This collection contains theses, dissertations, problem reports, and project reports (ETDs) from West Virginia University graduate students.
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Theses/Dissertations from 2019
Role of Extracellular Vesicles in Neuroinflammatory Progression and Mitochondrial Functional Alterations, Ashley E. Russell
Shame and Guilt: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly, Raika Sadeghein
Can Fitts' Throughput Be A Predictor Of Muscle Fatigue – A Study Based On Metacarpal Gloves?, Sachin Sah
Learn First, Practice Second Approach to Increase Health Professionals’ Nutrition-Related Knowledge, Attitudes, and Self-Efficacy., Madison E. Santella
Development of a Dynamic Model and Control System for Load-Following Operation of Supercritical Pulverized Coal Power Plants, Parikshit S. Sarda
Exploring the Diffuse Neutral Hydrogen in and Around Nearby Galaxies, Amy Sardone
Coaches' Preparedness for Sudden Death Conditions in Secondary School Athletics in West Virginia, Jillian Mary Sarm
Peatlands and Histosols in Canaan Valley National Wildlife Refuge, West Virginia, Mitzy Leigh Schaney
Understanding Global Citizenship: Extension Employees’ Perceptions, Attitudes, and Opinions, Denis M. Scott
Internalized Heterosexism, Outness, Athletic Identity, and Perceived Stress Among Queer Female Athletes, Olivia C. Scott
Latin American Influences on Selected Piano Pieces by Louis Moreau Gottschalk and Darius Milhaud, Hyejeong Seong
Untangling the Reciprocal Relation of the Behavioral and Physiological Immune Systems, Baris Sevi
Trustworthiness and Stability in Same and Different Sex Relationships: Heterosexuals’ Attitudes toward Bisexuality, Jeneice Shaw
The Role of Communication Accommodation in Mother-in-Law/Daughter-in-Law Relationships, Erin Claire Shelton
Characterization of ovine monocytes in response to Haemonchus contortus larvae in vitro and a novel role of Interleukin-13 inducing larval paralysis, Elizabeth Shepherd
Chemometric Calibration of Surface enchanced Raman Spectra for Quantitative Analysis, Xiaofei Shi
Determining the Role of Nudt7 in the Regulation of Cellular CoA Levels and Metabolism, Stephanie Anne Shumar
From Inside the House, Emilie Claire Shumway
Measuring the Effects of Interpretive Journalism on Trust and Credibility Perceptions in the Context of Political News Coverage, Scott William Siker
Artifacts of Imagination, Rachel Emily Simpson
Genet-CNV: Boolean Implication Networks for Modeling Genome-Wide Co-occurrence of DNA Copy Number Variations, Salvi Singh
Apple Pomace as a Novel Aid for Western Diet-Induced Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease in Young Female Sprague Dawley Rats, R. Chris Skinner
Lead exposure of North American raptors, Vincent A. Slabe
Optimal Compression of Point Clouds, Benjamin Robert Smith
The Perception of Management Support for Patient Safety After the Implementation of a System Change, Janice M. Smith
A Compendium of Opera in Spain and Latin America, Michelle S. Smith
What Does A Marginalized Community Say About Its Experiences In A Two-Year, Service-Learning Project?, Shanequa Smith
Examining the Impact of Treatment Fidelity on Client Outcomes in a Statewide Implementation of Parent-Child Interaction Therapy, Mira D H Snider
A Preliminary Investigation of Velopharyngeal Timing in Normally Developing Preschool Children and Those with Speech Sound Disorders, Taylor Danielle Snodgrass
Description of motor control using inverse models, Anton Sobinov
Leveraging Writing And Photography Styles For Drug Trafficker Identification In Darknet Markets, Wei Song
Structural Behavior of Steel Plate Embedded Hybrid GFRP Shapes, Piyush R. Soti
Conceptual Design of MALE UAVs, Vincent Spada
Factors Related to Collaborative Willingness in Surrogate Decision-Making Situations from the West Virginia POST., Rachael Spalding
Pharmaceutical Scheduling Using Simulated Annealing And Steepest Descent Method, Bryant Jamison Spencer
Queen Louise of Prussia: Gender, Power, and Queenship During the Sattelzeit Era, Samantha Sproviero
Emily Dickinson's Echology: A Listener's Reconceptualization of Citizenship, Consciousness, and the World, Beth Ann Staley
Behavioral and Anti-inflammatory Effects of MAGL Inhibition in a Mouse Model of Inflammatory Arthritis, Floyd Franklin Steele III
Resurgence of Academic Responses, Catherine Louise Stephens
Differences in Sexual Delay Discounting Among In-Treatment Adults with Opioid Use Disorder, Jonathan J.K. Stoltman
Infinite Matroids and Transfinite Sequences, Martin Andrew Storm
Soil Health Assessment in Reclaimed Mine Soils, Katie Danielle Stutler
Pedagogical Thoughts on Album des Six: a piano set by Les Six to represent French Nationalism, Dipendra Sunam
Alternative Splicing in Vertebrate Photoreceptors and Mechanisms Underlying Retinitis Pigmentosa, Jesse C. Sundar
Evaluating design criteria for high hazard dams in a changing climate, Aaron Read Sutton
West Virginia University’s Changing Mission in the 21st Century, Katlin Swisher
Psychological Trauma and Resilience of Police Officers Involved in an Ambush: An Exploratory Study, Erin A. Teaff
Experimental Measurement of Dielectric Properties of Powdery Materials using a Coaxial Transmission Line, Robert Tempke
Empirical Studies Related to Open Questions Regarding Geomagnetic Storms, Bruce Patrick Tepke
Elucidating a Common Mechanism of Proteasome Impairment in Neurodegenerative Disease and its Pharmacological Intervention, Tiffany Ann Thibaudeau
Eyewitness Memory Recall in Adolescents with Callous-Unemotional Traits, Benjamin Dylan Thomas
An Analysis of Hardwood Log Grading Systems in the Appalachian Region, Jordan Russell Thompson
Review of water allocation models for West Virginia, Madison Lee Alexis Thompson
Evaluation of UFP Number Concentrations Near a Natural Gas Transmissions Station, John M. Thornsbury
Dispositional Empathy and Autonomic Reactivity During a Comfort Interaction, Alaina G. Tiani
The Effects of Obesity, Chronic Stress, and Exercise on Pancreatic Health, Abigail Tice
Depth dependent atomic valence determination in La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 thin films using synchrotron techniques, Robbyn B. Trappen
Acute and Repeated Effects of Synthetic Cannabinoid Agonism and Cannabinoid Receptor 1 Positive Allosteric Modulation, Kristen R. Trexler
Examining Musical Hybridity and Cultural Influences in Valerie Coleman’s Wish Sonatine and Fanmi Imèn, Brittany Marie Trotter
Low Power Voltage Reference Cells for Sensing Applications, Kody Ray Tucker
West Virginia waterscapes: Surface and mineral owners’ perspectives on groundwater contamination due to natural gas extraction, Bethani Turley
Factors Influencing Survival, Productivity, and Population Growth of Eastern Wild Turkeys in Northeastern South Dakota, Reina M. Tyl
Deformation Correlations and Machine Learning: Microstructural inference and crystal plasticity predictions, Michail Tzimas
Computational Design of Staged Pressurized Oxy-Coal Combustion, Gideon Ozioma Udochukwu
Data Driven Intelligent Grid Stability Monitoring and Adaptive Emergency Response, Hasan Ul Banna
Field Performance and Rating Evaluation of a Modular Press-Brake-Formed Steel Tub Girder with a Steel Sandwich Plate Deck, Nicole Marie Hegele Underwood
Chemical Analysis of Firearm Discharge Residues Using Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy, Courtney Helen Vander Pyl
Being Mindful of Perfectionism and Performance Among Athletes in a Judged Sport, Erika D. Van Dyke
Investigation and Development of Exhaust Flow Rate Estimation Methodologies for Heavy-Duty vehicles, Chakradhar Reddy Vardhireddy
A Critical Assessment on the Resources and Extraction of Rare Earth Elements from Acid Mine Drainage, Christopher R. Vass
Compound-Specific Isotope Analysis of Amino Acids in Biological Tissues: Applications in Forensic Entomology, Food Authentication and Soft-Biometrics in Humans, Mayara Patricia Viana de Matos
Role of SOX9 in cancer stem cell regulation in lung cancer chemoresistance and particle-induced carcinogenesis, Maria Voronkova
The Marvel Sonic Narrative: A Study of the Film Music in Marvel's The Avengers, Avengers: Infinity War, and Avengers: Endgame, Anthony Walker
Discovering the "Finnish Chopin"—Selim Palmgren's 24 Preludes, op. 17, and Tres Piezas para Piano, op. 54, Sijia Wang
Three Essays on Nonparametric Hypothesis Testing and Stochastic Frontier Analysis, Taining Wang
Characteristics and patterns of opioid-related overdoses among veterans, Sara Catherine Warfield
Enabling Robust State Estimation through Covariance Adaptation, Ryan Magnum Watson
Henosis Experience in Gaming: A Metric for Adjustments to Global Schema and Appraised Meaning, Evan Robert Watts
Breaking and Remaking the Mason-Dixon Line: Loyalty in Civil War America, 1850-1900, Charles R. Welsko
Mindfulness for Musicians: Bringing sport psychology and mindfulness-based therapies to the practice room and the concert stage, Lauretta M. Werner
Chercheur de Lumière: The Art of Jean-Louis Rouméguère (1863-1925), Elizabeth Ann Wheeler
Elucidating disease dynamics in the biocontrol of Ailanthus altissima while confirming the host specificity of the vascular wilt pathogen Verticillium nonalfalfae, Kristen L. Wickert
Richwood, West Virginia after the 2016 Flood: Place, Devastation, and Hope in an Appalachian Community, Christine Elizabeth Witt
Analyzing Satisfiability and Refutability in Selected Constraint Systems, Piotr Jerzy Wojciechowski
Time-dependent deformation and associated failure of roof in underground mines, Yuting Xue
On Matching Faces with Temporal Variations using Representation Learning, Daksha Yadav
Textured Contact Lens based Iris Presentation Attack in Uncontrolled Environment, Daksha Yadav
Experimental and Numerical Study of the Stirling Engine Robust Foil Regenerator, Koji Yanaga
Performance Study of an Unconventional Breathresponse PAPR Against a N95 FFR and Conventional PAPRs, Huihui Yang
Characterization of nodule-specific, SLAC and MATE membrane transporters in Medicago truncatula, lina yang
Mirror, Mirror in the Chamber: Effects of Social Stimuli on Operant Behavior, Michael Steele Yencha
Character morality, enjoyment, and appreciation: A replication of Eden, Daalmans, and Johnson (2017), Koji Yoshimura
Stockmanship Education and Evaluation, John K. Yost
Using Machine Learning and Traditional Statistics to Explore Retention and Knowledge Structure in STEM with an emphasis on Physics, Cabot Alexander Zabriskie
Listening for the Cosmic Other: Postcolonial Approaches to Music in the Space Age, Paige Zalman