Theses/Dissertations from 2000
Three-dimensional image reconstruction of skeletal tissue from computed tomography, Sundareswar Bangalore Jayashekar
Parallelization of ECG template-based abnormality detection, Sherry Lea Kratsas
Smart Card-enabled security services to support secure telemedicine applications, Monoreet Mutsuddi
Coloring clique hypergraphs, Hoifung Poon
Approaches to creating anonymous patient database, Shijun Shen
Secure telemedicine system for home health care, Sridhar Vasudevan
Theses/Dissertations from 1999
Verification and validation in software product line engineering, Edward Alton Addy
Mission planning and remote operated vehicle simulation in a virtual reality interface, Christopher Samuel Allport
Formalization of storage considerations in software design, Lakshminarasimha Reddy Ankireddipally
Java Challenge Software Project, Karuna Annavajjala
Tissue thickness measurement tool for craniofacial reconstruction, Hari Kinan Gopal Boddupalli
Through-wafer interrogation of MEMS device motion, Jeremy Michael Dawson
Determination of vitality from a non-invasive biomedical measurement for use in integrated biometric devices, Reza Derakhshani
Development of a method for calculation of cardiac output using Doppler ultrasound, Amit Diggikar
Integration of Chicory components and Chicory optimization, Avinash Venkatesh Kalgi
Independent verification of specification models for large software systems at the early phases of development lifecycle, Khalid Lateef
Optimal power flow using a genetic algorithm and linear algebra, Reid S. Maust
Modeling and simulation of selected distributed generation sources and their assessment, Ju-chirl Park
Study of the Kalman filter for arrhythmia detection with intracardiac electrograms, Pisut Raphisak
Field analysis and design of a moving iron linear alternator for use with linear engine, Dulpichet Rerkpreedapong
Design and development of fuzzy expert system for Handy Board, Aditya Kumar Singh
Regressive model approach to the generation of test trajectories, Brian James Taylor
Various pushing methods on grid graphs, Jiaxin Wang
Broadcasting in grid graphs, Iwona Wojciechowska
Theses/Dissertations from 1998
Real-time multimedia-based education through the Internet, Abhay Arun Bakshi
Interoperable components across multiple component architectures, Ravi S. Banda
Fuzzy reliability modeling of distributed client -server systems, Patrick Louis Cross
Impedance effects of metallic ground plane on the CTHA antenna, Tao Guan
Fault-injection through model checking via naive assumptions about state machine synchrony semantics, Sabina Joseph
Theses/Dissertations from 1997
Foundations of object-based specification design, David March Fleming
Theses/Dissertations from 1974
A Simulator for the IBM 3705 Communications Controller, J. William Strider