This collection contains theses, dissertations, problem reports, and project reports (ETDs) from West Virginia University graduate students.
Students: See Prepare Your ETD for formatting requirements before you Submit your ETD
Theses/Dissertations from 2020
Understanding the host immune response against Pseudomonas aeruginosa to develop novel therapeutics and vaccines, Emel Sen Kilic
Oxygen Transport Kinetics of Surface Modified Mixed Conductor (La0.60Sr0.40)0.95Co0.20Fe0.80O3-x as Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Cathode, Manuel Serrano Laguna
Three Essays on Health Economics and Policy Evaluation, Shishir Shakya
Exploration of Unknown Environments Using a Tethered Mobile Robot, Danylo Shapovalov
Accessing the Functional Capabilities of the Tick Microbiome Through Metagenomics, Darin Lee Shrewsberry Jr
Evaluating Use and Preference for Performance Feedback to Teach Instructional Strategies, Natalie Jones Shuler
Scaling-based Robust Predictions of Periodic Stream Water Quality Variables Across the Contiguous U.S., Mohammad Abu Zafer Siddik
Trees, Fungi, Insects: How Host Plant Genetics Builds a Community, Sandra Jeanne Simon
Tobacco Cessation in a Dental School Setting, Kerri T. Simpson
Comparison of the Batch and Individual Log Study Methods for use in Determining Log Breakeven Pricing, Levi Eric Sisler
A Study on the Hydrodynamics of a Bench-Scale Top-Fed Bubbling Fluidized Bed Gasifier using Biomass and Coal as Feedstocks, Ali Can Sivri
Modeling and Tuning of CVT Systems for SAE® Baja Vehicles, Sean Sebastian Skinner
It's Getting Dark and Other Stories, Ellen Clark Skirvin
Individual Differences in Social Decision-Making Preferences, Kelly R. Smith
New York Sons of Erin: Nativism, Identity, and the Importance of Irish Ethnicity in the Civil War Era, Abbi E. Smithmyer
c-Jun NH2-terminal kinase signaling controls cellular mechanisms of guided cortical interneuron migration, Skye Eleanor Smith
Reservoir Characterization and Static Earth Modeling for Potential CO2 Storage in Upper Pennsylvanian Cyclothems of Midcontinent, USA, Valerie Lynn Smith
Why Are They Wrong? Exploring Surrogates’ Accuracy When Predicting Patient Treatment Preferences, RACHAEL LYNN SPALDING
Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Crime Incidents for Forensic Investigation, Jamie Spencer Spaulding
Innovative Approaches to 3D GIS Modeling for Volumetric and Geoprocessing Applications in Subsurface Infrastructures in a Virtual Immersive Environment, Pragya Srivastava
Occurrence, mating strategy, and pathogenicity of members of Nectriaceae in Central Appalachia, Cameron Michael Stauder
Making Space for Writing: Makerspace Activities and Academic Language in a Middle School Science Classroom, Ashley Stewart
Using the social ecological model to build a path analysis model of physical activity in a sample of active US college students, Jonathan J. Stewart
Objects of Communication, Tyler Stonestreet
Breaking the Chain: Evaluating the Links Between Opioid Use Disorder, Overdose, and Suicide, Amanda Nicole Stover MPH
Joby Talbot’s Path of Miracles: Musical and Dramatic Analysis, Joseph Stuligross
Design, Modeling and Optimization of Reciprocating Tubular Permanent Magnet Linear Generators for Free Piston Engine Applications, Jayaram Subramanian
Managing paradoxes of ambidexterity: The impact of exploration and exploitation on firm performance, Lixun Su
Exercises in Developing Bebop Scale Language for Collegiate Jazz Students, Lars Swanson
"Yo, I Like Your Walk-Up Song": Music Integration in Professional Baseball Gamedays, Seth Swary
Knickzones in Southwest Pennsylvania Streams Indicate Accelerated Pleistocene Landscape Evolution, Mark D. Swift
The Use of Differing Verb Types in the Oral Narratives of School-Age Children, Allison Ann Switzer
The Effect of Blended Learning on Language Proficiency of an EFL Class: An Empirical Study, Jamile Sulam Tango Rojas
Bright Bones, Gabriel Sean Tapia
The dark tetrad, social dominance orientation, and online political discussion, Cory D. Taylor
Prosocial Behaviors: The Influence of Authoritarian Parenting Style on Adolescents’ Prosocial Behaviors Towards Friends and Strangers, Krista-Gay Shaniece Chantal Taylor
Three Essays in Applied Econometrics: Understanding Population Changes, Samuel P. Taylor
Pilot Study of Behavioral Activation as Adjunct Treatment for Depression in Primary Care, Lindsay Ellen Toler
Experimental and Field Evaluation of FRP Pedestrian Bridge Decks, Kalrav Singh Tomer
Hepatitis B in At-Risk Groups: Three Studies to Guide Education, Testing, and Vaccination Efforts in West Virginia, Stacy Tressler
Estimating Evolutionary Volatility in a Maximum-Likelihood Framework, Samuel Warren Tybout
Speech Mode Classification using the Fusion of CNNs and LSTM Networks, Pratyusha Chowdary Vakkantula
Women Veterans’ Descriptions of the Patient-Provider Interaction with Civilian Providers, Billie S. Vance
The Effects of Intrinsic Foot Muscle Strengthening on Foot Posture, Balance, and Agility in Ice Hockey Players, Rebecca Eve Veltrie
"Treading on the footprints of history": American Catholic Pilgrimage as Public History, Charlotte Vester
Assessment of Unmanned Aerial Systems and lidar for the Utility Vegetation Management of Electrical Distribution Rights-of-Ways, Matthew R. Walker
Literature Review on Modeling of Density Difference Pumping Strategy for Geothermal Applications, Lucas A. Ware
Assessment of Protein Quality, Lipid Metabolism, Hepatic Transcriptome and Safety of a Silver Carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) Derived Sarcoplasmic Protein Powder., Derek Cole Warren
Therapeutic Approaches to Recovery in West Virginia, Rachel A. Wattick
Impact of the West Virginia University Mountaineer Success Academy Program from 2012-2015, Ashley D. Watts
Impact of sire selection and breed on parasite resistance in sheep, Andrew Ryan Weaver
Neuroimaging of Real-world Audio-visual Sensory Integration in High-functioning Autism, Paula J. Webster
The Effects of Household Substrates on the Evaporation of Ignitable Liquids at Temperatures up to 210℃, Caitlyn Wensel
It’s All Fun and Games until Somebody Dies: Grief, Mortality Salience, and Coping in Meaningful Permadeath, Mckay Steven West
Behavioral Functions of Stimuli Correlated with Transitions between Rich and Lean Schedules of Reinforcement, Cory Whirtley
In vitro assessment of deleterious impacts of organomodified nanoclays and their incinerated byproducts on human cells, Andrew Philip White
The effects of internal physiology on polyphenic horn development in the dung beetle Onthophagus taurus, Naomi Garrett Williamson
Respiratory Flow Characteristics of Intensive Care Healthcare Workers Performing Patient Care Activities, Shawn R. Williamson
Perceived Effects of Bush Burning on Agriculture and Wildlife Resources in Ghana, Caitlin A. Wilson
Breast cancer associated muscle fatigue: Novel targets to improve survival and quality of life, Hannah Elizabeth Wilson
Addiction or Disorder? Using the BIAS Map Model to Explain the Stigmatizing Effects of News Media Labels for Opioid Use Disorder, Kylie J. Wilson
The Role of Racial Discrimination on Parental Emotion and Racial Socialization, Tyia K. Wilson
The Exploration of Nanotoxicological Copper and Interspecific Saccharomyces Hybrids, Matthew Joseph Winans PhD
Creating a Community-Based Protocol to Prevent Unintended Pregnancy in Homeless Women in Monongalia County, West Virginia, Jessica Eva Wukasch
Circuits and Cycles in Graphs and Matroids, Yang Wu
Video and Image Super-Resolution via Deep Learning with Attention Mechanism, Xuan Xu
Solutions to Some Mine Subsidence Research Challenges, Jian Yang
Prescribing the Profession: Representations of Medical Professionalization Debates in American Literary Forms, 1830-1940, Jeffrey Wayne Yeager
Dendroclimatic Analysis and Site Index Modeling of Central Appalachian Red Spruce, Eric L. Yetter
Techno-Economic Feasibility of Solar Powered Electric Vehicle Charging Stations in West Virginia, Houssem Eddine Younes
Ultrafast Optical Properties of La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 Thin Films, Saeed Yousefi Sarraf
Habitat Stability in Appalachian Headwater Systems and Potential Impacts on Brook Trout Populations, Zac F.W Zacavish
Design and Optimization of Dynamic System for a One-kW Free Piston Linear Engine Alternator-GENSETS Program, Nima Zamani Meymian
Development of Software-only Simulation Test Beds (SoST) for Spacecraft and SmallSats, Scott Alan Zemerick
Cycle Double Covers and Integer Flows, Zhang Zhang
Evolutionary genomics of dynamic sex chromosomes in the Salicaceae, Ran Zhou
Essays on the Political Economy of Governance, Yang Zhou
An Interactive Mobile Equipment Task-Training with Virtual Reality, Lazar Zujovic
Theses/Dissertations from 2019
Propagation and Morphology of Premixed Flames in Obstructed Channels under Atmospheric and Supercritical Conditions, ABDULAFEEZ AKINOLA ADEBIYI
An Empirical Analysis of an Algorithm for the Budgeted Maximum Vertex Cover Problem in Trees, Mujidat Abisola Adeyemo
Provider-Patient Communication and Transition Readiness Among Adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes, Corrine N. Ahrabi-Nejad
Utilizing Lipid Biomarkers To Understand The Microbial Community Structure Of Deep Subsurface Black Shale Formations, Rawlings Akondi
Training Friends and Overseas Relief: The Friends Ambulance Unit and the Friends Relief Service, 1939 to 1948, Nerissa Kalee Aksamit
Roses & Thorns, Stephanie Alaniz
Employment, Daniel Abdul-Latif Al-Daqa
Aptamer Functionalized Zinc Oxide Field Effect Transistors For Odor Detection, Michael D. Aldridge
Confirmation Of Data-Driven Reservoir Modeling Using Numerical Reservoir Simulation, Al Hasan Mohamed Al Haifi
Evaluating Post-Fire Plantation Restoration in a Mixed Conifer Forest in the Sierra Nevada, Iris C. Allen
Amazon Nights II: Electric Boogaloo-Neural Adaptations for Communication in Three Species of Weakly Electric FIsh, Kathryne M. Allen
Immunity-Based Framework for Autonomous Flight in GPS-Challenged Environment, Mohanad Al Nuaimi
Design of Geothermal District Heating and Cooling System for the West Virginia University, OLUWASOGO BOLAJI ALONGE
The Impact of Permeability Heterogeneity on Liquid Recovery from Gas Condensate Reservoir, Bashayer Alsanea