This collection contains theses, dissertations, problem reports, and project reports (ETDs) from West Virginia University graduate students.
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Theses/Dissertations from 2021
In vitro and in vivo toxicological evaluation of emissions from the fused filament fabrication three-dimensional printing, Mariana T. Farcas
Three Essays on Energy and Agricultural Price Analysis, Sara Farhangdoost
The origin of novel trait inferred from transcriptomic analysis and a targeted gene approach in the beetle horns., Naureen Fatima
Modified Firearm Discharge Residue Analysis utilizing Advanced Analytical Techniques, Complexing Agents, and Quantum Chemical Calculations, William J. Feeney
A Translational Analysis of Renewal Following DRO with Human Subjects, Kacey R. Finch
Differences in Smoking Behaviors and Readiness to Change for Patients with COPD and Differing Categories of Depression, Jessica M. Floyd
A Systematic Method for Measuring Gentrification Using Building Permits Data: A Washington D.C Case Study, Andey Fomil
Soil Response of Helicopter Liming in the Monongahela National Forest, Jarrett Douglas Fowler
Transference of Emotional Intelligence and Self-Efficacy Observed Through Adventure West Virginia Student Trip Leaders, Ashley Irene Fox
Soil microbial nitrogen-transforming genes influenced by tree species and fertilization in an Appalachian hardwood forest, Emma G. Fox-Fogle
RANIA: A Framework for a Modular, Voice Enabled, GeronTechnology-Centric, Smart-Home System, Emily Francis
Understanding the Variable Drivers of Toxicity for the Broad Class of Carbon Nanotubes and Nanofibers from U.S. Facilities, Kelly E. Fraser
Past the Floral Cape, Vincent Frontero
Experimental Investigations of Contact Friction and Transport Properties of Monolayer and Bilayer Graphene, Prakash Gajurel
Jurors' Perceptions of False Confessions, Madison G. Gallimore
Multimodel Operability Framework for Design of Modular and Intensified Energy Systems, Vitor Gazzaneo
Feeling Depleted? If English Is Not Your First Language, You Might Be Experiencing Stereotype Threat, Mingang K. Geiger
Biocompatible and Multifunctional Trityl Spin Probes for Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectroscopy, Teresa D. Gluth
Bravery in the Delicate: An Actor's Exploration of Thea Elvsted in Henrik Ibsen's Hedda Gabler, Mary Catherine Goff
Development and Dynamics of US Welfare Policy, Liza Gordon
Exploring the Perceptions of Produce Processors Operating in Non-Profit Commercial Kitchens in West Virginia, Megan Christine Govindan
"A Long Life in Music:" The Career and Legacy of Ann Schein, Anthony William Gray
Children of Sons, Cameron T. Green
Increasing the Reliability of Software Systems on Small Satellites Using Software-Based Simulation of the Embedded System, Matthew D. Grubb
Can stable isotopes from tree rings improve our understanding of past variability in the southern annular mode?, Zachary Grzywacz
Environmental controls on the terrestrial water cycle in forested mountain ecosystems., Luis Andrés Guillén
Innovations in Money and Banking Markets, Eduardo Guimaraes Minuci
Asymmetry Risk And Asset Pricing, Jiahao Gu
Development of Synthetic Coal Char Simulant for Microwave Conversion Studies: A Computationally-Driven Approach, Kevin A. Hager
Enacting Sustainability in Footwear Product Development, Mary Samantha Hale
Utilizing the coughing rat model of pertussis to improve vaccine efficacy, Jesse M. Hall
Population Genetics of a Reintroduced Fisher (Pekania pennanti) Population in West Virginia, Caroline E. Harms
Calibration of IRI-based PSI Equation using Updated Quarter-Car Parameters, Shirin Bahaaeldin Hassan
Addressing a Blind Spot: Altruistic Fear and Religious Bias Motivated Victimization, Emily N. Hawkins
Development of Multi-Catchment Rating Curves for Streams of Appalachian Mixed-Land-Use Watersheds: Preliminary Results, Zachary A. Heck
The Appalachian Medical Student Experience: A Case Study, Jason Scott Hedrick
On the Improvement of the Indirect Quantification of Methane Emissions: A Stationary Single Sensor Approach, Robert Scott Heltzel
The Impacts of an Entrepreneurial Course on Secondary Students' Entrepreneurial Self-Efficacy and Entrepreneurial Intentions, Toi E. Hershman
Is Care in the Air?: A Crisis Ethics Case Study of American Airlines’ Communication during the COVID-19 Pandemic, Lily V. Hicks
Climatic Drivers of Growth in Mixed Conifer Forests of the Sierra Nevada for Different Tree Sizes and Thinning Treatments, Andrew M. Hirsch
Making Sense of and Giving Sense to Management Research on Social Evaluations and Ethical Decisions: A Three Essay Dissertation, Alanna M. Hirshman
“Remov[e] Us From the Bondage of South Africa:” Transnational Resistance Strategies and Subnational Concessions in Namibia's Police Zone, 1919-1962, Michael R. Hogan
Evaluation of a Low-Cost UAS and Phenocams for Measuring Grapevine Greenness, Timothy J. Hoheneder
Analyzing Applied Calculus Student Understanding Of Definite Integrals In Real-Life Applications, Cody Hood
Analysis of Millimeter-Wave Networks: Blockage, Antenna Directivity, Macrodiversity, and Interference, Enass Hriba
Foreigner, Cancan Huang
Three Essays in Applied Econometrics: Agricultural and Energy Economics, Kuan-Ming Huang
Technical Direction Process for King Lear, Ashley Noel Hungerford
A Podcasting Series on Employing Podcasts as an Effective Marketing Method for Small Businesses, SeVohn Alexis Bree Hunter
Understanding Visitor Use at Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary, Melissa Maria Hurtado Alvarez
Development of Thermal Management Strategies Using Cylinder Deactivation for Low-Load Operation in Heavy-Duty Diesel Trucks, Christian M. Hushion
The Impact of Driver Reaction in Cooperative Vehicle Safety Systems, Elwarfalli Ibrahim
Association of Incident Cancer to Low-Value Care and Healthcare Cost Burden Among Elderly Medicare Beneficiaries, Chibuzo Iloabuchi
Deep Learning Architectures for Heterogeneous Face Recognition, Seyed Mehdi Iranmanesh
Validation of Shoulder Strain Index, Fabiha Islam
A Qualitative Study of College Athletes’ Experiences of the COVID-19 Pandemic, Carra Johnson
Effects of Blended Integrity Failures on Reinforcement-Based Interventuions, Stephanie Hope Jones
Consensus Based Control Strategy for Virtual Synchronous Generators in Microgrids, Anusha kandula
Essays in Spatial and Regional Economics, Mohamed Shabani Kariburyo
Determination of Effectiveness of Energy Management System in Buildings, Vivash Karki
An Analysis of Coordinated Responding, Brian Katz
Three Essays in Regional Economics, Zachary Keeler
James MacMillan’s Miserere: History, Compositional Elements, and A Conductor’s Guide, Ryan A. Keeling
Decision-making Involvement, Social Support for Healthy Behaviors, and Nutritional Adherence in Adolescents with Cystic Fibrosis, Jennifer Kelleher
Productivity Index for Unconventional Gas Wells, Yousef Khajah
Can a Diabetes Self-management Program Improve Diabetes Distress? Analysis from a Randomized Clinical Trial, Md Raihan K. Khan
Judicial Independence in Pakistan: A Case Study of Lawyers’ Movement, 2007-2009, Shabbir Ahmad Khan
But They Purloined My Coat: Walking Through the Actor’s Process of Entering into the Role of Tom Collins in Jonathan Larson’s Rent, Cameron Amir Khoshgam
Planetary Rover Inertial Navigation Applications: Pseudo Measurements and Wheel Terrain Interactions, Cagri Kilic
Dynamic Optimization Algorithms for Baseload Power Plant Cycling under Variable Renewable Energy, Rebecca Hyen Hae Kim
Comparing Depression and Anxiety among Athletes and Nonathletes in a College Counseling Center Population., Alexandria Kinder
Getting Connected: Exploring the Role of Sustainability Labels In Tourism Marketing Communications, Elvira Kizilova
Unconventional Gas Pipeline Right-of-Way Influence on Wildlife, Samuel C. Knopka
Pandemic Pedagogy: A Zoom Teaching Experiment Using Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning Principles of Multimedia Design, Kevin C. Knoster
Effects of Changes in Land Use Land Cover and Climate on Long-term Total Dissolved Solids Trends in the Mid-Atlantic Region of the United States, Melaine Edouard Kolimedje
Process Modeling and Techno-Economic Analysis of Micro- Encapsulated Carbon Sorbents (MECS) for CO2 capture in a Fixed Bed and Moving Bed Reactors, Goutham Kotamreddy
Plant Species Identification In The Wild Based On Images Of Organs, Meghana Kovur
Flipping the Classroom for Introduction to Probability and Statistics for Engineers, Philomena Krosmico
An eQUEST Based Building Energy Modeling Analysis for Energy Efficiency of Buildings, Saroj Lamichhane
Insect community associated with black cherry (Prunus serotina) in the Allegheny National Forest, Craig James Larcenaire
Property Rights, Consequences of Electrical Blackouts, and Measures of Institutional Quality, Kerianne Nicole Lawson
Prioritization Framework for Advanced Systems of Urban Roads in the Context of Smart Cities, Jinwoong Lee
With All Things Gone: Essays on Missing, Kenneth Joon Lee
Estimation and Mitigation of Stresses in Mass Concrete Structures Containing Ground Granulated Blast FurnaceSlag and Fly Ash, Guadalupe Leon
Accuracy of Implant Placement Utilizing Stereolithographic Guides Printed with and without Cross-arch Stabilization Struts, Caitlin Libby DDS
Observational Measurement of Attachment in Toddlers with Disruptive Behavior Using the Strange Situation Procedure and Attachment Q-Set, Corey C. Lieneman
Improving Microbial Safety of Locally Grown Produce in West Virginia Area, KaWang Li