This collection contains theses, dissertations, problem reports, and project reports (ETDs) from West Virginia University graduate students.
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Theses/Dissertations from 2019
Three Essays on the Economics of Public Libraries, Amir Borges Ferreira Neto
Morphological and Phylogenetic Resolution of Diplodia spp., Emerging Canker Pathogens of Oak (Quercus spp.), in the United States, Savannah Lyn Ferreira
Following the Leaders: Issue Attention and Agenda Dynamics in Women’s Health Care Policy, Kara Anne Fisher
Effect of Metacarpal Gloves on Pinch and Grip Strength, Aaron Anthony Fonner
An Investigation of the Relation between Mindfulness and Self-Esteem Stability, Cameron Grant Ford
Agenda-Setting and Framing Effects in Both the Vietnam and Iraq Wars, Noelle Forde
Efficacy of Cognitive Training Intervention with a Coaching Component on Attention and Response Control in Emerging Adults, Thomas Craig Foster Jr
Building an Image: Japanese Influence on the Perception of Western Countries, A Study of the 1904 St. Louis World’s Fair, Andrea M. Fowler
Demographic, Spatial, And Epigenetic Response Of The Louisiana Waterthrush (Parkesia Motacilla) To Shale Gas Development, Mack W. Frantz
Sediment Provenance Study of the Lower Hamilton Group: An Analysis of the Organic-Rich Facies and its Depositional History, Luke Patrick Fritz
The Economic Contribution of West Virginia's Forest Products Industry, Charles Clinton Gabbert
Impacts of climate change on water balance components in the central Appalachian Mountains, USA, Brandi Anne Gaertner
Security Bug Report Classification using Feature Selection, Clustering, and Deep Learning, Tanner D. Gantzer
Application of Lidar to 3D Structural Mapping, Bertrand Gaschot
A Descriptive Analysis of PETE Master’s Programs in the U.S. and their Alignment with Advanced Teaching Standards, Jamie K. Gilbert
Cloud 9: Bringing the abstract to light, Thomas N. Gillette
Adolescent Residential Mobility: Behavioral Outcomes and the Moderating Role of the Mother-Adolescent Relationship, Sloane B. Glover
The Hard Bop Trombone: An exploration of the improvisational styles of the four trombonist who defined the genre (1955-1964), Emmett Curtis Goods
Liberation by Emigration: Italian Communists, the Cold War, and West-East Migration from Venezia Giulia, 1945-1949, Luke Gramith
Predictors of Perceived Multicultural Competence Among Neuropsychological Trainees, Hannah K. Greenbaum
The Effect of Bovine Galectin-1, a Conceptus Secretory Protein, on the Endometrial Transcriptome, Lindsay Faye Grose
Regulator of G Protein Signaling-12 (RGS12) in dopaminergic and kappa opioid receptor-dependent signaling and behavior, Joshua David Gross
Fundamental Mechanism of Time Dependent Failure in Shale, Neel Gupta
A Pedagogical Guide to Kapustin’s Eight Concert Etudes, Op. 40, Yanjing Gu
The Effects Hot Water Kill Time has on DNA Degradation and STR Profiling from Lucilia sericata (Diptera: Calliphoridae) Crop Contents, Nicholas Alexander Haas
WISH4Campus: Evaluating College Food Insecurity and Promoting Solutions for Student Wellbeing, Rebecca L. Hagedorn
The Effect of Occlusal Pressure on Vertical Force Generation on Dentate and Edentulous Subjects, Matthew Thomas Harper
Thermal Performance of Growth at Consumption Maximum (C-Max) and Routine Metabolic Rate (RMR) in Brook Trout Salvelinus fontinalis from four Populations in Central Appalachia, Cory Michael Hartman
The Potential Promises and Pitfalls of Using Local Norms for Gifted Identification, Marla S. Hartman
Identification of Burnt Smokeless Gunpowders Through Physical Characteristics, Cameron Taylor Hartwig
Computer-Assisted Instruction Compared to Traditional Instruction on Letter Recognition for Preschoolers with Special Needs, Jamie Nicole Harvey
Effects of Teacher Training in Trial-Based Functional Analysis via Video Modeling, Mary Haspel
Environmental Regulation of the Heart: The Role of Non-Coding RNA and Epigenetics in Influencing Mitochondrial and Cellular Health, Quincy Alexander Hathaway
Aspect influence on productivity when applying the deferment harvest method in mixed-oak hardwood forests in West Virginia, Breanne Held
Persistence of Undergraduate Women in STEM through TIMSI, Heather L. Henderson
Multimodal Approach for Malware Detection, Jarilyn M. Hernandez Jimenez
The Structural Information Filtered Features Potential for Machine Learning calculations of energies and forces of atomic systems., Jorge Arturo Hernandez Zeledon
Modeling Movement of Criminals through Burglary Scenes, Veronica L. Herrmann
Design and Implementation of Model Predictive Control Strategies for Improved Power Plant Cycling, Xin He
Essays on Environmental, Energy and Land Economics in China, Yiming He
Stigma, Attitudes, and Intentions to Seek Mental Health Services in College Student-Athletes, Robert C. Hilliard M.S.
Bargaining for Security: The Rise of the Pension and Social Insurance Program of the United Steelworkers of America, 1941-1960, Henry Edward Himes III
Three Essays in Applied Econometrics, Collin Dean Hodges
Autonomous Systems with Reuse: A Survey on the State-of-the-Practice, Denny LaVerne Hood III
Edge colorings of graphs on surfaces and star edge colorings of sparse graphs, Katherine M. Horacek
Automatic Detection of Insecure Codes in Stack Overflow, Shifu Hou
Making Armenian Politically Exposed Persons’ Money Public: A Data-Driven Journalism Project That Aims to Create a Database of Armenian MPs’ Assets, Ani Hovhannisyan
Reflectivity and photoemission electron microscopy studies of magnetic heterostructures, Chih-Yeh Huang
Discerning the Diets of Sweep-Feeding Eurypterids Through Analyses of Mesh-Modified Appendage Armature, Emily Samantha Hughes
Living Tangent, Cornelius Alexander Hugo
Numerical Modeling of Hydraulic Fracture Propagation and Comparison with Microseismic Data at a Field Site, Carter Lawrence Hulcher
Scalable and Cost-effective Barrier Layer Coating to Improve Stability and Performance of SOFC Cathode, Shanshan Hu
Color and Music, Shapes and Music, Kacey Lauren Ingram
Quantifying The Announcement Effects In The U.S. Lumber Market, Zarina Mamadalievna Ismailova
Influence of climate change and prescribed fire on habitat suitability and abundance of the high-elevation endemic Cow Knob Salamander (Plethodon punctatus), Carl David Jacobsen
Genetic Regulation Of The Elicitation Of Glyceollin Biosynthesis In Soybean, Md. Asraful Jahan
Beneath the Gypsum Dunes: Cenozoic History of Wind and Water from a Core Drilled at White Sands, New Mexico, Jackson Bentley Jakeway
Design And Implementation Of An Instantaneous Fuel Mass Flow Measurement System For Use In Verification Of Locomotive Emissions, Adam Wayne James
The Effect of Phonetic Training on the Perception and the Production of L1-Related Difficult Sounds in ESL, Moonjung Jang
The Quiet Art of Mourning, Kanza Javed
Stories of Deindustrialization: Exploring Narratives in Weirton, West Virginia, Ella Jennings
Lignocellulosic Biomass Derived Activated Carbon for Energy Storage and Adsorption, Changle Jiang
Structural Style And Stratigraphic Architecture Of The Northeastern Brooks Range, Alaska, Benjamin G. Johnson
Adult Atlantic sturgeon population dynamics in the York River, Virginia, Jason E. Kahn
The Poet and the Prizefighter: Essays, Ryan A. Kalis
Soil microbial succession following surface mining is governed primarily by deterministic factors, Jennifer Lynne Kane
Engineering Plasmonic Nanostructures for Light Management and Sensing, sujan phani kumar kasani
Genetic and Pharmacologic Studies Towards Prevention of opioid use disorder, Shane W. Kaski
Non-target Analyses of Novel Psychoactive Substances; Inherent Variation in GCMS Relative Abundances and Gas Phase Hydrogen Deuterium Exchange Isomer Discrimination, Kristin Michelle Kelly
Red Like A Clown, Evan M. Kertman
Resilient Stochastic Control Strategies in Cyber-Physical Microgrids, Mohammad Reza Khalghani
Design and Implementation of Overcurrent Protection Relays Test Bench, Khalid Daud Khattak
The Evaluation of the RapidHITTM 200 on Degraded Biological Samples, Alice Kim
Screening Sexual Assault Evidence with Low Concentrations of Male DNA Utilizing the RapidHIT 200 and ParaDNA Intelligence Test, Taylor L. Koepfler
Automatic Kinship Verification in Unconstrained Faces using Deep Learning, Naman Kohli
On Generative Adversarial Network Based Synthetic Iris Presentation Attack And Its Detection, Naman Kohli
Prizes, Winning, and Identity: Narrative Vocal Music of the Pulitzer Prize, 2008–2018, Julia K. Kuhlman
Folk-song to formal performance: Interpreting the songs of Jean Ritchie for voice recital, Julianne E. Laird
Evaluation of X-ray Spectroscopic Techniques for Determining Temperature and Density in Plasmas, Theodore Scott Lane
Detecting Balsam Woolly Adelgid Infestations Using Tree Rings, Morgan Lane Leef
Examining the Intersection of Gender and Age in Victim Blaming, Jerin Lee
Contemporary Collaborative Piano Practices in Korea: Five Case Studies, Jiyeon Lee
Shear stress estimates in the approach and bridge section by using various formula, Jun Seon Lee
Direct Determination of the Dynamic Elastic Modulus and Poisson's Ratio of Timoshenko Prisms and Rods, Guadalupe Leon
2.8: Designing Visitor Experience for a Narrative-Oriented Exhibition, Kseniia Leshchenko
The Parent-Child Interaction Therapy Family Experiences and Feedback Study: A Follow-up Examination of Attrition in an Evidence-Based Treatment in Community Settings Statewide, Brittany K. Liebsack
Carbon deposition on Ni/YSZ anode SOFC for direct methane steam reforming, Haiyang Li
Empirical Asset Pricing with Equity Tail Risk, Jingrui Li
In Situ Measurement Of Fatigue Induced Crack Growth In Inconel 718 Using Direct Current Potential Drop Method, Joel C. Lindsay
The Dirt of Development: Nature's Role in Social-Emotional Development and Parent-Child Connectedness, Hayley Johanna Lindsey
Development of a Sustainability Evaluation and Control Framework for Chemical Processes, Shuyun Li
The Food Bank Fix: Hunger, Capitalism and Humanitarian Reason, Joshua David Lohnes
Ecological Benefits of Watershed-scale Restoration in Two Intensively Mined Cold- and Warm-water Ecosystems, Rebecca Anne Long
Morphological and Functional Evidence of Sexual Dimorphism in the Retrochiasmatic Area Population of NK3R-containing Neurons in Sheep, Justin A. Lopez
The Impact of HII Regions on the Interstellar Medium of our Galaxy, Matteo Luisi
Three Essays on Applied Semiparametric Methods, Qinling Lu
Longitudinal associations between functional disability, depression, and suicide in middle-aged and older adults, Julie Ann Lutz