This collection contains theses, dissertations, problem reports, and project reports (ETDs) from West Virginia University graduate students.
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Theses/Dissertations from 2018
Enhancing Online Security with Image-based Captchas, Brian M. Powell
Chronic Illness and Health Care Utilization Among Low-Income Preschoolers, Morgan Prunty
Towards A Better Understanding Of Paleoindian Native American Settlement In Southern Ohio: A Multi-Scalar Approach, Matthew P Purtill
Three Essays on Urban and Health Economics, Hyunwoong Pyun
Imidacloprid Bark Treatment for Hemlock Woolly Adelgid (Adelges tsugae), Matthew D Quinterno
Growth media alternatives for mine refuse cap and cover systems, Sitraka Jean d'Annie Rabemanjakasoa
Modeling and Evaluation of a Ridesharing Matching System from Multi-Stakeholders' Perspective, Md Tawhidur Rahman
Transposable Element Diversity, Divergence, And Contribution To Genome Evolution In Plants, Dhanushya Ramachandran
The Determination and Evaluation of Pyrolytic Products: A Focus on Synthetic Cannabinoids, Stephen Raso
Scenic Design for Anton Chekhov's Three Sisters, James Vincent Raymond
How Will Anthropogenic Valley Fills in Appalachian Headwaters Erode?, Miles Reed
Three Essays Using Natural Experiments to Measure Causal Effects on Education, Patrick A Reilly
Parental Knowledge of Concussion: Evaluation of the CDC's "Heads Up to Parents" Educational Initiative, Teresa A. Rice
Medical Celebrity in Eighteenth-Century Britain, Katherine Richards
Form in the Music of John Adams, Michael Ridderbusch
A study of the durability in class-M concrete due to chlorid permeability, Amelia Suzanne Riley
Development and Particle Scale Modeling of Metal Oxide Oxygen Carriers in Chemical Looping Applications, Jarrett A Riley
Design and Optimization of a 1 kW Stirling Engine, Garrett Tyler Rinker
Using Incidental Teaching to Teach Mands to Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Katherine S. Robinson
Effect of FORTA-FI Fibers on the Rutting Potential, Dynamic Modulus, Flow Number, and Fatigue of Asphalt Concrete, Elbert Rohrbough
To Treat or to Teach: Comparing Strategies to Reduce Escape-Maintained Behavior, Lucie M. Romano
A Study of Epithelial Cl- Secretion in the Murine Distal Colon, Trey S Rottgen
The Bobcats of West Virginia: How Many and Where Are They?, Thomas F Rounsville Jr
Phenomenology and Geographic Information Science: experiencing landscape through geospatial technologies and Higuchi-style indices, L. Jesse Rouse
Understanding Multi-Social Media Platform Use In An Earthquake, Tonmona Tonny Roy
Investigation of Gas Slippage Effect and Geomechanical Effect on Gas Production Prediction and Hydraulic Fracture Design -- A Case Study of Marcellus Shale, Courtney L. Rubin
A Long Short-term Memory Neural Network for Improved Twins' Voice Differentiation, Stallone Bruno-Ray Sabatier
Lead-Time Quotation By Synergistically Modeling Real And Simulation Data, Hoda Sabeti
Smart Fluids Using Mechanics: Mechanical Control of Fluid Viscosity Using 3D-printed Functional Particles, Rofiques Salehin
Morphological, Genetic And Biochemical Characterization Of The Anti-Malarial Herb, Artemisia Annua Germplasm Collection At West Virginia University, Delini K. Samarasinghe
Britishers in Two Worlds: Maltese Immigrants in Detroit and Toronto, 1919-1960, Marc Anthony Sanko
Strike anywhere, Katherine Margaret Saunders
… like animals., Brandon Schnur
Impact of Inquiry-Based, Question-and-Answer Instruction in High-Enrollment Classes, Matthew R. Schraeder
Regulator of G Protein Signaling-21 (RGS21) in Peripheral Taste Physiology., Adam Bryant Schroer
Study of Biomimetic Micro and Macro Structures for Drag Reduction, Justin S. Schrout
American chestnut soil carbon and nitrogen dynamics: Implications for ecosystem response following restoration, Geoffrey W Schwaner
Study of the Resonance Spectrums of the Flute and the Effect of Different Stable Vowels on Formant Tuning with Violin and Clarinet, Alyssa M. Schwartz
A Quality Improvement Project to Increase Hepatitis A and B Vaccination in Adults with Hepatitis C in a Federally Qualified Health Center, Virginia M. Selanik
It Takes a Village: Collaborative Social Justice Through Choral Musicking, Natalie Shaffer
Investigational Chemotherapy and Novel Pharmacokinetics for the Treatment of Cancers of the CNS, Neal Shah
Optimal Anteroposterior Position of Maxillary Incisors in Caucasian Males Viewed from a Smiling Profile, Amer Shammaa
Perceived Clinician Competence to Work with Spiritual Issues in Supervision, Brittany J Shannon
Examining participant perceptions of benefits, barriers and social support in a diabetes lifestyle program, Samantha Shawley-Brzoska
“Can I use the services?”: Coaches’ Use of Sport Psychology for Their Own Development and Performance, Tammy L Sheehy
An experimental investigation of the banana dehydration process., Donnique Kim Denise Sherman
A Method of Teaching English Speaking Learners to Produce Mandarin-Chinese Tones, Hui Shi
Flexible high-density puzzle storage systems, Ehsan Shirazi
Roofing Practices and Fall Prevention in the Construction Industry, Hadi A. Shishtar
Reducing Spatial Stochastic Models of Membrane Receptors to Approximately Equivalent Chemical Reaction Networks through Coarse Graining, Christopher Short
Midterm 2018 and targeting Latino community through misinformation and disinformation online, Manjul Shrestha
Training Supervisors to Provide Feedback Using Video Modeling, Natalie Jones Shuler
Know What Is, and Know What Ain't An Actor's Exploration into Developing the TopdogUnderdog Character Lincoln, Lonnie DeVaughan Simmons
Staying Original: A Case study for Film Composers Working with Temp Tracks, Kyle Maurits Simpson
Structural prediction and theoretical characterization of Bi-Sb binaries: Spin-orbit coupling e↵ects, Sobhit Kumar Singh
Ugv-To-Uav Cooperative Ranging For Robust Navigation In Gnss-Challenged Environments, Victor O Sivaneri
Potential Effects of Oil and Natural Gas Development on Mule Deer (Odocoileus hemionus) Survival and Fawn Rearing Resource Selection, Brett P. Skelly
Analysis of Dimensionless Scaling Relationships for Rotating Free Flight Bodies, Shawn A. Smearcheck
Evaluation of a Re-established Walleye Population within a Hydropower Reservoir Recovering from Acidification, Dustin M Smith
The Effects of High Intensity Interval Training on Arterial Health, James Smith
Tire-Derived Geo-Cylinders and Polymer Products for Enhancing the Properties of Base/Sub base Materials in Pavement Systems, Justin Scott Smith
Best Practices for Sepsis Patients: A Quality Improvement Project, Kevin Mark Smith Jr
Real-time Energy Visualization Solutions for Light Commercial Businesses., Nathaniel Smith
Proteasomal ATPases Hard at Work: The Inner Workings of a Protein Destruction Machine., Aaron M. Snoberger
Development of Hydraulic Models, Mass Transfer Models, and Dynamic Models of Solvent-Based Carbon Capture Processes with Uncertainty Quantification and Validation with Pilot Plant Data, Anderson Soares Chinen
Characterizing the Pore Structure of the Marcellus Shale, Liaosha Song
Personality, Sleep, and Mortality, Shantel Spears
Wildlife Economics The Significance of Economic Impacts of Wildlife Associated Activities, Caleb Anthony Stair
Two Essays on the Role of Uncertainty in Financial Markets, Raluca Stan
When Sports Mattered: An Examination of Sports in Mainstream Media, David Statman
Conductance Calculations for Semiconductor-Superconductor Majorana Structures, John Stenger
Dispositional Optimism and Autonomic Reactivity during Difficult and Easy Stress Tasks, Daniel Stephenson
Characterization of Marital Violence Using Data from Six Countries in the World Health Organization World Mental Health Survey Initiative, Cara Mangine Stokes
Long-Term effects of Chronic Additions of Nitrogen, Sulfur and Lime on the Growth and Development of a Central Appalachian Forest, Alexander J Storm
Psychosocial Development of Junior Hockey Players, Alexander John Sturges
Study on Electrolyte-gated Graphene Nanoelectronic Biosensors for Biomarker Detection, Jianbo Sun
The Effects of Maternal Emotion Socialization of Disappointment on Prosocial Behavior in Preschool Aged Children, Alexandria Svolos
Three Essays about Energy Prices and Energy Markets, Mousa Tafweeq
Recollection, Tiera Tanner
100 days in Appalachia: publication building toolkit, Kassandra Taylor
Fatigue Performance of Uncoated and Galvanized Composite Press-Brake-Formed Tub Girders, Robert M. Tennant
Syntheses and Properties of Thiophene-containing Cycloparaphenylenes and Related Macrocycles and a Strained Cyclophane, Haresh Thakellapalli
Effects of disorder in models of active and inactive systems, Joshua Thibault
Market-Based Aid and Economic Reform, Neron R. Thomas
An Examination of Cardiovascular Health among Afro-Caribbean Immigrants in New York City, Sabena C Thomas
Three-Dimensional Multispecies Distribution Functions In A Plasma Boundary With An Oblique Magnetic Field, Derek S Thompson
Three Essays on Nonlinear Effects in Development Economics: An Applied Semiparametric Approach, Jinjing Tian
Effects of Delay and Signals on Choice between Delayed Food Alone and Immediate Food with Delayed Shock, Forrest James Toegel
A Unified Poisson-Cahn Methodology for Defect Segregation Near Grain Boundaries in Oxygen-Conducting Solid Electrolytes, Xiaorui Tong
The Semantics of Spanish Compounding: An Analysis of NN Compounds in the Parallel Architecture, Luis Miguel Toquero Perez
Examining the Process of Shared Use through Community-School Partnerships, Brooke C Towner
Antibacterial Activity of Current Endodontic Repair Materials Against Enterococcus faecalis., Michael A. Tran
Flexor Dysfunction Following Unilateral Transient Ischemic Brain Injury Is Associated with Impaired Locomotor Rhythmicity, Kiril Tuntevski
Temporal Bisection and Effects of d-Amphetamine Administration in Lewis and Fischer 344 Rats, Marissa Turturici
Predicting Frac Hits Using Artificial Intelligence; Application in Marcellus Shale, Ryan Tyree
Experimental Design, Testing, and Evaluation of Methods to Improve the Efficiency and Reduce Emissions from a Small Two-stroke Natural Gas Engine, Christopher Joseph Ulishney
An Interspecies Investigation of Thyroid Plasma Hormone Concentrations, Histology, and Gene Expression, Emily A. Underwood
Ride, Natalie Nicole Updike
Production and Economic Analyses of Woody Biomass Utilization for Energy, John Edward Vance
Communicated Sex Roles and Gender Identity Gaps., Janelle Vickers