difference in the transverse dimension? A systematic review and meta-analysis, Justin Scott TenBrook
Expanding the Applicability of Press-Brake-Formed Tub Girders Through the Extension of the Maximum Span Length and the Evaluation of Pier Continuity, Robert M. Tennant
Elucidating the Proteasomal Regulatory Mechanism of Proteasome Activator PA28γ /REGγ, Taylor Ann Thomas
Sleep and Cardiovascular Reactivity to an Acute Virtual Stressor, Alaina Grace Tiani
Playing-Related Medical Injuries and Health Conditions in Collegiate Saxophonists: A Survey of Saxophonists in North American Universities, Michael Anne Tolan
Essays in the Consequences of Occupational Regulation, Noah J. Trudeau
Fashion Compatibility Prediction Using Ensemble Learning, Nathan Utzman
The Bigger Picture: Wrongful Conviction Documentary Thematic vs Episodic Framing, Alecsandra N. Vac
Expanding the Capabilities of Firearm Investigations: Novel Sampling and Analytical Methods for Gunshot Residue Evidence, Courtney Helen Vander Pyl
Modeling, Fabrication, And Characterization Of Rf-Based Passive Wireless Sensors Composed Of Refractory Semiconducting Ceramics For High Temperature Applications, Kavin Sivaneri Varadharajan Idhaiam
Capillary Electrophoresis: Method Development and Application in Biomolecule Analysis, Lindsay Marie Veltri
Modeling of Inverter-Based Microgrid for Small-Signal and Large-Signal Stability Analysis, Vishal Verma
Roles and Responsibilities of a Coach Developer in a Youth Soccer Setting in the United States, Christina Ann Villalon
Structure-dependent Characterizations of Multistationarity in Mass-action Reaction Networks, Galyna Voitiuk
The Purpose and Process of Commissioning New Music for Low Brass Instruments: A Guide, Michael Kennard Waddell
Essays in Urban and Health Economics, Allyssa Ann Wadsworth
“Here is the place, my lord”: The Scenic Design Process for King Lear, Abigail E. Wagner
Polarization Properties of Millisecond Pulsars: Astrophysical Interpretations and Applications, Haley Megan Wahl
The Process and Case Study Approach to Implementing a Nutrition-Specific Dissemination and Implementation Science Training in Appalachia, Ayron E. Walker
The Relationship between Oral Health and Health-Related Quality of Life among Hemodialysis Patients in Rural West Virginia, Kimberly A. Wallace
A Quality Improvement Initiative for Intraoperative Low Dose Ketamine Utilization in Thoracotomy, Jason Wampler
Face Recognition with Attention Mechanisms, Qiangchang Wang
Ethane Dehydrogenation for Light Olefins Production Over Stable Catalyst, Xiaoyan Wang
Psychosocial Influences On and Behavioral Characteristics of Young Adult Food Addiction, Rachel A. Wattick
Understanding vaccine-induced memory responses to develop the next generation of pertussis vaccines, Kelly L. Weaver
Analysis of Emissions Profiles of Hydraulic Fracturing Engine Technologies, Nicholas Joseph Wells
Beyond What's Missing: Silence in Women-Authored Novels from Wollstonecraft to Shelley, Kelli Wilhelm
Characterization and Coherent Spin Selective Manipulation of Quantum Dot Energy Levels, Tristan Anthony Wilkinson
Regional Correlation and Depositional History using Well Log and Core Data of the Geneseo-Burket from the Poseidon 8M Well, Westmoreland County PA, USA, Spencer Leonard Williams Jr.
Bayesian Methods for Multi-Messenger Analysis of Supermassive Black Hole Binaries: Pulsars and Quasars and Gravitational Waves, Oh My!, Caitlin A. Witt
Utilizing the K18-hACE2 mouse model to develop protective COVID-19 vaccines, Ting Y. Wong
“The Illusion of Collaboration”: An Integrated Examination of the Antecedents, Processes, and Consequences of Online Group Work, Jill Cathleen Woods
Examining the spatial relationship between maternal morbidity, access to health care, and community characteristics in West Virginia, Sarah E. Woolard
Zonulin as a Mediator of Psychological Stress and Periodontal Disease, Casey D. Wright
Narrative Inquiry of Early Career Teachers’ Experiences Teaching During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Kinsey Ann Wright
Stil-Life, YI XIONG
Tax Avoidance, Corporate Governance, and Corporate Policies, Yang Yang
A Novel Computational Network Methodology for Discovery of Biomarkers and Therapeutic Targets, Qing Ye
Needs Assessment of Diabetes Self-Management Education and Support within West Virginia from Provider Viewpoints, Kasey M. Yost
Stationary Solutions and Stability of Constant Equilibrium Solutions for a Chemotaxis System, Awatif Ramadan Zawali
Static Liquefaction in Tailing Dams, Jose Raul Zela Concha
Characterization of Two KRAB-Containing Zinc Finger Transcription Factors In Bovine Preimplantation Embryonic Development, Mingxiang Zhang
Optimization and Analytics of Decarbonized Forest and Biomass Supply Chains, Xufeng Zhang
Experimental and Theoretical Investigation on the Initiation Mechanism of Low-Rank Coal's Self-Heating Process, Yinan Zhang
Development of an Entry-Scale Modeling Methodology to Provide Ground Reaction Curves for Longwall Gateroad Support Evaluation, Haochen Zhao
Size effect and anisotropy on the strength of shale under compressive stress conditions, Yun Zhao
Minimizing Cr-evaporation from Balance of Plant Components by Utilizing Cost-Effective Alumina-Forming Austenitic Steels, Lingfeng Zhou
Evocations of Nature in Selected Piano Works by Debussy, Heah Zi-Ling
The Heart of Everything in the Middle of Nowhere: The Role of Rural Identity in the Formation and Deployment of Political Attitudes in Pennsylvania, Mikaela G. Zimmerman
Theses/Dissertations from 2021
Reservoir Characteristics and Lateral Variability of the Marcellus Formation at the Allegheny Mountain Front, Bruno J. Abersold
[k], [g] and [ʔ] in Amman: Social associations and identity perception in young rural [fallahin] Palestinian speech, Shahd Abu Nahel
Effect of Diet, Age, and Genetics on Rainbow Trout Growth and Fillet Quality, Bahareh Adami
Huntingtin aggregation at interfaces associated with membranes and organelles, Adewale Vincent Adegbuyiro
Well Performance Analysis of MSEEL1 and MSEEL2 Wellpads, Mohammad Faiq Adenan
Design of a Heat Exchanger for a Supercritical CO2 Turbine System, Kehinde Oluwatobi Adenuga
Identification of Moving Bottlenecks in Production Systems, Funmilayo Mofoluwasola Adeyinka
Searching Harder, Localizing Better, Classifying Faster: Optimizing Fast Radio Burst Detection And Analysis, Kshitij Aggarwal
Analysis and Classification Of Software Fault-Proneness And Vulnerabilities, Mohammad Jamil Ahmad
Three Essays on “Energy , Environment, and Developmental Economics”, Bolarinwa Ajanaku
Quantification of bacterial shedding from the respiratory tract of health care workers wearing PAPRs and other types of Air-Purifying Respirators on sterile conditions in a simulated Operating Rooms (ORs), Segun Olanrewaju Ajewole
Dynamic Data-Driven Smart Proxy Modeling For Numerical Reservoir Simulation, Maher Jasim Alabboodi
Evaluation of a Telenutrition Weight Loss Intervention Among Middle-Aged and Older Men in Appalachia, Afnan Majed Alamoudi
Adult Delinquency and Victimization: A Test of Differential Association Theory with New Data, Shah Alam
Arrow Spaces: A Unified Algebraic Approach to Euclidean Geometry and Inner Product Spaces, HUSSIN M. ALBAHBOH