This collection contains theses, dissertations, problem reports, and project reports (ETDs) from West Virginia University graduate students.
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Theses/Dissertations from 2018
Late Victorian Sexuality and Spiritualism: The Place of the Paranormal in Queer Erotic Partnerships, Sharon E. Kelly
Signal Fusion and Semantic Similarity Evaluation for Social Media Based Adverse Drug Event Detection, Hameeduddin Irfan Khaja
Satellite Based Predictability Of Water Sensitive Infectious Diseases, Md. Rakibul Hassan Khan
Forecasting future energy production using hybrid artificial neural network and arima model, Maryam Khodaverdi
Optimization Of Design And Manufacturing Process Of Fusion Filament Fabrication (FFF) 3D Printing, Jaeyoon Kim
Gaining Consensus on Implementation, Sustainability, and Benefits of School Garden Programming in Washington, D.C., Hannah J Kipfer
Children's Perceptions of Pretend Play Over Time, Rebekah Kisamore
How Connectedness to Nature Relates to Well-Being over Time, Amy Knepple Carney
Presence in a Persuasive Drinking and Driving Message, Jennifer M Knight
Self-Leadership's Impact on Work Engagement and Organizational Citizenship Behaviors: A Moderated Mediated Model, Kevin G. Knotts
Feasibility analysis of establishing charging stations for electrical vehicles in public facilities, Vivek Komarina
Remotely Sensed Hydroclimatic Variability for Water Security in an Agricultural Basin, Ashish Kondal
Social Media Cyberbullying: Bystander Behaviors and Spiral of Silence, Minying Kong
Temperature Simulation and Heat Exchange in a Batch Reactor Using Ansys Fluent, Rahul Kooragayala
Prescribed defoliation strategies influence soil carbon dynamics and nitrous oxide emission potential in West Virginia pastures, Jordan M.A Koos
Rethinking Interaction: Identity and Agency in the Performance of “Interactive” Electronic Music, Jacob A. Kopcienski
Caregiver Selection of Treatments for Their Child with Autism, Amy Kurowski-Burt
Ius Soli, Ius Sanguinis, Ius Linguae, or Ius Mundi: Living, Understanding, and Building Transnational Citizenship in a Transnational Multilingual Family in the U.S, Natalya Kuznetsova
The Nakahara Effect and Its Influence On Solution-Based 3D Printed Films, Daryl Kwakye-Ackah
Prediction of Thrombus Formation in Ladder Network and Stability of Thrombus in a Bifurcation, Hari Hara Sudhan Lakshmanan
Base-mediated formation of N-hydroxy- and N-alkoxyindoles, synthesis of dilemmaones A and B, and novel efforts in indole methodology and total synthesis, Katharine Elizabeth Lambson
Precise Orbit Determination of Cubesats Using Duty Cycled GPS Observations, Sean Lantto
Applications of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Petroleum Engineering Problems, Shan e Zehra Lashari
Comparison of emissions measurement between a sensor-based compact emissions meter and a standard PEMS, Jordan Matthew Leatherman
Watching You Watching Me: Lateral Surveillance in Singapore, Yan Song Lee
Ready to Quit: A Feasibility Study for Practice Change in Smoking Cessation Readiness, Melody Lehosit
Bloodroot, begonia, and goldenrod, Elizabeth Ann Leo
Wetland Characteristics and Wintering Passerellidae Occupancy on Agricultural Conservation Easement Program Wetlands in West Virginia, Katharine Lewis
Emotion Regulation and Attrition in Parent-Child Interaction Therapy, Corey C. Lieneman
Group Connectivity and Modulo Orientations of Graphs, Jiaao Li
Characterization of KNDy Neuronal Activity in Gilts: Distribution and Effect of A Progestin, Ashley Nicollette Lindo
Syntheses and Structures of Functionalized Carbon Nanohoops, Shuangjiang Li
Automatic Detection of Cybercrime-suspected Threads in Online Underground Forums, Jian Liu
Facial Attributes Analysis and Applications, Xudong Liu
The integration of extrinsic and intrinsic neuromodulators in the olfactory system, Kristyn M. Lizbinski
Instructional Package to Promote Early Educators’ Use of Behavior-Specific Praise, David L Loomis
Constructing A Sense of Place on Top of the World, Catherine E. Lovell
Integrated Sensing Systems for On-Orbit Robotic Satellite Servicing Applications, Eric Loy
Homage To Cube, Ken Lu
Composites for hydraulic structures: a review, Yingxiang Lu
Preference and User Experience with Powered Air- purifying Respirators in Healthcare Workers in a Simulated Work Environment: A Pilot Study, Lauren MacDowell
Development of Resonating Oscillating Linear Engine Alternator; Instrumentation and Control, Fereshteh Mahmudzadeh
Involvement of Two Novel GRF-Type Zinc Finger Nodulins during Rhizobial Symbiotic Establishment in Medicago truncatula Nodules, Lucas Gontijo Silva Maia
A Test of Perseverance: Creating the Scenic Design for The Three Musketeers, Lindsay Maiorano
Brownian Motion in Cellular Receptors, Ouri Maler
Energy efficiency effectiveness of smart thermostat based BEMS, Koushik Mandlem
Cortactin Phosphorylation by Casein Kinase 2 Regulates Actin Related Protein 2/3 Complex Activity and Invadopodia Function, Steven Michael Markwell
Democratizing University Foodscapes? Student Food Cooperatives and the Neoliberal University, Amanda Marple
Con el Nopal en la Frente, Tessa Lee Martinez
No ash will burn: stories, Jacob Charles Maynard
Changes In Best Management Practices Monitoring And Enforcement And Their Impact On Forestry In West Virginia, William Mccormick
Schmick’S Frontier: Native American And Moravian Community Building In Colonial Pennsylvania, 1753-1765, Megan Trent Mcgee
The Effect of Asymmetry on Pregnancy-Related Pain in the Postpartum Period, Krista G. Meder
Personality and Functional Limitations: Investigating the Mediating Effect of Positive Social Exchanges, Priyanka S. Mehta
Impact of Next Generation AM-PET Helmet and Support Structure on Subjects' Neck, Samantha Melroy
Response Of Ovine Neutrophils To Different Life Stages Of Haemonchus Contortus, Denzel Deshawn Middleton
Design and Evaluation of Novel Attitude Estimation System Using MEMS Sensors for Indoor UAS, Joshua Bruce Milam
Quantitative assessment of bacterial and fungal degradation of glucose and cellulose, Rene N. Miller
Development of Biomimetic-Based Controller Design Methods for Advanced Energy Systems, Gaurav Mirlekar
The Determination Of The Concrete Tensile Creep At Early Age Using The Ring Test, Tadamon Mohammed
We still have time, Maggie Elizabeth Montague
Canal Transportation after Instrumentation Utilizing Different Endodontic Access Design; A Comparative Study with Micro-CT., Travis Moore
Emotion Socialization during Emerging Adulthood, Karena M. Moran
Dimensions of Diversity in Sustained Eating Disorder Recovery in Females: A Study of the Predictive Power of Hope, Resilience, and Spirituality, Chelsey L Morgan
The Margins Of Myddle: Poverty And Community In A Shropshire Parish, C. 1601-1800, Betsy L. Morgan-Cutright
Dietary Intake and Body Composition Changes during a 12-Week Weight Loss Trial in Middle-aged and Older Men, Allison Marie Morris
Predictive Content of Portfolio Flows for the Real Economy, Golnaz Baradaran Motie
Hydrogeology and water management in the Arkwright underground coal mine, Pittsburgh seam, northern West Virginia, Bryant D. Mountjoy
East or West? Understanding Strategic Alignment in the Post-Soviet Space, John A. Mowchan
ARL2BP, a novel ciliopathy protein, is required for cilia microtubule formation, Abigail Ruth Moye
The Moscow We All Seek: Performing the Role of Vershinin in Anton Chekhov's The Three Sisters, Richard Mugrage
Automated Analysis of Polypharmacy using Prescription Drug Claims Data, Shahad Nagoor
Integrated Circuits for Programming Flash Memories in Portable Applications, Mir Mohammad Navidi
Recruiting and engaging generation Z: an integrated marketing communications plan for West Virginia University Visitors Center, Kathryn (Kallie) Priscilla Nealis
Incorporating Disease-Oriented Smoking Cessation Education into the Care of Smokers with Peripheral Arterial Disease, Donte J Newsom
Knowledge Asset Value and Network Safeguards: Impacts and Outcomes, Karen R. Nicholas
Late-Transition Metal Complexes with Ambiphilic Phosphinoborane Ligands: Synthesis, Characterization and Catalysis., Brian R. Nichols
Understanding the Novice Decision-Making Process in Forensic Footwear Examinations: Accuracy and Decision Rules, Madonna A. Nobel
From Service Member to Student: Predictors of Psychological Help-Seeking Attitudes in Student Servicemembers and Veterans, Melissa A Noble
Characteristics of Activated Carbons Produced from Herbaceous Biomass Feedstock, Oluwatosin Jerry Oginni
The(y), Michael Oliver
Assessing the Feasibility of Applying Mixed Reality in Enhancing Construction Site Safety Communication, Abiodun Olorunfemi
Religiousness and Political Attitudes in Adolescence, Rebecca Olson
Perpetrators vs. Auditors: Factors that Influence the Occurrence of Fraud and Audit Interventions, Alyssa Sui Jing Ong
Experimental Analysis of Unsteady Aerodynamic Covert Feather Behavior, Laura J. Ordaz
Do I Belong Here? Exploring Black Male Student Perceptions of Retention Initiatives, Jason A Ottley
Meso- and Macro-Scale Facies and Chemostratigraphic Analysis of Middle Devonian Marcellus Shale in Northern West Virginia, USA, Thomas J Paronish
Understanding the Impact of Stimulation Treatment on Gas Production from a Horizontally Drilled Marcellus Shale Well, Matthew Dean Carl Perrella
Machine Learning Approaches to Human Body Shape Analysis, Marco Piccirilli
Effect Of Maturity And Mineralogy On Fluid-Rock Reactions In The Marcellus Shale, John Pilewski
The User Experience Redesign of a Product Instruction Manual Using the Poka Yoke Principle, Ephraim A. Pittore
The Effects of E-Cigarette Exposure on the Peripheral Vasculature, Christopher Pitzer
Exploratory Longitudinal, Spatial and Spatiotemporal Evaluation of the Raccoon Variant Rabies Virus in West Virginia, 2000- 2015, Kenneth. B Plants
Automotive Crisis: Volkswagen's Emissions Scandal & Response Strategies., Kelsey Plute
Mobilizing the Moral Majority: Paul Weyrich and the Creation of a Conservative Coalition, 1968-1988, Tyler J. Poff