This collection contains theses, dissertations, problem reports, and project reports (ETDs) from West Virginia University graduate students.
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Theses/Dissertations from 2022
Finite Element Method Calculation of A Prestressed Self Consolidating Concrete Beam, Vladyslav Machulsky
Efficacy of Reported Issue Times as a Means for Effort Estimation, Paul Phillip MacLean
Impact of Haemonchus contortus on feed efficiency and feeding behavior of Katahdin and Suffolk lambs, Camren L. Maierle
Monitoring the Systemic Immune System to Understand and Improve the Efficacy of Immunotherapy for Metastatic Osteosarcoma, justin edward markel
Development and Validation of Individual-Tree Growth and Mortality Models for Mixed Species Forests of the Allegheny Plateau Region, Matt C. Marsh
Synthesis and Cyclotrimerization of Sulfonyl Enynes, Alexa C. Martin
Tumor-targeted pH-sensitive manganese oxide nanoparticle for enhanced detection of breast cancer using MRI, Celia Martinez de la Torre
Anthropogenic disturbance regimes impact the microbial and chemical composition of soils and sediments across ecosystems, Gregory D. Martin
Heterogeneous oxidation of multi-component aqueous organic aerosols: The effect of transport phenomena and reaction compartment on reaction kinetics., Tadini wenyika Masaya
The Musashi RNA Binding Proteins Are Regulators of Alternative Splicing and Protein Expression in Photoreceptor Cells, Fatimah Kh. Matalkah
An Examination of Career Orientation Courses and College Students' Career Decision Self-Efficacy, Logan R. Mayhew
A Combinatorial 5-HTR Expression Pattern within the Ventral Projection Neurons of the D. melanogaster Olfactory Circuit., Mohd Freezely Ezzani Bin Mazri
Borderlands and Mestiza consciousness in Appalachia: Latina undergraduate experiences in a Predominantly White Institution, Susana Mazuelas Quirce
Predictions of Produced Water Quality and Recycled Water Optimization for Spatially-Distributed Wells in Point Pleasant Formation, Armel Quentin Mbakop
Design and Development of a Novel Launch System with Energetic Materials for Unstable Free-Flight Testing, Steven Christopher McCallister
Detection of Fecal Bacteria in Watersheds Impacted by Acid Mine Drainage, Claire Addison McDonald
Microwave Enhanced Electron Energy Distribution Functions, John Samuel McKee
Novel Modes of Synchronization and Extreme Events in Coupled Chemical Oscillators, David Allen Mersing
Using Drones to Evaluate Revegetation Success on Natural Gas Pipelines, Anthony Nelson Mesa
Teachers’ Perceptions of Causes of Academic Difficulties Experienced by Students who are Culturally and Linguistically Diverse, Courtney D. Miller
The Lived Experiences of Selected Choral Directors During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Angela Berna Milliren
Appalachian Broadcast News Coverage of the Coronavirus: A Content Analysis of Media Framing in the Midst of a Health Crisis, Jensen M. Mills
Development of a Transition Program for Young Adults with Type 1 Diabetes Progressing from Pediatric to Adult Care – A Feasibility Study, Elizabeth Ann Minchau
Framing Fashion Sustainability in Fashion Magazines, Kristen Ann Mohammadi
Barriers and Opportunities to Exiting Prostitution: An Analysis of Prostitution Diversion Programs, Marina Binti Mohd Hamdan
Living on the Edge: Trans* Exclusion, Survival, and Resistance, Rayna E. Momen
Tetramerization of STAT5 has opposing roles in governing autoimmune pathogenesis, Kelly Lynn Monaghan
The Vanishing Frontier: Economic and Social Change in Western North Carolina, 1945-1970, Elisabeth Avery Moore
Reproductive Rates, Kitten Survival, and Den Site Selection of Bobcats (Lynx Rufus) in the Black Hills, South Dakota, Erin E. Morrison
High Precision Pipeline Leak Detection and Localization Using Negative Pressure Wave Technique: An Application in a Real Field Case Study, Nathaniel C. Moryan
The Dances of Diplomacy: French Social Dance Culture in the United States, 1780-1800, Kaylar Gina Moser
Assessment of the Geographic Distribution and Tools to Assist with Conservation of Spotted Turtles (Clemmys guttata) in West Virginia, Joel Leal Mota
Calcite depression in bastnaesite-calcite flotation system using organic acids, Emmy Muhoza
Mountain Biking Mountaineers: Insights into the West Virginia Mountain Biking Community, Connor Mullin
Deep Learning Detection in the Visible and Radio Spectrums, Greg Clancy Murray
An Examination of Hip Muscle Activation in those with Hip-Related Groin Pain during Single-Legged and Double-Legged Squats, Millissia A. Murro
The Effect of a Standardized Handoff Tool on Communication, Interunit Transitions, and Wait Time: A Quality Improvement Project, Silvia N. Myndresku
Geotextile Design and Performance for Dewatering of Rare Earth Element Sludge Produced from Acid Mine Drainage, Cory J. Nasiadka
Tandem Addition/Fragmentation Reactions of Vinylogous Acyl Sulfonates, Kristen S. Nerbecki
Functionally Magnetic Gradient Copper-Nickel Material Fabricated via Directed Energy Deposition, Vy Tran Phuong Nguyen
Small mammal communities of restored and natural wetlands in West Virginia, Krista Noe
A Quality Improvement Initiative Regarding Ondansetron in the Prevention of Spinal Anesthesia-Induced Hypotension, Kassidy Dell Nutter
Examining Evolutionary Rate in Xiphosura, Samantha B. Ocon
Generation of High Performing Morph Datasets, Kelsey Lynn O'Haire
Improving Robotic Decision-Making in Unmodeled Situations, Nicholas Scott Ohi
Development of a Machine Learning model to characterize the performance of a Selective Catalytic Reduction on Filter after-treatment system for a Heavy-Duty Diesel Engine, Samuel A. Okeleye
UAV Position Estimation using a LiDAR-based 3D Object Detection Method, Uthman Oladipo Olawoye
Exploration of Intercollegiate Student-Athletes’ Athletic Identity, Leah C. Oldham
Multimodal Adversarial Learning, Uche Osahor
Evaluating Effects of Sediment on Microbial Loading in a Drinking Water Distribution System, Erika Osborne
Analysis of Forensically Relevant Evidence Using Electrochemistry, Spectroscopy, and Mass Spectrometry Tools, Colby Edward Ott
Identifying and Minimizing Sources of Variability Within Modern Spectroscopic Techniques for the Forensic Analysis of Glass, Oriana Christy Ovide
Validity Evidence for the Male Depression Risk Scale-22 (MDRS-22) in Younger and Older Adult Males, Montgomery T. Owsiany
On Paradoxical Examples of Real Functions, Cheng-Han Pan
Controlling the Thermal and Electrical Properties of CaMnO3-δ Based Perovskite Ceramics, Sergio Andres Paredes Navia
Ion Velocity Distribution Functions in Cutting-Edge Plasmas, Mitchell Cameron Paul
Healing gardens for Assisted living facility at Cortland Acres, Thomas, WV, Pooja Keshav Pawar
Evaluating remote economic benefits of watershed-scale acid mine drainage restoration, Rachel E. Pell
Love at First Profile: An Experiment Exploring if Previously Incarcerated Individuals are Less Desirable While Online Dating, Carina L. Perrone
Three Essays in Healthcare Economics and Policy Analysis, Tuyen Pham
Experience of Parents Caring for a Child with an Acquired Disability, Brad E. Phillips
A Narrative Inquiry into the Influence of School Shooting Survival on College Transition and Experience, Jayne M. Piskorik
Hot-carrier dynamics and transport mechanisms in InAs/AlAsSb multiple quantum wells, Herath Pathiranage Janaka Chathuranga Piyathilaka
Choosing Not to Participate: Cyber Truancy and Special Education, Elizabeth A. Popielarcheck
Reckoning With Privilege in Appalachia and Higher Education: A Project of Critical Consciousness, Sarah Powell
Ecology of Black-Legged Ticks (Ixodes scapularis) at Fort Drum Military Installation, New York, Lucas Eli Price
Landmark Enforcement and Principal Component Analysis for Improving GAN-Based Morphing, Samuel W. Price
Three Essays In Public Economics, Joylynn Michelle Pruitt
Quantitative Analysis of Rate Transient Analysis in Unconventional Shale Gas Reserviors, Gabriel Quintero
Understanding Perceptions of Vulnerable Roadway Users on Autonomous Vehicles, Md Tawhidur Rahman
Syntheses of indoles and natural indole alkaloids from 2-nitrostyrene derivatives, S M Ashikur Rahman
Examining the Relationship Among Perceived Academic Climate, Belongingness, and Engineering Identity, Sumaia Ali Raisa
Stormwater Sensitivities to the Climatic and Land Cover Drivers in a Heavily Urbanized Coastal Basin along the Northern Gulf of Mexico, USA., Md Faisal Razy
Classifying Blood Glucose Levels Through Noninvasive Features, Rishi Reddy
Bristle, Sharon Reynolds
Representation of Muslims in Time Magazine: A Corpus Linguistic Study, Constantia Rhinehart
Chemical characterization of clastic cave sediments and insights into particle transport and storage in karst aquifers, Jill L. Riddell
Brideprice: Poems, Caroline Margaret Riley
Evaluating potential soil amendments and geomorphic methods for mine land reclamation, Amanda Rodrigues Silva
In the Stomach of the Mud Pit, Morgan A. Roediger
Examining the Efficacy of a Self-Paced Online Training for Goal Writing, Allison Rosborough
Implementation of a Nonverbal Scrub Cap Identification System to Improve Communication and Perception of Patient Safety Among Unfamiliar, De-identified Staff Members in the Operating Room., Keri Ann Roskowinski
Sacramental Ethnicity: Women’s Culture and Vernacular Religion in Twentieth-Century America, Aaron J. Rovan
Bottleneck Management through Strategic Sequencing in Smart Manufacturing Systems, Sayantee Roy
Examining the pulmonary response to repeated Vishniacozyma victoriae exposure and its association with allergic airway disease, Rachael Erin Rush
Learning Representations for Human Identification, Sinan Sabri
UAV Path Planning and Multi-Modal Localization for Mapping in a Subterranean Environment, Kieren Yoshiki Samarakoon
Pathfinding Fast Radio Bursts Localizations using Very Long Baseline Interferometry, Pranav Rohit Sanghavi
Replication of a Nonsequential Renewal Model and Investigation of Extinction Cues for Attenuating Renewal, Brianna G. Sarno
Examining development and function of pretectal visual neural circuits in gs homeobox 1 mutant zebrafish, Alexandra Rose Schmidt
The Potential of Diabase Sills in Eastern Pennsylvania to Store CO2 and H2, Rhiannon R. Schmitt
Equipping Advanced Practice Providers: Interprofessional Pediatric Airway Management Course, Kenton M. Schrock
Factors Influencing Brook Trout Population Dynamics and Resilience in Central Appalachian Headwater Streams, Christopher W. Schwinghamer