This collection contains theses, dissertations, problem reports, and project reports (ETDs) from West Virginia University graduate students.
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Theses/Dissertations from 2020
Solution Tool to Predict Filter Cake Formation for Acid Mine Drainage (AMD) Slurries, Roberto Ecuador Martinez Ochoa
Top-Down Model Development Using Data Generated from a Complex Numerical Reservoir Simulation with Water Injection, Yvon Andrea Martinez
Interoperability Of IP-Based Cameras, Faythe C. Maston
Tree growth and water use efficiency during the twentieth century: from global trends to local drivers, Justin Michael Mathias
Environmental contaminants, parasitism, and neoplasia in white perch Morone americana from Chesapeake Bay, USA, Mark Arnold Matsche
Spawning Characteristics of Yellow Perch during Periods of Water Level Fluctuations in a Hydropower Reservoir, Kyle J. Matt
Genetic and Biochemical Characterization of Ergot Alkaloid Synthesizing Fungi and their Symbionts, Matthew Duane Maust
Respectable Women, Ambitious Men: Gender and Family Networks in Victorian Sheffield, Autumn Mayle
Accumulation, Erin McCarty
Seasons Past: Wildcat Strikes and the Smith-Connally Act During World War II, Andrew Robert McCloskey
WV Dental Hygienists' Knowledge and Educational Approach for Pregnant Women, Isabella Hope McDaniel
When We Go Back Forward, Luke Daniel McDermott
Storyland, Andy McIntyre
Integrating Care: Evaluation of a Hepatitis C Clinic Co-located with Harm Reduction and Addiction Treatment Programs in a Rural Clinic, Susan Ruth McKenrick
West Virginia Dentists' Perception of the Knowledge and Skills of Two vs. Four Year Dental Hygiene Graduates, Kaitlyn M. McQuain
Comparative Assessment of Different Ultra-Low NOx Measurement Instruments for Heavy-Duty Diesel Engines, Diego Bernabe Mejia
Microbial responses to unconventional oil and gas development may alter ecosystem function in headwater streams, Rachel Michaels
Barriers and Facilitators of Seeking Psychological Help for Muslims in the United States, Sarah R. B. Milam
An Examination to Pathways Powering Car Using Clean Energy, Marina Miranda
Investigation of Molecular Functions of Zinc Finger Protein (ZNF71) in Non- Small Cell Lung Cancer, Rehab O. Mohamed
Deep Learning Based Face Detection and Recognition in MWIR and Visible Bands, Suha Reddy Mokalla
Automated and Standardized Tools for Realistic, Generic Musculoskeletal Model Development, Trevor Rees Moon
Understanding Academic Relevancy: Linking Practice to Classroom Through Adventure STEM Education, Alice Morgan
Confirmation of TDM Capabilities in Modeling Compartmentalized WAG EOR, Anthony William Morrow
Making a Dent, Emily Morwood
Metaheuristics for the Generalized Quadratic Assignment Problem, Roseline Mostafa
Evaluation of control strategies for overhead work using electromyography of rotator cuff muscles, Hossein Motabar
Three Essays on “Production and Technical Efficiency”, Douglas Mugabe
The Effects of Punctuation Events on the Oil Policy Network: A Network Analysis of Rulemaking Outputs, Fadi M. Mugheirbi
The Idea of a Citizen: The Role of Higher Education Institutions in the Development of Citizens and an Exploration of Innovative Teaching Techniques to Aid in the Process, Eric Matthew Myers
Multi-objective Optimization of a Ridesharing System Performance, Mohammad Nasr Azadani
Effects of Appalachian Culture and Pregnancy Status on Pain-Related Fear, Cecelia Irene Nelson
The Effect of Newspaper Closure on Local Media Ecology, Cody David Nespor
Evaluation of the Performance of Probabilistic Genotyping Software on Complex Mixture Samples, Kristen Newland
Obese Zucker Rats as a Reverse Translational Model of Human Left Ventricular Hypertrophy, Mackenzie Shelby Newman
Navigation under Obstacle Motion Uncertainty using Markov Decision Processes, Jennifer Quyen Nguyen
Asthma-COPD Overlap: Economic Burden and Medication Adherence, Mona Nili
Types and Causes of Physiological Injury in Piano Playing, with Emphasis on Piano Pedagogy in China, Ruixi Niu
Parametric Optimization of Visible Wavelength Gold Lattice Geometries for Improved Plasmon-Enhanced Fluorescence Spectroscopy, Casey A. Norville
Gendered Access to Wetland Gardens (Dimba) in Northern Malawi, Rhoda Nyirenda
Disquiet Depictions, Olivia L. Oddo
Investigation of Phonon Polaritons in an hBN GaN Heterostructure, Catherine G. O'Hearn
Frontal Brain Injury: Effects on Flexibility, Impulse Control, and Attention, Christopher Matthew O'Hearn
International Students’ Adjustment Challenges in the United States: A Case Study of West Virginia University, Lawrencia Baaba Okai
Understanding the Relationship between Dental Fear, Behavior Management Problems, and Caregiver-Child Interactions during Young Child Dental Appointments, Christopher Kyle Owen
Perceptions of Asian American Representation in Entertainment Media, Lydia Susan Owens
Blind Image Denoising using Supervised and Unsupervised Learning, Surekha Pachipulusu
Using AI and Machine Learning to Indicate Shale Anisotropy and Assist in Completions Design, Cole E. Palmer
Novel Roles of Tobacco-associated Genes Underlying Disparate Survival in Appalachian Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Brenen William Papenberg
Topics in Cultural and Entertainment Economics, Justin W. Parker
The Immunological Response to Chronic Stress in Obese Mice, Matthew Corey Parsley
Does Hope Moderate the Effects of Financial Distress in Adolescent Resiliency?, Miles E. Payne
Minocycline as a treatment for traumatic brain injury-induced impulsive and attentional deficits, Kristen M. Pechacek
Sustainability-Based Expert System for Additive Manufacturing and CNC Machining, Josage Chathura Pamuditha Perera
Advancing Quantitative Understanding of Escherichia Coli Concentrations in a Contemporary Mixed Land-Use Watershed, in West Virginia, USA, Fritz Petersen
Semi Analytical Approach for Binary Mixture Conductivity in Hydraulic Fracturing, Vuong V. Pham
Investigation of Particle Measurement in Different Dilution Ratios with Gasoline Direct Injection and Port Fuel Injection, John Adam Phillips
Representation Learning with Adversarial Latent Autoencoders, Stanislav Pidhorskyi M.S.
The Societal Influence on Individual Identity and the Relationship of Costume Design in Caryl Churchill’s Cloud 9, Laura Kay Plikerd
Impact of Particle Injection on Gas Flow at Elevated Pressure: A Numerical Study, Ansan Pokharel
Characterizing premixed syngas combustion in micro-channels, Sunita Pokharel
The Host Gatekeeper: Using the Flagellar Pathway to Understand Symbiont Host Adaptation, Adam R. Pollio
Modeling the Galactic Compact Binary Neutron Star Population and Studying the Double Pulsar System, Nihan Pol
Development of an Activity-based Windowing Approach to Evaluate Real-World NOx Emissions from Modern Medium and Heavy-Duty Diesel Trucks, Rasik Pondicherry
Mnemonic Discrimination and Social Anxiety: The Role of State Anxiety, Gabriella T. Ponzini
The Interplay of Progestins, Matrix Metalloproteinases, and the Aging Brain, Keyana Nicole Porter
The Pattern of Odontogenic Referred Pain, James J. Poulos
Rent and How to Pay it, Grant Austin Prodan
Interpersonal Influences on Interpretation of Workplace Sexual Harassment, Rachael E. Purtell
The Museum of Queer Curiosities, Reba "Feliks" Kay Pyron
Cerebrovascular Dysfunction and Degeneration in Alzheimer’s Disease Pathophysiology, Dominic Dimitri Quintana
Exploring the User Experiences of a Bird ID Mobile App Among College Students in Western India, Jayvijay V. Raol
A Contemporary Tale of Two Countries - State of Children in India and Pakistan, Arijit Ray
Three Essays on the Effect of Pain-of-Payment on Consumers' Financial Decisions, Farnoush Reshadi
Three Essays on Energy Economics, Alexandre Ribeiro Scarcioffolo
Statistical Evaluation of Randomly Acquired Characteristics on Outsoles with Implications Regarding Chance Co-Occurrence and Spatial Randomness, Nicole Richetelli
Interpretations of Bicoherence in Space & Lab Plasma Dynamics, Gregory Allen Riggs
Voices of Płaszów: The Impact of Schindler's List on a Former Concentration Camp, Jordan L. Riggs
“I Don't Really Look Very Asian”: Transracially and Transnationally Adopted Asian Youth in Rural Appalachia, Sandra L. Rodeheaver
Essays in Development Economics, Zachary Rodriguez
Fracture Resistance of Simulated External Cervical Resorption in Anterior Teeth Restored with and without a Fiber Post., Michelle M. Romeo
Adolescents’ Interpretations of Parental Psychological Control: The Role of Beliefs and Disapproval on Problematic Outcomes, Katelyn F. Romm
Two Approaches to Analyzing Institutions’ Spending Responses to Campus Sexual Assault, Amanda M. Rose
Image and Video-Based Autism Spectrum Disorder Detection via Deep Learning, Mindi Ruan
Haemonchus contortus antigen identification and use of tropomyosin in ovine vaccine development, Brynnan P. Russ
Sunday Born, Matthew Joseph Saporito
Comparison of Skeletal and Dentoalveolar Changes between Two Bone-Borne Maxillary Expanders, mohamad sarraj
Theory and Techniques of Convergence of Topological Transformation Group Actions, Murtadha Jaber Sarray
The Spatial Historian: Creating a Spatially Aware Historical Research System, JAMES P. SCHINDLING
On Demand Nanoscale Phase Manipulation of Vanadium Dioxide by Scanning Probe Lithography, Dustin Schrecongost
Targeting the Nt17 of the huntingtin protein via natural and chemical modifications: impact on aggregation and membrane interactions, Faezeh Sedighi