This collection contains theses, dissertations, problem reports, and project reports (ETDs) from West Virginia University graduate students.
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Theses/Dissertations from 2024
Associations Between Diabetes-Specific Psychological Flexibility, Family Conflict, Parental Distress and Adherence in Adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes, Rebecca I. LaQuaglia
Floral Alchemy: Decorative Porcelain Tableware, Stacy Lynn Larson
Developing a data-driven method for inferring heterocellular networks in cancer, Habibolla Latifizadeh
Characterizing 4,4’-Methylene Diphenyl Diisocyanate Exposure in Primary Human Epidermal Keratinocytes: A Multi-Omics Approach, Brandon F. Law
Use of Interlaboratory Studies for the Development of Consensus-Based Criteria for the Elemental Analysis of Electrical Tapes, Lacey M. Leatherland
Multidisciplinary approach to injury rehabilitation: The D1 college athlete perspective, Lindsey Leatherman
SARS-CoV-2 immunogenicity models inform novel strategies that can improve mRNA vaccines, Katherine S. Lee
A Balancing Act: MicroRNA Mediated Insect-Bacterial Homeostasis and the Tsetse Fly, Mason Hubbard Lee
Rural Student Postsecondary Decision-Making: Navigating Narratives of the Purpose and Value of Higher Education, Ashley Renee Leggett-Bradley
Commonplace, Heather Lepp
Zoo Communication: A Study of Stewardship with Animal Conservation in Zoos Across the United States, Abby Rachelle Lester
Resource Affluence and Sustainable Consumer Behavior, Liguo Liu
1D Geo-mechanical model analysis of the MIP 1S and drilling process optimization in the Deep Appalachian basin, GEORGES BROWN LIWUITEKONG DONGHO
E-Cigarette Aerosol’s Effect on the Force Degradation of Elastomeric Chain: An in Vitro Study, Joshua D. Lokant
Nickel-Catalyzed Regioselective Three-Component Coupling of Phenyl Vinyl Sulfones with Alkynes, Stephen M. Long
Its Just a Ride, Pat Loricco
Becoming a Homemaker in Appalachia: Building Bridges in Women's Flat Track Roller Derby, Jessica Lynn Lough
From Trails to Triumph: Documenting Two Decades of Impact with Adventure WV, Sean Lowdermilk
The Line Between Man and Monster: A Theatrical Costume Design of Caryl Churchill's The Skriker, Katrina Anne Lundquist
Modeling the Dynamics of Radiation Belt Electrons and Ring Current Protons, Xingzhi Lyu
Analysis of mutations in protein kinase CK2 linked to Okur-Chung’s Neuropathy, Shivani Maan
Implementing a Nurse-Driven Clostridium Difficile Screening Protocol, Sandrela Magnuson
Modification of Gas Atomized Metal Powders Through Mechanical Chemical Bonding Technique, Philip Thomas Mallory
A Qualitative Analysis of Secondary Mathematics Teachers’ Development Toward Teaching Mathematics for Social Justice, Catherine Lynne Manley
(Non-) Recovery of An Agricultural Stream from Straightening and Dredging, Aras Anderson Mann
Synaptic zinc transporters support normal synapse structure and function in mouse auditory cortex, Abbey Manning
Understanding Learners' Perception of Virtual Reality-Assisted Learning in Engineering Education, Mohammad Samin Mansur
Modeling of Thermal and Mechanical Behavior of Concrete Containing Supplementary Cementitious Materials, Seyednavid Mardmomen
Translational Approaches to Address the Metastatic/Resistant (MR) Phenotype of Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Brain Metastases, Kent L. Marshall
Political Agency in the Occupied House: Reconstructing Memory through Squatter Resilience at Topf and Sons Historical Museum, Ebony Taylor Martin
A Multi-Wavelength Determination of the Total Luminosity and Star Formation Rate of the Milky Way, Joshua L. Mascoop
“Population, Proximity, and Promise: A Study of College Choice and the Competition for Students in Higher Education”, Donielle Maust
The Impact of Occupational Therapy in Lactation Services, Sarah Adrienne McAninch
A Multidisciplinary Approach to Identify Postoperative Delirium in Geriatric Patients Using a Brain Health Screening Tool, Ashlyn McCartney
Return to Soil, Lindsay Jo McCarty
Cell-type-specific effects of synaptic zinc in mouse auditory cortex, Mason McCollum
A Self-Supervised Knowledge Distillation Approach to Anomaly Detection in X-ray Imagery, Kaden Quinn McEldowney
Assessing The Impact of Olive Oil and Flaxseed Oil Supplementation on Hypertension and Inflammation in Healthy and At-Risk Adults, Tara Bess McNabb
Iron Coated Sand: A Sustainable Substrate Amendment for Nutrient Management and Growth of Floriculture Crops, Savannah Mead
From Class to Craft: An Investigation into the Practice of Acting Techniques Applied to Angelo in Shakespeare’s Measure for Measure, Charles Wesley Meeks
The Effects of Forgetting and Disclosure on Mock Jurors' Perceptions of an Alleged Rape, Johnathan Meier
Effect of Specific Data Variations on Automated Speaker Recognition, Ethan David Meighen
Investigation of Space Charge Effects on CO2 Electrocatalytic Reduction on Gd-Doped Ceria Via Scanning Kelvin Probe and Model-Based Bayesian Analysis, Alejandro Mejia
History of Federal International Education Policy (1900-2024): A Four-Dimensional View in Action, Winda Wastu Melati
Development of Lab-on-a-Chip platforms incorporating a novel Acoustic atomization induced pump based on a vibrating sharp edge capillary., Balapuwaduge Lihini Tharanga Catherine Mendis
Fire Sings in the Dark, Emily Merrick
Defining Success for an Introductory Mathematics Non-STEM Pathway Course, Clark D. Metz
Machine Learning and RNA Bioinformatics, Jason Rafe Miller
Tragedy Personified: Crafting the role of Carol in Alice Birch's Anatomy of a Suicide, Josey Miller
Childhood Adversity and Sexual Risk Taking in College: Pathways Through Alcohol Use, Sarah Josephine Miller
Mechanistic Insight into Maternal Electronic Cigarette Exposure and its Effect on Offspring Cerebrovascular and Neurocognitive Health, Amber Victoria Mills
Factors related to adolescent anger in Appalachia: Implications for violence prevention, Rosalina Mills
Astrocyte Reprogramming by Th17 Cells in Autoimmune Neuroinflammation: Mechanisms and Implications, Sarah Marie Milne
Abuse Liability of Electronic Cigarettes in Non-Smoking Electronic Cigarette Users, Andrea Renee Milstred
Pilot Quality Improvement Project to Update Surgeon Preference Cards of a Community Hospital's Orthopedic Service, Jessica R. Mitchell
Structural and functional consequences of PDE6 prenylation in rod and cone photoreceptors, Faezeh Moakedi
Active Uncertainty Representation Learning: Toward More Label Efficiency in Deep Learning, Salman Mohamadi
Machine learning-assisted multiscale simulation and design optimization of composite jackets under low-velocity impacts, Masoud Mohammadi
A Podcasting Series on the Historical Event of Hawk’s Nest Tunnel Disaster, Hannah G. Morgan
The Impact of Low-Skew on the Ultimate Capacity of Press-Brake-Formed Tub Girders, Madison Lynn Morgan
Aberrant Lipid Accumulation and Retinal Pigment Epithelium Dysfunction in Prcd-deficient mice, Sree Indrani Motipally
Ecological planning and design for creating a thriving suburban community in Lumberton, NC, Maram Moushmoush
Exploring Crystal Polymorphism in Additive-assisted Chemical Vapor-Deposited Transition Metal Chalcogenides and Oxides, Lawrence Kirimi Mubwika
Development of Dynamic Mass-Energy-Thermodynamics Constrained Hybrid Neural Network Models for Process Systems Applications, Angan Mukherjee
Making Home Here: Young Refugee-Migrant Women and the Work of Emplacement in a Rural Appalachian Town, Valentina Muraleedharan
Self-Care and Quality of Life of Remotely Monitored Appalachians with Heart Failure, Patrick Rexrode Murphy
Associations Among Psychosocial Factors, Health-Related Quality of Life, and Adherence in Pediatric Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Cecelia I. Nelson
A Quality Improvement Initiative to Reduce Preanalytical Blood Gas Errors, Layla Haver Newbrough
From the Pews to the Ballot Box: How Religion Shapes Voting Behavior in Ghana., Maxwell Afriyie Nimako
Diet and Population Genomics of River Otters (Lontra canadensis) in West Virginia, Eden Grace Nitza
Efficient Classification of Very High Resolution Images, Mohammad I. Nouyed
Modeling and Techno-Economic Optimization of Microwave Assisted Ammonia Synthesis Processes, Opeyemi Aduragbemi Ogunniyan
Site, Seasonality, and Satisfaction: A Tourism Marketing Study in Pocahontas County, West Virginia, Lillian E. Oles
Sex, Drugs, and TBI: The Effects of Sex Hormones and TrkB Activation on Alcohol-Related Behavior Following a Traumatic Brain Injury, Robin B. Oliverio
Hepatic mRNA Expression of Innate and Adaptive Immune Genes in Beef Steers with Divergent Residual Body Weight Gain, Deborah Ologunagba
Advances in machine learning aided seismic interpretation and inversion for subsurface characterization, Tobi Micheal Ore
Application of High-Resolution Fiber Optic Data to Enhance Completion Design, Christian J. Pacheco
Spatial Degradation and Livelihood Diversification in the Ever-changing Landscape of Pastoralist Kajiado, Kenya, John A. Paine
Clinical Significance of Gutta Percha Variability, Alex R. Pancake
Three Essays in Urban, Health and Public Economics, Dinushka Paranavitana
Planar Semiconductor-Superconductor Topological Quantum Devices: Realistic Modeling Tools, Purna Prasad Paudel
Dynamic Load Identification using Optimal Sensor Placement and Dynamic Condensation Methods, Iole Pecora
Feminist Pedagogy in the ESL Classroom: A Retrospective Qualitative Case Study, Lindsei Pereira da Silva
Estimating Home Range Size and Density of White-Tailed Deer (Odocoileus virginianus) in West Virginia, Sarah M. Pesi
Contracture Management for Acute Burn Injury Patients, Brianna Paige Pestrosky
Extracting Meaning: Museums, Power, and Shaping the Story of Coal, Danielle Marie Petrak
Biology and ecology of Neonectria magnoliae and Neonectria punicea, two understudied Neonectria species in West Virginia, Hannah Marie Petronek
S(+)-Propylnorapomorphine Hydrochloride Alters Mutant Huntingtin Aggregation and Membrane Interactions, Gabriella M. Pettipas
Novel Membrane Materials for Nutrient Recovery from Nutrient-Rich Resources, KM Prottoy Shariar Piash