This collection contains theses, dissertations, problem reports, and project reports (ETDs) from West Virginia University graduate students.
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Theses/Dissertations from 2017
Visualizing the Impacts of Extreme Weather Events Using 3D Visualization to Aid Pre-Event Risk Communication, Thomas L. Brown
Post-Conflict Occupations: A New Analysis Using Comparisons of Contextual, Hybrid and Instigated Factors in Germany, Japan and Iraq, L. Amber Brugnoli
Examining the Impact of a Short-Term Psychological Skills Training Program on Dancers' Coping Skills, Pain Appraisals, and Injuries, Leigh A. Bryant
Challenging the Dark Pools of Neoliberal Affect in Materialist Theories, Stephanie Buongiorno
The effects of skin and seed removal of tomato fruits for the home canning process on texture and nutritional value, Emilie Sjostrom Burgess
Using long-term records to investigate watershed nitrogen supply and demand dynamics at the Fernow Experimental Forest, West Virginia, USA, Mark Benjamin Burnham
"Here There Is No Plague": The Ideology and Phenomenology of AIDS in Gay Literature, Michael Alan Buso
Changes in Athletes' Anxiety, Anger, and Impulsiveness following Concussion, Megan Byrd
The Treatment of the Piano in Six Selected Chamber Works by Colombian Composers in the Twenty-First Century, Javier Camacho
The Effect of Implant Prostheses Complications on Patient Satisfaction, Jessica Elyse Canallatos
Immunological Markers Detected in Peri-Implant Crevicular Fluid Detected by MSD Electromagnetic ELISA Assay - A Pilot Study of Dental Implant Patients, Paul Canallatos
Operability-Based Design of Energy Systems: Application to Natural Gas Utilization Processes, Juan C. Carrasco-Moraga
Recreation in the Brazilian Amazon - Understanding Visitor Profile and Perceptions of Crowding, Lidiane Castro Gregory
Growing Shrub Willow (Salix spp.) on Newly Reclaimed Minesoil in Northeastern West Virginia, Bartholomew Caterino
Reimagining the SSMinT Software Package, Kelly Cecil
Design and Development of a Novel Nanoparticle Aerosol Generation System for Research Applications, Justin R. Chambers
Academic integrity violation detection for WVU CS101, Lakshman Chandrasekaran
Narratives of Fracture: Class and Gender in Irish and Indian Postcolonial Domestic Fiction, Sreya Chatterjee
Evaluating Instructive Feedback as a Maintenance Procedure During Discrete-Trial Instruction, Jessica M. Cheatham
Point Cloud Processing Algorithms for Environment Understanding in Intelligent Vehicle Applications, Ahmed Cheikh Sidiya
Three Essays on Time-Varying Risk Aversion and Investor Sentiment, Denghui Chen
Resonant Excitation Spectroscopy and Photon Statistics of Self-assembled Semiconductor Quantum Dots, Disheng Chen
Integer Flows and Circuit Covers of Graphs and Signed Graphs, Jian Cheng
Analysis Tools for Small and Big Data Problems, Juan Chen
Removal of Zinc Ions from Model Wastewater by Electrocoagulation, Xiujuan Chen
Effect of Micro-Osteoperforations on Orthodontic Tooth Movement with Clear Aligner Treatment., DoBin Choi
A Multi-Agent Design for Smart Distribution Automation System with Distributed Energy Resources and Microgrids, Sridhar Chouhan
Injection Drug Use Among West Virginia Medicaid Beneficiaries: An Analysis of Health Outcomes, Service Utilization, and Cost, Michael J. Cima
Nonword Repetition Task to Evaluate Syllable Stress as a Motor Class, Emily R. Cobun
The Analysis of the Fatty Acid Content of Fingerprint Residues Using Gas ChromatographyMass Spectrometry, Ashley R. Cochran
Challenges Perceived by Cooperating Teachers when Supervising Student Teachers in Agricultural Education, Samantha L. Cogle
"Mingled in One Common Destruction": Gender and the Household Economy in Harpers Ferry, 1859-1865, Elizabeth Conant-Lambert
Movement Ecology of Philippine Birds of Prey, Camille B. Concepcion
Intersectionality Effects on Veterans Health Outcomes, James M. Conley
Modeling and Simulation of a Direct-Write Manufacturing Process, John Cordonier
The Experiences of West Virginians Participating in Extension-Sponsored Educational Programming in Ireland: A Narrative Analysis, Tina A. Cowger
Adaptation of Simulated Annealing for Rate of Penetration Optimization in Automated Drilling, Zachary Cox
Effects of Volcanic Ash Deposition and the Manson Impact on Marine Paleoredox and Paleoproductivity: Geochemical Evidence from the Cretaceous Pierre Shale, Isabella Cross-Najafi
Development of Ethics Education Guidelines for Undergraduate Athletic Training Education Programs, Kaitlynn Cullen
Beyond the classroom: The need for support for parents with a child diagnosed with autism, ID, and behavioral problems, Erica Curington
"Home Sweet Away-From-Home?" Morgantown, West Virginia's Sunnyside Neighborhood as a Cultural Landscape, Pamela Yvonne Curtin
Evaluation of Ultrasonic Transducers for Use with Fire Apparatus, David Cody Lee Cutright
The Effects of Conjugated Linoleic Acid and Berberine Supplementation on Markers of Allopurinol Activated Oxidative Stress in Broiler Chickens, Vincent Dartigue
The Analysis of 2,5-Dimethoxy-N-(N-methoxybenzyl) phenethylamine (NBOMe) Isomers Using Traditional and Fast Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry, J. Tyler Davidson
Characterizing the Mechanisms of Insulin Resistance in Dairy Cattle, Amanda Nicole Davis
Social Media, Celebrity Endorsers and Effect on Purchasing Intentions of Young Adults, Kaitlin M Davis
Social Media, Celebrity Endorsers and Effect on Purchasing Intentions of Young Adults, Kaitlin M. Davis
"Beyond the Veil": Queering Epistemologies, Imperial Anxieties, and the Quest for Forbidden Knowledge in Late-Victorian Gothic Literature, Kristen J. Davis
Depression, Treatment Response to TNFi, and Economic Outcomes among Working-Age Adults with Rheumatoid Arthritis, Arijita Deb
A Multidimensional Approach to Understanding Gender and Health among Middle-Aged and Older Adults, Rebecca K. Delaney
High-Intensity Pleasure and Self-Regulation in Adolescence, Katy L. DeLong
Role of Perivascular Adipose Tissue in Vascular Pathology and the Therapeutic Effect of Exercise, Evan Ray DeVallance
A system to secure websites and educate students about cyber security through crowdsourcing, Chitrangi Sameer Doshi
Central supply company noise survey., Janice Drelick
A Comparison of Open Ended and Closed Curricula and the Effect of Each on Creativity Cultivation in the Elementary Art Classroom, Emily Drennon
Analysis of Model-Aided Navigation of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, Stephane D'Urso
Steam generation by solar and natural gas generators for thermal enhanced oil recovery, Abha Dwivedy
Effects of Differential DRL Exposure on Interval Timing: Information vs. Inhibition, Matthew L. Eckard
Examining Strain Propagation in the Lateral and Codominant Branch Attachment Using Digital Image Correlation, Robert T. Eckenrode IV
Evaluation of Ultrasonic Velocity Tests to Characterize Extraterrestrial Rock Masses, Thomas W. Edge II
Development and Validation of an Oral Health Values Scale, Cierra B. Edwards
Design and Development of a Vacuum Chamber for Testing of an Advanced Plasma Ignition System, Zachary Tyler Eichelberger
A Discussion of Art Therapy Approaches Used in Classroom Activities to Help Students with Emotional and Behavioral Issues, Ashley Nichol Elliott
Analytic Techniques for PDEs Fourier Series and the Method of Separation of Variables, Hend Elmhdi
Hydraulics and Well Control Complications in Unconventional Shale Laterals, Tawfik A Elshehabi
The last of the sallows, Kelsey A. Englert
Characterizing Risk Factors of Adolescent Electronic Cigarette Use, Paul T. Enlow
Elementary Educators' Attitudes about the Utility of Educational Robotics and Their Ability and Intent to Use It with Students, Todd I. Ensign
Naval Diplomacy and the Making of an Unwritten Alliance: United States-Brazilian Naval Relations, 1893-1930, Karina Faria Garcia Esposito
Child-Care Directors' Years of Experience in Relation to the Activities Subscale Score on the Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale-R, Angelica Everetts
Now, that's what I call stories: vol. 1, Megan Marie Fahey
Using a Multi-Omic Approach to Investigate a Diet Intervention in Young Adults at Risk of Disease, Oluremi Ariel Famodu
Syntheses of Functionalized Cycloparaphenylenes, Furan-Containing Cycloparaphenylenes, and Related Thiophene-Containing Fused Carbon Nanohoop, Behzad Farajidizaji
An In Vivo Evaluation of Pulmonary Immune Response and Toxicity Following Combined Respiratory Exposure to Crystalline Silica and Diesel Particulate Matter, Breanne Yingling Farris
Comparison of Methods of Measuring Electronic Cigarette Puff Topography, Nicholas Felicione
Noncoherent Physical-Layer Network Coding with Frequency-Shift Keying Modulation, Terry Ferrett
An Investigation of Factors Affecting Willingness to 'Introduce the Elephant in the Room', Mackenzie Michael Festa
Approaches to Supervision in Sport Psychology and their Influences on Initial Supervisees' Professional Development, Janaina Lima Fogaca
Evaluating Treatment Integrity Failures during Timeout from Play, Apral P. Foreman
The Relationship between Father Involvement and Paternal Emotion Socialization, Kayla E. Forshee
Modeling and Design Optimization of Multifunctional Membrane Reactors for Direct Methane Aromatization, Nicholas J. Fouty
The Transformation of Occupations: A Case Study of Professionalism in Cocktail Bartending, Jacqueline Fowler
Micro-CT Evaluation of a Novel Technique Used for The Removal of Single Cone Obturated Mesial Roots of Mandibular First Molars Filled with Bioceramic Sealer and Bioceramic Coated Gutta Percha vs Traditional Gutta Percha, Ernest Stephen Fragale II
Insights into the Assembly of Arctic Alaska: Provenance and Geochemical Data from the Doonerak Fenster and Endicott Mountains Allochthon, William Patrick Frier
Evaluation of Shared Space to Reduce Traffic Congestion: A case study on West Virginia University's Downtown Campus, Colin Frosch
A Survey of Selected Piano Concerti for Elementary, Intermediate, and Early-Advanced Levels, Achareeya Fukiat
Jesus de Monasterio (1836-1903): An Essential Figure in the Artistic and Technical Development of Violin Playing in the Second Half of the Nineteenth Century at the Madrid Royal Conservatory, Diego Gabete-Rodriguez
Evaluation of Damaged Concrete Members Strengthened with CFRP-Epoxy and HFRP Polyurethane Systems, Krishna Tulasi Gadde
Development and Evaluation of a Patient Decision Aid for the West Virginia Physician Order for Scope of Treatment (POST), Jarred V. Gallegos