Theses/Dissertations from 2024
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence to Forecast Production of Shale Wells, Yasir Jassim Alkalby
The Impact Stress on the Fracture Conductivity and the Productivity of the Marcellus Shale Horizontal Well, Simon Hanna Menhem
Machine Learning-Driven Quantification of CO₂ Plume Dynamics at IBDP Sites using Microseismic Data, Ikponmwosa Bright Iyegbekedo
Enhancing Reservoir Modeling and Simulation through Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning: A Smart Proxy Modeling Approach, Andrew Timothy Jenkins
1D Geo-mechanical model analysis of the MIP 1S and drilling process optimization in the Deep Appalachian basin, GEORGES BROWN LIWUITEKONG DONGHO
Application of High-Resolution Fiber Optic Data to Enhance Completion Design, Christian J. Pacheco
Enhancing Pipeline Simulations through Artificial Intelligence and Machine learning: A smart Proxy Modelling Approach, AFEEZ SHITTU
Theses/Dissertations from 2023
Machine Learning Assisted Framework for Advanced Subsurface Fracture Mapping and Well Interference Quantification, Mohammad Faiq Adenan
Workflow for Integrating Geomechanics, Hydraulic Fracturing, and Reservoir Simulation to Determine Marcellus Shale Horizontal Well Production Potential, Awadh ALJassasi
AI-based Smart Proxy Modelling of IBDP Field Reservoir Pressure of Carbon Sequestration, Idongesit Bassey Ansa
Reservoir Simulation of the Volve Oil field using AI-based Top-Down Modeling Approach, Amir Ansari
The Impact of Fracture Properties on Adsorbed Gas Production From a Marcellus Shale Horizontal Well, Valcia Mildreth Vasco Bulule
Hydraulic Fracturing Treatment Optimization Using Machine Learning, Abdullah Johar
Synthetic Well Log Generation Software, Daniel E. Keller
The Effect of Different Fracturing Fluids on the Productivity of Multi-Staged Fractured Marcellus Shale Horizontal Wells, Vida Gyaubea Matey-Korley
Advancing Carbon Sequestration through Smart Proxy Modeling: Leveraging Domain Expertise and Machine Learning for Efficient Reservoir Simulation, Iman Oraki Kohshour
Application of the Flowing Material Balance to Unconventional Gas Reservoirs, Amanda Jo Parrish
Comparative Analysis of Artificial Intelligence and Numerical Reservoir Simulation in Marcellus Shale Wells, Arya Maher Sattari
Theses/Dissertations from 2022
Machine Learning Based Real-Time Quantification of Production from Individual Clusters in Shale Wells, Ayodeji Luke Aboaba
The Impact of Formation and Fracture Properties Alternations on the Productivity of the Multi-stage Fractured Marcellus Shale Horizontal Wells., Dalal Aldbayan
A workflow for unconventional reservoirs optimization using supervised machine learning in conjunction with orthorhombic elasticity modeling, Aymen Ab Ali Alhemdi
Hydrocarbon Pay zone Prediction using AI Neural Network Modeling., Darren D. Guedon
Predictions of Produced Water Quality and Recycled Water Optimization for Spatially-Distributed Wells in Point Pleasant Formation, Armel Quentin Mbakop
High Precision Pipeline Leak Detection and Localization Using Negative Pressure Wave Technique: An Application in a Real Field Case Study, Nathaniel C. Moryan
Quantitative Analysis of Rate Transient Analysis in Unconventional Shale Gas Reserviors, Gabriel Quintero
Theses/Dissertations from 2021
Well Performance Analysis of MSEEL1 and MSEEL2 Wellpads, Mohammad Faiq Adenan
Dynamic Data-Driven Smart Proxy Modeling For Numerical Reservoir Simulation, Maher Jasim Alabboodi
The Impacts of the Net Stress and Stress Shadow on the Productivity of Marcellus Shale Horizontal Well, Mohamed El Sgher
Productivity Index for Unconventional Gas Wells, Yousef Khajah
Analyzing and Measuring Petrophysical Properties of Marcellus Shale, Yahia Mustafa Yassin Mustafa
Application of Fiber Optics DAS on Completion Design Optimization, Aliou Sylla
Modeling Gas Migration During a Gas Kick, Ali Zankawi
Theses/Dissertations from 2020
Production Allocation of Reservoir Layers using Data-Driven Reservoir Modeling, Semaa Alessa
Application of Flowing Material Balance in Unconventional Reservoirs, Salem Alharbi
Application of Decline Curve Analysis to Unconventional Reservoir, AHMED Wasel ALQATTAN
The Impact of Stress Shadowing with variations in Cluster Spacing on the Production for Wells Completed in the Marcellus Shale, Joshua R. Dietz
Application of Decline Curve Analysis to Unconventional Reservoirs, Majed Hisham Kabbani
Utilization of a Numerical Reservoir Simulation with Water and Gas Injection for Verification of Top Down Modeling, Ashley Konya
Top-Down Model Development Using Data Generated from a Complex Numerical Reservoir Simulation with Water Injection, Yvon Andrea Martinez
Confirmation of TDM Capabilities in Modeling Compartmentalized WAG EOR, Anthony William Morrow
Using AI and Machine Learning to Indicate Shale Anisotropy and Assist in Completions Design, Cole E. Palmer
Semi Analytical Approach for Binary Mixture Conductivity in Hydraulic Fracturing, Vuong V. Pham
Theses/Dissertations from 2019
Confirmation Of Data-Driven Reservoir Modeling Using Numerical Reservoir Simulation, Al Hasan Mohamed Al Haifi
The Impact of Permeability Heterogeneity on Liquid Recovery from Gas Condensate Reservoir, Bashayer Alsanea
Optimizing the Production and Injection Wells Flow Rates in Geothermal Field Using Artificial Intelligence, MUHAMMET SALIH ARITURK
Impact of Natural Fracture Induced Elastic Anisotropy on Completion and Hydraulic Fracturing Designs, Emre Can Dundar
Theses/Dissertations from 2018
Using Artificial Intelligence And Machine Learning To Develop Synthetic Well Logs, Marwan Mohammed Alnuaimi
Analysis of the Gas Production from Marcellus Shale Horizontal Wells Using Decline Curves, Dalal Alsaadoun
Development and Evaluation of an Economic Model for a Libyan Oil Field Development with an EPSA Agreement, Mohamed S BenZeglam
Application of Machine Learning on Fracture Interference, Dennis Wayne Chamberlain Jr.
Effect of Nano-Pore Wall Confinements on Non-Ideal Gas Dynamics in Organic Rich Shale Reservoirs, Nupur Gupta
Applications of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Petroleum Engineering Problems, Shan e Zehra Lashari
Understanding the Impact of Stimulation Treatment on Gas Production from a Horizontally Drilled Marcellus Shale Well, Matthew Dean Carl Perrella
Investigation of Gas Slippage Effect and Geomechanical Effect on Gas Production Prediction and Hydraulic Fracture Design -- A Case Study of Marcellus Shale, Courtney L. Rubin
Predicting Frac Hits Using Artificial Intelligence; Application in Marcellus Shale, Ryan Tyree
Theses/Dissertations from 2017
Using Artificial Neural Networks to Predict Formation Stresses for Marcellus Shale with Data from Drilling Operations, Mousa S. Mohamed Abusurra
Impact of formation damage due to perforation on well productivity, Elmouzemill Abrahim Adam
Performance of the Horizontal Wells in a Naturally Fractured Carbonate Reservoir, Fuad Al-Bayati
Extending the utilization of real time data for pressure transient analysis., Jummanh Eyad Aldiwan
A Data-Driven Smart Proxy Model for a Comprehensive Reservoir Simulation, Faisal Alenezi
Productivity Index of Horizontal Gas Well, Abdullah A. Almuraikhi
Investigation of CO2 Sequestration for the Assessment of the Impact on Resource Storage with Co-production of Brine, Mohammad Junaid Ashfaq
Adaptation of Simulated Annealing for Rate of Penetration Optimization in Automated Drilling, Zachary Cox
Steam generation by solar and natural gas generators for thermal enhanced oil recovery, Abha Dwivedy
Hydraulics and Well Control Complications in Unconventional Shale Laterals, Tawfik A Elshehabi
A Study of Pressure Variation in Wellbores During Gas Kicks, Seyhmus Guner
Developing a Smart Proxy for Predicting the Fluid Dynamic in DamBreak Flow Simulation by Using Artificial Intelligence, Seyed Sina Hosseini Boosari
Molecular Simulation of Transport and Storage in Shale, Mohammad Kazemi
Study of stress anisotropy on shale rock permeability, Charbel Nasr
Analysis of the Production Data from Marcellus Shale Wells, Amanda Parrish
Impacts of Anionic and Cationic Nanoparticles on the Rheological, Hydraulics and Filtration Properties of the Water-Based Drilling Fluid, Ali Hashim Salih
The Impact of Shale Gas on Gas Storage Performance, Arya Maher Sattari
Design, Construction, and Analysis of a Pilot-Scale Automated Drilling Platform, Cody Smith
Theses/Dissertations from 2016
Conditioning the Estimating Ultimate Recovery of Shale Wells to Reservoir and Completion Parameters, Maher Jasim Alabboodi
Impact of nanoscale pore sizes on the flow of gas mixtures in marcellus shale reservoir, Noor Mazher Alfashkhi
Effect of clay and salinity on asphaltene stability, Ahmet Birkan Demir
Characterizations of the Marcellus Shale petrophysical properties, Mohamed Elsaig
Upscaling of sagd process using spectrum-based analysis for heterogeneius reservoirs, Vahid Mohammadnia
Comprehensive analysis of the Atlantic Coast natural gas transmission line, William David Young
Integrating stimulation practices with geo-mechanical properties in liquid-rich plays of Eagle Ford Shale, Ahmed Yusuf
Theses/Dissertations from 2015
Predicting Production Behavior of the Marcella Shale by Using Arps Equation, Bassam Abdulhameed Alabdulkareem
Impact of Pore Size on Gas Condensate Critical Properties Confined in Marcellus Shale, Erfan Mustafa Allawe
Developing a Grid-Based Surrogate Reservoir Model Using Artificial Intelligence, Shohreh Amini
Dynamic Response in Transient Stress-Field Behavior Induced by Hydraulic Fracturing, Andrew Jenkins
Impact of the Nanopore Size on Estimation of Gas-in-Place for Marcellus Shale Gas Reservoirs, Alexandra Power Stockdale
New Experimental Approach to Measure Petrophysical Properties of Organic-Rich Shales, Mehrdad Zamirian
Theses/Dissertations from 2014
Predicting the Gas Recovery for Hydraulically Fractured Horizontal Wells in Shale Reservoirs, Aymen A.B Ali Alhemdi
Impact of gas desorption on production behavior of shale gas, Fatemeh Belyadi
Spacing of Hydraulically Fractured Horizontal Laterals in Low Permeability Formations, Franck Donfack
Application of Nano Fluids in Changing Reservoir Rock and Fluid Properties for Enhanced Oil Recovery, Mohammad Ehtemam Haghighi
On the optimization of CO2-EOR process using surrogate reservoir model, Vida Gholami
Monitoring the Integrity of CO2 Storage Sites Using Smart Field Technology, Seyed Alireza Haghighat
Poroelastic Effect on Gas Transport and Storage in Organic Rich Shale Reservoir, Bahiya Jabbar
Estimating Ultimate Recovery in Shale Wells Based on Facts, Faegheh Javadi
Estimating Ultimate Gas Recovery from Unconventional Gas Reservoir, Amgd M. Kharabah
Coupled 3-d numerical simulation of proppant transport and fluid flow in hydraulic fracturing, Bing Kong