This collection contains theses, dissertations, problem reports, and project reports (ETDs) from West Virginia University graduate students.
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Theses/Dissertations from 2020
The Fight is Still On: An Ethical Analysis of the American Civil Liberties Union’s Partisan Rhetoric in the Trump Era, Emily Charlotte Gerber
Evaluating the Polishing of Skid Aggregates in Asphalt using the British Pendulum Tester, Allison Nicole Givens
Music and Politics in Figure Skating: American and Soviet Nationalism, Cultural Diplomacy, and Identity at the Winter Olympics, 1968–1988, Mary Bridget Golden
Searches for Fast Radio Bursts, Golnoosh Golpayegani
Recovery of Benthic Macroinvertebrate Communities after Restoration in Two Intensively Mined Watersheds, Brian R. Gordon
Synthesis of Graphene Using Plasma Etching and Atmospheric Pressure Annealing: Process and Sensor Development, Andrew Robert Graves
Central Appalachian Understory Red Spruce (Picea rubens Sarg.) Growth Rates and Allometric Relationships, Joseph M. Gray
A Multifaceted Performance Model for the Multiple Percussion Performance Practice: Performance Analysis of Select Works toward Developing a Graduate Curriculum, Mitchell Joseph Greco
Alternative Media and Mulches in Organic Vegetable Production, Heather R. Griffith
Factors Influencing Huntingtin Aggregation at Surfaces: Implications for Huntington’s Disease, Sharon E. Groover
The Roman Catholic Ordinary Mass from circa 1750 to circa 1820: A Selected Bibliography, Letícia Gabriele Grützmann Januario
Resilience in the Mountains: Exploring the Labor and Motives of Food-Caregiver Women Repairing Broken Food Systems in West Virginia Communities, Heidi Lynn Gum
Validation of Fast Spectrochemical Screening Methods for the Identification of Counterfeit Pharmaceutical Packaging, Emily Ann Haase
Transit Agencies Performance Assessment and Implications, Parisa Hajibabaee
Synthesis and Characterization of Pyridine Dipyrrolide Iron Complexes Relevant to Nitrene and Carbene Group Transfer, Brett M. Hakey
The Role of Flavors in Electronic Cigarette Abuse Liability in Tobacco-Naïve Young Adults, Ilana Haliwa
Neuromechanical Tuning for Arm Motor Control, Russell Lee Hardesty Jr
Disturbance Related to Unconventional Oil and Gas Development in the Appalachian Basin, Kevin Jordan Harris
Struggle for Sovereignty: An African-American Colonization Attempt and Delicate Independence in Mid-Nineteenth Century Central America, Matthew D. Harris
An Examination of the Impacts of the WVU Research Apprenticeship Program (RAP), Mostafa Hashemi
Regional Variation on Loanword Adaptation in Japanese, Yuki Hattori
Aeroelasticity of Composite Plate Wings using HSDT and Higher-Order FEM, Justin A. Haught
Terrain Aware Traverse Planning for Mars Rovers, Gabrielle Hedrick
The morphological, physiological, and genetic underpinnings of intraspecific salinity tolerance in Sorghum bicolor, Ashley N. Henderson
An Appraisal of the Evolution of Western Art Music in Nigeria, Agatha Onyinye Holland
A Spatially Distributed Investigation of Stream Water Temperature in a Contemporary Mixed-Land-Use Watershed, Jason P. Horne
Recalling the Georgic: Land, Labor, and Literature in American Ecological Consciousness, Sam Horrocks
Procedure for Asphalt Mixture Friction Evaluation for WVDOH, Danielle Marie Hoyer
Fundamental Studies on the Recovery of Rare Earth Elements from Acid Mine Drainage, Xue Huang
Low-Cost Skewed Redundant IMU Configuration for State-Space Recovery in a Saturated Environment, Levi S. Hubbard
Knowledge of Content for Clinical Nursing Educators: An Ethnographic Investigation of Clinical Experts Who Transition to the Role of Novice Clinical Nursing Educator, Stacy Wheat Huber
Evaluating the Use of the M-Vac® Wet Vacuum System to Recover DNA from Cotton Fabric, Phillip Reilly Irion
Towards Large Eddy Simulation of a Staged, Pressurized Oxy-fuel Combustor, Alain Islas Montero
Making Implementation Last: Understanding the Sustainability of an Evidence-based Treatment, Carrie Beth Jackson
Structural Transformations of Synaptic Partners During Growth and Competition of the Giant Nerve Terminal, the Calyx of Held, in the Medial Nucleus of the Trapezoid Body in the Developing Postnatal Mouse, Dakota Richard Jackson
Rational drilling control parameters to reduce respirable dust during roof bolting operations, Hua Jiang
On Body Mass Index Analysis from Human Visual Appearance, Min Jiang
Essays on Employment Growth, Wage Discrimination, and Marijuana Legalization, Candon Johnson
The Energy Efficiency and Living Comfort of a Stabilized Rammed Earth Dwelling in Comparison with a Traditional Stud Frame Building, David C. Johnson III
Effects of Commission Errors during Noncontingent Reinforcement, Stephanie Hope Jones
Microfinance in Latin America: Poverty Alleviation and the Impact of Institutional Mimicry, Lindsay Jouben
Exploring Aspects of Science Literacy Demonstrated by Early Undergraduate STEM Majors through a Manuscript-Style Writing Assignment, Samantha Lynn Jusino
Application of Decline Curve Analysis to Unconventional Reservoirs, Majed Hisham Kabbani
A qualitative case study research investigation of youth outcomes during an Appalachian water-quality citizen science program, Jessica Kaplan
Evaluation of Process and Economic Feasibility of Implementing a Topping Cycle Cogeneration System, Unique Karki
The State and War on Poverty: British Welfare Development and its Legacies for Malawi, 1930s-1983, Gift Wasambo Kayira
Comparative Study of Model-Based and Learning-Based Disparity Map Fusion Methods, Douglas E. Kerr Jr.
Characterization of the Biochemical Properties of Nudt8, a Novel CoA-degrading Enzyme that Localizes to the Mitochondria, Evan W. Kerr
Utilizing conservation genetics as a strategy for recovering the endangered Candy Darter (Etheostoma osburni) in West Virginia, Brin E. Kessinger
Pulmonary immune responses to respirable elongate mineral particles of asbestiform and non-asbestiform morphologies, Timur Khaliullin
Review of Modern Nondestructive Testing Techniques for Civil Infrastructure, Shabnam Khanal
Capital Equipment Upgrade Strategy in the Context of Servitization, Muztoba Ahmad Khan
Palmprint Gender Classification Using Deep Learning Methods, Minou Khayami
Protein/peptide characterization using mass spectrometry and molecular dynamics simulations, Ahmad Kiani Karanji
Teacher as “Team Player”: An Early Career Teacher’s Refinement of Critical Pedagogical Discourses, Keisha-Moraé Hopkins Kibler
Association of Diet Quality with Fall Risk among Community-Dwelling Older Adults in a Fall-Prevention Program, Jae Hyun Kim
Bullets, Breeding, and Biodiversity: An analysis of trophy hunting in South Africa's green wildlife economy, Dave E. Knieter
Numerical Analysis and Gravity, Tyler D. Knowles
Experimental, Computational and Analytical Studies towards a Predictive Scenario for a Burning Accident, Furkan Kodakoglu
Injury-related infant mortality in West Virginia, 2010-2014, Wilson A. Koech
Utilization of a Numerical Reservoir Simulation with Water and Gas Injection for Verification of Top Down Modeling, Ashley Konya
Accuracy of BLX and BLT guided implants in the edentulous maxilla: an in vivo study, Benjamin Andrew Kordusky
Review of Established and Emergent Methods for the Production of C4 Olefins, James Matthew Koval
Development and implementation of a novel voltage-free interface for capillary electrophoresis-mass spectrometry separations of proteins, Courtney J. Kristoff
The Effects of Instructor Self-Disclosure on Students’ Cognitive Learning: A Live Lecture Experiment, Stephen Michael Kromka
Evaluating Inorganic Feed Phosphate Type and Further Potential of Phytase Supplementation using a Commercial Broiler Model, Angela Elsie Lamp
Clear Aligner Therapy vs. Traditional Brackets on Smile Arc, Sarah Elizabeth LaRue
Fast Decision-making under Time and Resource Constraints, Kyle Gabriel Lassak
Effect of Particle Concentration, Sealing Condition and Breathing Rate on Total Inward Leakage for N95 Filtering Facepiece Respirators, Taoreed T. Lawal
Evaluating the Accuracy of Firearm Examiner Conclusions using Cartridge Case Reproductions, Eric Freeman Law
Family Forest Owners Satisfaction with Timber Transactions, Jeffrey M. Lee
Sergei Prokofiev's Third Piano Sonata, OP. 28: Stylistic Analysis and Performance Suggestions, YOUNGJU LEE
Evaluation of Salmonella Enteritidis and Escherichia coli O157:H7 Volatile Organic Compound Analysis for Food Safety Monitoring: a Preliminary Study, Jessica E. Lemley
Cu-Based Electrocatalysts for Carbon Dioxide Conversion to Value-Added Chemicals, Qingyang Li
Weighted Modulo Orientations of Graphs, Jianbing Liu
Quality Improvement of Substance Misuse Screening of Older Adults in Primary Care Using Evidence-based Training, Kelly Lopez
Exploring the Relationship Between Hardiness and Performance in Collegiate Baseball Players, Kevin R. Lou
Early Black Poetry, Social Justice, and Black Children: Receptions of Child Activism in African American Literary History, Tabitha LaShay Joy Lowery
Grainyhead-like 2 Sensitizes Cells to Natural Killer Cell Cytotoxicity and Promotes the Interferon Response, Ian Philip MacFawn
Effect of sire breed on grass-based lamb production, Camren L. Maierle
Monotonic Response of RC Exterior Beam-Column Joints Reinforced with Filler-Modules and FRP Composite Wraps/Gussets, Praveen Kumar Reddy Majjigapu
On-Site Measurement of the Water-Cementitious Ratio and Heat of Hydration of Delivered Concrete, Seyednavid Mardmomen
Role Centrality and Shared Activities with Grandchildren: Effects on Grandparent Wellbeing, Madeline Marie Marello
Avian and salamander response to young forest management in West Virginia, Eric L. Margenau
Allopurinol alters the expression of cytokines and mediators of immune cells in the systemic 2 tissue by decreasing plasma urate., Lundrim s. Marku