This collection contains theses, dissertations, problem reports, and project reports (ETDs) from West Virginia University graduate students.
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Theses/Dissertations from 2021
Speaking Music: A Historical Study of Edwin Gordon's Music Learning Theory, David M. Alfred
Light Non-Aqueous Phase Liquid Migration in Ground Subsurface, Hanadi Al-Hammad
Transform Based Approaches for the Detection of Astrophysical Signals, Marwan Mahfud Alkhweldi
Effect of feedrate, depth of cut, tool material, and toolpath on dimensional accuracy and surface roughness of milled CFRP, Assem Hesham Almadani
“Sir, We Have the Honour Most Respectfully to Submit Our Humble Petition”: Voices in Ink and the Politics of Petitions in Colonial Igboland, Nigeria, 1892-1960, Bright Chiazam Alozie
Gendered use of language in Facebook status updates among Jordanian and American youths: A sociopragmatic study, Ashraf Wenas Al Sad
Choice Between Reinforcers With and Without Delayed Shock Effects of a Pre-Shock Signal, Haleh Amanieh
Floating-Gate Design and Linearization for Reconfigurable Analog Signal Processing, Steven Michael Andryzcik II
Valorization of Xylan in Agroforestry Waste Streams, Harrison Appiah
Exposure Therapy: Stimulus Intensity as a Factor in Treatment Preference, Matthew C. Arias
Nondestructive Condition Assessment of Civil Infrastructure Using Ultrasonic Technique, Tyler Keith Ashbrook
Identification of Crash Contributing Factors in AV involved Crashes, MD TANVIR ASHRAF
Enhancing Negative-Ion Native Mass Spectrometry with Field-Assisted Capillary Vibrating Sharp-Edge Spray Ionization (cVSSI), Kushani Udeshika Attanayake
Comparative Analysis of Different Classes of On-line State Estimators for Aerodynamics Angles and True Airspeed Sensors for Applications to the Sensor Failure Problem, Alexandra Anne Augsberger
COVID-19 vaccine rollout: Examining COVID-19 vaccination perceptions and intention among nurses, Emilee T. Austin
IoT Malicious Traffic Classification Using Machine Learning, Michael Austin
Microwave-Assisted Natural Gas Conversion to Value-Added Chemicals, Xinwei Bai
Estimating the Azimuthal Mode Structure of Ultra Low Frequency Waves and Its Effects on the Radial Diffusion of Radiation Belt Electrons, Mohammad Barani
Reframing: A Grounded Theory Study of Postmenopausal Women Following Osteoporotic Fracture, Ashley D. Barber
A Parametric Study of Lateral-Torsional Buckling in Pultruded FRP Beams Using Abaqus, Robert Nathaniel Baylor
An In Vitro Comparison of Shear Bond Strength Between Two Orthodontic Light-Curable Adhesive Pastes, Stephanie Becker
Evaluation of LIDAR systems for rock mass discontinuity identification in underground stone mines from 3D point cloud data, Mario Alejandro Bendezu de la Cruz
Effect of fecal egg count estimated breeding value on antibody production in Katahdin lambs, Kelsey L. Bentley
Re-design of Precision Signal Conditioning Circuit for detecting Schumann Resonance, Rohith Bikkina
Pseudomonas aeruginosa vaccine development using dual-species whole cell and subunit vaccines, Catherine Bell Blackwood
Causal Determinants of College Success, Benjamin Blemings
The Road Less Traveled: Economic Analysis of Roads and Highways, Margaret C. Bock
A Road Grade Based Weighting System for Calculating On-Road Distance-Specific Oxides of Nitrogen Emissions of Light-Duty Diesel Vehicles, Jason D. Bolyard
Describing a putative corollary discharge circuit in Drosophila, Kaitlyn Nicole Boone
Standby Lovers: A Typology and Theoretical Investigation of Back Burner Relational Maintenance, Dana Borzea
Improving Broiler Performance and Digestibility Through Feed Enzymes and Production Rate Aids Utilized in Pelleting., Kristina Marie Bowen
Examining West Virginia's Economic Development: Natural Resources, Development Agencies, And Labor Force Development, Gaillynn Marie Bowman
Variations in Produced Water Chemistry and Relation to Regional Geology and Production in the Marcellus Shale, Northcentral West Virginia, Jonathan M. Brady
A Role for Endothelial Tissue-Nonspecific Alkaline Phosphatase in Blood-Tissue Barrier Health and Disease, Allison L. Brichacek
A Deeper Inquiry into the Transitional Needs of Student Veterans, Nathan Calvin Bridendolph Jr
Psychometric Evaluation of Genetic Literacy Instruments in a National Sample, Jamey T. Brumbaugh
Investigation of Foundation Failures, Ali Buabbas
Learning and Workers in Transition (WIT), Jeffrey Burgazzoli Jr
Determining the Effects of Imidacloprid on Non-Target Soil Organisms in Hemlock Stands, Braley Burke
Optimizing a Pediatric DKA Protocol in a Tertiary Care Hospital System in Northern West Virginia, Jennifer L. Burky
“The Entire Army Says Hello”: Common Soldiers’ Experiences, Localism, and Army Reform in Britain and Prussia, 1739-1789, Alexander S. Burns
Understanding the relationship between local environmental changes and the function of the pH Low Insertion Peptide, Violetta Burns Casamayor
“Geeks and She-eks”: The Relationship Between Younger Women’s Experiences in Popular Geek Culture and Their Interest in STEM Fields, Madeleine D. Butcher
Designs and Practical Control Methods for Soft Parallel Robots, Benjamin T. Buzzo
Improving Real-time Methane Monitoring in Longwall Coal Mines Through System Response Characterization of a Multi-Nodal Methane Detection Network, Brian Philip Cappellini
A Survey of Musical Expectations in the Marine Forces Reserve Band stationed in New Orleans, Louisiana, Brandon Paul Carbonari
Three Essays in Applied Urban Economics, Alexander Cardazzi
Investigation Of Ions Accelerated Through Electrostatic Menisci In An Inductively Coupled Plasma, David D. Caron
The Impact of Unsaturated Zone Thickness on the Severity of Saltwater Intrusion in Coastal Aquifers from Overtopping, Dennis Jesse Carpinello
Perceptions and Instructional Practices used by West Virginian Secondary Agricultural Teachers in Meat Science Education, Kindra D. Carr
Dry Reforming of Methane Using Microwave Irradiated Metal Oxide/Coal Char Catalysts, Anthony Carter
In the Wild Night and Other Stories, Christl M. Caspar
Gas Phase Reactions of Cyclopentadiene with CH and OH Radicals, Kacee Lynn Caster
Mitochondrial Aspects of Neuronal Pathology in Triple-Transgenic Alzheimer’s Disease Mice, John Zachary Cavendish
Mismatch and Burnout: An Exploration of Burnout and Work Passion Amongst Academic Affairs Professionals Through an Organizational Lens, Alexa Elizabeth Cecil
Doctors, Miners, and Black Lung: A transatlantic comparison of organized medicine's role in the fight for black lung recognition in West Virginia and Wales, Mollie M. Cecil MD
Discriminative Stimulus Effects of Cannabidiol Oil in Rats, Rebecca L. Chalme
Single and Differential Morph Attack Detection, Baaria Chaudhary
The Effect of Bilingual Proficiency in Indian English on Bilabial Plosive, Taniya Chawla
Development of Eccentric Black Hole Binary Searches in the LIGO and PTA Regimes, Belinda D. Cheeseboro
Developments of Advanced Cathodes and Stabilized Zinc Anodes for High-performance Aqueous Zinc-ion Batteries, Xiujuan Chen
Forty Weeks in 2020: A Future Father Faces his Fears, Storey William Clayton
Nitrite Supplementation Restores Aortic Health in Chronically Stressed Mice, Tyler Coblentz
Evaluating Social Media as a Medium of Private Communication Through Steganographic Images, Kendall Weldon Coles
Mitigating Insider Threats in a Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control System Using Local Intra-Vehicle Data, Alexander Francis Colon
Using zebrafish to elucidate the expression and gene regulatory network of the Genomic screen homeobox transcription factors and bring innovative science learning experiences to West Virginia, Rebecca Ann Coltogirone
Quantitation of Fentanyl and Metabolites from Blow Fly Tissue and Development Effects of Fentanyl on Lucilia sericata, Joseph Allen Cox
More than one story: A bioecological model of elementary educators’ perceptions and representations of diversity, Angela Curfman
Erosion and Sediment Controls on Reclaimed Mine Refuse Impoundments, Sara Dalen
Real vs Fake Faces: DeepFakes and Face Morphing, Jacob L. Dameron
Timber Bridge Pile Splicing with Fiber Reinforced Polymer Wraps, Drew L. Damich
A Selected Analytical Bibliography of Works for Saxophone by Composers Associated with the Darmstadt International Summer Courses for New Music: 1946-2021, Christopher Mark DeLouis
Planning Algorithms Under Uncertainty for a Team of a UAV and a UGV for Underground Exploration, Matteo De Petrillo
A Performance Guide To Prokofiev: Romeo And Juliet For Solo Tuba, John Christopher DiCesare
Implementation Of Fuzzy Logic Control Into An Equivalent Minimization Strategy For Adaptive Energy Management Of A Parallel Hybrid Electric Vehicle, Jared Alexander Diethorn
An Examination of the START NOW Dialectical Behavior Therapy-Based Intervention Plus a Behavioral Level System on Male Inmate Misbehavior, Aggressive Behavior, and Mental Health, Victoria DiSciullo
Autumn Town, Matthew Dougherty
Analysis on Combined Heat and Power, and Combined Heat and Power Hybrid Systems for Unconventional Drilling Operations, Diego G. Dranuta Ferrer
Topic Modeling and Cultural Nature of Citations, Marie Coraline Dumaz
An End-to-End Face Recognition System Evaluation Framework, James Andrew Duncan
Dynamic Modeling of a Coal Mill for Simultaneous Dynamic Data Reconciliation and Parameter Estimation, vinayak dwivedy
The Effects of Dementia Knowledge on Dementia Worry, Attitudes, Social Comfort, Empathic Concern, and Personal Distress, Alexandria Rose Ebert
Does a brief mindfulness induction change delay discounting in individuals with high levels of obsessive-compulsive symptoms?, Cierra B. Edwards
Unique Biological Applications of Charge Transfer Dissociation Mass Spectrometry, Halle M. Edwards
The Role of Tree Species, the Herb Layer, and Watershed Characteristics on Nitrogen Cycling in a Central Appalachian Hardwood Forest, Sian E. Eisenhut
Using Distributed Ledger Technologies in VANETs to Achieve Trusted Intelligent Transportation Systems, Fares Nabil ElAmine
Algebraic, Analytic, and Combinatorial Properties of Power Product Expansions in Two Independent Variables., Mohamed Ammar Elewoday
The Impacts of the Net Stress and Stress Shadow on the Productivity of Marcellus Shale Horizontal Well, Mohamed El Sgher
Targeting Calcium Homeostasis for the Treatment of Multiple Myeloma, Osama M. Elzamzamy
Prediction of Tensile Behaviors of L-DED 316 Stainless Steel parts using Machine Learning, Israt Zarin Era
AEROSOL SAMPLING STRATEGY: Effect of Particle Transfer to Sampler Covers and Estimation of Conversion Factors between the United States and German Methods for Quartz sampling, Godwin Akpevwe Erekaife
The Well-Made Man: An Exploration of George Tesman in Henrik Ibsen's Hedda Gabler, Ryan Ernst
Implementing the Empirical Stone Mine Pillar Strength Equation into the Boundary Element Method Software LaModel, Samuel Escobar
Recovery of Phosphorus from Florida Phosphatic Waste Clay, Amir Eskanlou
'Deporte y Cambio Social': Women's Empowerment SDP Program in Mexico, Sofia Espana Perez
Increasing the Seebeck Coefficient of Thermoelectric Calcium Cobaltite Ceramics through Incorporation of Rare-Earth Elements, Andre Fabian Fernandes