This collection contains theses, dissertations, problem reports, and project reports (ETDs) from West Virginia University graduate students.
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Theses/Dissertations from 2019
Los ritmos latinoamericanos como estrategia de resistencia en la ópera La Ruta de su Evasión (2017) de Abya Yala y Carlos Castro, Pamela Zamora Quesada
Using Social Media to Combat Opioid Epidemic, Yiming Zhang
Photoluminescent Zirconium Complexes for Visible Light Photoredox Catalysis, Yu Zhang
Adoption and Impact of Telemental Health on Healthcare Outcomes in the United States, Xiaohui Zhao
Mandarin -guo Under Control: An Experimental Study, Wei Zhou
Petrophysical and Geomechanical Characterization of the Marcellus Shale in the Appalachian Basin, Yixuan Zhu
Bridging the Gap: Utilizing Socratic Inquiry Facilitation in Cross-Cultural Communication and Conflict Exploration, Mikaela G. Zimmerman
Technology Use By Teachers Of Deaf And Hard-Of-Hearing Students, Nichole K. Zirzow
Theses/Dissertations from 2018
Molecular Dynamics and Nonlinear Dynamics Studies of Chemical Systems, Sadegh Faramarzi Ganj Abad
On Designing an ECG-based Intelligent System: Utilizing the Heart’s Electrical Activity to Recognize Humans and Detect Arrhythmia, Sara Saeed Abdeldayem
The Microvascular And Systemic Effects Of Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticle Exposure: A Physiological Perspective, Alaeddin Bashir Abukabda
Prenatal Lactation-Focused Motivational Interviewing for Enhancing Breastfeeding Initiation, Exclusivity, and Duration: Feasibility and Preliminary Outcomes, Sarah H. Addicks
Parametric Study of Coal Liberation Behavior Using Silica Grinding Media, Adewale Wasiu Adeniji
Molecular Evolution of Sedimentary Organic Matter in Marcellus Shale., Vikas Agrawal
Spontaneous Formation of Ion Holes and Ion Beams in Expanding Plasmas, Evan M. Aguirre
Spatiotemporal Controls and Scaling of Stream Water Quality across the East Coast of U.S.A, Shakil Ahmed
Resilience Modeling of Surface Transportation System in Mixed Traffic Environment, Shofiq Ahmed
Investigation of Model Reduction Using Bayesian Calibration and Dynamic Discrepancy, Ahmed Nirjhar Alam
Ecology And Management Of Golden-Winged Warblers (Vermivora Chrysoptera) And Associated Avian Species In The Allegheny Mountains Of West Virginia, Kyle R. Aldinger
Assessment of Tapered Diamond Bur Cutting Efficiency of Dental Zirconia, Dhari Alenezi
Automated Cleaning of Identity Label Noise in A Large-scale Face Dataset Using A Face Image Quality Control, Mohamad Al jazaery
Influence of the Lewis Number and Boundary Conditions on Finger Flame Acceleration, Mohammed Alawi AlKhabbaz
Using Artificial Intelligence And Machine Learning To Develop Synthetic Well Logs, Marwan Mohammed Alnuaimi
Analysis of the Gas Production from Marcellus Shale Horizontal Wells Using Decline Curves, Dalal Alsaadoun
Explanatory and Causality Analysis in Software Engineering, Yasser Ali Alshehri
Assessment of Surgical Guide Accuracy Utilizing a Digital Workflow, Nicole Irene Andreini
Examination and Characterization of Brook Trout Ecology Before and After a Broad Scale Disturbance Event in Headwater Streams of West Virginia, USA, Ross Gilbert Andrew
“To Meet Her, that Changed Everything”: Adult Adoptees’ Discursive Construction of the Meaning of “Parent” Following Birth Parent Contact, Christine K Anzur
Three Essays On Tourism Demand And Economic Development In The United States, David Naab Aratuo
Environmental Controls, Similitude, and Scaling of Stream Dissolved Oxygen across the Pacific Coast of U.S.A, Filmon Araya
A Census of the Galactic HII Region Population, William Paul Armentrout
Constitutional Rhetoric: The Genre Performances of the Written Constitution in Transnational, Transcultural Contexts, Bhushan Aryal
Investigating the Relationships Between Family Communication Patterns, Academic Resilience, and Students’ Classroom Communication Behaviors, Jordan Atkinson
Tobacco Use, Number of Serious Smoking Cessation Attempts, and Interest in Lung Screening in a Sample of Adult Muslims in the United States, Omar F.S. Attarabeen
Dynamic Modeling and Advanced Control of a Refinery Hydrocracker Process, Christian Ayafor
Bayesian Spatio-Temporal Analysis Of Road Traffic Crashes, Amin Azimian
Transforming Undergraduate STEM Education: Reforming Classrooms by Training Current and Future Faculty, Karen E. Bailey
Three-dimensional Numerical Modeling Encompassing the Stability of a Vertical Gas Well Subjected to Longwall Mining Operation - A Case Study, Bonaventura Alves Mangu Bali
Biomimetic and Advanced Control Structure Design with Real Time Optimization, Temitayo Bankole
Appalachian Bariatric Surgery Population Descriptive Analysis, Surgical Outcomes, and Food Accessibility, Makenzie Leanne Barr
Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of Carbonate Waters in the Peters Mountain Region of Monroe County, WV, Emily A. Bausher
The Role of KNDy Neurons and Neuronal Nitric Oxide Synthase in the Control of Reproduction in Female Sheep and Nonhuman Primates, Michelle Nichole Bedenbaugh
Exploring the Bidirectional Effects of Personality and Negative Social Interactions across Adulthood, Nicole M. S. Belanger
Choice Dynamics in Concurrent Ratio Schedules of Reinforcement, Daniel Bell-Garrison
Practical Oxygen Carrier Development of Unique Trimetallic Oxide for Chemical Looping Combustion of Carbonaceous Fuels, William J Benincosa III
Development and Evaluation of an Economic Model for a Libyan Oil Field Development with an EPSA Agreement, Mohamed S BenZeglam
Optimizing Indoor Location Based Tracking through Proper Filter Selection and Wireless Sensor Network Design, Matthew R. Bergman
Bermuda Ferris Wheel, Bryce Aaron Berkowitz
Competitive Aggressiveness, Anger, and the Experience of Provocation in Collegiate Athletes, Michael E. Berrebi
Walking Upright: An Actor's Blueprint of Process and Character Development in Exit, Pursued by a Bear by Lauren Gunderson, Imani R. Berry
Investigation into composting efforts at WVU: a case study., Marina Alexis Berry
An Exploration of Paul Bowles' Piano-Solo Pieces, Juan Carlos Rios Betancur
Stationary Automata, Anaam Mutar Bidhan
What the Frost Killed, Allison Semele Blair
Medicine Bag: An Autoethnographic Account of Learning to Use Memory and Indigeneity as Resources in College Advising, R. Saya Bobick
Detecting the Onset of the Bulk Crystal Plasticity Transition in Face Centered Cubic Metals Using Nanoindentation, Ryder Bolin
“Couldn’t it be Birth to Five?”: Parents’ Perceptions of Early Intervention for their Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Hilary R. Bougher-Muckian
Identifying the Esthetically Optimal AP Position of Maxillary Incisors in Caucasian Females, MacKenzie Boyles-Horan
An Examination of Cyanotoxins and Environmental Estrogens in the Middle and Upper Potomac River Watershed, USA, Ryan Patrick Braham
Cyber Threats and Healthcare Organizations: A Public Health Preparedness Perspective, Lauren Elizabeth Branch
Protein and Lipid Characterization of Acheta domesticus, Bombyx mori, and Locusta migratoria Dry Flours, Emily N. Brogan
Affected Behavior: Deceptive Unities in Eighteenth Century Conduct Books, Dominique Angela Bruno
I Am the Walrus; A Character Study, Joseph Bussey
The Role of Interleukin-12 and Exosomes in the Dynamic Interplay of Cancer and the Immune System, Christina Nicole Nikki Byrne-Hoffman
Thermal-Fatigue and Thermo-Mechanical Equivalence for Transverse Cracking Evolution in Laminated Composites, Javier Cabrera Barbero
Functional Movement Screen Composite Scores for Collegiate Field Club Sport Athletes at One University, Daniel Camillone
Effects of Pre-Breeding Management on Ewe Lamb Fertility, Sarah Nancy Carr
Ex-Vivo Model for Muscle Exposure to Tumor Cell Conditioned Media, Ikttesh K. Chahal
Application of Machine Learning on Fracture Interference, Dennis Wayne Chamberlain Jr.
Beef Cattle Effluent Treatment in a Denitrifying Bioreactor., Bethani Chambers
A Corrollary Discharge Circuit Modulates Olfactory Function During Flight In Manduca Sexta, Phillip David Chapman
Blockchain For Trustful Collaborations Between Immigrants, Citizens And Governments, Chun-Wei Chiang
Separation Anxiety: ㅇㅔ로:Ero, Jae Hyun George Cho
Impact of a Fruit and Vegetable Diet Intervention in Young Adults with Metabolic Syndrome on Behavior and Gut Microbiome, Rashel L. Clark
Focus on the Child: Preventing the Intergenerational Transmission of Eating Disorders and Dieting Behavior, Elizabeth Claydon
Integrating The Ohio: Through Sustainable Urban Design, Carly Clevenstine
Urban Exile: City Poetry by Modern American Women, Hatley Clifford
Passive Wireless Temperature Sensing in Extreme Harsh Environments, Michael R. Comparetto
Generation And Sensitivity Analysis Of Transmission Shift Schedule For Hybrid-Electric Vehicle, Nicholas Connelly
The Life And Work Of Barbara Nissman, Giuliana Paola Contreras Ampuero
Adherence to Masculine Norms and Perceived Paternal Nurturance as Predictors of SelfCompassion, Steven J. Craig
Factors Affecting Orthodontic Treatment Outcomes in Southern West Virginia, Tyler Crowe
Lynne Ramsey, Violist: Biography, Pedagogical Background, Teaching Techniques, and Career Advice, Ignacio Cuello
How to plan a successful TEDx conference at West Virginia University, Shannon Lee Cunningham
School Climate: Assessing a Universal Intervention Design to Reduce Academic Risks and Educate the Whole Child., Shay Michael Daily
Implementation Of A State-Of-The-Art Gnss Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring Technique, Shannen Daly
Commodity Feminism Today: An Analysis of the "Always #LikeAGirl" Campaign, Cristina Dans
Shale Characterization and Size-effect study using Scanning Electron Microscopy and X-Ray Diffraction, Debashis Das
A Lab-based Study of N95 FFRs Against Cigarette Smoke Under Varying Concentrations and Sealing Conditions, Jacob Davis
Needle Exchange Programs to Prevent Hepatitis C Virus Infection in People Who Inject Drugs in Rural Appalachia, Stephen M. Davis
Electrophoretic Characterization of Carbon Nanotubes: Elucidation of Surface Functionalization and Interaction, Tyler A. Davis
Durability of GFRP Composites under Harsh Environments: Effect of pH and Temperature, Maria Martinez de Lahidalga de Lorenzo
Dissensual Women: Modernist Women Writers, the Senses, and Technology, Allyson DeMaagd
(De)Homogenizing Diaspora: An Analysis Of Indian Tamil Identities In The Us, Christabel Devadoss