Theses/Dissertations from 2014
Interoperability of fingerprint sensors and matching algorithms, Luca Lugini
Synthesis of Colloidal Nanocrystal Heterostructures for High-Efficiency Light Emission, Yifei Lu
Enhanced Automated Discovery of Relevant Features in Text Mining, Udaya Mallampati
Development and Resultant Implementation of Custom Software for Analyses of Galactic Neighborhoods, Michael Dane Moore
Visualization and Analysis Tools for Neuronal Tissue, Michael Morehead
LACE: Supporting Privacy-Preserving Data Sharing in Transfer Defect Learning, Fayola Peters
Low-Power and Programmable Analog Circuitry for Wireless Sensors, Brandon David Rumberg
Evolutionary Search Techniques with Strong Heuristics for Multi-Objective Feature Selection in Software Product Lines, Abdel Salam Sayyad
A Supervised Low-Rank Matrix Decomposition for Matching, Sajid Sharlemin
Keystroke and Touch-dynamics Based Authentication for Desktop and Mobile Devices, Zahid Ali Syed
Microfluidic 3D Gradient Generator for Studying Tubulogenesis, Bhargavi Thotakura
Human Recognition from Video Sequences and Off-Angle Face Images Supported by Respiration Signatures, Xue Yang
Microfluidic Gradient Device for Studying the Mesothelial Cells' Migration and Effects of Carbon Nanotubes Chronic Exposure, Hanyuan Zhang
Theses/Dissertations from 2013
Development of hybrid inorganic-organic light-emitting devices with metal oxide charge transport layers, Rajeev Acharya
Distributed Joint Sensor and Target Location Estimation, Muammar Ali
Novel Techniques for Automated Dental Identification, Nourdin Al-sherif
Classification of Malicious Web Traffic, Goce Anastasovski
Detection and Identification of Software Encryption Solutions in NT-based Microsoft Windows Operating Systems, Julian Breyer
Human metrology for person classification and recognition, Deng Cao
Accelerating MOEA Non-dominated Sorting by Preserving Archival Relationships, Joseph Axilrod Craig
Quality Assessment and Prediction in Software Product Lines, Thomas Ryan Devine
Contact Lenses in Iris Recognition, Gizem Erdogan
Modeling and Recognizing Binary Human Interactions, Ke Feng
Microfluidic Impedance-Metric Biosensor for Monitoring Carbon Nanotube-Induced Epithelial Permeability, Zhouchun Huang
Techniques for Ocular Biometric Recognition Under Non-ideal Conditions, Raghavender Reddy Jillela
Analog Signal Buffering and Reconstruction, Brandon M. Kelly
Development of a Mars Exploration Rover for RASC-AL Exploration RoboOps Competition with an Extended Kalman Filter Based Navigation System, Benjamin J. Knabenshue
Human Action Recognition in Still Images, Biyun Lai
Distributed Location Estimation of a Moving Target Characterized by a Spatial Poisson Field, Fathi Masoud
Modeling an Adaptive System with Complex Queuing Networks and Simulation, Jesse C. Musgrove
Stable and fair congestion control mechanisms for cooperative vehicle safety in vehicular networks, Neda Nasiriani
Mixing Biometric Data For Generating Joint Identities and Preserving Privacy, Asem A. Othman
Data Carving: Identifying and Removing Irrelevancies in the Data, Vasil Papakroni
Intelligent Web Crawling using Semantic Signatures, Lingaiah Choudary Pinnamaneni
Phase transformations of microcrystalline cellulose under ball-milling and hydrothermal treatment, Sai Kishore Pyapalli
Energy Management Control for Multimode Microgrid Renewable Integration, Roopa Ramachandran
FLOC-SPANNER: An O(1) time, locally self-stabilizing algorithm for geometric spanner construction in a wireless sensor network, Goutham Ranganath
From Cellular Transport to Synthetic Biomimetic Transport using Carbon Nanotube - Actin Hybrid Assemblies, Zahra Ronaghi
Implementations of Multi-Antenna Systems in a USRP Based SDR using Simulink, Wesley G. Rumble
Effectiveness of Multi-View Face Images and Anthropometric Data In Real-Time Networked Biometrics, Sriram Sankar
Analysis and Application of Automated Methods for Detecting Pulsars in the Green Bank Telescope 350MHz Drift-Scan Survey, David Paul Smithbauer
Analyzing the Impact of Wireless Multi-Hop Networking On Vehicular Safety, Rudhir Upretee
On the Design, Analysis, and Implementation of Algorithms for Selected Problems in Graphs and Networks, Matthew D. Williamson
Optimal certifying algorithms for linear and lattice point feasibility in a system of UTVPI constraints, Piotr Jerzy Wojciechowski
Optimization of a Coded-Modulation System with Shaped Constellation, Xingyu Xiang
A Study of Exploiting Objectness for Robust Online Object Tracking, Raghu Kiran Yalamanchili
Theses/Dissertations from 2012
Decentralized Synergetic Control of Power Systems, Taoridi Ademoye
Recognition of Arabic handwritten words, Omar Alhmouz
Fast, collaborative acquisition of multi-view face images using a camera network and its impact on real-time human identification, Rohith Bakkannagari
Multispectral scleral patterns for ocular biometric recognition, Simona G. Crihalmeanu
Real-Time Load Frequency Control for an Isolated Microgrid System, Moataz A. Elbaz
Iris Indexing and Ear Classification, Ravindra B. Gadde
Guided Wave Resonant Optical Structures and LED Micro Resonators for Biosensing Applications, Rohit Goswami
Designing a Simple Indirect Vector Controlled Drive System in Simulink, Ryan M. Hanlon
Selected Topics in Bayesian Image/Video Processing, Qiang Hao
Systems with Session-based Workloads: Assessing Performance and Reliability, Nikola Janevski
Improving Iris Recognition through Quality and Interoperability Metrics, Nathan D. Kalka
Robust Real-Time Recognition of Action Sequences Using a Multi-Camera Network, Rahul Ratnakar Kavi
A Principled Methodology: A Dozen Principles of Software Effort Estimation, Ekrem Kocaguneli
Synthesis and Characterization of electrodes for III-Nitride Resonant Cavity Light Emitting Diode Applications, Vamsi Krishna Kumbham
Analysis and detection of fingerprint creases, Olaoluwa Peter Laseinde
The Effects of Index Storage on Ranked Information Retrieval, James E. Mantheiy Jr.
Understanding Search-Based Software Engineering, Paul William McBurney
VCAST: A Distance-Sensitive Scalable Information Dissemination Protocol, Raja Abhinay Moparthi
Development of a Low-Cost Robotics Platform that Facilitates the Enhancement of Microcomputer Structures and Interfacing Learning Objectives, Justin Ryan Morris
Modeling and Analysis of GaN/InGaN Light Emitting Diodes, Srinitya Musunuru
Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Face Recognition: Enhancing, Encoding and Matching for Practical Applications, Francesco Nicolo
Investigation of structural properties of organic thin films for solar cell and transistor applications, Ronak Rahimi
A Work-Pattern Centric Approach to Building a Personal Knowledge Advantage Machine, Daniel Sloan
Family Relationship Analysis In Photos, Xiaolong Wang
Identifying Ancestral Origin using a Novel Panel of Single Nucleotide Polymorphism Locations, Zachary D. Williams
Colloidal Nanocrystal Quantum Dots for High-Efficiency Optoelectronic Conversions, Yiqiang Zhang
Theses/Dissertations from 2011
Protein Surface Characterization Using an Invariant Descriptor, Zainab Abu Deeb
Hydrothermal pretreatment of biomass samples for producing energy efficient hydrogen electrochemically, Laila P. Akkineni
Multi Agent System Based Fault Location in a Smart MicroGrid System, Seetaram Alwala
Low Power Wake-up Signaling for Dense Sensor Networks, Ahmed M. Abuseta Ammar
Parameterized Strings: Algorithms and Data Structures, Richard A. Beal
Immune System Based Control and Intelligent Agent Design for Power System Applications, Rabie Belkacemi
Distributed Monte Carlo Simulation, Aruna Sri Bommagani
Feature Selection Methods for Boosted Crosspectral Face Recognition, Sirisha Boothapati
Traffic Optimization for Multimodal Cooperative Networks, Krishna Jyothi Boppana
Gender Classification from Facial Images, Cunjian Chen
Agent Based Load Management System for a Smart Power Distribution System, Manasaveena Chennuri
Feature modeling and cluster analysis of malicious Web traffic, Ana Dimitrijevikj
Analog Intelligent Wake-Up Systems for Wireless Sensor Networks, Robert Joseph Fernandez
Security-Based Risk Assessment for Software Architecture, Fadi Haj Said
Two-dimensional Polymer and Thin-Film Semiconductor-based Photonic Crystals for Biosensing Applications, Bashar M. Hamza
Outage Probability in Multimodal Networks, Ricky E. Hussmann
Automated Discovery of Relevant Features for Text Mining, Rukmini Ravali Kota
Development of surface micromachined Aluminum Nitride air-bridges for piezoelectric MEMS/NEMS applications by Metal Organic Vapor Phase Epitaxy techniques, Sridhar Kuchibhatla
Suffix Structures and Circular Pattern Problems, Jie Lin
A statistical approach for shadow detection using spatio-temporal contexts, Yiyang Liu
Analog Signal Processing Elements for Energy-Constrained Platforms, Kyle Robert McMillan
Drug-drug interactions: A machine learning approach, William Wireko Mensah
Constellation Shaping for Communication Channels with Quantized Outputs, Chandana Nannapaneni
The Performance of Asynchronous Cooperative Diversity with SIC Receivers, Harish Palakurthi
Analysis and Classification of Current Trends in Malicious HTTP Traffic, Risto Pantev