This collection contains theses, dissertations, problem reports, and project reports (ETDs) from West Virginia University graduate students.
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Theses/Dissertations from 2021
Comparing Spanish L2 use of regional phonemes after study abroad in Spain and Mexico, Katherine R. Lindley
Kindergarten Entry Assessment Practices in Pennsylvania, Anne Katona Linn Ed.D.
Effects of biofertilizer on soil nutrient cycling and the productivity of bioproduct crops in marginal soils, Kieran B. Liseski
Harnessing Acoustic Streaming for Bioanalysis in Microfluidics, Xiaojun Li
Ecology of freshwater turtles and other wetland wildlife in a north-central West Virginia watershed, Darien N. Lozon
One Hundred Wounded Men, Sarah Anne Lullo
Putting Policy in Its Place: Policy Enactment and Engagement through a Multiscalar Policy-shed Framework, barbara L. MacLennan
Development of Collision Resilient Drone for Flying in Cluttered Environment, AL MAHMUD
Improving Characterization of Small Molecules using Enhanced Molecular Reaction and Ionization Techniques, Sandra N. Majuta
Energy Policy Dynamics in the European Parliament and in the Lithuanian Seimas, Vaida Lilionyte Manthos
Imagined Communities: The British Planter in Nyasaland, 1890 - 1940, Benjamin Marnell
Wild and Wonderful: How Both a Local and National Newspaper Framed West Virginia Leading Up to the 2016 Election, Emily Grace Martin
Tree species influence on microbial functional gene abundance and N cycling in riparian soil, Elizabeth Matejczyk
Advancing the Spatial Turn in History through Deep Mapping: Ghost Maps, Neogeography, and Frederick Jackson Turner, Jessica L. Mathai
Heterogeneous Generalizations of Vertex Coloring, Lucian Ciletti Mazza
Mau Mau’s Moral War: The Sacralization of Kenya’s Anticolonial Struggle, 1952–1956, Henry Muoki Mbunga
Identical Twins as a Facial Similarity Benchmark for Human Facial Recognition, John Andrew McCauley
Examining Relationships among Person Factors, Psychosocial Factors, and Coping Patterns in People Living with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in North Central Appalachia, Melissa A. McCoy
Biological Conversion of Carbon Dioxide to Value-added Chemicals, Owen James McGrath
Identifying Self-Determined Learning Practices Within Social Media for Teacher Professional Development, Leah Mcjilton
An Exploration of How University Development Officers Can Cultivate Year 0 Alums, Lily McKnight
Initial and Advanced Stages of Microbiota Establishment within the Tsetse Fly, Miguel Eduardo Medina Munoz
Online Ultra-High Performance Liquid Chromatography-Charge Transfer Dissociation-Mass Spectrometry (UHPLC-CTD-MS) of Complex Mixtures of Oligosaccharides, Praneeth M. Mendis
Characterization of Modern Ammunition and Background Profiles: A Novel Approach and Probabilistic Interpretation of Inorganic Gunshot Residue, Korina Layli Menking-Hoggatt
Polarized Policymaking: The Effect of Ideological Division on Legislative Outcomes in the United States Congress, Aaron Tyler Mentzer
Sevoflurane: Practice Change Integration Quality Improvement for Pharmacoeconomic Accountability, Kelly Moore Meyers
The effects of genetic differences in an innate immune receptor on immune responses to Haemonchus contortus in sheep, Denzel Deshawn Middleton
The Comparison of Treadmill and Overground Running with the Use of Inertial Measurement Units (IMUs), Griffin R. Moon
The Three Piano Sonatas by José de Almeida Penalva, Heron Alvim Moreira
Application of Project Management Strategies and Tools for an Efficient and Successful Competition-based Engineering Senior Capstone Design Project, Benton Duane Morris
Magnetic Properties of LSMO/STO Thin Films: Magnetocaloric, Spin Dynamics and Magnetic Viscosity Investigations, Navid Mottaghi
Powertrain Fuel Consumption Modeling and Benchmark Analysis of a Parallel P4 Hybrid Electric Vehicle Using Dynamic Programming, Aaron Robert Mull
Remediation of Spatial Skills in First Semester Calculus Using Haptics-Based Applications, Kristen L. Murphy
Analyzing and Measuring Petrophysical Properties of Marcellus Shale, Yahia Mustafa Yassin Mustafa
Adolescents' Production of Clausal Structures in Written Narrative, Expository, and Persuasive Genres, Lauren Elizabeth Myers
Staying Power: Examining Resistance in West Virginia, Beth Nardella
Self-Efficacy, Trait Mindfulness, and Self-Compassion as Predictors of Risk of Substance Use Relapse, Jonathan Nauser
Using Numerical Relativity to Explore Strong Gravity and Develop Force-Free Electrodynamics Simulation Software with Best-Practice Development, Patrick E. Nelson
Evaluation of Dental and Skeletal Changes with Sequential Distalization of Maxillary Molars Using Clear Aligners: A preliminary study, Minh Phi Nguyen
Novel mechanisms of neuronal and hormonal regulation of large intestinal electrolyte transport, Andrew John Nickerson
Analyzing Safety Audits to Improve Logging Safety Performance, George Daniel Nolan jr
Effects of Acute and Chronic Nicotine Administration on Choice of Probabilistic Outcomes, Katya A. Nolder
Targeting the cerebrovasculature in sepsis: A focus on the brain microvascular endothelium, Divine C. Nwafor
Manipulating the Perineuronal Net in the Deep Cerebellar Nucleus, Deidre E. O'Dell
Static and Dynamic Analysis of Composite Plates using the MONNA Finite Element, Mohamed Omar
The Media's Framing of Incarceration in West Virginia, Patrick John Orsagos
Effect of Pad Design and Bracket Manufacturing Method on Bracket Bond Strength, Dustin Osborne
Modeling, Optimization and Uncertainty Quantification of Solids-Based CO2 Capture Technologies, Anca Ostace
Chamber Music Fundamentals and Rehearsal Techniques for Advancing String Students, Gabrielle Padilla
Identification and Classification of Radio Pulsar Signals Using Machine Learning, DI Pang
Predictors of Courage in Adolescents, Yea Won Park
Optimization of Operating Conditions and Design Parameters on Coal Ultra-Fine Grinding Through Kinetic Stirred Mill Tests and Numerical Modeling, Francisco Patino
Terrestrial Salamander and Ant Community Responses to Imidacloprid Application in Central Appalachian Eastern Hemlock Forests, Lenza E. Paul
Identifying the Technical and Teacher Skills Needed by In-Service Teachers to Effectively Teach an Agricultural Mechanics Course in West Virginia, Coleton Todd Payne
Exploring early signaling associated with complex stressors, Julia A. Penatzer
Refining the sedimentology and geochemistry of the mid-Permian Blaine Formation of the Rebecca K. Bounds core from Greeley County, Kansas, Brigitte Petras
Independent, Semi-Automated Classification of Petrographic Features in Volcanic Rocks Using FiJi and Weka, Holly Danielle Pettus
A Short Film That Addresses Substance Use Disorders in Rural Communities and Strategies in Prevention and Treatment of Addiction, Sarah R. Poteracki
Ensemble Encoder-Decoder Models for Predicting Land Transformation, Pariya pourmohammadi
Analysis of Cell Signaling Perturbations in Response to Chronic Localized Infections, Amber Nicole Prince
Sustainability Key Performance Indicators for Mass Customization, Md Fahid Hasan Pulak
Assessing Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR)-Derived Temporal Patterns and Digital Terrain Data for Palustrine Wetland Mapping, Jaimee L. Pyron
When Face-to-Face Communication Fails: A Case Study of WVU Extension Agents Utilizing Innovative Social Media Practices, Madison Brooke Quinn
Mycorrhizal type dictates soil microbial diversity and function and the integrated root-microbial response to water stress in temperate forests, Nanette C. Raczka
Multivariate Time Series Classification of Sensor Data from an Industrial Drying Hopper: A Deep Learning Approach, Md Mushfiqur Rahman
Design and Synthesis of Targeted Immunotherapeutic Agents, Md Shohel Rana
Development of Vibrating Sharp-edge Spray Ionization (VSSI) methods for Mass Spectrometry Analysis and Imaging, Nandhini Ranganathan
Flow Field Measurement and Qualification of the West Virginia University Environmental Wind Tunnel, Katherine Mary Reid
Implications of Fraud Detection Decisions, Marie Rice
Examining changes in learning and engagement of higher education students in a fully online flipped learning distance education classroom, James David Riel
Touching Light: A Framework for the Facilitation of Music-Making in Mixed Reality, Ian Thomas Riley
Language Choice on Psychological Reactance in Instructor/Student Email Exchanges, Christiana Robey
Natural Gas Conversion to Value-Added Chemicals by Microwave Catalytic Processes, Brandon Robinson
Response Of Forest Birds To Spotted Wing Drosophila (Drosophila Suzukii Matsumura), A Novel Invasive Fruit Pest, At Allegheny National Forest, Daniel P. Roche
A survey of anthelmintic resistance in Angus bulls participating in centralized performance tests in Appalachia, Roger Tyler Rohrbaugh
The Joyful Path of Lifelong Mastery of the Piano, John Alan Rose
Examining the effects of background noise on contextualized word learning, Caitlin Alyssa Ross
Uncertainty Estimation for Stereo Visual Odometry, Derek W. Ross
Sexual and Place-Based Identity: A Life Course Analysis of LGBTQ+ Undergraduate Understandings of Climate Change in Appalachia, Brandon Anthony Rothrock
A Solution for Overcoming Transradial Prosthetic Control Limitations with Additive Manufacturing and Modeling Techniques, Olivia Layne Santee
Hearing Ourselves Speak: Finding the Trans Sound in the Ohio River Valley, Gwendolyn Patricia Saporito-Emler
#Canceled: Positionality and Authenticity in Country Music’s Cancel Culture, Gabriella Saporito
Investigation of novel mitoNEET ligand NL-1 as a therapeutic for cerebral ischemia and reperfusion injury, Pushkar Saralkar
Fundamentals and Applications of Charge Transfer Dissociation Mass Spectrometry, Zachary Joseph Sasiene
A Snapshot of Ancient Microbial Life: Microorganisms and Organic Compounds in Primary Fluid Inclusions in Bedded Halite, Neoproterozoic Browne Formation of Central Australia, Sara I. Schreder-Gomes
From inner segment to outer segment: Palmitoylation of photoreceptor Na+, K+-ATPase and the importance of PRCD in photoreceptor outer segment morphogenesis, Emily R. Sechrest
Accuracy of Digital Impressions at Varying Implant Depths: An In-vitro Study, Vivia Sequeira
Effects of 4-Methylcyclohexanemethanol on Stress Response Pathway Regulators, in Saccharomyces Cerevisiae, Suk Lan Ser
Current Trends in the Management of Endodontic Emergencies, Asmi Shah
Pulsar Noise Processes and Emission Physics, Brent Jacob Shapiro-Albert
Updates and Improvements to the Satellite Drag Coefficient Response Surface Modeling Toolkit, Phillip Logan Sheridan
Next-Generation Re-Entry Aerothermodynamic Modeling of Space Debris Using Machine Learning, Nicholas Sia
Evaluation of Population Structure, Age, Growth, and Mortality of Blue Catfish and Flathead Catfish within the Robert C. Byrd Pool of the Ohio and Kanawha Rivers, Joseph Vincent Siegel
Behind the lens: How women photojournalists’ experiences are impacted by gendered double standards and emotion management on the sidelines of the National Football League, Caylie M. Silveira
The Memorization, Preparation, and Performance of Piano Music: Cognitive Foundations and Current Neuro-Music Research, Amy M. Simpson
Janus kinase 1 drives endoplasmic reticulum stress-induced transcriptional reprogramming in astrocytes, Savannah Graham Sims