Theses/Dissertations from 2021
Deep Fingerprint Matching from Contactless to Contact Fingerprints for Increased Interoperability, Alexander James Wilson
A Deep Learning Approach to LncRNA Subcellular Localization Using Inexact q-mer, Weijun Yi
Theses/Dissertations from 2020
Programming of Floating-Gate Transistors for Nonvolatile Analog Memory Array, Haifa Abulaiha
Rail-to-Rail Operational in Low-Power Reconfigurable Analog Circuitry, Jared Dale Baker
Risk Assessment of Architecture Technical Debt, Mrwan Omar Kh. Ben Idris
A Machine Learning Approach to Estimate the Annihilation Photon Interactions Inside the Scintillator of a PET Scanner, Sai Akhil Bharthavarapu
Estimating Refactoring Efforts for Architecture Technical Debt, Samir Deeb
Searching for Needles in the Cosmic Haystack, Thomas Ryan Devine
On Body Mass Index Analysis from Human Visual Appearance, Min Jiang
Comparative Study of Model-Based and Learning-Based Disparity Map Fusion Methods, Douglas E. Kerr Jr.
Palmprint Gender Classification Using Deep Learning Methods, Minou Khayami
Interoperability Of IP-Based Cameras, Faythe C. Maston
Deep Learning Based Face Detection and Recognition in MWIR and Visible Bands, Suha Reddy Mokalla
Parametric Optimization of Visible Wavelength Gold Lattice Geometries for Improved Plasmon-Enhanced Fluorescence Spectroscopy, Casey A. Norville
Investigation of Phonon Polaritons in an hBN GaN Heterostructure, Catherine G. O'Hearn
Blind Image Denoising using Supervised and Unsupervised Learning, Surekha Pachipulusu
Representation Learning with Adversarial Latent Autoencoders, Stanislav Pidhorskyi M.S.
Image and Video-Based Autism Spectrum Disorder Detection via Deep Learning, Mindi Ruan
Design, Modeling and Optimization of Reciprocating Tubular Permanent Magnet Linear Generators for Free Piston Engine Applications, Jayaram Subramanian
Speech Mode Classification using the Fusion of CNNs and LSTM Networks, Pratyusha Chowdary Vakkantula
Video and Image Super-Resolution via Deep Learning with Attention Mechanism, Xuan Xu
Development of Software-only Simulation Test Beds (SoST) for Spacecraft and SmallSats, Scott Alan Zemerick
Theses/Dissertations from 2019
An Empirical Analysis of an Algorithm for the Budgeted Maximum Vertex Cover Problem in Trees, Mujidat Abisola Adeyemo
Scheduling for Cooperative Energy Harvesting Sensor Networks, Ahmed Ammar
Intelligent Malware Detection Using File-to-file Relations and Enhancing its Security against Adversarial Attacks, Lingwei Chen
Browsing via Sonification, TAYLOR C. CUTLIP
Low-Power Reconfigurable Sensing Circuitry for the Internet-of-Things Paradigm, Alexander DiLello
Deep Learning For Image Restoration And Robotic Vision, Yixin Du
Security Bug Report Classification using Feature Selection, Clustering, and Deep Learning, Tanner D. Gantzer
Multimodal Approach for Malware Detection, Jarilyn M. Hernandez Jimenez
Autonomous Systems with Reuse: A Survey on the State-of-the-Practice, Denny LaVerne Hood III
Automatic Detection of Insecure Codes in Stack Overflow, Shifu Hou
Engineering Plasmonic Nanostructures for Light Management and Sensing, sujan phani kumar kasani
Resilient Stochastic Control Strategies in Cyber-Physical Microgrids, Mohammad Reza Khalghani
Design and Implementation of Overcurrent Protection Relays Test Bench, Khalid Daud Khattak
Automatic Kinship Verification in Unconstrained Faces using Deep Learning, Naman Kohli
On Generative Adversarial Network Based Synthetic Iris Presentation Attack And Its Detection, Naman Kohli
RoAdNet: Robust Adaptive Network for Information Diffusion in VANET, Priyashraba Misra
Domain Adaptation and Privileged Information for Visual Recognition, Saeid Motiian
Evaluation and Understandability of Face Image Quality Assessment, Mohammad I. Nouyed
Quantifying Human Biological Age: A Machine Learning Approach, Syed Ashiqur Rahman
Genet-CNV: Boolean Implication Networks for Modeling Genome-Wide Co-occurrence of DNA Copy Number Variations, Salvi Singh
Optimal Compression of Point Clouds, Benjamin Robert Smith
Leveraging Writing And Photography Styles For Drug Trafficker Identification In Darknet Markets, Wei Song
Low Power Voltage Reference Cells for Sensing Applications, Kody Ray Tucker
Data Driven Intelligent Grid Stability Monitoring and Adaptive Emergency Response, Hasan Ul Banna
Analyzing Satisfiability and Refutability in Selected Constraint Systems, Piotr Jerzy Wojciechowski
On Matching Faces with Temporal Variations using Representation Learning, Daksha Yadav
Textured Contact Lens based Iris Presentation Attack in Uncontrolled Environment, Daksha Yadav
Using Social Media to Combat Opioid Epidemic, Yiming Zhang
Theses/Dissertations from 2018
On Designing an ECG-based Intelligent System: Utilizing the Heart’s Electrical Activity to Recognize Humans and Detect Arrhythmia, Sara Saeed Abdeldayem
Automated Cleaning of Identity Label Noise in A Large-scale Face Dataset Using A Face Image Quality Control, Mohamad Al jazaery
Explanatory and Causality Analysis in Software Engineering, Yasser Ali Alshehri
Optimizing Indoor Location Based Tracking through Proper Filter Selection and Wireless Sensor Network Design, Matthew R. Bergman
Blockchain For Trustful Collaborations Between Immigrants, Citizens And Governments, Chun-Wei Chiang
Passive Wireless Temperature Sensing in Extreme Harsh Environments, Michael R. Comparetto
Algorithmic Issues in some Disjoint Clustering Problems in Combinatorial Circuits, Zola Nailah Donovan
Differentiating Human Populations Based on k-mer Classification of Hand Bacteria, Thrisha Doppala
Efficient wound assessment system with an RGB-D camera, Xiang Gao
A Low-cost Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) Payload for Cubesats and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), Steven Hard
Development of Resonating Tubular Oscillating Linear Alternator and Engine; System Design and Modeling, Gregory Heiskell
Spatial Fourier Transform for Blind Detection of Radio Observations of Rotating Radio Transients, Xiaoqian He
Generating Narrative in an Interactive Fiction Game, John L. Jacko
Signal Fusion and Semantic Similarity Evaluation for Social Media Based Adverse Drug Event Detection, Hameeduddin Irfan Khaja
Automatic Detection of Cybercrime-suspected Threads in Online Underground Forums, Jian Liu
Facial Attributes Analysis and Applications, Xudong Liu
Composites for hydraulic structures: a review, Yingxiang Lu
Development of Resonating Oscillating Linear Engine Alternator; Instrumentation and Control, Fereshteh Mahmudzadeh
Automated Analysis of Polypharmacy using Prescription Drug Claims Data, Shahad Nagoor
Integrated Circuits for Programming Flash Memories in Portable Applications, Mir Mohammad Navidi
Machine Learning Approaches to Human Body Shape Analysis, Marco Piccirilli
Enhancing Online Security with Image-based Captchas, Brian M. Powell
A study of the durability in class-M concrete due to chlorid permeability, Amelia Suzanne Riley
Understanding Multi-Social Media Platform Use In An Earthquake, Tonmona Tonny Roy
A Long Short-term Memory Neural Network for Improved Twins' Voice Differentiation, Stallone Bruno-Ray Sabatier
An experimental investigation of the banana dehydration process., Donnique Kim Denise Sherman
Midterm 2018 and targeting Latino community through misinformation and disinformation online, Manjul Shrestha
Study on Electrolyte-gated Graphene Nanoelectronic Biosensors for Biomarker Detection, Jianbo Sun
Application of Artificial Intelligent Predictive Modeling for Completion Optimization and Refracture Candidacy, Daniel Yingling
Theses/Dissertations from 2017
Developing Statistical Models to Assess Productivity in the Automotive Manufacturing Sector, Amir Abolhassani
Analyzing discovery latency in mobile networks, Saud Alramzi
Stochastic Geometry Analysis of a Class of Cooperative Relaying Protocols, Sri Lakshmi Phani Balineni
Interoperability Analysis of Non-Contact Fingerprinting Devices vs. Contact-Based Fingerprinting Devices, Emily Biller
Gas Composition Effects in a CI Engine Converted to SI Natural Gas Operation, Hemanth Kumar Bommisetty
Reimagining the SSMinT Software Package, Kelly Cecil
Academic integrity violation detection for WVU CS101, Lakshman Chandrasekaran
Point Cloud Processing Algorithms for Environment Understanding in Intelligent Vehicle Applications, Ahmed Cheikh Sidiya
A Multi-Agent Design for Smart Distribution Automation System with Distributed Energy Resources and Microgrids, Sridhar Chouhan
Evaluation of Ultrasonic Transducers for Use with Fire Apparatus, David Cody Lee Cutright
A system to secure websites and educate students about cyber security through crowdsourcing, Chitrangi Sameer Doshi
Noncoherent Physical-Layer Network Coding with Frequency-Shift Keying Modulation, Terry Ferrett
Secondary Voltage Control using Singular Value Decomposition by Discovering Community Structures in Power Networks, Talha Iqbal
Spatial Centering of a Quadcopter in an Underground Coal Mine, Jonathan Itschner
Information Centric Strategies for Scalable Data Transport in Cyber Physical Systems (CPSs), Ajay Krishna Teja Kavuri
Data Conversion Within Energy Constrained Environments, Brandon M. Kelly
Amplifier Design for Underground Anomaly Detection Using Naturally Occurring Ultra Low Frequencies, Dakota James Kirby
Scholars and knowledge sharing on twitter, Pravija Krishna
On Factors That Influence User Interactions with Social Media Spam: Empirical Exploration Based on a Survey and Experiment, Thomas J. Kyanko
Face Image Modality Recognition and Photo-Sketch Matching, Bingjie Liu