This collection contains theses, dissertations, problem reports, and project reports (ETDs) from West Virginia University graduate students.
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Theses/Dissertations from 2022
The Impacts of Maple Syrup Production on the Herbaceous Layer in Appalachian Hardwood Forests, Logan Scott Ferguson
Performance of Peltier Cooled Technology During Preconcentration of Volatile Organic Compounds Analyzed by Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS) using NIOSH Manual of Analytical Methods (NMAM) 3900, Elizabeth Ann Fernandez
Enemies, Allies, and Opportunities: The Politics of Noblewomen’s Lawsuits in Early Modern Piedmont, Catherine Ferrari
Extension of a Bayesian Method for Viral Genome Re-Sequencing to Multi-Dimensional Parameters, Sarah Fleischer
On the Classification of Generalized Pseudo-Orthogonal Lie Groups via Curvature, Cohomology, and Algebraic Structure, Adam C. Fletcher
A Monte Carlo Simulation of Rat Choice Behavior with Interdependent Outcomes, Michelle A. Frankot
Enhanced Sampling Techniques Reveal Key Information about Membrane Active Peptides, Nicolas Charles Frazee
Self-Reported and Behavioral Perseverance Associated with the Maintenance of Health Behaviors, Alivia Kay Frazier
Low- and High-Wattage Vaping during Pregnancy Influence Aortic Structure and Function in Rat Offspring, James Ian Frazier
Learning Mathematics While Black in Rural Appalachia: Black Students' Counterstories and Freedom Dreams About Mathematics Education, Sean P. Freeland
Nano-, Encapsulated Manganese Oxide (NEMO) Particles for MRI Enhancement in Microfluidic Tumor Models, Kasey Alexis Freshwater
Narrative Transportation in Documentary Film: How Immersion into the Documentary Film Hillbilly Affects Viewers' Attitudes, Alayna G. Fuller
Bone Marrow Stroma-induced Transcriptome Signatures of Multiple Myeloma as Modulated by JUNB, Jasleen Kaur Gandhi
Microvascular Consequences of Engineered Nanomaterial Inhalation Exposure and Subsequent Reproductive Outcomes, Krista Lee Garner
Low-Temperature Hot Corrosion of Boilers in the Coal-Fired Power Plant, Artem Gavrilev
Similitude, Scaling, and Prediction of Stream Dissolved Oxygen across the Contiguous U.S., Aron Gebreslase
Implementation of a Training Program to Improve the CRNA Precepting Experience at an Academic Medical Center, Megan Jean Gillespie
Post-Processing Precise Point Positioning Solutions with Parameter Optimization, Maria A. Gonzalez Castaneda
Gender Leadership Imbalance in Sport Organizations in Latin America, Monica Yamile Gonzalez-Cuevas
A Case Study of Poland Regarding the Utility of Strategic Culture, Christian Pierce Griffith
Hydrocarbon Pay zone Prediction using AI Neural Network Modeling., Darren D. Guedon
Exploring Cyberterrorism, Topic Models and Social Networks of Jihadists Dark Web Forums: A Computational Social Science Approach, Vivian Fiona Guetler
The U.S. Coal Industry: Market Structure & Implications, Sara Elizabeth Guffey
Decentralized Cooperative Localization for Multi-Robot Systems in Challenging Environments, Eduardo Gutierrez
Cytotoxic Effects of Potential Irrigants for Endodontic Surgery, Kaiying Haggard
An Exploration of the Effects of Mindfulness on Pain: The Role of Pain Catastrophizing, Ilana Haliwa
Information Theoretical Analysis of the Uniqueness of Iris Biometrics, Katelyn M. Hampel
An Anesthesia-Based Quality Improvement Initiative to Decrease Opioid Administration via Esmolol Administration, Fredrick J. Hanna
Polychromatic colorings of certain subgraphs of complete graphs and maximum densities of substructures of a hypercube, Ryan Tyler Hansen
CBCT Use in Orthodontic Residency Programs in USA, Su Min Han
Smallmouth Bass (Micropterus dolomieu) population characteristics and an evaluation of management responses in two West Virginia watersheds, Jacob D. Harrell
Using Landsat-Based Phenology Metrics, Terrain Variables, and Machine Learning for Mapping and Probabilistic Prediction of Forest Community Types in West Virginia, Faith M. Hartley
Modeling Nonlinear Dynamic Systems Using BSS-ANOVA Gaussian Process, Kyle Matthew Hayes
Reinforcement Learning for Process Control: Applications to Energy Systems, Elijah Ballard Hedrick
Development of computational methods for electronic structural characterization of strongly correlated materials: from different ab-initio perspectives, Uthpala K. Herath
Critical Perspectives on Produce Prescription Programs & US Federal Nutrition Policy, Alanna K. Higgins
Identifying Factors that Increase Sustainability of SWPBIS in US Middle Schools, Heather L. Hoffert
Embodied Energy Geographies: An Exploration of Fracked Landscapes in the Ohio River Valley, Rachael L. Hood
Experimental and Design Evaluation of Multi-bolted GFRP Joints, Amir Hossein Houshmandyar
Evaluating DRO with Asymmetrical Magnitude of Reinforcement, Lindsey M. Hronek
Implementation of Stress Management and Resiliency Training to Address Nursing Burnout in a Neuroscience Critical Care Unit, Jessica May Marie Hughes
Modeling and Optimization of a Novel Chilled Ammonia Absorption Process and Amine-Appended Metal-Organic Frameworks for CO2 Capture, Ryan Keith Hughes
Detecting Adverse Drug Events Using a Deep neural network Model, Saminur Islam
Structural and petrologic insights into the emplacement of effusive silicic lavas: Inyo Domes, California, Shelby L. Isom
Performance of Sensor Fusion for Vehicular Applications, Nikola Janevski
Characterizing the Effects of Solvent and Analyte Properties on Ionization Efficiency by Novel Field-free and Field-enabled Ionization Techniques, Kinkini Udara Jayasundara
GAN-Based Super-Resolution And Segmentation Of Retinal Layers In Optical Coherence Tomography Scans, Paria Jeihouni
Summer Habitat Use, Home Range, and Effect of Catch and Release Mortality on the Trophy Potential of Muskellunge, (Esox masquinongy, Mitchill, 1824), in a Southern Reservoir Population, Peter Isaac Jenkins
Theoretical investigation of SOFC/SOEC degradation mechanisms and mitigations, Fuming Jiang
ERO1α Promotes Tumorigenesis in EGFR Driven NSCLC, brennan d. johnson
Combustion Feature Characterization using Computer Vision Diagnostics within Rotating Detonation Combustors, Kristyn B. Johnson May
Targeting Vulnerabilities in Cell State and Calcium Signaling for the Treatment of Lung Cancer, Clark Jones
Clitic doubling: The Case of Nariño Andean Spanish, Jessica Paola Jurado Eraso
Machine Learning Approaches to Improve Prediction in Health Care, Sadaf Kabir
Cross-kingdom interactions shape soil biogeochemistry in natural and agricultural ecosystems, Jennifer Lynne Kane
Review of Innovative Rehabilitation Techniques for Reinforced Concrete Buildings, Demetrius Karoubas
Possible Paths Forward for a Practice-Based Teacher Education Centered on Justice, Joshua Harlan Karr
Age as a Moderator of Health Outcomes and Trust in Physicians and the Healthcare System, Emma Katz M.S.
A Domain Adaptation Approach for Segmenting Cell Instances in Microscopy Data, Matthew R. Keaton
Mechanical Response of VARTM infused FRP composites, Andrew Kenney
Bitter Sweet, Hanna M. Kesty
Development of an Innovative Co-treatment Technology for Produced Water and Blowdown Water: A Regional Approach of Water Management for Energy Production, Golnoosh Khajouei
Stormwater Runoff Response Under Changing Climate and Land uses Across Gradients of Inland and Coastal Urban-Natural Basin, Mahmood Khan
Climatic and Land Cover Sensitivities of Stormwater Runoff in a Coastal Natural-Urban Basin of Texas, USA., Nusrat Nasrin Khan
Carbon Emissions, Abatement, and Natural Disasters: Politics and Social Institutions, Ritika Khurana
Jiří’s Ghosts, Karen Jean Klein
Synthetic Methods for Improved Scope and Efficiency of Copper-Catalyzed Regioselective Alkene Boracarboxylation, Steven William Knowlden
Diversifying Piano Literature: East Asian Music for Piano Study and Performance in the United States, Akina Kondoh
Exploring How Children Use Their Everyday Thinking to Construct Scientific Explanations of the Natural World, Ashley Nicole Kooken
A Multi-Method Examination of the Effects of Students’ Unconscious Biases on Student Evaluations of Instructors, Brittany M. Kowalski
Computational Analysis of the Stability Limits of Premixed Methane-air Combustion in Micro-channels, Almoutazbellah Adnan Kutkut
Charge Dynamics of InAs Quantum Dots Under Resonant and Above-Band Excitation, Gary R. Lander Jr
Care to Walk in My Shoes? Repairing Trust after Violations of Benevolence, Luke Aaron Langlinais
A study on supereulerian digraphs and spanning trails in digraphs, Omaema A. Lasfar
Electronic Structure of Early Transition Metal Complexes Supported by Pyridine Polypyrrolide Ligands, Dylan Connor Leary
Study of Resonantly Stabilized Radicals in Combustion Environments, James H. Lee
Phenomic and Genetic Controls of the Drought Stress Response in Sorghum, Melissa A. Lehrer
Assessment of User Environmental Perceptions Associated with Gray's Reef National Marine Sanctuary, Marieke Johanna Lemmen
Red spruce ecological sites, ecological states, and restoration pathways quantified through soil organic carbon, James Edward Leonard
Probabilistic Space Weather Modeling and Forecasting for the Challenge of Orbital Drag in Space Traffic Management, Richard J. Licata III
It’s a Bleed: Pediatric Hemophilia and Length of Stay, Rural vs Urban Hospitals, Daniel G. Liedl
Development of Methane Emissions Model to Assess Fuel Recovery Potential at Gas Well Sites Using On Site Compression, Nicholas G. Lindenfeldar
Methodology for enhanced filtration and dewatering of fine-grain AMD precipitate using geocomposites for rare earth elements recovery, Iuri Lira Santos
Three Essays on Information Asymmetry Across Heterogenous Agents, Shenru Li
Characterizing Locomotor Disturbance Perception in Young Adults, Daniel James Liss
Influences of Disrupted Circadian Rhythms on Stroke Outcome, Jennifer A. Liu
Repercussions: The Pressure to Be Thin, Shuhan Liu
Face Representation Learning and Its Applications: from Image Editing to 3D Avatar Animation, Xudong Liu
The Role of Firm-Level PDO in Asymmetrically Dependent Marketing Channel Relationships, Yuerong Liu
Deep Radio Observations and the Role of the Cosmic Web in Galaxy Evolution, Nicholas M. Luber
Development of Oxide Dispersion Strengthening (ODS) Alloys Powder for Additive Manufacturing, Changyu Ma