This collection contains theses, dissertations, problem reports, and project reports (ETDs) from West Virginia University graduate students.
Students: See Prepare Your ETD for formatting requirements before you Submit your ETD
Theses/Dissertations from 2018
Toxicity Evaluations of Nanoclays and an Associated Nanocomposite throughout their Life Cycle, Alixandra Wagner
The Electrochemistry of Metal Carbides: From Salt Melt Synthesis to Voltammetry of Microparticles, Rachel Lee Tani Walker
Application of Molecular Pathology Techniques to Understand Mechanisms of Disease in Smallmouth Bass, Heather Leigh Walsh
Methane Decomposition to Carbon Nanotubes and COx -Free H2 over Transition Metal Catalysts, I-Wen Wang
Mean-swap Variance, Portfolio Theory and Asset Pricing, Jhan Wang
Inclusion of 9 mm Firearm Type Using Quantitative Class Characteristics, Young Wang
Finding Booth: My Journey through TopdogUnderdog, Andra Ward Jr.
The Impacts of Energy Development on Agricultural Land Values in North-Central West Virginia, Adama Sileye Warr
Measurement Methods of Dual Tobacco Use Behaviors: Cigarettes and Smokeless Tobacco, Colleen N Warren
Exploring Forest Diversity and Ecosystem Services Using Big Data and Empirical Dynamic Modeling, James V Watson III
Examining the Co-Occurrence of Engagement and Self-Referencing in the Context of Narrative Persuasion, Julia K Weiss
Nondestructive evaluation of concrete bridge columns rehabilitiated with fiber reinforced polymers using digital tap hammer and infrared thermography, Andrew Scott Wheeler
Effects of Reinforcement Rate on the Aversive Function of Timeout from Positive Reinforcement, Cory Whirtley
A Comparison of Child Abuse Potential Inventory and Parenting Stress Index with Families in the Parent-Child Interaction Therapy and Treatment as Usual Groups, Keri B. Whitacre
Evaluation of an Event Detection System to Identify Spill Events Related to Marcellus Shale Development, Joseph C. Wickline
Developing a Framework to Understand Teachers' Self-efficacy in the Teaching of Writing, Barbara J. Wierzbicki
Standing in the Shadow of Empire: Ideology in the Path to West Virginia Statehood, Kristen L. Wilkes
Climate Science Literacy: A Study of Climate Programs' Usability, Amber Rochelle Williams
Determining Leak Percentage at Known Leak Locations for Full-Mask Respirators Using TSI PortaCountTM and OHD QuantifitTM, Russell R Willis
Can Parents' Value of Children's Happiness Predict Their Emotion Socialization and Parenting?, Tyia Wilson
The Use of Genetic Tools to Assist in White-tailed Deer (Odocoileus virginianus) Management in West Virginia, Darren M. Wood
Two Case Studies of Middle School Parents and Their Engagement with Schools Who Participate in Positive Behavior Support, Kathryn Work-Poggi
Fear of Pain across the Adult Lifespan, Casey D Wright
Persistence and Characteristics of Calculus I Students in STEM Disciplines, Xiangming Wu
Analysis Of Membrane Transporter Systems Expressed During Symbiotic Nitrogen Fixation In The Model Legume Medicago Truncatula, Christina Laureen Wyman
A Study on Graph Coloring and Digraph Connectivity, Murong Xu
Chinese Elements and Influence in Tan Dun's Eight Memories in Watercolor, Qian Xu
Design And Development Of Test Rigs To Experimentally Investigate Flow Loss And Heat Transfer In A Stirling Engine Heater Head, Pawan K. Yadav
Processing, Stability and High-Temperature Properties of Transition Metal Silicide-Refractory Oxide Composites for Electrical Applications, Gunes Alp Yakaboylu
Wintering American Black Duck Ecology of Central Appalachia, Sara E. Yannuzzi
Combustion Analysis Of An Off-Road Spark Ignition Gaseous Fuel Engine, Allan Yao
First Principle Study of Nitrogen Fixation on Molybdenum Containing Semiconductor Surface with a Developed Machine Learning Approach, Alhassan S Yasin
Spatial and Temporal Analysis of Surface Water Quality in Relation to Marcellus Shale Gas Development in the Northern Panhandle of West Virginia, Rachel Yesenchak
Application of Artificial Intelligent Predictive Modeling for Completion Optimization and Refracture Candidacy, Daniel Yingling
The Influence of Instructional Design Decisions on Student Motivation in Online Courses, Robin E. Youger
Assessment of Melanistic Lesions in Smallmouth Bass ( Micropterus dolomieu) of the Chesapeake Bay, USA, Kelsey T. Young
Exploration of a smart glasses teleconference system for virtual instructional coaching, Kristina Zaccaria
Determination Of The Consensus Target Sequences Recognized By Znfo, A Novel Oocyte-Specific Zinc Finger Transcription Factor In Cattle, Mingxiang Zhang
Plasmon-Enhanced Optical Sensing by Engineering Metallic Nanostructures, Peng Zheng
Respiratory Flow Characterization of Workers in Healthcare Environment, Jintuo Zhu
Theses/Dissertations from 2017
The Quest for a Key Gene Controlling Acquisition of Cell Competence During In Vitro Organogenesis in Tomato, Chanaka Roshan Abeyratne
Developing Statistical Models to Assess Productivity in the Automotive Manufacturing Sector, Amir Abolhassani
Using Artificial Neural Networks to Predict Formation Stresses for Marcellus Shale with Data from Drilling Operations, Mousa S. Mohamed Abusurra
Returning to the Classroom Following Sport-Related Concussion: Perspectives of College Student Athletes, Amanda Acord-Vira
Impact of formation damage due to perforation on well productivity, Elmouzemill Abrahim Adam
Improving Osmo-convective Dehydration as a Processing Technique to Food Preservation, Quality Enhancement, and New Product Development, Felix Umaizimede Akharume
College Students' Sleep Quality, Yahya Ahmed Alamir
Synthesis of Bismuth Ferrite for Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting, Fagr Albagle
Performance of the Horizontal Wells in a Naturally Fractured Carbonate Reservoir, Fuad Al-Bayati
Extending the utilization of real time data for pressure transient analysis., Jummanh Eyad Aldiwan
A Data-Driven Smart Proxy Model for a Comprehensive Reservoir Simulation, Faisal Alenezi
Impact of Diabetes Complications on Breast Cancer Screening, Diagnosis, and Prognosis among Elderly Women with Pre-existing Diabetes Using the SEER-Medicare Dataset, Ebtihag O. Alenzi
Assessing the Alignment of Preparatory Year Program Vision, Mission, and Goals Statements with First-Year Student Success Principles, Atiyah A. Alghamdi
Using Concept MappingPattern Matching to Develop a Conceptual Framework for Successful Transition of First Year Saudi Students into Postsecondary Education, Atiyah A. Alghamdi
Occupational Exposure to Blood and Bodily Fluids among Health Care Workers, Riyadh Alhazmi
Impacts of Boundary Conditions on Premixed Combustion in Obstructed Conduits: A Computational Analysis, Rawan Ibrahim Alkandari
Productivity Index of Horizontal Gas Well, Abdullah A. Almuraikhi
Novel Mechanisms Controlling the Expression of the Antidiabetic Hepatokine Fibroblast Growth Factor 21, Kimberly M. Alonge
A Multidimensional Technique for Measuring Consensus within Groups via Conditional Probability, Mushtaq K. Abd Al-Rahem
Analyzing discovery latency in mobile networks, Saud Alramzi
Monitoring and Control Framework for Advanced Power Plant Systems Using Artificial Intelligence Techniques, Ghassan Khalil Ismaeel Al-Sinbol
Helping Individuals vs. Fixing the System: Distinguishing Facets of Adolescent Civic Reasoning, Lauren M. Alvis
Optimization of Mineral Processing Circuit Design under Uncertainty, Seyed Hassan Amini
Men Faculty Engagement in Gender Equity Work in STEM: The Radicalization of "Doing the Right Thing", Amena Oliver Anderson
A Study of Arc Strong Connectivity of Digraphs, Janet Anderson
A System Dynamic Transmission Model (SYStrans) to Simulate Epidemic Dengue Environment, Rifat Anwar
Efficacy of Self-Directed Exposure Using Smart Phone Technology: First versus Third Person Perspective, Matthew C. Arias
Three Essays on International Mobility and Economic Development, Imran Arif
Confessions of a tadpole, Whitney Allen Arnold
Civil Religion and Ontological Threat, Matthew R. Arp
Investigation of CO2 Sequestration for the Assessment of the Impact on Resource Storage with Co-production of Brine, Mohammad Junaid Ashfaq
Carbon Dioxide Capture Using Amine Functionalized Carbonaceous Materials from Bio-Refinery Waste Streams, Emmanuel Atta-Obeng
In Vitro Study of Retentive Properties of Different Overdenture Attachment Systems On Straight and Divergent Dental Implants, Khalid Abdullaziz Azzouz
Metaphors of Reading: Cognition and Embodiment in Contemporary Metafiction, Amanda L. Bailey
Stochastic Geometry Analysis of a Class of Cooperative Relaying Protocols, Sri Lakshmi Phani Balineni
Associations between Sleep, Infant Feeding Methods, Brain Development and Behavior: A Multimodal Approach to Assess Plasticity in the Brain, Christopher Edward Bauer
A literature review of the effects of home and commercial processing methods on nutritional and sensory properties of green beans (phaseolus vulgaris), Emily Hope Bauman
Diffusion or Dissent: Examining International Family Planning Frames and Domestic Policy Divergence, Gillian C. Beach
Electrical Percolation Threshold of Magnetostrictive Inclusions in Piezo-Electric Matrix Composite as a Function of Relative Particle Size, Antoine Joseph Bedard Jr.
Optical Aberrations and their Effect on the Centroid Location of Unresolved Objects, Lylia Benhacine
Interactions between Euwallacea Ambrosia Beetles, Their Fungal Symbionts and the Native Trees They Attack in the Eastern United States, Matthew C. Berger
Thermal Processes Associated with Pelleting and Feed Phosphate Variation in Diets on Feed Manufacture and Broiler Performance, Ariel N. Bergeron
Monetary Policy, Economic Conditions, and Income Inequality, Edmond Berisha
Fluid inclusion analyses of Bedded Halite from the Neoproterozoic Browne Formation of Central Australia to Determine Parent Water Origin and pH, Jeremiah A. Bernau
Interoperability Analysis of Non-Contact Fingerprinting Devices vs. Contact-Based Fingerprinting Devices, Emily Biller
Gas Composition Effects in a CI Engine Converted to SI Natural Gas Operation, Hemanth Kumar Bommisetty
Evaluating Steam Conditioning Manipulations and Grain Expressed Enzymes Effects on Feed Manufacturing Metrics, Feed Hygiene, Broiler Performance, and Bone Mineralization, John William Boney
Bioacoustics and Behavior of American Crocodiles in Belize, Miriam Boucher
Elucidating Function in Early Diverging Non-Flagellated Fungi Using Metabolomics and Proteomics, Gregory R. Boyce
Enhancing the Thermoelectric Performance of Calcium Cobaltite through Cation Substitution and Non-Stoichiometric Addition, Cullen Boyle
Exploring Staff Turnover in a Large-Scale EBT Implementation Initiative, Laurel A. Brabson
Whole-Farm Phosphorus Management in West Virginia Beef Cattle Operations, Justin Brackenrich
Skeletal Muscle Arteriole Dysfunction and Microvessel Density in Metabolic Syndrome and Depression: How Exercise Can Be Used as an Intervention, Kayla Whitney Branyan
Effects of Chronic Electronic Vapor Exposure on Body Weight, Appetite, and Metabolism, Matthew J. Breit
The Costume Design Process for "Courtship" and "Valentine's Day", Lauren E. Brennan