This collection contains theses, dissertations, problem reports, and project reports (ETDs) from West Virginia University graduate students.
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Theses/Dissertations from 2019
Impact on the Pharyngeal Airway Space after Maxillomandibular Advancement Procedure for Obstructive Sleep Apnea Patients, Ghaddy AlSaty
Analysis of the Integration of DFM Techniques and Effective Machining Parameter Selection in Metal Parts Manufacturing, Omar Ahmed Al-Shebeeb
Distinguishing Beliefs about Social Inequality: Associations among Dimensions of Critical Consciousness, Lauren M. Alvis
Three Essays on Water Economics, Fahad Alzahrani
Scheduling for Cooperative Energy Harvesting Sensor Networks, Ahmed Ammar
Analysis Of Unconventional Oil And Gas Impacts On Downstream Fish Assemblages And Physiological Stress, Joshua Noah Ankeny
The effect of resident attitudes, social capital, and stakeholder engagement on rural tourism development in West Virginia., Doug Arbogast
Optimizing the Production and Injection Wells Flow Rates in Geothermal Field Using Artificial Intelligence, MUHAMMET SALIH ARITURK
Contemporary Music Notation for the Flute: A Unified Guide to Notational Symbols for Composers and Performers, Ms. Eftihia Victoria Arkoudis
New Method of Manufacturing Carbon Foam, Matthew D. Artimez
Core Curriculum for Orchestra, Andrew Thomas Aycoth
Evaluating the Effects of Exogenous Enzyme Supplementation on Broiler Growth, Victoria E. Ayres
Political Trust in Kosovo: Exploring Cultural and Institutional Dynamics, Ermira Babamusta
Mechanism Study of Shale Gas Conversion via Chemical Looping and Heterocatalytic Processes, Lei Bai
From Segregation to Integration: A History of African-American Education in West Virginia, 1862-1971, Tamara Denmark Bailey
Choose Your Own Lecture: Students’ Motivational Resources as a Consequence of Autonomy-Supportive Instruction, James P. Baker
Comparison Of Drag Area Estimation Using Natural Coast Down And Constant Speed Test Methods, Cem Baki Mr
Investigation of bovine conceptus galectins and the effect of bovine conceptus secretory proteins on the endometrial epithelial transcriptome, Heather Lynn Baldwin
The /H/ Phenomenon: Overgeneralised Or Confused? The Nigerian Yoruba-English Speakers As A Case Study, Oluwabukola Omolara Bamidele
Short Beam Shear Strength Evaluations of GFRP Composites: Correlations Through Accelerated and Natural Aging, William Todd Barker
Boundaries and Policing: Space, Jurisdictions, and Roles in the Collection of Official Crime Data, Cynthia Suzanne Barnett-Ryan
Regulation of the long non-coding RNA FAM83H-AS1 by human papillomavirus in cervical cancer, Jamie Ann Barr Ph.D.
Homeland and ethnic news consumption among Ghanaians in the Washington Metropolitan Area, Kwabena Boateng Bediako
Death-defying Morphologies: Mass Extinction and Disparity in the Order Harpetida, James Desmond Beech
The acute effect of propanil on reproductive hormones, ovarian gene expression and splenic cells in C57Bl/6 female mice, Malia Danielle Berg
Effect of Shear Bond Strength with Novel APC™ Flash-Free Brackets and Different Bonding Protocol: An In Vitro Study, Carl Bernstein
Ferritin: An Iron Deficiency Biomarker in Collegiate Female Distance Runners, Ty Bigelow
Does Emotional Distress Tolerance Predict Fear Responding in a Heights-Fearful Sample?, Amber Lynn Billingsley
Scaling Analysis and Experimental Investigation of a Rotating Detonation Engine, David Thomas Billups
Global Existence and Asymptotic Behaviors For Some Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations., Ismahan Dhaw Binshati
Gevalt, or And Then the Strings Come In, Jacob C. Block
Development of Improved Acellular Pertussis Vaccines Through Inclusion of the RTX Antigen or Induction of Mucosal Immunity, Dylan Tyler Boehm
Dynamic Discrepancy Reduced Order Modeling for Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis Over Cobalt-based Catalyst, Jose Miguel Bohorquez
The Effect of Feed Manufacture Techniques on Pathogen Reduction and Feed Nutrient Value, Timothy Paul Boltz
Reconciling the dissonance between Historic Preservation and Virtual Reality through a Place-based Virtual Heritage system., Danny J. Bonenberger
A Biomimetic Approach to Controlling Restorative Robotics, Matthew T. Boots
Energy Efficiency Evaluation of Blower Heater Non-Purge Compressed Air Dryers, Alexandra M. Botts
The impact of student facilitation on student engagement in asynchronous online discussion, Robin Bowen
Marcel Tabuteau’s System of Phrasing Applied to the Primary Themes in Carl Maria von Weber’s Second Clarinet Concerto, Christopher Charles Bowmaster
Glial cell expansion and intercellular signaling in the developing Medial Nucleus of the Trapezoid Body (MNTB), Ashley N. Brandebura
Pain Relief Knowledge, History, and Expectations among Emergency Dental Patients, Daniel C. Brawley
Hyperscales: Analysis, Historical Uses, and Possible Applications in Contemporary Music Composition, Douglas Wayne Brown
An Educational Intervention for Skin Cancer Prevention with Hospital Staff: A Pilot Project for System Change, Amy Fran Bruce
Tie Strength, Optimal Connections, and Distance in Social Networks, David Anthony Buch
The Magic Flute: Modern Light on a Classic Opera, Justin E H Burns
Analysis of User Preference with N95 and Powered Air-Purifying Respirators in a Healthcare Work Environment, Brittany Renee Carver
DP internal codeswitching by Spanish and English bilinguals in the US, Yurena Castaño-Nuñez
Evaluating the Approach of Using NOx Control Performance Tracking for On-Board Diagnostics of Heavy-Duty Diesel Vehicles, Renata Castiglioni
Virtual Morphology as a Method of Robotic Control, Conner Todd Castle
Judged Facial Attractiveness of Extraction and Non-Extraction Orthodontic Treatment in Repose and Smiling, Nicolette R. Chahin
Evaluation of A Marketing Strategy Based on The Concept of Virtual Energy Audit, Goutham Kumar Reddy Challa
A Sociopolitical Perspective to Understand When and Why Supervisors Endorse and Implement Employees’ Suggested Changes, Huaizhong Chen
Intelligent Malware Detection Using File-to-file Relations and Enhancing its Security against Adversarial Attacks, Lingwei Chen
Association Genetics and Local Adaptation of Populus trichocarpa Torr. & Gray, Hari Bahadur Chhetri
Incentives and Economic Decisions: Evidence from Sports Data, Iuliia Chikish
Appalachian Caregivers of Persons with Dementia Non Use of Services, Kristina M. Childers
State Counter-Insurgency And Political Policing In Colonial And Post-Colonial Malawi, 1891-1994, Paul Brenard Chiudza Banda
Student-Instructor Out-of-Class Communication: A Media Multiplexity Approach, Cathlin V. Clark-Gordon
Improving the Care of Infants with Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome by Implementing Rooming In, Tammi M. Clutter
The Progressive Miners of America: Roots of Dissent and Foundational Years, 1932-1940, Ian Stewart Cook
In vitro metabolism of the synthetic cannabinoids PX-1, PX-2, PX-3 and a comparison of their clearance rates in human liver microsomes, Travon Cooman
An Assessment of Emotional-Force and Cultural Sensitivity The Usage of English Swearwords by L1 German Speakers, Sarah Dawn Cooper
Estimating the Age of a Bloodstain using Droplet Digital PCR, Kalee Rae Crampton
Stream Salamander And Benthic Macroinvertebrate Community Responses To Imidacloprid Exposure, Sara M. Crayton
Material Disease: Agency and Illness in Early American Literature, Mariah Crilley
Johannes Brahms’s Fünf Ophelia-Lieder Performance history, cultural context, and character study as it pertains to Johannes Brahms’s Fünf Ophelia-Lieder: A Performer’s Perspective, Caryn Alexis Crozier
Defining the Late Style of Johannes Brahms: A Study of the Late Songs, Natilan Casey-Ann Crutcher
Browsing via Sonification, TAYLOR C. CUTLIP
Framing effects on fear of terrorism and willingness to sacrifice civil liberties, Ellory Ruth Dabbs
Characterization of Major Flavonols in Ramps (Allium tricoccum), Wijdan M. Dabeek
A Coordination-Based Approach to Subnational Variations in Split-Ticket Voting: The Case of Ghana 1996-2016, Samuel Kofi Darkwa
Super-Localizing Food as Tourism Development™: Producing the 30 Mile Meal™ in Athens, Ohio, Jed DeBruin
Historic Log Buildings as Archives of Past Forest Ecology, Kristen K. de Graauw
Jurors' Perceptions of Preschoolers and Younger School Aged Children's Memory Errors, Emily Margaret Deming
The Working Public’s Perceptions of Service Dogs: A Phenomenological Investigation of Gatekeepers’ Experiences, Angela M. Dial
Low-Power Reconfigurable Sensing Circuitry for the Internet-of-Things Paradigm, Alexander DiLello
Discrimination and behavioral responses to communication signals compared across Apteronotids., Danielle Leigh Dillon-Seeger
Avian Occupancy Dynamics and Canada Warbler (Cardellina canadensis) Environmental Correlates on a Central Appalachian Elevation Gradient in West Virginia, Gordon W. Dimmig
Recording the Classical Tuba, Larry Dine
Online Model Predictive Control of a Nonisothermal and Nonisobaric Membrane Reactor for Water-Gas Shift Reaction Applications, Jacob Martin Douglas
A Timeless Ritual, Luke Thomas Doyle
Investigation of Heat Exchanger Effectiveness Using a Surface Coating Technology, Allen Duffy
Impact of Natural Fracture Induced Elastic Anisotropy on Completion and Hydraulic Fracturing Designs, Emre Can Dundar
Improving Solder Joints Formed in Microgravity by Use of Magnetic Soldering Paste Additives, Aaron Dunkle
Promoting Sense of Belonging and Interest in Geosciences among Undergraduate Women through Mentoring, Wenyi Du
Deep Learning For Image Restoration And Robotic Vision, Yixin Du
A Comprehensive Evaluation of a Home Visitation Program Model's Prenatal Physical Activity Curriculum Modules Delivered Primarily to Low-income Women, Angela Marie Dyer
Behavioral Impairment Following Gestational Exposure to Titanium Dioxide Nanomaterial Aerosols in Male and Female Rats, Matthew Leland Eckard
Evaluation of Ultra Fine Cigarette Smoke Particles Penetration on 3M 6200 Half Mask Respirators with P-100 Filters, Selcuk Elhan
Rule Extraction and Insertion to Improve the Performance of a Dynamic Cell Structure Neural Network, Osama Amhamed Elsarrar
Three Essays on Utilizing Spatial Econometrics in Natural Resource Economics related to Water, Health, and Energy, Elham Erfanian
Crown-level mapping of tree species and health from remote sensing of rural and urban forests, Fang Fang
Short-term abstinence effects in experienced electronic cigarette users, Nicholas J. Felicione
Organizational Models in Athletic Training and the Effect on the Quality of Care Delivered, Matthew Ferreira